6, 15, 24Vss
32_IRQ0XINT, interrupt signal from MASII
33Vccto VL
38, 47VssGND
52Vccto VL
A0–A20FLASH, MASI and RAM addresses
(A20, pin 25 not connected)
D0–D15Data busData
53P30/TxD0MSBUSTX, serial data to M2BUSO
55P32/RxD0MBUSRX, serial data from M2BUSI
56P33/RxD1FLASH_PROG, flash voltage control and PSA
watchdog disable
57P34/SCK0IMMO_SET, Immobilizer set signalO
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62P62/_DREQ1ECLK, serial clock (EEPROM)I
PAMS Technical Documentation
Pin typeDescriptionSymbolPin number
(SIS serial data)
64P27SLE, synthesizer enableO
65P26SLIC_CLK2 SLIC gate clock for SMPSO
66P25MBUSRX, timeout timer start signal from M2BUSI
67P24SCLK serial clock for synthesizerO
68P23SDAT, synthesizer dataO
73_RESXRES reset for MCU, FLASH, MASI from PSAI
76Vccto VL
AT90S2343 is a SIS (subscriber identification) circuit connected to the
controller over serial bus IIC.
Pin no.SymbolDescription
1_RESETReset input
2XTAL1Clock input from MASI
5MOSIIIC bus data
7SCL/T0IIC bus clock
There is one 16k EEPROMs in phone. EEPROM is a nonvolatile memory
into which is stored the tuning data for the phone.
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Pin no.PinDescription
5SDAIIC bus data
6SCLIIC bus clock
PAMS Technical Documentation
Flash memory and Flash programming
Flash memory size is 512kx16 (8MB). The Flash is a nonvolatile memory
for the program code.
Flash memory has a pre–programmed boot program. This program controls itself when the final program is stored in the memory via the FBUS
and the MBUS.
During programming only the system connector is used and the TFF–3 is
powered via the flash loading adapter (FLA–5).
The MCU has no internal memories, instead there is a SRAM circuit connected to the parallel data bus and the address bus. The size of the
SRAM is 64kB.
The immobilizer uses two I/O pins of the MCU. The Output pin is used for
writing to the immobilizer and the input pin is used to read the state of the
When the immobilizer is activated, the state of the flip–flop is set by the
switch and by the software via MCU output pin. After that, in the run–
time, the state of the flip–flop is read every 4 seconds. As long as the terminal stays in its original location, the state is ”1”.
When the terminal is moved, the immobilizer switch opens and causes a
state transition. After that the state of the flip–flop is found to be ”0” and
the software sets the terminal to ”terminal moved” –state. In that state
the message ”terminal moved” can be seen in the service PC software.
The operating voltage of the immobilizer (VSLIM) is obtained from the
voltage supply (VS). There is also a 0.5mAh lithium battery for backup
purpose, which is used as power supply in the situations when the terminal is not powered. This means, that the terminal can not be moved even
if it has no power. In this case the flip–flop will change its state when the
switch is opened. When the terminal is powered again the movement will
be detected.
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The main function of the PWRU is to feed suitable voltages in every
block. It consists of Input voltage connectors, protection circuits, separate regulators and the PSA ASIC. The PSA circuit has also another
function, the MBUS handling and watchdog.
The Power distribution diagram is below.
System Module JM1
VL (2.8V)
VA (2.8V)
Input voltage
5V /0.5A
3.3V 150mA
3.3V 150mA
to power amplifier and SLIC
The input voltage is protected against accidental interference and fault
actions. The RF –power amplifier and SLIC functions use this unregulated voltage.
Supply voltages for PSA, flash programming, SIS MCU and RF transmitter are fed from separate regulators.
VTX (2.8V)
VRX (2.8V)
max. 2.8A
Input supply voltage
Input voltage is protected against overcurrent, overvoltage and reverse
Also the input voltage is protected against overvoltage and reverse voltage. RF –power amplifier and SLIC functions use this unregulated voltage.
There is slow type fuse, breakdown value 5A
Overvoltage and reverse voltage:
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There is transient suppressor diode which work as fast Zener voltage
over 16V nom. (max. 20V). Also it work like diode in forward direction.
Also input voltage is filtered against interference from external power supply unit.
The PSA is a multi function Power Supply and charging control circuit for
Analog handportable phones. It has two separate power supplies for
baseband (VL,VA) and two externally controllable power supplies for RF
(VRX, VTX). The main functions are voltage regulators, power on/off and
charge control and reset logic (including watchdog), supply voltage and
charger detection functions and buffer for the M2BUS.
Main features of PSA:
– Voltage outputs are isolated from other regulators and from each other
– Buffer for the M2BUS
PAMS Technical Documentation
– Power on/off and reset logic
– Power off logic can be used as a watchdog
– Supply voltage monitor and automatic reset/power–off
– Battery charger detection
– Automatic on–chip current limiting
– On–chip thermal shutdown
– Surface mounted package SSOP28
PSA pinout
Control pins:
PWRONX22INPoWeR ON control input (pulled down )
VRX_ENA2INVRX regulator ENAble
VTX_ENA27INVTX regulator ENAble
WD_DISX24INWatchDog DISable (internal pull up)
PWROFFX23INWatchdog reset from MCU
PURX16OUTPower Up Reset signal
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Input pins:
VBAT13Battery voltage for VRX regulator
VBAT211Battery voltage for VL regulator, battery voltage monitor-
ing and internal logic
VBAT318Battery voltage for VA regulator and internal analog func-
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System Module JM1
VBAT426Battery voltage for VTX regulator
GND11Ground for VRX regulator
GND26Ground for internal reference voltage
GND312Ground for VL regulator and internal logic
GND419Ground for VA regulator and internal analog functions
GND528Ground for VTX regulator
TEST5Test specific pin (internal pull down)
M2BUSIN14M2BUS data input
VCHAR9Divided CHARger input Voltage
Output pins:
VA17Output Voltage for Analog circuitry (2.8V@100mA)
VL13Output Voltage for Logic circuitry (2.8V@40mA)
VRX4Output Voltage for RF or Analog circuitry
VTX25Output Voltage for RF or Analog circuitry
VBATSW20SWitched internally divided VBAT voltage
VCHARSW8SWitched VCHAR voltage
COSC10Connection for an external timing Capacitor defining
watchdog elapse time
CREF7Connection for an external Capacitor of the internal REF-
erence voltage
M2BUSOUT15M2BUS data out (open drain)
PWRONBUFF21inverted PWRONX state
PWRONX and WD_DISX inputs have internal pull–up resistors.
M2BUSIN, VRX_ENA, VTX_ENA, TEST and PWROFFX inputs have in-
ternal pull–down resistors.
Functional descriptions
The linear regulators are high performance regulators. Regulators have
internal current limiting. All the regulators have low quiescent currents
thus extending the battery life.
VA and VL are intended for baseband circuits, VRX and VTX for RF circuitry.
Voltage monitor
This function is used to monitor VBAT voltage level. The threshold level
is set by internal resistor divider.
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The circuit monitors the voltage at the VBAT input and forces the circuit to
Reset if the voltage level is below allowed limit voltage, VBATcoff–. A
hysteresis is included to prevent oscillation between different states.
Thermal protection
Thermal shutdown protects PSA from overheating. Thermal shutdown includes hysteresis in order to prevent oscillation during the thermal protection.
Power supply voltage detection
Thermal shutdown protects PSA from overheating. Thermal shutdown includes hysteresis in order to prevent oscillation during the thermal protection.
M2BUS buffer
M2BUS is a serial bus between mobile and accessories.
M2BUS baud rate is 9600 bps.
PAMS Technical Documentation
The buffer translates the logical input signal to open–drain output.
Rgw M2BUS buffer thruth table is below.
Separate regulators
Separate supply voltages:
– Regulator 5V is for PSA and some RF purposes.
– Regulator 8V is used for RF TX buffers
– Regulator 3.3V is used for flash programming
– Regulator 3.3V is used for SIS MCU
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PAMS Technical Documentation
The Audio block includes the MASI ASIC, the DTMF circuitry and the
SYSTEM connector.
MASI is a single chip audio/signalling processor in a 64 TQFP package
for the NMT450 system.
Main features
– Low power consumption modes
– 8 bit parallel interface with pull ups
– FM demodulator
System Module JM1
FFSK modem features
– Full duplex 1200 baud signalling
– FSK indicator and level detector
– FII filter and gain control
– DMS facility
Audio features
– Low noise microphone amplifier
– Input for a handset microphone or an accessory
– Microphone sensitivity compensation +24/–7 dB range (5 bits)
– Compander
– RX and TX filters
– Tx hard limiter
– Tx AGC
– Transmitter compensation amplifier with +1.875/–1.875 dB range (4
– Compensation amplifier for different RX deviations with +7.5/0 dB
range (4 bits)
– Volume control amplifier with –20/+17.5 range (4 bits)
– Earphone amplifier with drive capability for ceramic earpiece
– Buffered output for a handset or an accessory
– Mute switches
– Speech scrambler and descrambler
Other features
– Dual and single tone multifrequency generator
– IF counter
– 8 bit general purpose DAC
– Programmable output clocks with clock stop for MCU, LCD and SIS
– Two external interrupt sources
– Programmable timer
– Summing stage for voice/data, signalling and fii
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PAMS Technical Documentation
MASI Pinout
Pin noSymbolPin typeNotes
1VDD1PWR+2.7 ... 3.5 V Supply voltage for digital part
2XCSDIN/pdChip select signal, active state LOW, pull–down > 50 kW
3A4DIN/pu5–bit address bus, MSB, pull–up > 50 kW
4A3DIN/pu5–bit address bus, pull–up > 50 kW
5A2DIN/pu5–bit address bus, pull–up > 50 kW
6A1DIN/pu5–bit address bus, pull–up > 50 kW
7A0DIN/pu5–bit address bus, LSB, pull–up > 50 kW
8D7DIO8–bit bidirectional data bus MSB
9D6DIO8–bit bidirectional data bus
10D5DIO8–bit bidirectional data bus
11D4DIO8–bit bidirectional data bus
12D3DIO8–bit bidirectional data bus
13D2DIO8–bit bidirectional data bus
14D1DIO8–bit bidirectional data bus
15D0DIO8–bit bidirectional data bus LSB
16NMIDOUTNon maskable Interrupt request
17VSS1PWR0 V Supply voltage, ground for digital part
18XCLRDINHW reset input, active state LOW
19TMODEDIN/pdTest mode selection, pull–down > 50 kW
20TSELDIN/pdScan test selection, pull–down > 50 kW
21XINTDOUTInterrupt request to MCU, active state LOW
22EXTINT1DINExternal interrupt request, falling edge active (note: this pin
is test scan select when TMODE is high)
23EXTINT2DINExternal interrupt request, falling edge active
24VDD2PWR+2.7 ... 3.5 V Supply voltage for digital in Analog part
25IFAINIF input
26DAFAINAudio input
27FILOAOUTRxfilter output
28EXPIAINExpander/Descrambler input
29EXPOAOUTExpander/Descrambler output
30VOLIAINVolume control amplifier input
31VSA1PWR0 V Supply voltage, ground for RX Analog
(including EARAMP & EXTEAR)
32EXTEARAOUTBuffered output for handset or an accessory
33EARPAOUTEarphone driver output, positive
34VDA1PWR+ 2.7 ... 3.5 V Supply voltage for RX Analog
(including EARAMP & EXTEAR)
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NotesPin typeSymbolPin no
35EARNAOUTEarphone driver output, negative
36DACOAOUTDA converter output
37CALLCNTAINVoltage sensor input for battery change during call
38REFAOUTInternal analog signal ground, stabilization capacitor
39ATOUTAOUTAnalog test circuit output
40MICAINMicrophone amplifier input,
41BIMICAOUTMicrophone bias output
42CMICAINMicrophone bias current stabilizing capacitor
43EXTMICAINAudio input for a handset or an accessory
44TXPBOAOUTTransmit bandpass filter (scrambler) output
45COMIAINCompressor input
46MODAOUTtransmit path output
47ATSTAOUTAnalog test output
System Module JM1
48VDA2PWR+ 2.7 ... 3.5 V Supply voltage for TX Analog & NVSGEN
49NSVAOUTNegative supply voltage, –7V output
50NSV2AOUTnegative supply voltage –4.66V, for external capacitor
51NSV1AOUTnegative supply voltage –2.33V, for external capacitor
52NCPPAOUTNegative supply charge pump (external) capacitor positive
53NCPNAOUTNegative supply charge pump (external) capacitor negative
54VSA2PWR0 V Supply voltage, ground for TX Analog & NVSGEN
55TOUTDOUTTest scan data output
56CLKINCIN14.7456 MHz crystal oscillator input or input for the external
57CLKOUTCOUT14.7456 MHz crystal oscillator output
58VSS2PWR0 V Supply voltage,
ground for digital in Analog part & Buzzer
59BUZZAOUTBuzzer output, open collector
60CLKLCDDOUTClock signal for LCD, 230.4 kHz, 57.6 kHz or 14.4 kHz
61CLKSISDOUTClock signal for SIS processor, 3.6864MHz or 7.3728MHz
62CLKMCUDOUTClock signal for MCU, 3.6864 MHz, 7.3728 MHz or 14.7456
63XWRDIN/puWrite control signal, active state LOW, pull–up > 50 kW
64XRDDIN/pdRead control signal, active state LOW, pull–down > 50 kW
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SLIC block
The TFF–3 line adapter hardware is implemented using the STLC3065
SLIC custom–designed for wireless applications. The pins of the
STLC3065 are listed below.
Pin noSymbolPin typeNotes
1D0IControl interface,input bit 0
2D1IControl interface,input bit 1
3D2IControl interface,input bit 2
4P1IControl interface, port selection bit
5P2IControl interface, port selection bit
6_DET1OLogic interface output of the line port 1 detector, open drain
7_DET2OLogic interface output of the line port 2 detector, open drain
8_DETOLogic interface output of the supervision line detector, open
9CKTTXIMetering pulse clock input
10CTTX1Metering burst shaping external capacitor
11CTTX2Metering burst shaping external capacitor
12RTTXOMetering pulse cancellation buffer output
13FTTXOMetering pulse buffer
14RXI4 wire input port (RX input)
15ZAC1ORX buffer output
16ZACIAC impedance synthesis
17RSProtection resistor image
18ZBBalance network for 2 to 4 wire conversion
19CACIAC feedback input
20TXO4 wire output (TX output)
21VFIFeedback input for DC/DC converter controller
22CLKIPower switch controller clock
23GATEODriver for external PowerMOSFET
24RSENSEIVoltage input for current sensing
25VPOSIPositive supply input voltage
26CVCCInternal positive voltage supply filter
27AGNDAnalog ground
28RLIMIConstant current feed programming pin.
29IREFIInternal bias current setting pin
30RTHIOff–hook threshold programming pin
31RDIDC feedback and ring trip input
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NotesPin typeSymbolPin no
32ImmILTFOTransversal line current image output
33CSVRBattery supply filter capacitor
34BGNDBattery ground
35VBATRegulated battery voltage self generated
36RING22 wire port 2, RING wire (Ib is the current sunk into this pin)
37RING12 wire port 1, RING wire (Ib is the current sunk into this pin)
41TIP12 wire port 1, TIP wire (Ia is the current source from this pin)
42TIP22 wire port 2, TIP wire (Ia is the current source from this pin)
43CREVReverse polarity transition time control
44VBAT1Frame connection
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