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2Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide
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This guide provides information about how to configure and monitor Nokia
IPSO systems. This guide provides conceptual information about system
features and instructions on how to perform tasks using Nokia Network
Voyager, the Web-based interface for IPSO. All of the tasks that you perform
with Network Voyager you can also perform with the command-line interface
(CLI), allowing you to choose the interface you are most comfortable with.
For information specific to the CLI, see the CLI Reference Guide for Nokia IPSO.
This guide is intended for experienced network administrators who configure
and manage Nokia IP security platforms. It assumes a working knowledge of
networking and TCP/IP protocol principals and some experience with
UNIX-based systems.
This guide is organized into the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “About Network Voyager” describes the IPSO operating
system, Nokia Network Voyager, how to use Network Voyager, and how
to access documentation and help pages.
Chapter 2, “Configuring Interfaces” describes how to configure and
monitor interfaces.
Chapter 3, “Configuring System Functions” describes how to configure
basic system functions such as DHCP, DNS, disk mirroring, mail relay,
system failure notification, system time, host entries, system logging, and
Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide19
About the Nokia Network Voyager Reference Guide
the hostname . It also describes how to save configuration sets, schedule
jobs, backup and restore files, manage and upgrade system images, reboot
the system, manage packages, and advanced system tuning.
Chapter 4, “Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)” describes how
to provides dynamic failover of IP addresses using VRRP.
Chapter 5, “Configuring Clustering” describes how to provide fault
tolerance and dynamic load balancing using clustering.
Chapter 6, “Configuring SNMP” describes how to configure Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP), the protocol used to exchange
management information between network devices.
Chapter 7, “Configuring IPv6” describes how to configure features that
use the IPv6 protocol.
Chapter 8, “Managing Security and Access” desribes how to manage
passwords, user accounts and groups, assign privileges using role-based
administration, and how to configure network access, services, and
Network Voyager session management. It also describes how to configure
AAA for a new service, encryption acceleration, and virtual tunnel
interfaces (VTI), which support Check Point route-based VPN..
Chapter 9, “Configuring Routing” describes the IPSO routing subsystem,
how to configure the various routing protocols that are supported, route
aggregation, and route redistribution.
management functionality, including access control lists and aggregation
Chapter 11, “Configuring Router Services” describes how to enable your
system to forward broadcast traffic by enabling the IP Broadcast Helper,
forward BOOTP/DHCP traffic by enabling BOOTP relay, how to enable
router discovery, and how to configure for Network T ime Protocol (NTP).
Chapter 12, “Monitoring System Configuration and Hardware” provides
information on monitoring your system.
20Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide
Conventions This Guide Uses
The following sections describe the conventions this guide uses, including
notices, text conventions, and command-line conventions.
Cautions indicate potential equipment damage, equipment
malfunction, loss of performance, loss of data, or interruption of
Notes provide information of special interest or recommendations.
Conventions This Guide Uses
Text Conventions
Table 1 describes the text c onventions this guide uses.
Table 1 Text Conventions
monospace font
bold monospace
Key namesKeys that you press simultaneously are linked by a plus
Indicates command syntax, or represents computer or
screen output, for example:
Log error 12453
Indicates text you enter or type, for example:
# configure nat
sign (+):
Press Ctrl + Alt + Del.
Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide21
About the Nokia Network Voyager Reference Guide
Table 1 Text Conventions (continued)
Menu commandsMenu commands are separated by a greater than sign (>):
Choose File > Open.
• Emphasizes a point or denotes new terms at the place
where they are defined in th e te xt.
• Indicates an external book title reference.
• Indicates a variable in a command:
delete interface if_name
Menu Items
Menu items in procedures are separated by the greater than sign.
For example, click Backup and Restore under Configuration > System
Configuration indicates that you first click Configuration to expand the menu
if necessary, then click System Configuration, and finally click the Backup
and Restore link.
Related Documentation
In addition to this guide, documentation for this product includes the
CLI Reference Guide for Nokia IPSO, which is on the IPSO CD.
This guide contains the commands that you can implement from the
command-line interface (CLI) for IPSO.
Getting Started Guide and Release Notes for IPSO, which is included in
the release pack.
This document contains a list of new features for the current IPSO
release, installation instructions, and known limitations.
22Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide
Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide23
1About Network Voyager
This chapter provides an overview of Network Voyager, the Web-based interface that you can
use to manage Nokia IPSO systems.
Nokia Network Voyager is a Web-based interface that you can use to manage IPSO systems
from any authorized location. Network Voyager comes packaged with the IPSO operating
system software and is accessed from a client using a browser.
You can also use the command-line interface (CLI) to perform all of the tasks that you can
perform when you use Network Voyager, which allows you to choose the interface you are most
comfortable with. For information about the CLI, see the CLI Reference Guide.
Software Overview
Nokia firewalls function with the help of several software components:
Operating System—Nokia IPSO is a UNIX-like operating system based on FreeBSD.
IPSO is customized to support Nokia’s enhanced routing capabilities and Check Point’s
FireWall-1 firewall functionality, and to "harden" network security. Unnecessary features
have been removed to minimize the need for UNIX system administration.
Ipsilon Routing Daemon (IPSRD)—IPSRD is Nokia’s routing software. The routing
policy implemented by IPSRD resides in a database. Network Voyager (see below)
configures and maintains the routing software and database.
Check Point FireWall-1—FireWall-1 consists of two major components: (1) the Firewall
module, which runs on the Nokia firewall and implements the security policy, and (2) the
Management module, which runs either on the Nokia firewall or on another workstation.
Use the Management Module to define and maintain the security policy.
Network Voyager—Network V oyager communicates with the routing software to configure
interfaces and routing protocols, to manage routing policy for the firewall, and to monitor
network traffic and protocol performance. Network Voyager also provides online
documentation. Network Voyager itself runs on a remote machine as a client application of
the Nokia routing software and is HTML based.
24Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide
Logging In to Network Voyager
When you log in to Network Voyager, the navigation tree you see depends on the role or roles
assigned to you. If the roles assigned to your user account do not include access to a feature, you
will not see a link to the feature in the tree. If they have read-only access to a feature, you will
see a link and be able to access the page, but all the controls will be disabled. For more
information on role-based administration, see “Role-Based Administration” on page 293.
The system logs messages about both successful and unsuccessful attempts by users to
log in. These are stored in the /var/log/messages file.
To open Nokia Network Voyager
1. Open a Web browser on a computer with network connectivity to the IPSO system.
2. In the Location or Address text box, enter the IP address of the initial interface you
configured for the appliance.
You are prompted to enter a username and password. If this is the first login, enter the Admin
username and the password you entered when you performed the initial configuration.
You can select to log in with or without an exclusive lock on configuration changes. For
more information, see “Obtaining a Configuration Lock” on page 25.
For information about initial configuration, see the Getting S tarted Guide and Release Notes for IPSO.
If the login screen does not appear, you might not have a physical network connection
between the host and your appliance, or you might have a network routing pro blem. Confirm
the information you entered during the initial configuration and check that all cables are
firmly connected.
Logging Off
When you are finished with your Network Voyager session, or if you need to log in to a new
session, log out by clicking Log Off at the top of the Network Voyager window.
The Log Off link does not appear if you disabled session management. For information
about session management, see “Network Voyager Session Management” on page 311.
Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide25
Obtaining a Configuration Lock
When you log in with exclusive configuration lock, no other user will be able to change the
system configuration. Only users with read/write access privileges are allowed to log in with
exclusive configuration lock.
If you acquire a configuration lock and then close your browser without logging out, the lock
remains in effect until the session time-out elapses or someone manually overrides the lock. For
instructions about how to override a configuration lock, see “To override a configuration lock.”
Users who have one or more read/write access privileges (as defined by the administrator under
role-based administration) acquire configuration locks unless they uncheck the Acquire Exclusive Configuration Lock check box when they log in. However, their read/write access is
limited to the features assigned by the administrator even though the configuration lock is in
effect for all features.
To log in with exclusive configuration lock
1. At the login, enter your user name.
2. Enter your password.
3. Check the Acquire Exclusive Configuration Lock check box. This is the default.
4. Click Log In.
Enabling the exclusive configuration lock in Network Voyager prevents you or other users
from using the CLI to configure the system while your browser session is active.
To log in without exclusive configuration lock
1. At the login, enter your user name.
2. Enter your password.
3. Uncheck the Acquire Exclusive Configuration Lock check box.
4. Click Log In.
To override a configuration lock
Only users with read/write access privileges are allowed to override an exclusive
configuration lock.
1. From the login page, click Log In with Advanced Options.
2. Verify that the Acquire Exclusive Configuration Lock check box is chec ked. This is the
default choice.
3. Check the Override Locks Acquired by Other Users check box.
26Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide
4. Enter your user name and password.
5. Click Log In.
Navigating in Network Voyager
The following table explains the functions of the buttons in Network Voyager. Other button s are
described in the inline help for each page.
Avoid using your browser’s Back and Forward buttons while in Network Voyager. The browser
caches the HTML page information; therefore, using Back and Forward may not display the
latest configuration and diagnostic information as you move from page to page.
Reloading Pages
If the pages seem to have outdated information, you can use the Reload button on the browser to
update it. You can also clear memory and disk cache with the following procedure.
To clear the memory and disk cache
1. Select Network Preferences from the Options menu in Netscape.
2. Select Cache in the Preferences window.
3. Click the Clear Memory Cache Now button, then click OK.
4. Click Clear Disk Cache Now, then click OK.
5. Click OK or close the Preferences window.
Accessing Documentation and Help
You can access the Nokia Network V oyager Refer ence Guide for IPSO, the CLI Refer ence Guide,
and Network Voyager online help from links within the Network Voyager interface.
ApplyApplies the settings on the current page (and any deferred applies from other pages) to
the current (running) configuration file in memory.
FeedbackTakes you to the documentation or Technical Assistance Center (TAC) feedback page.
Help Displays help for all elements of the page.
Reset RoutingRestarts the routing daemon.
SaveSaves the current (running) configuration file to disk.
Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide27
This guide, the Nokia Network Voyager Reference Guide for IPSO, is the comprehensive
reference source for IPSO administration and using the Network Voyager interface. You can
access this guide and the CLI Reference Guide from the following locations:
Network Voyager interface—Click the Documentation link in the tree view.
Nokia support site (
On the software CD that might have been delivered with your appliance. If you have a CD,
the documentation is located in the doc folder.
Inline help supplies context sensitive information for Network Voyager. T o access inline help for
a Network Voyager page, navigate to that page and click Help. Text-only definitions and related
information on fields, buttons, and sections appear in a separate window.
Inline and online help use the following text conventions.
You can preserve the current page content in your browser and start another browser window to
display the inline or online help text by using the following procedure.
To open a new window to view help
1. Right-click the Doc button.
2. Click Open Link in New Browser Window.
Displays the online help in a new window.
3. Right-click the Help On button.
4. Click Open Link in New Browser Window.
Displays the inline (text-only) help in a new window.
Type of TextDescription
italic textIntroduces a word or phrase, highlights an important term, phrase, or hypertext link,
indicates a field name, system message, or document title.
typewriter textIndicates a UNIX command, program, file name, or path name.
bold typewriter text Indicates text to be entered verbatim by you.
Represents the name of a key on the keyboard, of a button displayed on your
screen, or of a button or switch on the hardware. For example, press the R
<bracketed>Indicates an argument that you or the software replaces with an appropriate value.
For example, the command rm <filename> indicates that you should type rm
followed by the filename of the file to be removed.
Indicates a hypertext link.
- OR -Indicates an exclusive choice between two items.
28Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide
Viewing Hardware and Software Information for Your
The asset management summary page provides a summary of all system resources, including
hardware, software and the operating system. The hardware summary includes information
about the CPU, Disks, BIOS, and motherboard, including the serial number, model number, and
capacity, or date, as appropriate. The summary also displays the amount of memory on the
The Check Point FireWall summary lists information about the host and policy installed and the
date on which the FireWall policy was installed. The summary also describes which version of
the FireWall is running and license information.
The operating system summary lists which software release and version of that release is
running on the system.
To view the asset management summary
1. Click Asset Management under Configuration in the tree view.
The asset management summary page appears.
2. The page separates information into three tables: Hardware, FireWall Package Information,
and Operating System.
3. Click the Up button to return to the main configuration page.
Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide29
2Configuring Interfaces
This chapter describes configuring and monitoring the various types of interfaces supported by
Nokia IP security platforms, aggregating Ethernet ports, configuring GRE and DVMRP tunnels,
using transparent mode to allow your IPSO appliance to behave like a Layer 2 device, and other
topics related to physical and logical interfaces.
Interface Overview
Nokia IPSO support the following interface types.
Ethernet/Fast Ethernet
Gigabit Ethernet
ATM (RFC1483 PVCs only)
Serial (V.35 and X.21) running PPP, point-to-point Frame Relay, or Cisco HDLC
T1/E1 running PPP, Frame Relay, or Cisco HDLC
HSSI running PPP, point-to-point Frame Relay, or Cisco HDLC
VPN Tunneling
Token Ring
Unnumbered Interface
For information on what types of interfaces your appliance model supports, see your
hardware installation guide.
You can configure these interfaces with IP addresses. You also can assign additional IP
addresses to the loopback, FDDI, and Ethernet interfaces. All interface types support IP
30Nokia Network Voyager for IPSO 4.0 Reference Guide
IP2250 Management Ports
The Ethernet management ports on IP2250 systems are designed to be used for the following
Managing the appliance
Firewall synchronization traffic
IP cluster protocol traffic
Connection to a log server
The management ports are not suitable for forwarding production data traffic. Do not
use them for this purpose.
Configuring Network Devices
Network Voyager displays network devices as physical interfaces. A physical interface exists for
each physical port on a network interface card (NIC) installed in the appliance. Physical
interface names have the form:
is a prefix indicating the device type.
is the number of the slot the device occupies in the appliance.
is the port number of the NIC. The first port on a NIC is port one. For example, a
two-port Ethernet NIC in slot 2 is represented by two physical interfaces:
The following table lists the interface-name prefixes for each type.
Token Ring
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