Repair Instructions – Service No./Modi, Error list

1 Service and Access Codes/Release Option

Enter the number under “service diagnosis” (Evita) or ventilation (Evita 2 dura) during operation. For release Hardware Option wait 30 seconds and switch Evita off and on. Release Software Option:
Refer to section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.5.2, Diagnosis page “Option Release” (release of software options), page 76.

1.1 Service Numbers for Software Versions 1.00 to 1.04 and 1.08

3 0 3 2 to change configuration of ventilation
1 3 1 1 to clear user logbook
4 6 5 5 to select Service Mode
4 6 4 4 + 4 6 5 5
to select Service Mode with info text in DS error list
1 3 2 2 to clear DS error list
4 7 4 7 to select calibration of PEEP valve
4 7 4 8 to clear PEEP valve calibration data
4 8 1 1 to activate DC module
4 8 1 0 to deactivate DC module
6 7 9 5 to activate CO
8 3 9 6 to activate SpO
9 4 9 5 to deactivate all options
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5664.500/800 Evita 4/Evita 2 dura 01.2002
Repair Instructions
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1.2 Service Numbers for Evita 4 and Evita 2 dura
Evita 4 with Software 1.05, 1.06, 1.07, 1.09 and 2.n and higher; for Evita 2 dura as of Software 3.00
3 0 3 2 To change configuration of ventilation.
1 3 9 9 + 1 3 1 1 To clear user logbook.
3 9 9 9 + 3 9 4 8 Deactivation of leakage compensation (re-activated by
switching the Evita off/on).
3 9 9 9 + 3 9 5 8 Deactivation of BTPS conversion (re-activated after
switching the Evita off/on). Important: This is only possible if P Ambient is larger than 960 mbar, otherwise the Evita will perform a re-start (see Test Certificate).
7 2 9 9 + 7 2 3 5 + 0 0 0 0 Deactivation of the hose compliance correction (re-
activated after switching the Evita off/on).
4 6 5 5 To select Service Mode. With Evita 2 dura units without
“Service Plus” option, connect a download cable (service coding) to COM1.
4 6 4 4 + 4 6 5 5 To select Service Mode with info text in DS error
list.(Evita 4 only). With Evita 2 dura units, software version 3.00 or higher, without “Service Plus” option, connect a download cable (service coding) to COM1.
1 3 9 9 + 1 3 2 2 To clear DS error list
4 7 9 9 + 4 7 4 7 To select calibration of PEEP valve
4 7 9 9 + 4 7 4 8 To clear PEEP valve calibration data
4 8 1 1 To activate DC module
4 8 9 9 + 4 8 1 0 To deactivate DC module
6 7 9 5 To activate CO
6 7 9 9 + 6 7 9 4 To deactivate CO
8 3 9 6 To activate SpO
8 3 9 9 + 8 3 9 5 To deactivate SpO
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9 4 9 9 + 9 4 9 5 To deactivate all options
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Repair Instructions
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2 List of Evita 2 dura/Evita 4 error numbers

Error list as at February 1998 (corresponding to SW 3.n of Evita 4/Evita 2 Dura)
Overview of error number assignment
02 Error recognised by safety software which runs on CPU 68332 PCB,
Pneumatic Controller PCB and Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura)
03 Error in control console components not located on printed circuit card of
Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura), e.g. Touchscreen
04 Error in electronic unit components not located on printed circuit cards, e.g.
power pack
05 Error in pneumatic system components
06 Error in extension box components
07 Software error in Rosy operating system which runs on CPU 68332 PCB,
Pneumatic Controller PCB, Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura) and Communication PCB.
08 Exception
09 For future expansion
10 Error on Pneumatic Controller PCB
11 Error on HPSV Controller (Air) PCB or in Air mixer cartridge. On the Evita 4,
such errors are stored with software version 1.09 and as of version 2.21; on the Evita 2 dura with versions greater than 3.00. With older software versions, such errors are only displayed as "mixer fault". The error status can be read out in diagnosis mode if the error is currently present.
12 Error on HPSV Controller (O2) PCB or in O2 mixer cartridge. On the Evita 4,
such errors are stored with software version 1.09 and as of version 2.21; on the Evita 2 dura with versions greater than 3.00. With older software versions, such errors are only displayed as "mixer fault". The error status can be read out in diagnosis mode if the error is currently present.
13 Error on CPU 68332 PCB
14 Error on CO2 Carrier PCB
15 Error on Communication PCB
16 Error on Paediatric Flow PCB
17 Error on Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura)
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Repair Instructions
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2.1 Error code 02 Safety Software

The service codes 02.00.. to 02.22.. are recognised on the CPU 68332 PCB; they correspond to 02.40.. to 02.62.. as recognised on the Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Fault Item Cause/Remedy
02.00.001 si0_Err, New start, cause incorrect, reset
02.00.002 si0_Err, Fast data chksum error, reset
02.00.003 si0_Err, Safety software of partner CPU not started, reset
02.00.004 si0_Err, Input data, chksum error, reset
02.00.005 si0_Err, Vector for NMI incorrect, reset
Monitoring of cold/warm start storage in RAM on CPU 68332 PCB. Cause: Software error on CPU 68332 PCB
Data packets between CPU 68332 PCB and Pneumatic Controller PCB cannot be transferred in full. CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB defective.
After starting, it was not possible within 10 seconds to establish synchronisation between CPU 68332 PCB and Pneumatic Controller PCB. Cause: CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB defective.
Data packets between CPU 68332 PCB and Pneumatic Controller PCB cannot be transferred in full. CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB defective.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB
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02.00.020 si0_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
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RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Repair Instructions
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Fault Item Cause/Remedy
02.01.001 si1_ Err, Adjuster has incorrect pixel sum, X alarm, reset:
Screen content (with Evita 2 dura also 7­segment displays) is read out and compared to request. Cause: Hardware or SW error on Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4)/Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura) or CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB. If display plausible, then SW error; otherwise high probability of hardware error on Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura). Table for X:
1 Paw high adjuster selected 2 Paw high arrow selected 3 MV min adjuster selected 4 MV min arrow selected 5 O2 adjuster selected 6 Last adjuster plus one 7 Paw high adjuster not selected 8 Paw high arrow not selected 9 MV min adjuster not selected 10 MV min arrow not selected 11 O2 adjuster not selected 12 Paw high line 30 top 13 Pressure scale values top 30 14 Paw high line 60 top 15 Pressure scale values top 60 16 Paw high line 100 top 17 Pressure scale values top 100 18 Paw high line 30 bottom 19 Pressure scale values bottom 30 20 Paw high line 60 bottom 21 Pressure scale values bottom 60 22 Paw high line 100 bottom 23 Pressure scale values bottom 100 24 Paw high line 30 bargraph 25 Pressure scale values bargraph 30 26 Paw high line 60 bargraph 27 Pressure scale values bargraph 60 28 Paw high line 100 bargraph 29 Pressure scale values bargraph
100 30 Paw high display 1 31 Paw high display 2 32 MV min display 1 33 MV min display 2 34 Cold start screen
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Repair Instructions
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Fault Item Cause/Remedy
02.01.002 si1_Err, Paw high, Si copy, consistency X alarm, reset
02.01.003 si1_Err, MV min, Si copy, consistency X alarm, reset
02.01.004 si1_Err, O2 adjust, Si copy, consistency X alarm, reset
02 .01.005 si1 _Er r, Paw high, invalid value,
02.01.006 si1_Err, MV min, invalid value, reset
Alarm values relevant to safety are checked for plausibility. Cause: RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Alarm values relevant to safety are checked for plausibility. Cause: RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Alarm values relevant to safety are checked for plausibility. Cause: RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Alarm values relevant to safety are checked for plausibility. Cause: RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Alarm values relevant to safety are checked for plausibility. Cause: RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
02.01.007 si1_Err, O2 adjustment, invalid value, reset
02.01.020 si1_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.01.021 si1_Err, Xxx is set, case incorrect, reset
02.01.022 si1_Err, Control console, status, case incorrect, reset
Alarm values relevant to safety are checked for plausibility. Cause: RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Only applies up to SW 1.04. RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
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Repair Instructions
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Fault Item Cause/Remedy
02.02.001 si2_Err, Identifier has incorrect pixel sum, X alarm, reset
02.02.002 si2_Err, Identifier not announced, X alarm, reset
02.02.003 si2_Err, Value has incorrect pixel sum, X alarm, reset
02.02.020 si2_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.03.001 si3_Err, Keypad input sequence, counter incorrect, reset
Screen content (with Evita 2 dura also 7­segment displays) is read out and compared to request. Cause: Hardware or SW error on Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) / Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura) or CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB. If display plausible, then SW error; otherwise high probability of hardware error on Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura). Refer to error 02.01.001 for X table.
Refer to error 02.02.001.
Refer to error 02.02.001.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
SW or transmission error from Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura) via CPU 68332 PCB to Pneumatic Controller PCB. Cause: Probably error on Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura).
02.03.002 si3_Err, Rotary knob button pressed, incorrectly displayed, reset
02.03.003 si3_Err, Silence button pressed, incorrectly displayed, reset
02.03.004 si3_Err, Reset button pressed, incorrectly displayed, reset
02.03.005 si3_Err, Extraction button pressed, incorrectly displayed, reset
02.03.006 si3_Err, Inspiration hold button pressed, incorrectly displayed, reset
02.03.007 si3_Err, Expiration hold button pressed, incorrectly displayed, reset
SW or hardware error when reading out keys on Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura).
Refer to error 02.03.002.
Refer to error 02.03.002.
Refer to error 02.03.002.
Refer to error 02.03.002.
Refer to error 02.03.002.
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Repair Instructions
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Fault Item Cause/Remedy
02.03.020 si3_Err, S boot, case incorrect, reset
02.04.001 si4_Err, MV exp, 12 consistency, reset
02.04.002 si4_Err, Flow exp, quotient, 12 consistency, reset
02.04.003 si4_Err, Standard flow sensor in neo-mode, X alarm, reset
02.04.004 si4_Err, Neo flow sensor in adult mode, X alarm, reset
02.04.020 si4_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.05.001 si5_Err, Factor for NTPD to BTPS incorrect, X alarm, reset
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
According to safety software, wrong flow sensor being used in neo-mode. Cause: RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
According to safety software, wrong flow sensor being used in adult mode. Cause: RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
SW error or impermissible activation of BTPS deactivation at ambient pressure less than 961 mbar.
02.05.002 si5_Err, Flow insp, counter current, reset
02.05.003 si5_Err, MV insp, 12 consistency, reset
02.05.004 si5_Err, Factor for NTPS to BTPS incorrect, X alarm, reset
02.05.020 si5_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.06.001 si6_Err, MV deactivation, confirmation X signal incorrect, reset
HPSV actuation monitoring signals error. Cause: HPSV cartridge (Air or O2) or one of the two HPSV actuation PCBs or Pneumatic Controller PCB defective. Error status can be read out in diagnosis mode “Valves“ if error is present at the time.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
SW error or impermissible activation of BTPS deactivation at ambient pressure less than 961 mbar.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Probably software error on Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura) or also CAN communication problem with CPU 68332 PCB and Pneumatic Controller PCB.
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Repair Instructions
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Fault Item Cause/Remedy
02.06.002 si6_Err, MV deactivation, request Y signal incorrect, reset
02.06.003 si6_Err, Paed MV deactivation, confirmation X signal incorrect, reset
02.06.004 si6_Err, Paed MV deactivation, request Y signal incorrect, reset
02.06.020 si6_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.06.021 si6_Err, Si Y signal, case incorrect
02.07.020 si7_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.08.001 si8_Err, O2 measurement deactivation, confirmation X signal incorrect, reset
Refer to error 02.06.001.
Refer to error 02.06.001.
Refer to error 02.06.001.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Refer to error 02.06.020, however defective Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura) also possible.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Probably software error on Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura) or also CAN communication problem with CPU 68332 PCB and Pneumatic Controller PCB.
02.08.002 si8_Err, O2 measurement deactivation, request Y signal incorrect, reset
02.08.020 si8_Err ,Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.08.021 si8_Err, Si Y signal, case incorrect, reset
02.09.001 si9_Err, Disconnection manoeuvre, disconnection too long, reset
02.09.002 si9_Err, Disconnection manoeuvre, post-oxygenisation too long, reset
02.09.003 si9_Err, Disconnection manoeuvre, pre-oxygenisation too long, reset
Refer to error 02.08.001.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Refer to error 02.08.021, however defective Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura) also possible.
CPU 68332 PCB monitors timing of Pneumatic Controller PCB. One of the two systems is defective.
Refer to error 02.09.001.
Refer to error 02.09.001.
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Repair Instructions
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Fault Item Cause/Remedy
02.09.004 si9_Err, Disconnection manoeuvre, no button, reset
02.09.020 si9_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.09.021 si9_Err, Si status change, case incorrect, reset
02.11.001 si11_Err, O2 cal. too long, reset
02.11.002 si11_Err, O2 calibration sequence incorrect, reset
02.11.020 si11_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.12.001 si12_Err, Paw high too long, reset
SW error on Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) / Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura) or CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
CPU 68332 PCB monitors timing of Pneumatic Controller PCB. One of the two systems is defective.
CPU 68332 PCB monitors timing of Pneumatic Controller PCB. One of the two systems is defective.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Inspiration pressure too high for more than 1 second and cannot be dissipated via emergency vent Y1.3. Inspiration pressure is measured on Pneumatic Controller PCB and CO2 Carrier PCB.
Possible causes:
Measurement of inspiration
pressure on Pneumatic Controller PCB (1st channel) or CO2 Carrier PCB (2nd channel) defective. Read out values by way of service mode. If error is on CO2 Carrier PCB, contact problems may be the cause. CO2 Carrier PCB must be secured in position with both screws.
Inspiration pressure sensor
Pneumatic fault.
Too high a measured value from
the expiratory pressure sensor (Note: If ground (GND) is missing, the Paw sensors will measure approx. 115 mbar.)
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Repair Instructions
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Fault Item Cause/Remedy
02.12.020 si12_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.13.020 si13_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.14.001 si14_Err, Breathing cycle, insp. timer, 12 consistency, reset
02.14.002 si14_Err, Breathing cycle, exp. timer, 12 consistency, reset
02.14.020 si14_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.15.001 si15_Err, Nebuliser des., Si copy, consistency, reset
02.15.020 si15_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.16.001 si16_Err, Hardware boot, test data not reset, reset
02.16.002 si16_Err, Hardware datum, Si copy, inconsistent, reset
02.16.020 si16_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
02.17.001 si17_Err, Reset alarm, Xxx incorrect, reset
02.17.002 si17_Err, Incorrect tone recognition by loudspeaker monitoring, reset
02.17.020 si17_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.17.021 si17_Err, Si Reset alarm, case incorrect
02.18.001 si18_Err, Silence incorrectly activated, reset
RAM or SW error probably on Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura), but may also be on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error probably on Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura), but may also be on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB, but may also be on Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) or Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura).
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB or Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) / Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura).
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5664.500/800 Evita 4/Evita 2 dura 01.2002
Repair Instructions
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Fault Item Cause/Remedy
02.18.002 si18_Err, Silence too long, reset
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB or Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) / Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura).
02.18.003 si18_Err, Confirmation signal for standby incorrect, reset
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB or Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) / Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura).
02.18.020 si18_Err, Si boot, case incorrect, reset
02.19.001 si19_Err, Memory consistency, reset
02.19.002 si19_Err, Auxiliary alarm mute, number 1 incorrect, reset
02.19.003 si19_Err, Auxiliary alarm mute, number 2 incorrect, reset
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
02.21.000 sic_Err, Task recognises error RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB
or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
02.22.000 sil_Err, Task recognises error RAM or SW error on CPU 68332 PCB
or Pneumatic Controller PCB.
The service codes 02.40.. to 02.62.. are recognised on the Pneumatic Controller PCB; they correspond to 02.00.. to 02.22.. as recognised on the CPU 68332 PCB.
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Repair Instructions
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Defective Hardware
Fault Item Cause/Remedy
02.71.001 No acoustic alarm Actuation signal from CPU 68332 PCB to
loudspeaker (approx. 50 ohms) is tapped via series resistor (5 ohms) on Graphics Controller / Front Panel PCB and supplied to the system as digital information. This signal is used for desired/actual comparison of the loudspeaker actuation. The loudspeaker is in the control console/front section.
Possible cause of trouble:
-Software error if error occurs between several aspiration modes without intervening ventilation. This error has been rectified on the Evita 4 as of SW 2.21 (Japan as of SW 1.09) and on the Evita 2 dura with versions greater than 3.00.
-Cable fault between CPU 68332 PCB and loudspeaker in control console
-Loudspeaker defect
-Measure resistance of loudspeaker via connecting cable of control console, incl. cable between pins 9 and 10 of SUB-D cable connector. Test value = 55 plus/minus 8 ohms. This value incl. shunt resistance must be 5 ohms higher than loudspeaker value, which can be measured after opening control console.
-Using diagnosis mode with lowest volume setting, Refer to section of "Repair
Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.2.1, Diagnosis page “Microprocessor” of “Front”, page 57.
- Using external DS mode via PC with lowest volume setting, Refer to section of "Repair
Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.4.7, Loudspeaker test, page 141. or Refer to section of "Repair Instructions ­Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.5.7, Testing of loudspeaker, page 151.
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Note: See also error s 02.71.012 and
Repair Instructions
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02.71.002 Flow measurement on Pneumatic Controller PCB defective
Remedy: As of SW 1.05: Renew Pneumatic Controller PCB. Up to SW 1.04: Fault is set if ambient pressure is less than 961 mbar on switch-on, but is not displayed on screen. Only renew Pneumatic Controller PCB if error message is displayed on screen during operation.
02.71.003 Gold Cap capacitor, capacitance too low
In the event of power failure, Gold Cap on CO2 Carrier PCB supplies piezo alarm tone generator with voltage and thus signals mains failure. The duration of this mains failure alarm is governed by the capacitance of the Gold Cap. Both the function and the capacitance are therefore tested once an hour, starting 5 minutes after switch-on of the unit. A unit fault is signalled if one of the following criteria is met:
a. Final charging voltage too high
(greater than 11 V), voltage regulator defective
b. Final charging voltage too low (less
than 8 V), charging circuit defective
c. Reference voltage too high (greater
than 6.3 V), discharge circuit defective
d. Reference voltage too low (less than
4.5 V), no Gold Cap
e. Capacitance less than 30mF, Gold
Cap capacitance too low
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02.71.004 Gold Cap capacitor, voltage too high
02.71.005 Gold Cap capacitor, voltage too low
02.71.006 Gold Cap capacitor, tester defective
5664.500/800 Evita 4/Evita 2 dura 01.2002
refer to section of "Repair Instructions ­Electronic Components" Chapter 5.5, Conversions, page 34 CO2 Carrier PCB.
see error 02.71.003
see error 02.71.003
see error 02.71.003
Repair Instructions
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02.71.007 Boot test defective Cause of trouble:
CPU 68332 PCB (more likely) or Pneumatic Controller PCB defective Note: Additionally displayed with other error messages
02.71.008 Piezo alarm generator, auxiliary alarm triggering defective
In addition to signalling mains failure, the piezo assumes the alarm function of the loudspeaker if CPU 68332 is defective (stopped). To ensure that this is the case, the piezo on the CO2 Carrier PCB is suppressed by the CPU 68332 PCB with a square-wave signal. If this cyclical clocking fails, the associated muting of the piezo is cancelled and a continuous beep sounds. Muting is deliberately cancelled to test the piezo. The current through the piezo, which then increases as a result of cancelling the muting, can be measured as voltage drop across a series resistor by the A/D converter on the CO2 Carrier PCB.
Possible cause of trouble: a. CO2 Carrier PCB defective b. CPU 68332 PCB defective
- With diagnosis mode, Refer to section of
"Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.3.2, Diagnosis page “Microprocessor” of “Electronics”, page 63.
- With external DS mode via PC, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.4.6, Horn test, page
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02.71.009 Piezo alarm generator, current too high
02.71.010 Piezo alarm generator, current too low
02.71.011 Monitoring of nebuliser valve defective
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refer to error 02.71.008
refer to error 02.71.008
The required nebuliser valve position is constantly compared to the checkback signal of the actuation electronics. Remedy: Renew Pneumatic Controller PCB Note: There is no recognition of whether or not valve is connected.
Repair Instructions
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02.71.012 Loudspeaker too seldom recognised
The actuation signal from the CPU 68332 PCB to the loudspeaker (approx. 50 ohms) is tapped via a series resistor (5 ohms) on the Graphics Controller PCB and supplied to the system as digital information. This signal is used for desired/actual comparison of the loudspeaker actuation. A unit fault is signalled if an error is established in the course of this desired/actual comparison. The loudspeaker is located in the control console/front section. Possible cause: a. Cable fault between CO2 Carrier
PCB and loudspeaker in control
console b. Loudspeaker defective c. Graphics Controller PCB defective d. CPU 68332 PCB defective
- Measure resistance of loudspeaker
via connecting cable of control
console incl. cable between pins 9
and 10 of SUB-D cable connector.
Test value = 55 plus/minus 8 ohms.
This value incl. shunt resistance must
be 5 ohms higher than loudspeaker
value, which can be measured after
opening control console.
- Using diagnosis mode with lowest
volume setting, Refer to section of "Repair
Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.2.1, Diagnosis page “Microprocessor” of “Front”, page 57.
- Using external DS mode via PC with
lowest volume setting, Refer to section of
"Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.4.7, Loudspeaker test, page
141. or Refer to section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.5.7, Testing of loudspeaker, page
instructions. Note: Refer also to error 02.71.001
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02.71.013 Loudspeaker recognised too frequently
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refer to error 02.71.012
Repair Instructions
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02.71.014 + 15 V too low The operating voltages accessible via an A/D
converter on the CO2 Carrier PCB are cyclically compared to the defined tolerances. An undershoot of + 14 V produces a unit fault message. Possible cause: a. Power pack defective (source) b. CO2 Carrier PCB defective Check voltages from power pack, various possibilities:
- Measure voltage with multimeter,
refer to section of "Repair Instructions -
Electronic Components" Chapter 1, Power Supply Unit, page 1
- With diagnosis mode, Refer to section of
"Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.2.1, Diagnosis page “Microprocessor” of “Front”, page 57.
- With external service mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.4.1, Testing voltages, page 131.
If OK = Renew CO2 Carrier PCB If not OK = Renew power pack
02.71.015 +10V reference voltage too low
02.71.016 AD conversion for O2 measurement defective
This voltage is stepped down from the +15 V on the CO2 Carrier PCB, where it is also measured. An undershoot of + 9 V produces this unit fault message. Remedy: Renew CO2 Carrier PCB
The pre-amplified O2 sensor voltage is read in on the Pneumatic Controller PCB by two independent AD converters. These values differ. Trouble-shooting:
- With diagnosis mode, Refer to section of
"Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.4.2, Diagnosis page “Sensors” of “Pneumatics”, page 70.
- With external service mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.3.4, Sensors, page
Remedy: Renew Pneumatic Controller PCB
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Repair Instructions
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02.71.017 O2/Air switching-valve actuation defective
The required O2/Air switching valve position is constantly compared to the checkback signal of the actuation electronics on the Pneumatic Controller PCB. Trouble-shooting:
- With diagnosis mode, Refer to section of
"Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.4.1, Diagnosis page “Valves” of “Pneumatics”, page 67.
- With external service mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.3.1, Valve switching, page 121.
Remedy: Renew Pneumatic Controller PCB Note: There is no recognition of whether or not valve is connected
02.71.018 Incorrect nebuliser gas During nebulisation, the required air/O2
switching valve position is thus constantly compared to the checkback signal of the actuation electronics. Trouble-shooting:
- With diagnosis mode, Refer to section of
"Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.4.1, Diagnosis page “Valves” of “Pneumatics”, page 67.
- With external service mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.3.1, Valve switching, page 121.
Remedy: Renew Pneumatic Controller PCB
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Repair Instructions
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02.71.019 Cold/warm start recognition defective
Cold/warm start recognition is effected by way of mains-switch auxiliary contacts in power pack, which are read in via CO2 Carrier PCB. Trouble-shooting:
- With diagnosis mode, Refer to section of
"Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.3.2, Diagnosis page “Microprocessor” of “Electronics”, page 63.
- With external service mode, Refer to section
of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.4.2, Power pack status, page 133.
Possible cause of trouble:
- Mains-switch auxiliary contacts in power pack defective
- CO2 Carrier PCB defective
02.71.020 Hardware initialisation, interrupt masks defective
The data for initialising the interrupt masks have not been properly stored on the CPU 68332 PCB. Cause: Fault in one of the following printed circuit cards (RAM or SW error): a. CPU 68332 PCB b. Pneumatic Controller PCB c. Graphics Controller / Front Panel
02.71.021 Quartz time discrepancy Quartz times of CPU 68332 PCB and
Pneumatic Contoller PCB are compared and an error message generated if the two differ Cause: Defect in one of the following printed circuit cards: a. CPU 68332 PCB b. Pneumatic Controller PCB
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Repair Instructions
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2.2 Error Code 03 Control-Console Components

Fault Item Cause/Remedy
03.01.001 Touchscreen is not recognised during BOOT
Following switch-on of Evita 4, touchscreen is not recognised by Graphics Controller PCB. The touchscreen communicates with the Graphics Controller PCB via RS232. Trouble-shooting:
- With diagnosis mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.2.1, Diagnosis page “Microprocessor” of “Front”, page 57.
- With external service mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.5.5, Testing of touchscreen, page 148.
Defect in one of the following printed circuit cards: a. Touchscreen b. Graphics Controller PCB
similar to error 03.01.001, but occurs during operation
03.01.003 OUCHSCREEN NO REPORT similar to error 03.01.001, but occurs
during operation
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Repair Instructions
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03.07.001 Reset line fault Reason:
Interruption in reset line between CPU 68332 PCB and Graphics Controller / Front Panel PCB. Possible cause: a. Control console / Front Panel PCB
not connected
b. Fault in cable to control console /
Front Panel PCB c. CPU 68332 PCB defective d. Graphics Controller / Front Panel PCB defective e. Connector between printed circuit cards defective Trouble-shooting:
1. Check and if necessary renew front-
section cable
2. Remove housing cover to reveal
service LEDs on CPU 68332 PCB. If
necessary, insert card in one of the
upper slots (all identical).
3. Connect up control console ready for
4. Switch on unit.
5. LED 6 must light briefly after
switching on:
If not = CPU 68332 PCB defective
If yes = CPU 68332 PCB probably
OK, renew Graphics Controller /
Front Panel PCB
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Repair Instructions
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2.3 Error Code 04 Components of Electronics Unit

Fault Item Cause/Remedy
04.01.001 Power pack fault, 5V supply voltage greater than 6 V
The operating voltages accessible via an A/D converter on the CO2 Carrier PCB are cyclically compared to the defined tolerances of plus/minus 20 %. Possible cause: a. Power pack defective (source) b. CO2 Carrier PCB defective
(monitoring) Trouble-shooting: Check voltages from power pack, various possibilities:
- Measure voltage with multimeter,
refer to section of "Repair Instructions ­Electronic Components" Chapter 1, Power Supply Unit, page 1
- With diagnosis mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.3.2, Diagnosis page “Microprocessor” of “Electronics”, page 63.
- With external service mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.4.1, Testing voltages, page 131.
If OK = Renew CO2 Carrier PCB
If not OK = Renew power pack Important: 001Power pack +5V too high
(for digital components) 002Power pack +5 V too low 003Power pack +12V too high
(for HPSVs, fan in power pack) 004Power pack +12V too low 005Power pack +15V too high
(for analog components) 006Power pack +15V too low 007Power pack -15V too high
(for analog components) 008Power pack -15V too low 009Power pack +24V too high
(for valves and control console) 010Power pack +24V too low
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Repair Instructions
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04.01.002 Power pack fault, 5V supply voltage less than 4 V
refer to error 04.01.001
04.01.003 Power pack fault, 12V supply voltage greater than 14.4 V
04.01.004 Power pack fault, 12V supply voltage less than 9.6 V
04.01.005 Power pack fault, 15V supply voltage greater than 18 V
04.01.006 Power pack fault, 15V supply voltage less than 12 V
04.01.007 Power pack fault, -15V supply voltage greater than -18 V
04.01.008 Power pack fault, -15V supply voltage less than -12 V
04.01.009 Power pack fault, 24V supply voltage greater than 28.8 V
04.01.010 Power pack fault, 24V supply voltage less than 19.2 V
refer to error 04.01.001
refer to error 04.01.001
refer to error 04.01.001
refer to error 04.01.001
refer to error 04.01.001
refer to error 04.01.001
refer to error 04.01.001
refer to error 04.01.001
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Repair Instructions
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2.4 Error Code 05 Pneumatic System Components

Fault Item Cause/Remedy
05.01.001 Short circuit in fan in pneumatic system
Fan for cooling pneumatic-system printed circuit cards defective or not connected Recognition: a. Actuation current of fan is measured
with an A/D converter via a shunt. In normal operation, this fan current must be subject to fluctuations greater than 50 mV. The minimum and maximum levels of this fan voltage are measured for 60 s each. If the max./min. difference is less than 50 mV, this indicates a fault.
b. Measured value of fan voltage = 0 V
(open circuit)
c. Measured value of fan voltage
greater than or equal to 2.9 V (short circuit) Trouble-shooting:
- With diagnosis mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.4.3, Diagnosis page “Microprocessor” of “Pneumatics”, page 74.
- With external service mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.3.5, Voltages, page 127.
- Fan connected?
-Fan operation? No = Renew fan Yes = Renew Pneumatic Controller PCB
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05.01.002 Fan in pneumatic system not connected
05.01.003 No operation of fan in pneumatic system
5664.500/800 Evita 4/Evita 2 dura 01.2002
refer to error 05.01.001
refer to error 05.01.001
Repair Instructions
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05.02.001 Reset-up line fault Interruption in reset line between CPU
68332 PCB and Pneumatic Controller PCB. Possible cause: a. CPU 68332 PCB defective b. Pneumatic Controller PCB defective c. Connector between printed circuit
cards defective
1. Remove housing cover to reveal service LEDs on CPU 68332 PCB. If necessary, insert card in one of the upper slots (all identical).
2. Switch on unit.
3. Following LEDs must light briefly after switching on: LED 4 (together with 3) for reset-up LED 5 for reset-down If not = CPU 68332 PCB defective If yes = CPU 68332 PCB probably OK, renew Pneumatic Controller PCB
05.02.002 Reset-down line fault refer to error 05.02.001
05.02.003 Interruption in disable line Interruption in disable line between CPU 68332 PCB and Pneumatic Controller PCB. Possible cause: a. CPU 68332 PCB defective b. Pneumatic Controller PCB defective c. Connector between printed circuit
cards defective
1. Removing housing cover to reveal
service LEDs on CPU 68332 PCB. If necessary, insert card in one of the upper slots (all identical).
2. Switch on unit.
3. LED 7 must flash/light after switching
on until pneumatic system is activated (approx. 10 s): If not = CPU 68332 PCB defective If yes = CPU 68332 PCB probably OK, renew Pneumatic Controller
PCB Note: Only possible with software versions
1.00 to 1.05, 2.00 and 2.10
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Repair Instructions
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05.04.001 O2/Air switching valve cannot be switched on
The required O2/Air switching valve position is constantly compared to the checkback signal of the actuation electronics If required position and checkback signal do not tally, a unit fault message is generated. Trouble-shooting:
- With diagnosis mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.4.1, Diagnosis page “Valves” of “Pneumatics”, page 67.
- With external service mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.3.1, Valve switching, page 121.
Remedy: Renew Pneumatic Controller PCB Note: There is no recognition of whether or not valve is connected.
05.04.002 O2/Air switching valve not switched off
05.04.003 O2/Air switching valve not switched over
05.04.004 Incorrect O2/Air switching valve position
05.04.005 O2/Air switching valve does not switch to Air
refer to error 05.04.001
refer to error 05.04.001
refer to error 05.04.001
In unit check, a test pressure of 30 mbar is only built up in tubing system with one connected pressure supply (O2 or Air) in each case. The O2/Air switching valve Y1.1 then effects switching to the other compressed gas. This causes the tubing system to be vented to below 10 mbar. Trouble-shooting:
- With diagnosis mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.4.1, Diagnosis page “Valves” of “Pneumatics”, page 67.
- With external service mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.3.1, Valve switching, page 121.
Remedy: Renew valve Y1.1 in gas connection.
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Repair Instructions
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05.04.006 O2/Air switching valve does not switch to O2
refer to error 05.04.005
05.05.001 Safety valve cannot be switched on
Up to SW 1.04 only Cause: Safety valve or actuation on Pneumatic Controller PCB defective
05.05.002 Safety valve cannot be switched off
Up to SW 1.04 only Cause: Safety valve or actuation on Pneumatic Controller PCB defective
05.05.003 Safety valve cannot be switched
Up to SW 1.04 only Cause: Safety valve or actuation on Pneumatic Controller PCB defective
05.05.004 Incorrect safety valve position Up to SW 1.04 only
Cause: Safety valve or actuation on Pneumatic Controller PCB defective
05.05.005 Pressure venting via safety valve Y1.3 defective
Test pressure of 30 mbar is built up in patient system during unit check. This is followed by venting via safety valve Y1.3 to below 10 mbar. Trouble-shooting:
- With diagnosis mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 3.4.1, Diagnosis page “Valves” of “Pneumatics”, page 67.
- With external service mode, Refer to
section of "Repair Instructions - Service No./ Modi, Error list" chapter 9.3.1, Valve switching, page 121.
Remedy: Renew valve Y1.3 in gas connection.
For internal use only. Copyright reserved.
05.05.006 Test pressure of 30 mbar cannot be built up during unit check
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Pressure of 30 mbar should be built up in tubing system during unit check with test lung connected. Cause:
- Leak in tubing system
- Test lung not connected Note: As of SW 1.04, this fault is only indicated by an “ F “ in the unit check.
Repair Instructions
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2.5 Error Code 07 ROSY (operating-system software errors)

The following applies to all Rosy errors: Operating-system software errors. The operating system runs on the CPU 68332 PCB, the Pneumatic Controller PCB, the Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4)/Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura) and the Communication PCB. Please report any problems to Lübeck.

2.6 Error Code 08 Exceptions (SW)

The following applies to all Exception errors: Software problem on CPU 68332 PCB, Pneumatic Controller PCB, Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4) / Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura) or Communication PCB. Please report any problems to Lübeck.

2.7 Error Code 10 Pneumatic Controller

Fault Item Cause/Remedy
10.01.020 Pneumatic Controller PCB defective (Timeout)
10.01.040 Pneumatic Controller PCB defective (Timeout)
10.02.001 Pneumatic Controller PCB defective (RAM error)
10.03.001 Pneumatic Controller PCB defective (Flash EPROM error)
Remedy: Renew Pneumatic Controller PCB
Remedy: Renew Pneumatic Controller PCB
Remedy: Renew Pneumatic Controller PCB
Remedy: Renew Pneumatic Controller PCB ROSY SHUTDOWN refer to: Rosy error codes (07..)
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Repair Instructions
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Fault Item Cause/Remedy
Software error on Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Software error on Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Software error on Pneumatic Controller PCB.
10.99.040 VS INVALID MSG RECEIVED Software error on Pneumatic Controller
10.99.050 UE INVALID MSG RECEIVED Software error on Pneumatic Controller
10.99.060 BEAT ILLEGAL MSG Software error on Pneumatic Controller
10.99.061 BEAT ILL MSGSIZE Software error on Pneumatic Controller
10.99.062 BEAT ILL BREATH STATE Software error on Pneumatic Controller
Software error on Pneumatic Controller PCB.
10.99.064 BEAT ACTIVATE ILL BMODE Software error on Pneumatic Controller
10.99.065 BEAT ILL DEACTIVATION Software error on Pneumatic Controller
10.99.070 bau: BAU Task should never reach this point
10.99.071 BAU ILLEGAL SETTING, incorrect Ti Te, calculation in
Software error on Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Software error on Pneumatic Controller
PCB. parameter adjustment, apnoea ventilation
10.99.080 eba: EBA Task should never reach this point
Software error on Pneumatic Controller PCB.
10.99.081 EBA ILL MSG ID Software error on Pneumatic Controller
10.99.082 EBA LONG MSG Software error on Pneumatic Controller
Software error on Pneumatic Controller PCB.
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Repair Instructions
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10.99.084 EBKB O2 ILL STATE Software error on Pneumatic Controller
10.99.085 EBKB PAED ILL STATE Software error on Pneumatic Controller
10.99.086 EBKB ILL BRONCHSTATE Software error on Pneumatic Controller
10.99.087 EBKB ILL FLOWSTATE1 Software error on Pneumatic Controller
10.99.088 EBKB ILL FLOWSTATE2 Software error on Pneumatic Controller
10.99.101 BB INVALID MSG RECEIVED Software error on Pneumatic Controller
Software error on Pneumatic Controller PCB.
10.99.111 MSF, AD VALUES shifted Incorrect AD conversion on Pneumatic
Controller PCB. Cause: Pneumatic Controller PCB defective or supply voltages not stable. Further cause: In the case of abnormal mixer noise on switch-on, an HPSV is impermissibly loading the minus 15 V.
10.99.112 MSF, AD VALUES on ZERO Refer to error 10.99.111.
10.99.911 1ST CD LENGTH CORRUPT, false central data length for
Software error on Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Software error on Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Software error on Pneumatic Controller PCB.
first object in frame arrived
10.99.912 1ST LONG MSG CORRUPT, start frame data of multi packet
Software error on Pneumatic Controller PCB.
receive message RPC corrupt
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10.99.913 CAN ERROR INT, CAN controller marked ill interrupt by sending error frames
10.99.914 NET QUEUE OVERFLOW, data overflow in applications receive queue
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CAN Controller error on CPU 68332 PCB or Pneumatic Controller PCB or Graphics Controller PCB (Evita 4)/Front Panel PCB (Evita 2 dura). Most likely cause: Pneumatic Controller PCB.
Software error on Pneumatic Controller PCB.
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