Nokia PermiCell9 Troubleshooting

PAMS Technical Documentation
TFE–1 model C
Original 11/97
Troubleshooting Instructions
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Technical Documentation
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Technical Documentation
Troubleshooting Instructions
Introduction Page 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General Page 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Baseband Troubleshooting Page 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Terminal is Totally Dead Page 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Flash Programming Doesn‘t Work Page 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Power Doesn‘t Stay On or The Phone is Jammed Page 10. . . . . .
Function of the 32 kHz Clock Oscillator in Test Circumstances Page 10
4. LED Indication or Handset‘s display Information: Contact Service Page 12
5. The Terminal Doesn‘t Register to The Network (no serv)
or Doesn‘t Make a Call Page 14
The States of The DSP after Power On Page 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. SIM Card is Out of Order (Insert SIM Card or Card Rejected) Page 16
7. Audio Fault Page 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Line Adapter troubleshooting:
Terminal works with handset, but not with device Page 21
9. Immobilizer troubleshooting (in TFE–1 model C) Page 22. . . . . . . .
Switch mode power supply problems Page 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Troubleshooting Instructions


The purpose is to define fault block of the module and then find out the broken component. The trouble shooting diagram has been planned so that the fault, whatever it is, can be found by as simple measurements as possible.
The flow diagrams give you the overview of the blocks. The purpose is that you proceed through the flow diagram so that, if your answer is YES for the asked question, go straight to the next level, but if your answer is NO, you have to go the subbranch.
Required servicing equipment: – PC for Service Software – Power supply (2.0 A) – Digital multimeter – Oscilloscope
Technical Documentation
– Spectrum analyzer – Signal generator – RF cables – Modular cable – RS232/MBUS adapter – RF measuring chassis – Termination The Troubleshooting for TFE–1 model C consists of a series of checks accord-
ing to the following flow diagrams.
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Technical Documentation

Baseband Troubleshooting

The following hints should facility finding the cause of the problem when the cir­cuitry seems to be faulty. This troubleshooting instruction is divided following section.
1. Terminal is totally dead
2. Flash programming doesn‘t work
3. Power doesn‘t stay on or the terminal is jammed
4. Display information: Contact Service
5. Terminal doesn‘t register to the network or terminal doesn‘t make a call.
6. Plug in SIM card is out of order (insert SIM card or card rejected).
7. Audio fault.
8. Line Adapter trouble shooting
9. Immobilizer troubleshooting The first thing to do is carry out a through visual check of the module. Ensure in
particular that: a) there are not any mechanical damages
b) soldered joints are OK
Troubleshooting Instructions
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Troubleshooting Instructions
1. Terminal is Totally Dead
Troubleshooting diagram for this fault is represented in following figure. Check at first that the battery back is OK and it is not empty. This kind of fault has been limited around the system connector (X103) and the PSCLD (N301).
If the phone is totally dead, check that the fuse is OK
Voltage level at PSCLD (N300) pin 25 is same as VBA T
Measure voltage level at PSCLD (N300) pin 40
Technical Documentation
PSCLD N300 pins 5,21,37...
voltage level is same as VBAT
Check coils L302, L303 and the sol– dered joints of the connector X120, fuse F100
Rise up PSCLD
pin 25. If the DC voltage is still missing change N300
Check soldered joints of V302, V303, V304, and around components
The voltage level at pin 40 (N300) is zero
Rise up PSCLD pin 25.
If the DC voltage is still missing, change N300
Check that capacitors C311, C312, C315, C317 and C318 are soldered. Check also sol­dered joints of N300. If these things are correct, change N300
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Technical Documentation
2. Flash Programming Doesn‘t Work
The block diagram for the flash programming is shown in figure 12. The flash loading is handled via these components. Thus a fault in other components (DSP, RFI) can not prevent the flash loading.
In error cases, the flash prommer can give some information about a fault. The fault information messages could be: – MCU doesn‘t boot – MCU flash Vpp error – Serial data line failure – Serial clock line failure – External RAM fault – Algorithm file or alias ID don‘t find
In cases that the the flash programming doesn‘t succeed, there is a possibility to test the interface between the ASIC and the MCU. This test is useful to do, when the fault information is: MCU doesn‘t boot or Se­rial clock line failure.
The test procedure is following:
Troubleshooting Instructions
1. Connect a short circuit wire between the test points J400 and J401.
2. Switch power on.
3. If the reset line of the MCU rises up, the interface is OK. Otherwise the reset line stays low.
One must be noticed that this test can be found only short circuits, not open pins. This test indicate also that 32 kHz clock is running because of the test log­ic is made by using 32 kHz clock oscillator.
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Troubleshooting Instructions
Flash programming doesn‘t work
Output voltages of PSCLD (N300) are 3.16 V ( VL, VA, VSL )
Master Reset (Purx), PSCLD pin 26 is ”1” ( 3.16 V )
Master clock input, ASIC (D400) pin 22 is 13 MHz, 1 Vpp, sine wave with 1 V DC level
Clock signal at the input of MCU, pin 51 is 13 MHz square wave.
Technical Documentation
Check the soldered joints of N300. If OK, change N300
Rise up pin 26. If the logic level is still ”0”, check sol­dered joints of N300. If OK, change N300.
Check components R400 and C403. If they are OK, check the VCXO block. One must remember that the control signal for the VCXO is taken from the baseband (see figure 6 )
Check resistor R437. Check the soldered joints of ASIC. If OK, change ASIC
MCU Reset input, pin 48 is ”1”
Rise up MCU pin 48. If the logic level is still ”0”, check the sol­dered joints of the ASIC. If OK,
change ASIC.
Check that the following lines are correct.
1. Vpp line from X120 pin 7 to FLASH (D430) pin 11 Normal fault information: MCU FLASH Vpp error
2. MBUSRX line from X120 pin 1 to MCU (D420) pin 2 Normal fault information: Serial data line failure
3. MBUSTX line from X120 pin 2 to MCU (D420) pin 1 Normal fault information: MCU doesn‘t boot
4. MBUSCLK line from X120 pin 3 to MCU (D420) pin 3.
Check also R436.
Normal fault information: Serial clock line failure
5. WDDIS line from X120 pin 4 to PSCLD (N300) pin 22
6. GND (X120 pin 15) is connected to ground
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