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Nokia N91
Hard drive maintenance
Nokia N91
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Hard drive maintenance
The purpose of this document is to help you to
perform basic maintenance tasks such as
defragmenting and scanning for errors with your
compatible PC, as well as other hard drive
maintenance and troubleshooting.
NOTE: Before doing any maintenance
back up your hard drive data to a
compatible computer.
Backing up and restoring data
There are four different ways to back up your data
•Device memory: Use Nokia PC Suite (this is especially
important if you have digital rights management
(DRM) protected content)
•Hard drive data: Using compatible PC and File
Manager (Select Mass Storage mode and drag and
drop your device hard drive contents to your
compatible PC)
•Hard drive data: Using Apple Macintosh (Select Mass
Storage mode and drag and drop your device hard
drive contents on to, for example, your Mac desktop)
•Music on hard drive: If you want to back up only your
music, you may also use Windows Media Player and
sunchronize the music.
When the hard drive is formatted, all data on the
drive is permanently lost. Back up data you want to
keep before formatting the hard drive. You can use
Nokia PC Suite to back up data to a compatible PC. If
your device needs to be repaired or replaced, a
backup copy is required to restore data protected
by digital rights management technologies (DRM).
Digital rights management technologies may
prevent some backup data from being restored.
Contact your service provider for more information
about the DRM used for your content.
NOTE: In case your device is swapped,
completely erased, or you have no copy
of your License rights, it is
recommended keep a list of all the
purchased DRM protected content that
you have. A copy of, for example, your
credit card invoice is good proof of
purchase in case you need to ask for
your licenses back from the content
Hard drive maintenance
Copyright © Nokia. All rights reserved.

Hard drive troubleshooting using your Nokia N91 device
With your Nokia device you can format the hard drive
and back up your device’s memory to hard drive.
How to perform these tasks is described below.
•To access hard drive tools with your Nokia device go
to Menu ( ) - My Own - Hard Drive
•Select Options - Tools (make sure your device is fully
charged or plugged into a charger before performing
any of the tasks below
•Format hard drive
•Full format (normally takes >25 min) scans the
drive for errors before formatting. Quick format
(normally takes <1 min) deletes all the
information from the disk without scanning the
disk first. Use this option for a previously
Hard drive troubleshooting using your Nokia N91 device
formatted disk, if you are sure the disk is not
Copyright © Nokia. All rights reserved.
•Back up device memory to hard drive
•Hard drive is shut down when:
•Vibra is active
•Operating temperature limits are reached
(high of +70C or a low of 0C )
•Device detects free fall
•Back cover is removed
Checking Memory Usage
You can check the memory status of your Nokia
device hard drive as follows:
•Go to Menu ( ) - My Own - Hard Drive to access
hard drive Memory details with your Nokia device
•Select Options - Memory details as shown below

Hard drive troubleshooting using your compatible PC
Connect your Nokia N91 to your compatible PC using
a DKE-2 USB cable. Once a connection is made the
following screens will be displayed on the Nokia N91.
If the "Select Mode" menu does not appear when the
cable is connected to your compatible PC, go to
Connectivity and select the appropriate connectivity
•To access Connectivity options with your Nokia
device go to Menu ( ) - Connect. - Data cbl.
•Select Options - Change and select "Ask on
connection" as shown below.
Before disconnecting the device from your PC be
sure to eject it using (Safely Remove Hardware)
as shown below.
Hard drive troubleshooting using your compatible PC
Copyright © Nokia. All rights reserved.