Nivona NICR6.. User Manual

Automatic coffee and espresso machine
User manual and recommendations for use
a passion for coffee.
Display (Main menu)
Steam-hot water-rotary knob
Setting in the display
Height-adjustable spout
Cover water tank
Cover Bean container
On/Off switch
Cup stand
Cup warmer
(Use of the waste heat of the heater)
Service door
Flap of the ground coffee chamber
Drip pan
Used coffee tray
Steam-hot water-jet/ Milk frother/spumatore
Rear rollers
(back, only designs 670 and 680)
Parts of the milk frother
Type label
(remove drip pan)
Cable compartment
Milk container
(only designs 670 and 680)
Dear customer,
Congratulations and many thanks for deciding on a quality product from the house of NIVONA.
To enjoy your NIVONA appliance fully, please read the instruction carefully prior to the use and take note of the safety instructions prior to the first set-up.
Please keep this instruction in a safe place, thus, you can use it as reference and pass it on to possible further users of the appliance.
These symbols in this instruction are used with the following perennial meaning:
Warning: This symbols indicates possible risks. Information: This symbol calls attention to features. Tip: With this symbol, additional tips are indicated.
CAUTION: Hot surface
You can obtain an Application (App) in an Apple-App-Store or in the Google Play-Store for your NIVONA fully automatic machine, with which you are able to control and operate the main functions of your fully automatic machine. Via the menu option “BLUETOOTH’’ you are able to allow or deactivate a connection of your device with your smartphone (see note 3.11.).
Your retailer and your Team NIVONA wish you great coffee pleasure and much joy with your high-quality NIVONA product.
bought at
Place, date
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1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................ 5
2. SET-UP ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.1. Preparation ............................................................................................................ 6
2.2. The most important control elements ........................................................................ 7
2.3. Filling of water and beans ....................................................................................... 7
2.4. Turn on the appliance and fill the system .................................................................. 8
2.5. Turn on appliance during operation ........................................................................ 10
2.6. ECO-Mode ........................................................................................................... 10
3. TAKE/CHANGE BASIC SETTINGS ................................................................................. 10
3.1. Set the operation with or without filter .................................................................... 11
3.2. Set water hardness ............................................................................................... 11
3.3. Choose the flavour ................................................................................................ 11
3.4. Set temperature ................................................................................................... 11
3.5. Set a language ..................................................................................................... 12
3.6. Set an automatic switch-off time ............................................................................ 12
3.7. Switch-off rinsing ................................................................................................. 12
3.8. Factory settings .................................................................................................... 13
3.9. Request statistics ................................................................................................. 13
3.10. Bluetooth ........................................................................................................... 13
4. PREPARE COFFEE SPECIALITIES ................................................................................ 14
4.1. Espresso and coffee should be prepared individually with each preparation. ............... 15
4.2. Change the standard setting for Espresso and coffee ................................................ 15
4.3. Prepare Cappuccino and milk foam, change settings for Cappuccino and milk foam .... 17
4.4. Prepare Cafe Americano and change standard setting for Cafe Americano .................. 20
4.5. Set “My coffee’’ for me and others according to your gusto ....................................... 23
4.6. Set grinding degree ............................................................................................... 24
4.7. Prepare instant coffee (i.e. decaffeinated coffee) ..................................................... 25
5. CLEANING AND CARE ................................................................................................. 25
5.1. Rinse the frother .................................................................................................. 25
5.2. Rinse the system .................................................................................................. 26
5.3. Clean milk frother ................................................................................................. 26
5.4. Clean the system .................................................................................................. 27
5.5. Descale system..................................................................................................... 28
5.6. Regularly clean by hand ........................................................................................ 29
5.7. Cleaning of the brewing unit .................................................................................. 30
5.8. Change filter ........................................................................................................ 30
5.9. Maintenance status............................................................................................... 31
6. SYSTEM NOTIFICATION .............................................................................................. 32
7. SOLVE PROBLEMS BY YOURSELF ................................................................................ 33
8. SPARE PARTS/ACCESSORIES ...................................................................................... 34
9. CUSTOMER SERVICE, GUARANTEE, ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ................................ 34
10. TECHNISCHE DATEN ................................................................................................ 35
• 
1. Safety instructions
1. Safety instructions
• Theappliancemustonlybeusedfortheintendedpurpose(domesticuseonly) andisnotintendedforthecommercialuse(seeguaranteeconditions).Otherwise theguaranteeclaimsexpire.
• Operationvoltageandvoltagemuststrictlymatch.Pleasetakenoteofthetype label/thelabelontheappliance(seepicture1/S).
• Donotusetheapplianceifthepowercableorcaseisdamaged.Donotbringthe powercableintocontactwithhotparts.
• Donotunplugthemainsplugbypullingthepowercable.
• Strictlyfollowthecleaninganddescalinginformation.Nonobservancewillvoid youguaranteeclaims.
• Ensurethattheapplianceisturnedoffandthatthemainsplugisunplugged priortomaintenanceandcleaning.
• Neverletthemainspluggetwetandprotectitagainstmoisture.
• Puttheapplianceonaneven,stablesurfaceanduseinsideonly.Neverputthe applianceonhotsurfacesornearames.
• Thisdevicemaybeusedbychildrenfrom8yearsandolderaswellasofindivid­ualswithreducedphysical,sensoryormentalabilitiesorlimitedexperienceand knowledge,iftheyaresupervisedandinstructedregardingthesafeuseifthe deviceandiftheyunderstandtheresultingrisks.Childrenmustnotplaywiththe device.Cleaningandmaintenancebytheusermustnotbecarriedoutbychildren, unlesstheyare8yearsoldorolderandaresupervised.Thedeviceanditscon­nectioncablearetobekeptawayfromchildrenthatareyoungerthan8years.
• Pleaseunplugthemainsplugduringextendedabsenceoverseveraldays.
• Donotleavetheapplianceswitchedonunnecessarily.Donotsubmergethe applianceintowater.
• Nevercleantheapplianceorpartsoftheapplianceinthedishwasher.Nonobser­vancewillvoidyouguaranteeclaims.
• Immediatelyunplugthemainsplugincaseofamalfunction(neverpullonthe powercableorapplianceitself).
• Liabilityforpossibledamageswillnotbeacceptediftheapplianceisoperated improperly,incorrectlyusedorrepairedunprofessionally.Theguaranteeswillbe cancelledinsuchcases.
• 
1. Safety information / 2. Set up
• Pleaseusetheinternalcoffeegrinderforthegrindingofroastedanduntreated coffeebeansonly,notforanyotherfood!Alwaysensurethattherearenoforeign objectsamongthecoffeebeans– otherwisetheguaranteeiscancelled.
• Pleasecontactthephoneserviceortheretailerofwhichyouhaveboughtthe appliancerstincaseofanyrepairsoftheappliancethatmayberequired-and sendtheapplianceuponconsultationandtakingintoconsiderationpoint9of thisusermanualtoNIVONA Zentralkundendienst, Südwestpark 90, D-90449
• Incasethepowercableisdamaged,itmustbereplacedbythemanufactureror itscustomerserviceorasimilarlyqualiedprofessionaltopreventrisks.
Warning: Electric repairs must only be carried out by professionals! Due to inappropriate repairs serious risks may occur to the user. Is the appliance misused or operated or maintained incorrectly, no liability for possible damage can be accepted! Warning: Operating the On/Off switch (picture 1/H) during the brewing oper­ation can damage the appliance! Only switch it off when the appliance is in standby mode.
Warning: Risk of burns! While supplying steam or hot water, it may initially occur that hot water is spraying out of the steam-hot water - jet / the spuma­tore. Touch the metal outlet of the spumatore in a cooled-off state only.
2. Set-up
2.1. Preparation
➔ Carefully remove the appliance and all supplied parts from the packaging.
The following parts are included in the scope of supply.
• User manual
• Guarantee card
• Measuring spoon with installation aid for the filter cartridge
• two cleaning tablets
• one Claris filter
• one control strip for the water hardness
• one milk container with connection tube (only designs 670 and 680)
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2. Set up
Information: The appliance should be posted in its complete original packaging in case of a customer support service. Please keep the packaging including the polystyrene parts in full.
➔ Put the appliance onto an even, dry and appropriate work surface. ➔ Connect it to a professionally installed socket. ➔ Your appliance has a cable compartment - you can push the cable length which is not required
into the compartment on the back, should the lead be too long (picture 1/T).
2.2. The most important control elements
Your NIVONA appliance offers you diverse possibilities to prepare speciality coffees to your individual wishes. The most important control elements and their basic function are mostly identical for the different coffee specialities:
• On/Off switch (picture 1/H): By pressing you turn the appliance on, by pressing once more you
turn it off again.
• Rotary - Turn -Press - Selector (short Rotary) (picture 1/B): Select your favourite beverage in the main
menu by turning the rotary. By pressing the rotary in the main menu, the beverage preparation starts. During the preparation of the beverage, you can alter the strength and amount of your coffee with the rotary. The changeable value flashes respectively.
• Steam-Hot water-Rotary knob (picture 1/C): When the display shows “OPEN VENT’’, place a container
underneath the steam-hot water jet / the spumatore prior to use. You open the vent for the hot water or steam supply, by turning it clockwise up to the stop. You stop the supply, by turning it anticlockwise up to the stop.
• Steam-Hot water Jet/Spumatore (picture 1/P): Is the tap of the spumatore upright with open steam-hot
water rotary knob (picture 1/C), foamed milk or hot water are made depending on the choice of beverage. The milk tube is rinsed, when the tap of the spumatore is horizontal with open steam-hot water rotary knob (picture 1/C).
• Height-adjustable spout (picture 1/E): By moving up or down, you adjust the spout to the height
of your cups or glasses. Grab the spout between thumb and index finger and move it up or down (picture 11).
• Milk container (only designs 670 and 680): Fill the milk container with fresh, cold, low fat milk.
Close the lid of the milk container and connect the suction tube with one end to the milk container and with the other end to the milk frother/spumatore.
2.3. Filling of water and beans
➔ Open the cover on the left side of the device (picture 1/F) and remove the water tank (picture 2).
Rinse it with cold, clear tab water.
➔ Fill the water tank above the minimal mark (0,5 l) and put it back into the appliance. Ensure that
the water tank fits properly when inserting it.
➔ Close the cover on the left side of the device again.
Warning: Always ll the water tank with clear, cold water only! Never use carbonated water or different uids! Nonobservance will void you guarantee claims.
➔ Open the lid of the bean container (picture 1/G and 3). ➔ Fill it with untreated, roasted coffee beans only. ➔ Close the lid again. Ensure the proper fit.
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2. Set up
Warning: Do not use beans which were treated with additives like sugar or similar products during or after the roasting process. This may cause damages to the grinder. The resulting repair costs are not covered by the guarantee.
2.4. Turn on the appliance and ll the system
➔ Turn the appliance on with the On/Off switch (picture 1/H).
Please set the following basic setting prior to preparing your first coffee:
Set a language
➔ Turn the rotary to set your language. ➔ Press the rotary to confirm your setting.
The display shows “INSERT FILTER?’’.
2.4.1. Operate appliance with lter
The scope of supply includes a Claris filter. When using the filter, descaling your appliance becomes less often as the filter softens the water.
➔ Turn the rotary to ‘YES’ and press the rotary so that the appliance recognises that a new filter has
been inserted.
➔ The display shows “INSERT FILTER’’. ➔ Empty the water tank (picture 1/F and 2) and carefully screw the filter with the installation aid at
the back of the measuring spoon (picture 4) into the corresponding mounting in the water tank.
Warning: Do not overwind or bend.
➔ Fill the tank with fresh water above the minimum mark (0,5 l) and insert it back into the appliance. ➔ Close the cover on the left side of the device again. ➔ Place a big enough container (at least 0,5 l) underneath the water outlet (picture 1/P) and open
the steam- hot water- rotary knob clockwise.
The system is now being rinsed. The display shows “FILTER RINSING’’.
➔ Wait until no water is coming out of the outlet after some time. Then, close the steam- hot water-
rotary knob anticlockwise.
The display shows “PLEASE RINSE’’.
➔ Press the rotary.
The display shows “SYSTEM RINSING’’.
When the appliance is heated, the display shows the main menu with the beverage symbols as a sign of the appliance being ready for its use.
At the rst preparation: If you are preparing coffee for the first time, the grinding chamber is still empty. It is possible that the appliance is not preparing any coffee and that the display is showing “FILL BEANS’’ after the first grinding process.
➔ Follow the notes on the display and, in this case, press the rotary once again.
The process is being repeated.
Information: If you use the appliance with lter and have programmed the system to “INSERT FILTER’’ “YES’’, the possibility to adjust the water hardness is cancelled. Internally, the water hardness is set on level 1 automatically! Then, you have to descale your appliance less often - but always on request and always with REMOVED FILTER.
After the supply of approximately 50 l of water, the effect of the filter is exhausted (Change filter see point 3.1).
• 
2. Set up
Warning: Even if the display does not show “PLEASE CHANGE FILTER’’, the lter must be changed after two month at latest, even with only a rare use of the appliance.
2.4.2. Operate appliance without lter
If you would like to operate the appliance without filter, the filter setting must be set on “INSERT FILTER? NO’’. This is important because descaling has to take place more often without a filter, depending on water hardness (the appliance is delivered with the factory setting “INSERT FILTER? NO’’!).
➔ Turn the rotary to “NO’’ and press the rotary.
The display shows the setting water hardness.
Information: For production reasons, it may occur at the initial set up that the pipes in the appliance are still empty. The appliance shows that as follows: The display “PLEASE FILL’’/OPEN VENT’’ appears after the appliance has been turned on with the On/Off switch (picture 1/H).
➔ Place a big enough container (at least 0,5 l) underneath the steam-hot water jet / the spumatore. ➔ Open the steam- hot water - rotary knob clockwise.
The system is now being filled. Water may emerge from the steam- hot water jet / spumatore (picture1/P).
➔ Close the steam- hot water - rotary knob anticlockwise.
After the system is heated, the display shows “PLEASE RINSE’’.
➔ Press the rotary.
The display shows “SYSTEM RINSING’’.
When the appliance is ready for use, the display shows the main menu.
2.4.3. Set water hardness
The appliance has to be descaled sooner or later depending on the water hardness in your area. Sothat the system can display in time when the descaling is required, you must set the appropriate water hardness prior to the first use.
The basic factory setting for the water hardness is LEVEL 3.
Initially, test the quality of your water with the provided test strip:
➔ Immerse the test strip into the water for a short period and shake it slightly. ➔ After approximately one minute you can read the result, by counting the red dots on the test
➔ The different levels are split and adjustable as follows:
Test strip / level of hardness = Display 1 red dot / 1–7° = LEVEL 1 2 red dots / 8–14° = LEVEL 2 3 red dots / 15–21° = LEVEL 3 4 red dots / >21° = LEVEL 4
Information: If no dot turns red, set it to level 1.
That is how you set the water hardness for your appliance:
➔ Turn the rotary to your water hardness and press the rotary afterwards to set the level of your
water hardness.
The display shows “PLEASE FILL’’/OPEN VENT’’.
➔ Place a big enough container (at least 0,5 l) underneath the steam-hot water jet / the spumatore.
• 
2. Set up / 3. Take/change basic settings
➔ Open the steam- hot water - rotary knob clockwise. The display shows
The system is now being filled with water and heated subsequently. Water may emerge from the steam- hot water jet / spumatore (picture 1/P).
➔ Close the steam- hot water - rotary knob anticlockwise.
The display shows “PLEASE RINSE’’.
➔ Press the right rotary. The display shows “SYSTEM RINSING’’.
When the appliance is ready for use, the display shows the main menu. At the rst preparation: If you are preparing coffee for the first time, the grinding chamber is still empty.
It is possible that the appliance is not preparing any coffee and that the display is showing “FILL BEANS’’ after the first grinding process.
➔ Follow the notes on the display and, in this case, press the rotary once again.
The process is being repeated.
2.5. Turn on appliance during operation
If you have carried out the first start during the initial set up (point 2.4), proceed as follows for the following power ups:
➔ Turn the appliance on with the On/Off switch (picture 1/H).
The display shows the notification “NIVONA, SYSTEM HEATING’’.
When the appliance is heated, the display shows “PLEASE RINSE’’.
➔ Press the rotary.
The system is now being rinsed. The display shows “SYSTEM RINSING’’. Afterwards the appliance is ready to operate. The display shows the main menu (picture 1/A).
Information: When you do not use the device for a longer period (i.e due to a holiday), turn off the device with the On/Off switch (picture 1/H) and pull the plug.
Information: For each coffee speciality a factory setting is set. Thus, you can get the coffee immediately (see
point 4.). However, we recommend that you alter the basic settings according to your wishes in advance (see point 3).
2.6. ECO-Mode
When you do not use the rotary for a longer period, the appliance switches to ECO-mode. The display shows “ENERGY SAVING’’.
➔ By pressing the rotary, you exit the ECO-mode.
The display shows the main menu.
3. Take/change basic settings
Information: For each coffee speciality a factory setting is set. Hence, you can get coffee immediately (see point 4.). However, we recommend to change the basic settings according to your individual wishes in advance.
➔ To change the basic settings, choose the menu option “SETTINGS’’ in the main menu by turning
the rotary.
➔ You get to the menu “SETTINGS’’ by pressing the rotary. ➔ Choose the menu option in “SETTINGS’’, which you would like to change, by turning the rotary. ➔ You get to the chosen menu option by pressing the rotary. ➔ You change the respective setting in the respective menu option by turning the rotary.
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+ 25 hidden pages