Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones 2000. All rights reserved | Date: 06.03.01, ver. 1.0

1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 1
2. INSTALLATION............................................................................................................. 1
3. GENERAL THINGS ABOUT THE DRIVER.................................................................... 2
4. USING THE US E R INTERFAC E................................................................................... 2
5. SETTING UP A NEW CONNECTION............................................................................ 4
3. MAKING A DIAL-UP CONNECTION..............................................................................6
4. HANGING UP THE CONNECTION............................................................................... 7
6. UNINSTALLATION........................................................................................................7
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Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones 2000. All rights reserved | Date: 06.03.01, ver. 1.0

How to configure a Windows CE device to function using the Nokia Cardphone 2.0 phone as
a modem
To install and run NCP2, you need the following:
• Nokia Cardphone 2.0
• A Windows CE device with ARM, SH3 or MIPS CPU and PC Card slot
• A Windows CE version 2.11/2.12/3.0 device with at least 700k free space
• A connection to the desktop PC via a serial/USB or IR
• Windows 95/98/NT4.0/2000 operating system with ActiveSync 3.0 or above
• At least 2 MB of free hard disk space
• Data services (at least outgoing data) should be activated in order to be able to make
data calls
• Descent GSM coverage and preferably a full battery in the Windows CE device as the
data connection's power consumption is usually quite high.
1. Please make sure you meet the system requirements listed above
2. Connect your Windows CE device to your computer and activate ActiveSync
3. Run the executable provided to be expanded into a folder or run Winzip to unzip all files
4. Run Setup.exe in the desktop and all necessary files will be copied to the Windows CE
5. When the setup program asks: "Install using the default directory" click "Yes"
6. After installation, click "OK” in Windows and press the hard reset button in your Windows
CE device