North Star 157471, 157472 Owner's Manual

M 157471A
ITE M NUMBERS: 157471,
Owner’s Manual
Pr essur e Wa sher : Machine that cleans dirty
surf aces with hig h pressur e wat er .
Read this manual.
Serious injury or death can result if safety instruc tions are not fol lowed.
Engine is shipped without oil.
- Before starting engine, fi ll engine oil.
- See en gine m anual for engine oil requirements.
Closely inspect all components.
-If you have damaged components then: Contact the freight com pany that de liv ered the unit and file a c laim.
-If you have mis sing components then: Cont ac t Customer Serv ic e at 1-8 00- 270-0810.
Call Nor thStar Custom er Service 1-800-270-0810
2003 K-Bar Industries
Hazard Signal Word Definitions
T able of Contents
Important Safety Rules.....…...................................... 4-5
Warning Label Locations......…................................. 6
Unpacking………………………………………………….. 7 Machine Component Identification……………………… 8 Pump Component Identification..…………..…………… 9
Operation Instructions…........................…................ 10-13
Water Supply……………….…………………………..10 Start-Up Instructions……………………..…………… 10
Shut-Down Instructions……………..…………………10 Spray Gun Safety Lock…………………….………….11 Attaching the Pressure Hose……..………………….. 11
Attaching the Lance……………………………….….. 12 Operating the Nozzle………………...………..……… 12 Applying Chemicals..………………….……………….13
Maintenance....................................…………………. 14-15
Maintenance Mode……………………………………. 14 Maintenance Schedule……………………….………. 14 Cleaning/Replacing the Nozzle Orifice…...………… 14
Engine Oil Change….……………………………..….. 15
Storage....................................……………………….. 15
Long Term Storage…………………………………….15
Winter Storage………………………………………… 15
Troubleshooting .............................…......…….............. 16
Specifications and Accessories..........…….......…......... 16
Parts Explosion .......................................……............... 17
Important Safety Rules
1.) Read ow ner's manual completely.
Serio us inju ry or d ea th can resu lt if saf et y instr uct ions ar e n ot followed. You mus t be
16 or older to operate this machi ne. Keep untrained people away.
2.) Sk in pun c t u r e hazard .
High pressure fluid can inj ect under skin resulting in serious injury including
amputat i on. Do not dir ect spray a t peopl e or animals.
-If ski n injection happens, seek IMMEDIATE surgical treatment.
-Do not check for leaks wi th hand. Instead, use a piece of cardboard to check for
-Do not us e unit i f ext erior hos e dam age i s evi dent. Make sure all fittings are tight
before starting. Relieve system pressure befor e servicing.
-Know how to sto p engi ne and bl eed pr ess ur es quickl y. Be thoroughl y familiar w i th th e contro ls .
-Make sure accessories meet the unit's temperature and pressure limi ts.
-Stop engine, bleed pressure, and engage spray gun safety lock before leaving unit
3.) Ri sk of fire and explosi on.
Hot exhaust fumes from engine can cause fire. Gasoline is highly flammable and
expl os ive. You can be burned or seriously injur ed when handling fuel .
-Position muffler at least 7 feet from combustible objects.
-Befor e adding fuel, stop the engine and keep heat, sparks, and flame away. D o not add fue l when en gine is run ning or st ill hot. No smoking near en gine.
-Do not pump fuel directly into engine at gas station. Static charge can build and
ignite fuel. Use a UL approved fuel container to transfer gas to the engine. Wipe up
fuel spills immediately.
-Only store and handle fuel outdoors. Gasoline vapors can ignite if they collect
inside an enclosure. Explosion can result.
-Do no t change or add to exhaust system . Fire can result.
-Do not c hange or add fuel tank s or fuel l ine s. Fi re can result.
-Bef ore e ach use, check f uel ta nk and f uel lines for l eaks . Any fuel l eak is a f i r e
hazard. Fix any fuel leaks before starting engine.
-During transportation take precautions to make sure pressure washer will not tip over and cause a fuel l eak fire hazard.
4.) Poisonous gas.
Thi s machine gives off c arb on monoxide, a poisonous gas that c an k ill y ou. You CANNOT smell it, see it, or tast e it.
-ONLY run m achine outdoors and away from air intak es.
-NEVER run machine inside homes, ga rages, sheds, or other semi- enclosed spaces. These spaces can trap poisonous gases, EVEN IF you run a fan or open doors and
If you sta rt to fe el sick, di zzy, or weak while using this machine, shut it of f and get to
fresh air RIGHT AWAY. See a doctor. You may have carbon monoxide poisoning.
Save T hese Instruct ions
Important Safety Rules
5.) Risk of exposure to dangerous chemicals.
Ser ious injury or death can result if chemical manufacturer instructions are not followed.
-Wear protective gloves when handling and cleaning with chemicals.
-Understand all safety hazards and firs t aid for all chemicals being used.
-When cleaning filters, check if chemicals have been used and take any
precautions that are recommended by the chemical manufacturer.
-Different chemicals may interact dangerously with each other, always follow chemical manufacturer directions before switching chemicals.
-Calculate the correct amount of chemical to mix, dispose of excess chemical
per the manufacturer instructions.
-Never spray flammable liquids.
6.) Risk of electrocution.
Electricity can kill you. Keep water away from electrical outlets and electrical
7.) Flying objects.
Small particles may fly out while s praying. Wear safety glasses. Serious eye
in jury can occur. Make sure nozzle is secur e before squeezing trigger. If noz zle is not secure it
will become a projectile.
8.) Fall hazard.
Pressure washer creates puddles and slippery surfaces. Keep good footing
and balance. Serious injury can occur.
-Wear footwear cabable of maintaining a good grip on wet surfaces.
-Gun kicks back. Ho ld with both h and s.
-Do not overreach or stand on unstable supports.
-Do not stand on ladders or scaffolding.
-Do not place pressure washer on soft or unstable ground.
1.) Hot muffler.
You can be burned by muffler. Do not touch.
Save T hese Instruct ions
War ning Label Locations
Call 1-800-270-0810 to order new labels.
Instruction Label: Par t No. 32538 Warning Label: Part No. 38570
1.) Skin puncture hazard. Do
not direct spray at people or animals. Seek IMMEDIATE surgical treatment.
2.) Risk of fire and explosion.
Do not add fuel when engine is running or still hot.
3.) Breathing hazard.
Poisonous fumes from engi ne can kill you. Do not operate indoors even if ventilated.
4.) Risk of electrocution.
Keep water away from electric outlets and electric devices.
5.) Read owner's manual.
Serious injury or death can result if safety instructions are
not followed.
2003 K-Bar Industries 800-270-0810
Part No. 38570
1. Attach garden h ose.
2. At tac h press ure hose.
3. Attach gun and lanc e.
4. Turn water supply ON.
5. Squeez e trigger to pu r ge air from pum p.
6. Insert nozzle.
7. Start engine.
1. Turn engine OFF.
2. T urn w ater s uppl y OF F.
3 . Squeez e trigger to
relieve system pressure.
4. Rem ove garden hos e.
5. Remove pressure hose.
6. Tur n fuel valve OFF (if equi pped).
1.) Bu rn haz ard.
Do not touch hot muffler.
Engine and pump no shown for c larit y.
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