Nokia E63 Email Set-up Guide

Mail for Exchange (Activesync)
If your company uses Microsoft
Exchange and is set up to allow
mobile access, you can also access
your Microsoft Exchange Email account
by using the Nokia Mail for Exchange
Client preloaded on your Nokia E63.
If you have a Yahoo! account, you will need to enable POP3 on your online Yahoo! Mail account.
Set-up Guide
You will find all the info on how to set up Microsoft Exchange Email in
the Mail for Exchange User Guide
in the Nokia E63 box.
Grab your Nokia E63 and click
‘Set up Email’ wizard from the
Home Screen and follow the directions in the user guide.
1. Log on to your Yahoo! Mail account from your PC and click on ‘Options’
3. On your Nokia E63, click ‘Set up Email’ wizard from the Home Screen.
5. Choose the Internet access point.
Nokia’s email wizard will create a new
email mailbox for you in the ‘Messaging’
2. Go to ‘POP Access and Forwarding‘ & check ‘Web & POP Access’ and click ‘Save’
4. Enter your Yahoo! Mail address and password.
For Nokia E63
If you have a Gmail™ account you can use the email set-up
wizard to set up your email.
You can also access your
Windows Live™ Hotmail and
chat with your friends using
Windows Live™ Messenger.
Got another kind
of email account?
You can also access your
home or personal email accounts
like iiNet, BigPond or OptusNet.
1. On your Nokia E63, click ‘Set up Email’ wizard from the Home Screen.
3. Choose the Internet access point.
2. Enter your Gmail
address and password.
Nokia’s email wizard will create a new
email mailbox for you in the ‘Messaging’
You will find this application
in the Installations folder
from the main menu on
your Nokia E63.
Enter your Windows Live™
Hotmail email username
& password & select the
Internet access point.
You’re ready to email and
instant message.
1. Grab your Nokia E63 and click ‘Set up Email’ wizard from the Home Screen
2. Enter your email address & password & select the Internet access point.
You’re ready to email.
For further assistance call
Nokia Care on 1300 366 733
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