Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No. SB-012/18.02.00
Technical Support, Europe & Africa
In some cases the Roller Key on NSE-5 has not worked. This can be caused
by the following:
1. Guide pin on B-cover is too long
The right holder of the RTC-battery (see picture below), which is a
component of the B-cover, pushes against R411 on the PCB. Due to these
forces the solder breaks (in addition to this it is possible that R411 could
break itself) and then the connection is open. Due to this the roller key does
not work.
NSE-5 SB-012
Procedure how to fix the malfunction
The right guide pin must be cut manually with a tool as indicated on picture
below. (A similar tool can also be used.) The nominal height of the guide pin
after cutting must be 1.4mm.
Please remember to cut only the right guide pin (see picture below)!!
NSE-5 SB-012