Nikon Z7 Technical Guide

Technical Guide

Table of Contents

Sharpening and Softening Images ............................................................................ 3
Step 1: Make Quick Edits Using “Quick Sharp” ............................................................................ 3
Step 2: Fine-Tune “Sharpening”, “Mid-Range Sharpening”, and “Clarity” ................................. 4
“Sharpening”, “Mid-Range Sharpening”, and “Clarity” ............................................................... 7
Capture NX-D ................................................................................................................................. 9
Diraction Compensation .......................................................................................................... 10
Capture NX-D ............................................................................................................................... 10

Sharpening and Softening Images

Adjusting the Quick sharp Picture Control setting is a quick way of making pictures sharper or softer. Image denition can be further ne-tuned using Sharpening, Mid-range sharpening, or Clarity.
Step 1: Make Quick Edits Using “Quick Sharp”Step 2: Fine-Tune “Sharpening”, “Mid-Range Sharpening”, and “Clarity”

Step 1: Make Quick Edits Using “Quick Sharp”

Adjustments to the Quick sharp Picture Control settings made by choos­ing a value between −2 (Softer in the i menu) and +2 (Sharper in the
i menu) are automatically matched by balanced adjustments to Sharp­ening, Mid-range sharpening, and Clarity. Select A to let the camera
automatically choose the optimal values for the scene.
For images that are softer overall, select a negative (softer) value. This can be used, for example, to soften the complexions of portrait subjects.
Picture Control: Standard
Quick sharp: 0 Quick sharp: −2 (softer)
For images that are sharper overall, select a positive (sharper) value. This can be used for landscapes
and other situations in which greater overall denition may be required.
Picture Control: Standard
Quick sharp: 0 Quick sharp: +2 (sharper)
Positive values for Quick sharp are particularly eective when applied to distant landscapes shrouded by mist or haze.
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