5620 SAM
8950 AAA GNE Driver Version
1.0.0 Guide
Issue 2
June 2020

5620 SAM
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June 2020
2 Issue 2

5620 SAM
About this document............................................................................................................................................4
1 AAA driver description .........................................................................................................................5
2 Restrictions, limitations, issues ...........................................................................................................5
3 Discovery and management ...............................................................................................................6
4 8950 AAA alarms.................................................................................................................................8
June 2020
Issue 2 33HE-10614-AAAA-TQZZA

About this document
About this document
The 5620 SAM 8950 AAA GNE Driver Version 1.0.0 Guide provides information about the AAA
GNE driver version 1.0.0, including:
• driver capabilities
• known issues
• discovery and management instructions
The 8950 AAA GNE driver extends 5620 SAM management of 8950 AAA GNE devices as
described in 1.1 “AAA driver capabilities” (p. 5).
You can find more information for the 8950 AAA GNE driver in the following guides:
• 5620 SAM GNE Driver Installation Guide
• 5620 SAM GNE Driver Compatibility Guide
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June 2020
4 Issue 2

AAA driver description
1 AAA driver description
1.1 AAA driver capabilities
The AAA driver extends the 5620 SAM fault management support to 8950 AAA devices so that
alarms related to the 8950 AAA can be viewed in the 5620 SAM GUI. The AAA GNE driver version
1.0.0 allows the 5620 SAM to perform fault management for 8950 AAA servers.
1.2 8950 AAA in the Small Cell network
The 8950 AAA server provides authentication, authorization, and accounting services for wired,
wireless, and converged networks. The 8950 AAA supports the RADIUS protocol for authentication
services. In the Small Cell network, the 8950 AAA supports EAP Authentication and Key Agreement
(EAP-AKA), the proprietary EAP-DS2460, and Femto-Authorize-Only authentication methods. The
8950 AAA interfaces with external databases, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
servers, and others to authenticate and authorize Small Cell access points. These external servers
store authentication details about users, authorization profiles, and blacklisted user data.
The 8950 AAA is used for the initial authentication of SC APs before the IPSec tunnel is
5620 SAM
1.3 5620 SAM management
The 5620 SAM supports the following management operations for the 8950 AAA:
• Discovery
The 5620 SAM supports the discovery of the 8950 AAA.
• Link management
The 5620 SAM monitors the link to the 8950 AAA, raises an alarm when the link fails and retries
automatically for link recovery. When the link is recovered, the 5620 SAM clears the alarm
• Fault management
The 5620 SAM normalizes fault events from the 8950 AAA and shows them in the context of the
8950 AAA in the SAM GUI. See the AAAAlarmDictionary.xml file for details.
• Reach-through to the 8950 AAA from the 5620 SAM GUI
The 5620 SAM GUI provides an option to launch an SSH session with the 8950 AAA.
2 Restrictions, limitations, issues
2.1 Closed issues
This is version 1.0.0 of the AAA GNE driver, and there are no closed issues to report.
2.2 Outstanding issues
This section describes problems that customers need to be aware of before deploying the AAA
driver in a live network or lab environment. This is version 1.0.0 of the AAA GNE driver, and there
are no outstanding issues to report.
June 2020
Issue 2 53HE-10614-AAAA-TQZZA