Table of Contents
LUTs: A Primer ...................................................................... 3
• Using LUTs with N‑Log ...................................................................4
Using the N‑Log 3D LUT ..................................................... 6
• Installing DaVinci Resolve.............................................................. 6
• Downloading the N‑Log 3D LUT .................................................. 6
• Applying the N‑Log 3D LUT .......................................................... 7
About This Guide
This guide is for users of N‑Log.
Trademark Information
DaVinci Resolve is a registered trademark of Blackmagic Design.
Apple and Final Cut Pro are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
in the United States and other countries. Adobe and Adobe
Premiere are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Sys‑
tems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
LUTs: A Primer
A “LUT”, or “lookup table”, is an array of preselected values
used in movie color-correction to map colors from the
original input footage to the desired colors in the nal
output. Color correction is performed by looking up input
colors and assigning them new RGB values based on the
data in the table.
A lookup table that treats each of the red, green, and blue
channels separately is a “1D LUT”, which cannot be used to
correct saturation or hue. Such corrections require a “3D
LUT”, in which each combined RGB value maps to a single
combined value in the table.
Using LUTs with N-Log
Designed to take full advantage of sensor dynamic range,
Nikon’s unique “N-Log” logarithmic gamma curve oers
excellent balance between highlights and shadows and is
optimized for 10-bit movie recording. Information on lming N-Log footage can be found in Technical Guide (N‑Log
Recording Edition) handbooks available from the Nikon
Download Center.
Designed specically for the purpose, Nikon’s N-Log 3D
LUT greatly makes color grading N-Log footage a snap. Although the N-Log gamma curve captures a wide range of
tones, the raw footage will seem to lack contrast and must
be color graded for display on Rec. 709 monitors.
No color grading Footage color graded using
N‑Log 3D LUT
LUTs: A Primer
To color grade N-Log footage using the N-Log 3D LUT, you
will need third-party movie editing software. This guide
shows how to apply the N-Log 3D LUT using Blackmagic
Design’s DaVinci Resolve 15.
Compatible Applications
In addition to DaVinci Resolve, the following applications can
be used with the N‑Log 3D LUT:
• Adobe: Premiere Pro
• Apple: Final Cut Pro X
Note that Nikon neither endorses this software nor guaran‑
tees its operation.
Contact the publishers for information on using these appli‑