Nokia E66210.32 Product Overview

Product Overview
Ethernet bridge adapters 100BASE-T, E66210.32 10/100BASE-T, E66210.33
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Product Overview
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1 Product description ...............................................................................4
2 Hardware installation instructions .......................................................7
2.1 Front panel...............................................................................................9
2.2 Cabling...................................................................................................11
3 Product features................................................................................... 12
3.1 Bridge.....................................................................................................12
3.2 LAN ........................................................................................................12
3.3 WAN.......................................................................................................13
3.4 Environmental ........................................................................................13
3.5 Modem requirements .............................................................................13
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1 Product description
The Nokia ET-adapter is a plug-and-play Ethernet interface adapter for Dynanet (DNT) modems. This Ethernet interface adapter can be installed to the adapter port of a DNT modem.
Product Overview
Figure 1. ET adapter
The main function of the ET-adapter is to bridge two LANs over the WAN. Ethernet frames received from the LAN are encapsulated inside the HDLC frames and the HDLC frames are sent to the WAN according the serial data speed of WAN. The WAN interface of ET-adapter is connecte d to the interfa ce port of DNT-series modem. Packets that are received from WAN are decapsulated from HDLC frame and then sent to Ethernet interface of an ET­adapter.
WAN transmission rate and used time slots are selected fr om the modem end. The modem can indicate adapter type and Ethernet link status. All other settings
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Product description
are fixed. There are three selectable Ethernet interface se ttings i n E662 10.3 3: 10BASE half and full duplex and 100BASE full duplex.
The data path and main components of ET-adapter are described in the block diagram below.
Figure 2. Block diagr am
ET-adapter is compatible to virtual LANs and 802.1Q VLAN tags are forwarded transparently over the WAN. Using virtual LANs several subnets can be combinated to the one Ethernet link, but only if also Ethernet switches support VLANs.
3,3V / 1,8V
Ethernet switch
ET-Adapter 100 BASE-T
Link integrity & activity
Ethernet switch
Figure 3. VLAN
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