Nokia 6620 User Manual

version 2.1
for the Nokia 6600/6620
User’s Guide
© 2004 Novarra, Inc.
October 15, 2004
nweb User’s Guide
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nweb User’s Guide

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ................................................................................................ i
Chapter 1: About This Book ............................................................................... 1
Chapter 2: Introduction....................................................................................... 3
Phone System Requirements ................................................................................................................ 3
Installing nweb .................................................................................................................................... 3
Starting nweb....................................................................................................................................... 4
Use of the Phone Navigation Joystick .................................................................................................. 4
Web Page ........................................................................................................................................4
Popup Menus ..................................................................................................................................5
Function Screens .............................................................................................................................5
What nweb Looks Like ....................................................................................................................... 5
Screen Layout .................................................................................................................................5
Using nweb Menus.............................................................................................................................. 6
Main Menu ......................................................................................................................................6
Opening the Main Menu ...........................................................................................................6
Main Menu Shortcuts ................................................................................................................6
Table of Main Menu Icons, Commands and Shortcuts ............................................................6
Using the Left or Right Softkeys to Initiate Commands ................................................................8
Function Screen Softkeys and Menus .............................................................................................8
About Screen Softkeys ..............................................................................................................8
Address: Screen Softkeys .........................................................................................................8
Advanced Options Screen Softkeys ..........................................................................................9
Dropdown List (Multiple-Choice) Softkeys .............................................................................9
Dropdown List (Single-Choice) Softkeys .................................................................................9
Edit Favorite Screen Softkeys .................................................................................................10
Favorites Screen Softkeys .......................................................................................................10
History Screen Softkeys ..........................................................................................................11
nweb User’s Guide i
Table of Contents
Main Menu Softkeys ...............................................................................................................11
Options Screen Softkeys .........................................................................................................12
Splash Screen ..........................................................................................................................12
Web Page Softkeys .................................................................................................................13
Clear Key ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Chapter 3: Browsing the Web on Your Phone ................................................ 15
Loading a Web Page ........................................................................................................................... 15
Following a Link................................................................................................................................. 16
Returning to a Web Page You Just Visited......................................................................................... 16
To Go Back to the Last Page You Visited ....................................................................................16
To Go Forward Through the History List .....................................................................................16
Going to Your Home Page.................................................................................................................. 17
Stopping the Web Page Download Process ........................................................................................ 17
Refreshing a Page ............................................................................................................................... 17
Using Passwords ................................................................................................................................. 17
Interacting with Forms........................................................................................................................ 18
Using Text Fields and Text Areas ................................................................................................18
Using Radio Buttons and Checkboxes ..........................................................................................18
Dropdown Lists .............................................................................................................................18
Single-Choice Dropdown Lists ...............................................................................................19
Multiple-Choice Dropdown Lists ...........................................................................................19
Submitting Forms .........................................................................................................................19
PUSH Messages.................................................................................................................................. 19
Closing nweb..................................................................................................................................... 20
Closing nweb From any Page or Screen .....................................................................................20
Closing nweb From the Main Menu ...........................................................................................20
Chapter 4: Viewing, Adding, Editing and Deleting Favorites ........................ 21
Viewing a Favorite.............................................................................................................................. 21
Adding a Favorite ............................................................................................................................... 22
To Add a Favorite from a Loaded Page ........................................................................................22
ii nweb User’s Guide
Table of Contents
To Add a Favorite from the Favorites Screen ...............................................................................22
Editing a Favorite................................................................................................................................ 23
Deleting a Favorite.............................................................................................................................. 23
Chapter 5: Finding Web Pages You Recently Visited .................................... 25
Returning to a Page in the History List............................................................................................... 25
Clearing the History............................................................................................................................ 26
Chapter 6: Customizing nweb .......................................................................... 27
The Options Screen - Basic ................................................................................................................ 27
Opening the Options Screen .........................................................................................................27
Home Page ....................................................................................................................................28
Image Retrieval .............................................................................................................................28
Image Quality ...............................................................................................................................28
Swap Navigation Keys ..................................................................................................................29
Cache ............................................................................................................................................29
Additional Cache Features ............................................................................................................29
Startup ...........................................................................................................................................30
Locale ............................................................................................................................................30
The Options Screen - Advanced ......................................................................................................... 31
Opening the Advanced Screen ......................................................................................................31
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 33
Poor Signal or No Signal .................................................................................................................... 33
Problems After Changing Options...................................................................................................... 33
Error Conditions ................................................................................................................................. 34
Home Page does not load when nweb is launched ......................................................................34
The Navigation Joystick doesn’t work as expected ......................................................................34
The Unable to Load Page error message appears .........................................................................34
Error Messages ................................................................................................................................... 34
HTTP Error Messages ..................................................................................................................34
nweb Error Messages ..................................................................................................................36
Index .................................................................................................................. 39
nweb User’s Guide iii
Table of Contents
iv nweb User’s Guide

About This Book

nweb is your phone’s gateway to the Web. nweb User’s Guide helps you to
use nweb to visit Web pages. Later, use this User’s Guide as a reference for less common tasks, such as changing your home page.
nweb User’s Guide makes the following assumptions:
You know how to use the basic functions of your Nokia 6600, such as using the keyboard, entering text, and launching applications.
You have all the elements you need to connect to the Internet.
You know how to configure your phone to connect to the internet.
For information about any aspect of your phone, please consult the documentation that came with your phone or your phone service carrier.
nweb User’s Guide explains the following topics:
Chapter 2, “Introduction”
Chapter 3, “Browsing the Web on Your Phone”
Chapter 4, “Viewing, Adding, Editing and Deleting Favorites”
Chapter 5, “Finding Web Pages You Recently Visited”
Chapter 6, “Customizing nweb”
Chapter 7, “Troubleshooting”
nweb User’s Guide 1
About This Book
2 nweb User’s Guide
Welcome to nweb. Soon you will be connecting to Internet and intranet content throughout your coverage area. much like the Web browsers you use on your desktop computer. You can enter Web addresses (also called URLs - Uniform Resource Locators), create bookmarks to your favorite pages, and visit pages in your history list. More importantly,
nweb is designed to be used on the small screen of your phone.

Phone System Requirements

NOTE Cell phone features, functions and buttons vary between models
and manufacturers. You should have knowledge of the use and navigation features of your phone. You should refer to the user documentation provided by the manufacturer or carrier for your phone.


nweb is easy to use because it works

Installing nweb

To run
6 MB internal memory
Internet access provide by your carrier.
1. If not already done, purchase nweb by going to
2. After completing your purchase, an SMS message is sent to your phone.
3. From the Main Menu, go to the Inbox:
4. From the Inbox, highlight the message received and press the center of the
5. A page with a link appears. Press the center of the Navigation Joystick.
nweb, your phone must have the following:
MIDP 2.0
Be sure you know your phone's manufacturer and model number, your phone number and your carrier (e.g. Nokia 6600, 8475551212, AT&T). Follow the instructions found on the Web page to purchase nweb.
Navigation Joystick.
6. Thanks for your Purchase appears. Start the downloading: Options
nweb User’s Guide 3
Service options → Download
7. An Install nWeb? confirmation screen appears. Confirm installation: Ye s
Continue → OK
8. You may get the following message: Application nWeb is untrusted. Continue anyway? Select Yes .
9. The Select Memory screen appears. Select Ph mem and then press OK.
10. The Installation screen with a status bar appears. It may take a minute or two to complete the download. An Installation Complete screen will appear and disappear a few seconds after the download is complete.
11. When the Installation screen disappears, and you are back to the Thanks
for your Purchase screen, close the download application: Options → Close browser → Options → Exit
12. Scroll to the bottom of the Main Menu to find the

Starting nweb

1. From the phone’s main menu, scroll to nweb and press the center of the
navigation joystick (or Options
2. The
NOTE The rest of the instructions in this User’s Guide assume that you are already running nweb.
nweb splash screen appears.
Open) to run.

Use of the Phone Navigation Joystick

The Navigation Joystick on your phone allows you to move around the menus and Web pages in nweb. To use, move the joystick up, down, left and right (shown with red arrows 1 to 4).
nweb icon.

Web Page

Pressing the Navigation Joystick left or right moves you one element left or right on a Web page. Pressing it up or down moves you up or down one screen. Press the center of the Navigation Joystick (shown with red arrow 5) to select text fields, dropdown lists, checkboxes and radio buttons. When in text fields, pressing the Navigation Joystick right or left moves one character.
4 nweb User’s Guide

Popup Menus

Function Screens

What nweb Looks Like

You can change these actions by checking Swap Nav Keys on the Options screen. When this option is selected, pressing the Navigation Joystick up or down moves the cursor one element left or right. Pressing it left or right moves you up or down one page.
NOTE With the Swap Nav Keys option selected, the action of the Navigation Joystick does not change in the Main Menu, popup menus or function screens.
The Options Softkey opens a popup menu containing one or more options. Scroll to a menu item and press the center of the Navigation Joystick or press the Select Softkey to initiate the choice. Press the Cancel Softkey to close the popup menu with no action taken.
Pressing the Navigation Joystick up or down moves you one line on the function screen. When in text fields, pressing it right or left moves one character. Press the center of the Navigation Joystick to select function screen items, checkboxes and radio buttons.
What nweb Looks Like
This section shows the layout of nweb and defines the functions of the various indicators.
NOTE The “look” (colors, background, etc.) of nweb may be different than what is shown in this guide. However, the functions remain the same.

Screen Layout

The diagram on the right shows you the layout of nweb on your phone.
nweb User’s Guide 5

Using nweb Menus

Main Menu

The Main Menu is the place to go to perform the various functions found in
Opening the Main Menu
1. Go to the Main Menu by pressing the Options Softkey and selecting Menu. Press the Select Softkey or the center of the Navigation Joystick.
-or­Press the Menu Softkey.
2. Select the function you want to perform by highlighting the appropriate icon by using the Navigation Joystick.
NOTE A grayed out icon means that function is not available.
3. Use the OK Softkey to launch the function, and the Cancel Softkey to
Main Menu Shortcuts
NOTE The Main Menu shortcuts only work when on a Web page or the
Main Menu.
nweb provides shortcuts to the Main Menu. Pressing the assigned key while
on a Web page or the Main Menu will initiate the function. Example: Pressing the 5 Key will open the Address screen (same as selecting the Load icon). The table below shows the various icons and shortcuts for the menu commands.
Table of Main Menu Icons, Commands and Shortcuts
Home 1
Show Favorites
close the Main Menu without performing any actions.
Selecting this icon and pressing the OK Softkey takes you to your home page.
Selecting this icon and pressing the OK Softkey displays the Favorites screen. The screen contains a list of saved Web addresses. See Chapter 4, “Viewing, Adding, Editing
and Deleting Favorites” for more information.
6 nweb User’s Guide
Using nweb Menus
Add To Favorites
Back 4
Load 5
Forward 6
History 7
Saves the current Web address to your Favorites list. Start from the page you want to bookmark and open the Main Menu. Select this icon and press the OK Softkey.
Allows you to return to a page or series of pages that had been previously visited: Open the Main Menu. Select this icon and press the OK Softkey.
Opens the Address: screen where you can enter a Web address. Open the Main Menu. Select this icon and press the OK Softkey. Enter the Web address and press the OK Softkey. More information is found at “Loading a Web
Page” on page 15.
Allows you to return to a page or series of pages that had been visited after the Back function had been used. Open the Main Menu. Select this icon and press the OK Soft- key.
Selecting this icon and pressing the OK Softkey displays the History screen. The screen contains a list of visited Web addresses. See Chapter 5, “Finding Web Pages You
Recently Visited” for more information.
Refresh 8
Options 9
About 0
Exit n/a
Displays an updated (refreshed) version of the current Web page. From the current Web page, open the Main Menu. Select this icon and press the OK Softkey.
Selecting this icon and pressing the OK Softkey displays the Options screen. On this screen, various features can be enabled/disabled and Host address and ports can be entered/changed. See Chapter 6, “Customizing nweb” for more information.
Selecting this icon and pressing the OK Softkey displays the nweb Help page.
Selecting this icon and pressing the OK Softkey displays the nweb by Novarra Version page.
Selecting this icon and pressing the OK Softkey takes you out of nweb client and back to the screen from where you launched nweb.
nweb User’s Guide 7

Using the Left or Right Softkeys to Initiate Commands

When browsing the Web, the bottom line of your phone's display identifies one or more softkeys. These keys are shortcut controls and they correspond to the softkey buttons directly below the phone’s display. Depending on where the cursor is present on the Web page, or on a menu, will determine what function the softkeys will perform.
To use, press the corresponding softkey. If an additional popup menu appears when you press the softkey, select the menu options by highlighting the option using the up/down of the Navigation Joystick and pressing the center of the Navigation Joystick or press the Select Softkey.

Function Screen Softkeys and Menus

The Options Softkey opens a popup menu containing one or more options. Scroll to a menu item and press the center of the Navigation Joystick or press the Select Softkey to initiate the choice. Press the Cancel Softkey, which appears when a menu is opened, to close the popup menu with no action taken.
About Screen Softkeys
Selecting the About icon opens the nweb by Novarra Version page. This page contains version and copyright information.
Options Softkey None
OK - Returns you to the previous
Exit - The application is closed.
Address: Screen Softkeys
Selecting the Load icon opens the Address: screen. From this screen you can enter and launch the Web address you want to visit. You do not need to enter the protocol if it is http://. However, you must enter other protocols, such as https://. Enter the Web address and press the OK Softkey.
Options Softkey OK Softkey
Cancel - Takes you to the
previous screen with no action taken. Exit - The application is closed.
Launches the entered Web address.
8 nweb User’s Guide
+ 32 hidden pages