CONFIDENTIAL 2 (25) NPE-4 6310/NPL-1 6310i Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 1.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 15.08.2002
-How to use this document
Place the schematics behind this manual.
Now you are able to follow these specifictions with graphical layouts and it is easier for you to find the components and
measuring points.
-General handling
Be very careful when disassembling the NPE-4/NPL-1 while removing the A-Cover from the Back-Cover. Refer to disassembling
instructions at the service manual of NPE-4/NPL-1.
-µBGA components and broken balls
Special attention to µBGA components:
All replaceable µBGAs must be renewed after removing. Reflow using a hot air fan is not allowed.
Check soldering points and remove oxidated solderings (broken balls) carefully by enclosing a few new solders before placing new
components. The only allowed way changing µBGA components is to use µBGA rework maschines, approved from NMP (e.g.
ZEVAC/ OK International). Use recommended Fluxtype and an appropriate amount of it only.
-PCB handling & cleaning
To avoid damages of PCB and/or components through electrostatic discharging, handle the module in
ESD-suitable cases only. Always wear ESD-bracelets, which must be connected to earth bonding point.
Do not make any loose wiring connections or do some other unqualified rework anywhere.
For cleaning use appropriate materials only. Do not use scratching or rubbing tools.
Because of organic surface protection (OSP), cleaning must only be done with a lint-free cloth, which may be moistening with DIwater. IPA or other solvent like ethanol should only be used to clean gold pads for spring contacts without affecting the
surrounding copper layers.
-Component charactaristics
Some components contain important data.
Several described steps are practicable only if you are able to reflash/ realign the phone and/ or rewrite IMEI/ SIMlock in certain
cases. Please pay attention to separate notes.
-Realign after repair
Characteristics of replacement parts are different.
To prevent additional faults after repair (RX quality, TX power etc.) it is necessary to retune phone values.
CONFIDENTIAL 3 (25) NPE-4 6310/NPL-1 6310i Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 1.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 15.08.2002
This document is intended for use by authorized NOKIA service centers only.
The purpose of this document is to provide some further service information for NPE-4 6310 / NPL-1 6310i.
It contains a lot of collected tips and hints to find failures and repair solutions easily.
It also will give support to the inexperienced technicians.
Saving process time and improving the repair quality is the aim of using this document.
We have built it up based on fault symptoms (listed in "Contents") followed by detailed description for further analysis.
It is to be used additionally to the service manual and other service information like Service bulletins, for that reason it does not
contain any circuit descriptions or schematics.
All measurements are made using following equipment:
Nokia repair SW : Phoenix
Phoenix Application : 3.72.002
Flash SW (CMT) : 4.31 6310 / 4.80 6310i
Test Jig : MJS-40
Docking station : JBV-1
Docking Adapter : MJF-9
Digital Multimeter : Fluke 73
Oscilloscope : Fluke PM 3380A/B
Spectrum Analyzer : Advantest R3162 with an analogue probe
RF-Generator / : CMU 200
GSM Tester
While every endeavour has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, some errors may exist. If the reader finds any
errors, NOKIA should be notified in writing, using following procedure:
Please state:
Title of the Document + Issue Number/Date of publication.
Page(s) and/or Figure(s) of error.
CONFIDENTIAL 5 (25) NPE-4 6310/NPL-1 6310i Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 1.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 15.08.2002
Additional Information
BB shield disassembly instructions
For disassembly it is important to lay the PWB on a plane underground so that the bottom connector is hanging free to prevent
bending of PWB and cracking of the connector´s solderings (See pictures below).
When disassembling the BB shield be very careful because Flash D450 could be damaged (See pictures on next page).
Start by lifting and bending the lid with a tweezer at the marked points 1- 3 (see pictures below).
Do not use too much force on the frame because it could be damaged and the PWB also could be mechanical stressed.
CONFIDENTIAL 6 (25) NPE-4 6310/NPL-1 6310i Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 1.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 15.08.2002
Example for a broken Flash D450:
Different battery connectors
There are two different battery connectors under the same part code 5400239 (See pictures below).
If it is nessesary to exchange the battery connector X101/ X102 take care that you use the same one.
The mixed replacement causes switch-off trouble.
Different surface, width and position of spring contacts:
Note! It is not allowed to use the battery connectors of NPE-3 (part code 5469069) because of smaller size.
Auto power off
The phone turns off, because the contact pads on the battery and the battery connectors are worn out and the phone has lost the
contact to the battery.
Assemble the Y- and Z-Pads, see picture below.
CONFIDENTIAL 7 (25) NPE-4 6310/NPL-1 6310i Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 1.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 15.08.2002
Electrical faults
Totally dead
Check VBATIN=3.6 VDC at L260 (depends on workbench supply). If not ok, check X101, X102 battery connectors for mechanical
damages or cold solderings. Refer also to chapter “Additional Information/Different battery connectors”.
Check 32.768 kHz sinewave, Vpp = 800 mV at C209 (See picture below).
Oscilloscope settings:
Ampl: 200mV
Time/Div: 10µs/Div
If there is no signal, check B200 circuit for shorts or disconnection and change faulty components.
Check PWRONX at S300 pin 2/ 4: Key not pressed = 3.6 VDC (Depends on Workbench supply voltage)
Key pressed = 0 VDC
If not ok, check PWRONX-line from S300 to UPP D400 for shorts or disconnections.
Check SleepClk = 32.768 kHz, Vpp = 1.8 V square wave at J404. (See picture below)
Oscilloscope settings:
Ampl: 500mV
Time/Div: 10µs/Div
If not ok, check B200 circuit for shorts or disconnections.
Check VCORE = 1.8 VDC at C400. If not ok, check UEM D200
Check PURX = 1.8 VDC at V130 Pin 44. If not ok, check UEM D200
Check System Clk = 26 MHz, Vpp = 800 mV at C752 (See picture below)
CONFIDENTIAL 8 (25) NPE-4 6310/NPL-1 6310i Repairhints
Customer Care Europe & Africa Version 1.0 Approved
SCCE Training Group Date 15.08.2002
Oscilloscope settings:
Ampl: 500mV
Time/Div: 20ns/Div
If not ok, check 26 MHz G740 circuit. Refer also to chapter Drop calls
Check RFClk = 13 MHz, Vpp = 600 mV at C424. If not ok, refer to No service/ No RSSI.
Check VIO = 1.8 VDC at C450. If not ok, check VIO line to UEM D200 for shorts or disconnections and change faulty components.
If all above-mentioned signals are ok, try to flash the phone.
If the the flash update fails, the prommer will display a fault message (see picture below)
Check VPP at C454 = 1.8VDC
If VPP is not ok, UPP D400 is faulty. Change PWB, because UPP is not changeable.
Check VFLASH2 at C280 = 1.8VDC
If not ok, UEM D200 is faulty. Change PWB, as UEM is not changeable.
If both voltages are ok, try to flash the phone with repair jig MJS-40 and measure the VFLASH2 again. Now the voltage at C280
rises up to 2.8VDC.
If the voltage does not rise up to 2.8VDC, change PWB, as the UEM D200 is not changeable.
If all voltages are ok, check the Flash for mechanical damage (see also picture at chapter Additional
information/BB shield disassembly instructions/Example for a broken Flash D450).
Change Flash D450 in following cases when all other signals ok:
- Mechanical damages (See picture at Additional Information/Example for broken Flash D450)
- IMEI not rewriteable or SimLock Test fails
After changing the Flash D450, rewrite product code, HW-ID, IMEI and SIMlock settings.
If the fault persists, probably UEM D200 is faulty and not changeable. Change the PWB.
Note! Rewrite SIMlock and IMEI data by use of NOKIA SECURITY PASSWORD and tune the phone again, if the procedure
is permitted to you. (See General SB–037)