Nokia CPE25400 User Guide

CPEo 400
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The software described in this document is the property o f Motorola, Inc and its licensors. It is furnished by express license agreement only and may be used only in accordance with the terms of such an agreement.
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The CE mark conrms Motorola, Inc. statement of compliance with EU directives applicable to this product. Copies of the Declaration of Compliance and installation information in accordance with the requirements of EN50385 can be obtained from the local Motorola representative or by contacting the Customer Network Resolution Center (CNRC). The 24 hour telephone numbers are listed at h Network Resolution Center contact information. Alternatively if you do not have access to CNRC or the internet, contact the Local Motorola Ofce.
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MAR 2008
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WiMAX CPEo400 Series User Guide
RevisionHistory......................................... 2
VersionInformation..................................... 2
Chapter 1: WiMAX CPEo400 Series User Guide
ProductOverview........................................ 1-2
WiMAXCPEo400SeriesOverview.............................. 1-2
PowerfulFeaturesinaSingleUnit.............................. 1-3
OperatingInformation.................................... 1-3
Chapter 2: Installation
HardwareInstallationOverview................................. 2-2
SoftwareInstallationOverview ................................. 2-3
WhatYouNeedtoBegin................................... 2-3
AdvancedSetup....................................... 2-3
ProceduretoLogintotheCPE.................................. 2-4
Before you Begin Conguration............................... 2-4
LoggingintotheCPE .................................... 2-4
SetupWizardandAuthentication ................................ 2-6
WizardStepOne—EnableLoginPasswordProtection ................... 2-6
WizardStepTwo—DeviceTime............................... 2-6
WizardStepThree—WiMAXSecurity............................ 2-6
CPEUserScreens...................................... 2-8
Chapter 3: Basic Conguration
Basic Con gurationOverview.................................. 3-2
PersonalizeMenu ...................................... 3-2
InternetMenu........................................ 3-4
StatusMenu......................................... 3-7
Chapter 4 : Advanced Conguration
Advanced CongurationOverview................................ 4-2
PortForwardingMenu.................................... 4-2
LocalAddressMenu..................................... 4-3
ControlPanelMenu..................................... 4-6
Chapter 5: Glossary and Troubleshooting
GlossaryofTerms........................................ 5-2
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Glossary........................................... 5-2
BasicTroubleshootingOverview................................. 5-3
AComputerCannotLogOntotheCPE........................... 5-3
CannotConnecttotheInternet............................... 5-3
AdditionalTroubleshootingSupport............................. 5-3
Chapter 6: Conguring TCP/IP and DNS Settings
ConguringTCP/IP ....................................... 6-2
ConguringTCP/IPinWindows2000............................ 6-2
ConguringTCP/IPinWindowsXP ............................. 6-6
Chapter 7: Important Safety and Legal Information
ImportantSafetyInformation.................................. 7-2
This Product complies with the following RF energy exposure standards and guidelines: . . 7-2
CaringfortheEnvironment................................... 7-7
DisposalofMotorolaEquipmentinEUCountries...................... 7-7
DisposalofMotorolaNetworksEquipmentinNonEUCountries .............. 7-7
CMMDisclosure....................................... 7-7
CopyrightsandTrademarks................................... 7-9
Notice............................................ 7-9
Copyrights.......................................... 7-9
UsageDisclosureRestrictions................................ 7-9
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List of Figures
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Figure1-1:CPEo400Unit.................................... 1-2
Figure2-1:CPELoginScreen.................................. 2-4
Figure2-2:CPEStatusScreen.................................. 2-7
Figure2-3:UserButtons..................................... 2-8
Figure3-1:PersonalizeMenu.................................. 3-2
Figure3-2:CPEInternetMenu ................................. 3-5
Figure3-3:CPEStatusMenu.................................. 3-7
Figure4-1:CPEPortForwardingMenuNew .......................... 4-2
Figure4-2:CPELocalAddressMenu.............................. 4-4
Figure4-3:CPEControlPanelMenu............................... 4-6
Figure6-1:WindowsControlPanel ............................... 6-2
Figure6-2:NetworkandDial-upConnections.......................... 6-3
Figure6-3:LocalAreaConnection................................ 6-3
Figure6-4:Properties...................................... 6-4
Figure6-5:SelectNetworkConnectionType .......................... 6-4
Figure6-6:SelectNetworkProtocol............................... 6-5
Figure6-7:InternetProtocol(TCP/IP)Properties........................ 6-5
Figure6-8:WindowsXPStartWindow.............................. 6-6
Figure6-9:ControlPanel .................................... 6-6
Figure6-10:NetworkandInternetConnections......................... 6-7
Figure6-11:ControlPanelClassicView............................. 6-7
Figure6-12:NetworkConnections ............................... 6-8
Figure6-13:LocalAreaConnectionProperties......................... 6-8
Figure6-14:InternetProtocol(TCP/IP)Properties ....................... 6-9
Figure7-1:EURoHS ...................................... 7-7
Figure7-2:ChinaManagementMethods(CMM)DisclosureTable................ 7-8
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List of Figures
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List of Tables
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Table1:Manualversionhistory................................. 2
Table2-1:UserScreens..................................... 2-8
Table3-1:PasswordFields.................................... 3-3
Table3-2:DeviceTimeFields.................................. 3-3
Table3-3:DeviceNameFields.................................. 3-3
Table3-4:RestoreFactorySettingsFields............................ 3-4
Table3-5:WiMAXSecurityFields................................ 3-5
Table3-6:FirewallFields.................................... 3-6
Table3-7:DynamicDNSFields ................................. 3-6
Table4-1:PortForwardingBasicFields............................. 4-3
Table4-2:PortForwardingForwardingScreenFields...................... 4-3
Table4-3:DHCPServerFields.................................. 4-4
Table4-4:LeaseStatusFields.................................. 4-5
Table4-5:LeaseReservationFields............................... 4-5
Table4-6:SoftwareTabFields.................................. 4-7
Table4-7:SystemTabFields................................... 4-7
Table5-1:GlossaryTerms.................................... 5-2
Table7-1:ComplianceStatement................................ 7-3
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List of Tables
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WiMAX CPEo400 Series User Guide
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Revision History
Revision History
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The following shows the issue status of this manual since it was rst released.
Version Information
Table 1 Manual version history
Date of issue
AUG 2007
SEP 2007
C OCT 2007
MAR 2008
CPEo400 User Guide Release
Upissue to Initial Release
Includes review comments
Update to remove Desktop
2 68P09285A67-D
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WiMAX CPEo400 Series User Guide
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68P09285A67-D 1-1 MAR 2008
Product Overview Chapter 1: WiMAX CPEo400 Series User Guide
Product Overview
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WiMAX CPEo400 Series Overview
Figure 1-1 CPEo400 Unit
Thank you for purchasing the Motorola Customer Premises Equipment Outdoor (CPEo) 400 device. The Outdoor CPE allows you to connect to the wireless world easily and seamlessly.
The CPE outdoor (CPEo) device provides the user:
Convenience — with easy plug and play functionality. Flexible connectivity. Compact
Performance — high gain antenna providing B est in Class range in outdoor environment.
Control — remote management capability allows easy det ection and authentication once
the unit is setup.
The features and the physical appearance of your Outdoor CPE device m ay differ slightly from the illustration. This product is subject to change. For the most recent documentation, visit the Product Documentation page on
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WiMAX CPEo400 Series User Guide Powerful Features in a Single Unit
Powerful Features in a Single Unit
The CPE device provides the following features:
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) Access
Home Gateway Functions
Operating Information
Operating temperature for this unit is -40C to 55C (-40F to 131F).
68P09285A67-D 1-3 MAR 2008
Operating Information Chapter 1: WiMAX CPEo400 Series User Guide
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68P09285A67-D 2-1 MAR 2008
Hardware Installation Overview Chapter 2: Installation
Hardware Installation Overview
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The CPEo400 is an outdoor unit and the hardware installation is beyond the scope of this document. Please arrange with your service provider for professional installation.
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WiMAX CPEo400 Series User Guide Software Installation Overview
Software Installation Overview
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What You Need to Begin
Once the C PEo400 has been professionally installed by your service provider, you will need:
Ensure your computer is plugged in, and the ethernet cable is connected from your computer to the CPE.
Advanced Setup
The CPE can also be used to connect to a multi-port switch (hub) - purchased separately from the CPE. Connecting the CPE device to a hub will allow you to connect more than one computer to your CPE device.
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Procedure to Log into the CPE Chapter 2: Installation
Procedure to Log into the CPE
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Before you Begin Conguration
Some settings on your computer must be veried or changed to e nsu r e that your computer conguration can support the Outdoor CPE.
Verify that the Network Settings of your LAN Connection on your computer are set to Automatically Obtain IP Addresses and Automatically Obtain DNS Server Addresses. Refer to
Chapter 6 Conguring TCP/IP and DNS Settings for instructions.
Logging into the CPE
Use the following procedure to log into the CPE
Figure 2-1 CPE Login Screen
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WiMAX CPEo400 Series User Guide Logging into the CPE
Procedure 2-1 Logging into the CPE
2 3
Verify that the Network Settings of your LAN Connection on your computer are set to Automatically Obtain IP Addresses and Automatically Obtain DNS Server Addresses. Refer to Chapter 6 Conguring TCP/IP and DNS Settings
On a computer that is connected to the CPE, open a web browser. In the Address or Location eld, type http://mywimax. and press ENTER
to display the login screen.
You must include the period (.) after http://mywimax. in order to access the login screen.
5 6 7
The Welcome to Motorola WiMAX CPE screen will be displayed and will prompt you for a password.
In the Password eld, enter motorola for the password. Click Login
First time users will see a pop-up box that states:
Result: The Wizard application will guide y ou through for the rst time conguration. Click OK button to continue.
Click the OK button to launch the wizard application.
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