GameCycle User’s Guide 2005
GameCycle User’s Guide
Three Rivers Holdings, LLC
1826 W. Broadway Rd Ste 43
Mesa, Arizona 85202
Three Rivers
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GameCycle User’s Guide 2005
1 SUPPORT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-1
2 COMPONENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-2
3 SYSTEM SETUP-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-3
4 GAMECYCLE CONTROLS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-7
4.1 TYPES OF CONTROLS ON THE GAMECYCLE:----------------------------------------------------------------4-7
4.2 GAMECYCLE BUTTONS AND GAMECUBE CONTROLLER ----------------------------------------------------4-8
4.3 SETTING THE CONTROL TYPE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-9
4.4 SETTING THE CRANK DIRECTION---------------------------------------------------------------------------4-9
4.5 NAVIGATION OF GAMECUBE MENU SCREENS ------------------------------------------------------------- 4-10
4.6 GETTING STARTED WITH DIFFERENT GAMECUBE GAMES----------------------------------------------- 4-10
4.7 CONTROL OF AN OBJECT (E.G. A CAR) DURING GAME PLAY --------------------------------------------- 4-11
5 GAMECYCLE RESISTANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-12
6 GAMECYCLE CALIBRATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-13
7 TROUBLESHOOTING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-14
8 SAFTEY INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-15
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GameCycle User’s Guide 2005
Three Rivers is dedicated to providing friendly and comprehensive support for this and all our products.
The objective of this User’s Guide is to include all of the necessary information for the successful start up
and operation of your GameCycle. If you have any suggestions on how we might improve this document
or if you have any problems or questions, please contact us at the number below.
Three Rivers Holdings LLC
1826 W. Broadway Rd.
Suite 43
Mesa AZ, 85202
CUSTOMER SUPPORT: (480) 833-1834
Fax: (480) 833-1837
Web Site:
Email: support@3rivers.com
Three Rivers
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GameCycle User’s Guide 2005
Equipment included with your GameCycle:
1 – 17” LCD TV
1 – GameCube console
1 – Nintendo GameCube AV Cable
1 – Nintendo GameCube AC Adapter (already mounted to GameCycle)
1 – GameCube videogame
1 – GameCube Memory Card
1 – GameCube Extension Cable
6 – Security screws
1 – Screwdriver
1 – Security screw bit
1 – GameCycle AC Adapter
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GameCycle User’s Guide 2005
Thank you for your GameCycle purchase! This section of the user’s manual will help you get your
GameCycle up and running quickly.
Equipment you will need:
9 17” LCD TV
9 GameCube console
9 Nintendo GameCube AV Cable
9 Nintendo GameCube AC Adapter (already mounted to GameCycle)
9 GameCube videogame
9 6 – Security screws
9 Security screw bit
9 GameCycle
9 GameCycle AC Adapter
9 3 or more outlet power-outlet bar
9 Extension cord (if wall socket is a distance away)
1. Mount the LCD TV to the stand using 4 of the security screws and screw driver bit located in the GameCube box.
The TV will mount to the stand using the outer most holes on the stand’s mounting plate (Figure 3.1).
Three Rivers
Figure 3.1: Mounting the LCD TV to the GameCycle.
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GameCycle User’s Guide 2005
2. Connect the LCD TV power by inserting the power jack protruding out of the hole in the top of the stand into the
outlet on the bottom of the LCD TV (Figure 3.2a) and by inserting the 3-prong jack protruding out of the bottom
of the stand into the power outlet bar(Figure 3.2b).
Figure 3.2: a) LCD TV power and b) the back of the GameCycle.
3. Mount the GameCube to the stand using the remaining 2 security screws and screw driver bit located in the
GameCube box (Figure 3.3).
Figure 3.3: Mounting the GameCube to the
GameCycle stand.
4. Connect the GameCube power (Figure 3.4) by inserting the GameCube DC jack protruding out of the top of the
stand into the DC input connector (DC 12V IN) on back of the GameCube and by inserting the 2-prong jack
attached to the bottom of the stand into the power outlet bar.
Figure 3.4: GameCube power.
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