Nokia RM-84, RM-99, N70 Disassembly

Nokia Customer Care Disassembly/Reassembly Instructions
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Page 1–2 Company Confidential Issue 1
Copyright ©2005 Nokia. All Rights Reserved.
RM-84/99 Disassembly/Reassembly Instructions Nokia Customer Care
Table of Contents
Disassembly / reassembly............................................................................................................................................................1–5
Copyright ©2005 Nokia. All Rights Reserved.
Nokia Customer Care Disassembly/Reassembly Instructions
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Page 1–4 Company Confidential Issue 1
Copyright ©2005 Nokia. All Rights Reserved.
RM-84/99 Disassembly/Reassembly Instructions Nokia Customer Care

Disassembly / reassembly

Before you begin
Required tools for RM-84 disassembly:
Note: Reassembly takes places in the reverse order.
Note the reassembly-specific instructions in steps 12., 13., 18., 20., 27., 31., and 33..
1. Always protect the window with a plastic film.
2. Remove the C-Cover.
Copyright ©2005 Nokia. All Rights Reserved.
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