Nikon CALLAWAY IQ, XHOT User Manual

Below are pictures of the CALLAWAY IQ and the XHOT, both of which are very similar. We’ve placed a white dot indicating exactly where (on the laser lens end of your IQ or XHOT) to place the belt clip tab/3m VHB (Very High Bond) adhesive disk assembly. Included with your Quick Clip there will be 3 of the belt clip tab/3M VHB adhesive disks assemblies (2 spares), spare 3M adhesive disks and a few spare alcohol pads for cleaning the spot on your CALLAWAY IQ & XHOT .
Using the included alcohol cleaning pad, clean the spot on your CALLAWAY IQ or XHOT as shown in the picture and allow to completely air dry. This removes any oils, sweat, grease and other yucky stuff so the adhesion is optimized. Peel the paper backing off of one of the belt clip tab/3M adhesive disk assemblies. Carefully place the belt clip tab on the same spot shown in the pictures. CAUTION: The belt clip tab/3M adhesive disk assembly will want to stick immediately to whatever it touches so use care when placing it on the spot and try not to touch the adhesive with your fingers. Apply some pressure on the belt clip hook for about 30 seconds. Allow it to “set” for 48 to 72 before using your CALLAWAY IQ or XHOT on the Quick Clip. That will also enhance the adhesive properties of the 3M adhesive disk.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have followed these instructions “to the letter, it is very nearly impossible to remove with your hands (you may draw blood) and it certainly cannot loosen up when in routine everyday use on the golf cart with the Quick Clip.
If you have any doubts at all about the strength, flexibility and holding power of the 3M VHB adhesive, please click on the link below. If you have any trouble opening it, simply right-click directly on the link then click on “Open Hyperlink”. Or you can also copy the link and paste it into your web browser address line:­4991?N=5002385+3293223574&rt=rud
Removing the belt clip tab: Simply warm the adhesive with a hair dryer. The adhesive will soften and you can peel off the belt clip tab, though it still won’t be easy. Dont try to re-use the 3M adhesive that you peeled off as it loses some of its adhesiveness. Remove it and use a fresh adhesive disk. You can reuse the belt clip tab. Remove any remaining adhesive and clean it with an alcohol pad or a clean cloth with a dab of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. Carefully (see CAUTION above) place the fresh 3M adhesive disk on the belt clip tab. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call or e-mail us. also, always remember that if you aren't happy with the way your CALLAWAY IQ or XHOT works with the Quick Clip, we'll refund your $$ in full.
Mike Owens GPS Quick Clip Inc Fax: 843-235-8405 Phone: 843-333-7453