Nokia Smart Home User Manual

Nokia Smart Home user guide
2 Nokia Smart Home user guide
Quick install guide for the Nokia Smart Home
Introduction ......................5
Chapter 1: Connect your Nokia Smart Home
Getting started ....................7
Dashboard .......................9
How to set up your wireless network ..10
Where to nd basic information for your device and network
How to set up a guest network .......16
Connecting other devices ...........16
How to set up parental controls ......18
How to limit access to your network ...24
How to change the login password of the ONT
How to assign IP addresses to devices in your network
How to set up a DNS...............33
How to set up a DDNS..............36
How to use a network clock to set the time on your ONU (NTP)
Wi-Fi Analyser ....................40
Speed Test ......................42
Chapter 2: Prepare your Nokia Smart Home
Dashboard ......................47
Smart Home screen ...............47
Managing devices .................48
Managing rooms ..................52
Chapter 3: Create automation rules and modify your settings with the Nokia Smart Home web interface
Scenarios .......................56
Rules ...........................57
Schedules .......................58
Setting up a security video camera....60
Chapter 4: View and control your Nokia Smart Home with the mobile app
Appendix .......................69
Supported Z-Wave and ZigBee devices
3 Nokia Smart Home user guide
Quick install guide for the Nokia Smart Home
1. Install the Nokia Digital ONU app
Download from the Google Play store, or the Apple App store. Then use this app for steps 2 and 3.
2. Connect your Nokia Smart Home [Figure 1]
Log in
On the Dashboard screen, swipe right
Click on ONT Management
Click on Wi-Fi to set up your wireless network
Click on Advanced ONT Settings to change the setting for DHCP, DNS, Firewall, MAC Filter, IP Filter, URL Filter, etc
3. Prepare your Nokia Smart Home:
Dene rooms, connect devices
Log in
On the Dashboard screen click on the Smart Home icon
Click on Rooms and add all your rooms
Click on the green icon [Figure 2]
Select Pair Devices and connect all your devices
Click on devices to allocate them to rooms
Figure 1
Figure 2
4 Nokia Smart Home user guide
4. Create automation rules: connect to URL
Click on the navigation bar [Figure 3],
then on Automation:
Use + to create a new scenario (a group of
devices that are switched on/o together)
Test the scenario by clicking on it
Create new rules
• Click + to create a new trigger
• Click + to create an action (device or
scenario that is activated by the trigger, or that operates as long as the trigger persists)
5. Install the Nokia Smart Home mobile app.
Download from the Google Play store or
the Apple App store. Then use this app for step 6.
6. View and control your Nokia Smart Home
Click on the navigation bar to view
[Figure 4]:
Rooms: see all the devices per room; view
their status (on/o) and watch as rules are
Consumption: see the power consumption per device; choose the device; choose the time interval (by day, week, month)
Figure 3
Figure 4
5 Nokia Smart Home user guide
This manual shows you how to setup and manage your Nokia Smart Home.
You’ll be guided step by step with easy to follow instructions that allow you to:
Set up your home network
Install and pair your smart devices
Set up Nokia Smart Home automation
Control and manage your Nokia Smart Home
You’ll need two mobile apps on your smartphone to help you set up the Nokia Smart Home solution:
Nokia Digital ONU mobile app
Nokia Smart Home mobile app
Instructions for downloading and installing these apps are at the start of Chapters 1 and 4.
For a list of supported smart devices (Z–Wave, ZigBee and Wi-Fi devices), see the Appendix.
6 Nokia Smart Home user guide
Chapter 1: Connect your Nokia Smart Home
How to use the Nokia digital optical network unit (ONU) mobile application
Downloading the Nokia Digital ONU mobile app
The Android app can be downloaded from the Google Play store; the iOS app can be downloaded from the Apple App store.
Supported versions:
Android – 4.1.x and above
iOS – 7.0 and above
7 Nokia Smart Home user guide
Getting started
The Nokia digital optical network unit (ONU) mobile application
lets you connect your Nokia Smart Home and congure most
of the features of your residential gateway (RGW). It also lets you check on the status of your Optical Network Terminal (ONT). Here’s how you can use it:
Features that
can be congured
MAC Filter
IP Filter
URL Filter
Port Forwarding
Device status and information
Fiber ONU gateway – ONT information
• Overview
• Device information
• LAN status
• Optical module status
Home network – connected device information
Wi-Fi Analyser
8 Nokia Smart Home user guide
To access and congure certain features of the ONT, log in to the ONT.
1. Connect the smartphone to the Wi-Fi interface of the ONT.
2. Open the digital ONU application.
3. Enter the username and password in the login window, as shown in Figure 1.
If logging in to the app for the rst time,
use the username and password provided on the back of the ONT.
4. For login options, click the Show
Advanced Options toggle button. A eld
to input the ONT’s IP address will pop up. The default value is
You can edit this eld if necessary.
5. Click Login.
Figure 1
9 Nokia Smart Home user guide
1. After logging in to the app, the dashboard screen appears [Figure 1].
2. The dashboard shows the ONT status,
URL blocker status and the rewall status.
Clicking on any of these options takes you to the respective windows.
3. The dashboard screen shows the online
and oine count of devices.
4. Click on Show Advanced Options to go to the various windows of the ONT.
5. You can also access the menu by swiping the mobile app page to the right. The side menu includes the following options:
a. Dashboard
b. ONT Management
c. Wi-Fi Analyser
d. App settings
e. About
f. Logout
Figure 1
10 Nokia Smart Home user guide
How to set up your wireless network
To connect the Wi-Fi enabled devices in your home network to the ONT and the internet,
you must enable and congure a wireless
network on the ONT. Depending on the type of the ONT, the Wi-Fi options for wireless 5 GHz may be available.
Wireless 2.4 GHz
This frequency range is used by the
802.11b/g/n standard and can provide widely
available bandwidths of up to 450 Mb/s.
This conguration can be done as follows:
1. On the home screen as shown in Figure 1, select Wi-Fi.
2. This brings you to a window [Figure 2] with one or two submenus, depending on the type of ONT being used.
3. Select Wireless 2.4GHz.
Basic setup
Figure 2
Figure 1
11 Nokia Smart Home user guide
Basic setup
4. The following window [Figure 3] opens.
5. Set the parameters as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz parameters
Parameter Description
Enable Toggle to enable or disable
the 2.4 GHz network
Mode Choose:
• auto(b/g/n)
• b
• g
• n
• b/g
Bandwidth Choose the mode of operation:
• 20 MHz
• 40 MHz
Channel Indicates the wireless channel
being used
Power Choose between Wi-Fi transmit
power percentages:
• 100%*
• 75%
• 50%
• 25%
Transmit power for ETSI is 100 mW.
SSID list The active 2.4 GHz SSIDs. In this
example, there are two: Home network and guest network. When you select one of the SSIDs listed, it allows you to modify the SSID details such as: Enable/Disable the SSID and SSID broadcast, name or rename the SSID, and set the encryption mode (OPEN, WEP, WPA/WPA2 Personal, WPA/WPA2 Enterprise). In this example [Figure 4], the guest network SSID is opened.
* 100% Wi-Fi transmit power for all regions outside of Europe is 500 mW;
for 100% - Wi-Fi.
Figure 4
Figure 3
12 Nokia Smart Home user guide
Basic setup
Wireless 5 GHz
This frequency range is used by the 802.11ac standard and can provide high capacity bandwidths of up to 1.3 Gb/s.
Conguration can be done as follows:
1. On the home screen as shown in Figure 1, select Wi-Fi.
2. This brings you to a window [Figure 2] with two submenus.
3. Select Wireless 5GHz.
Here you can set the parameters for the
5 GHz bandwidth described in Table 2.
Figure 1
Figure 2
13 Nokia Smart Home user guide
Basic setup
Table 2. Wi-Fi 5 GHz parameters
Parameter Description
Enable Toggle to enable or disable
the 5 GHz network
Bandwidth Choose the mode of operation:
• 20 MHz
• 40 MHz
• 80 MHz
Channel Indicates the wireless channel
being used [Figure 3]
Power Choose between Wi-Fi transmit
power percentages:
• 100%*
• 75%
• 50%
• 25%
Transmit power for ETSI is 100 mW.
SSID list The active 5 GHz SSIDs. When you
select one of the SSIDs listed, it allows you to modify the SSID details such as: Enable/Disable the SSID and SSID broadcast, name or rename the SSID, and set the encryption mode (NONE-OPEN, WPA2-AES, WPA2+WPA, WPA/WPA2 Enterprise). In this example [Figure 4], the guest network SSID is opened.
* 100% Wi-Fi transmit power for all regions outside of Europe is 500 mW;
for 100% - Wi-Fi.
Figure 3
Figure 4
14 Nokia Smart Home user guide
Basic setup
Where to nd basic
information for your device and network
Device status and information
In just a few clicks, you can quickly check the status of the LAN or WLAN connection and see basic ONT information.
1. On the home screen as shown in Figure 1, select Fiber ONU Gateway.
2. This brings you to a window [Figure 2] with four submenus.
Figure 1
Figure 3Figure 2
15 Nokia Smart Home user guide
Figure 4
Figure 5 Figure 6
Overview: Shows the status of each of
the interfaces on the ONU (Wi-Fi, LAN ports) and the instantaneous throughput [Figure 3].
Device information: Displays the
technical details of the ONU (software and hardware versions, serial number and overall ONU running time) [Figure 4].
LAN status: Displays overall status
and the details on the LAN interface (TX/RX totals, IP Address, MAC Address) [Figure 5].
Optical Module status: Displays technical
details on the ONU optical module [Figure 6].
16 Nokia Smart Home user guide
How to set up a guest network
Setting up a guest network is much the same as setting up your initial wireless network.
You’ll just need to select a dierent SSID from
your initial network setup, enter a unique SSID (network name) and, if required, create a password for the guest network.
Connecting other devices
Sometimes equipment or applications
in your home network may require trac
from the internet to be sent to them over
a specic port. This is often the case with
gaming consoles, for example, which requires
you to congure port forwarding on the ONT.
1. On the home screen as shown in Figure 1, select Advanced ONT Settings.
2. This brings you to a window [Figure 2] with 12 submenus.
The Advanced ONT Settings menu allows
you to congure the following residential
gateway functions: DHCP, DNS, Firewall, MAC Filter, IP Filter, URL Filter, NTP, DMZ, ALG, Port Forwarding, DDNS and Password.
Figure 1
Figure 2
17 Nokia Smart Home user guide
3. The Port Forwarding menu allows you to add or delete new entries for port forwarding [Figure 3].
To add a new port forwarding entry
you can select a predened app setting or add a manual entry.
Select the App Name option to allow you
to pick a pre-existing application for port forwarding. Alternatively, you can select Customer Settings to get your own port forwarding settings.
4. If you select App Name, the following screen appears that allows you to add port forwarding rules for the application named [Figure 4].
Figure 3
Figure 4
18 Nokia Smart Home user guide
How to set up parental controls
You can restrict access to or from the internet from within your home subnetwork in several ways:
IP lter
MAC lter
Controlling access to websites
IP lter
IP ltering enables you to name the IP address
of a device within your subnet (for example,
192.1.x.x), and restrict the ow of certain
types of IP data to or from that device, based on the IP address. Restricted content is discarded as it passes through the ONU.
1. On the home screen as shown in [Figure 1], select Advanced ONT Settings.
2. This brings you to a window [Figure 2] with 12 submenus.
The Advanced ONT Settings menu allows
you to congure the following residential
gateway functions: DHCP, DNS, Firewall, MAC Filter, IP Filter, URL Filter, NTP, DMZ, ALG, Port Forwarding, DDNS and Password.
Figure 1
Figure 2
19 Nokia Smart Home user guide
3. Select IP Filter. The following screen will appear [Figure 3].
In this menu you can add a new IP address
lter entry or modify an existing entry.
4. Select the Mode option that will allow
you to pick the ltering type [Figure 4]:
Drop for upstream: Residential gateway
will drop all trac originating from the specied device.
Drop for downstream: Residential gateway
will drop all trac with a destination to the specied device.
5. Select the Device option to allow you to either select a known device from the ONU memory or manually register a new device.
6. Select the Protocol option to allow you to
select specic types of trac for ltering or to lter all trac.
Figure 3
Figure 4
20 Nokia Smart Home user guide
MAC lter
Equipment in your network is identied by the
unique MAC address assigned to that device. You can restrict which devices have access to the internet according to their MAC address by allowing or blocking access for the devices listed (your choice).
1. On the home screen as shown in Figure 1, select Advanced ONT Settings.
2. This brings you to a window [Figure 2] with 12 submenus.
The Advanced ONT Settings menu allows
you to congure the following residential
gateway functions: DHCP, DNS, Firewall, MAC Filter, IP Filter, URL Filter, NTP, DMZ, ALG, Port Forwarding, DDNS and Password.
Figure 1
Figure 2
21 Nokia Smart Home user guide
3. Select MAC Filter. The following screen will appear [Figure 3].
In this menu you can enable or disable the
MAC lter option in the ONU. You can block
or allow lists of MAC addresses.
4. Type in the MAC address you would like to
lter on either the block or allow lists here
[Figure 4]. The block option will block all listed MAC addresses from reaching the home network. The allow option will only allow the listed MAC addresses into the home network.
Figure 3
Figure 4
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