Start the WT / WTA Confi gurator
Save settings to the memory card
Load settings into the camera
The WT / WTA Confi gurator
The WT / WTA Confi gurator is a computer application that creates the settings fi les needed
to confi gure WT-1 and WT-2 wireless transmitters for wireless networks. These settings
fi les can be saved to the camera memory card and loaded into the camera using the Load
settings fi le? option in the camera wireless setup menu, sparing the user the necessity of
entering settings one by one in the camera menus.
The main steps involved in creating settings fi les and
loading them into the camera are as follows:
Start the WT / WTA Confi gurator
Adjust settings
Save settings to the memory card
Load settings into the camera
The camera menus shown in this guide are those displayed when a WT-2 wireless
transmitter is connected to a D2X digital camera. The steps described for loading settings fi les are the same for other Nikon cameras and transmitters. Consult the manuals
for the camera, wireless transmitter, and other wireless network devices for details.

Start the WT / WTA Confi gurator
Double-click the WT / WTA Confi gurator icon.
The Confi gurator window will open.
햲 Device: Edit settings for the WT-1 or WT-2.
햳 “Wireless”: View or edit wireless network settings.
햴 “TCP / IP”: View or edit TCP / IP settings.
햵 “FTP”: View or edit ftp settings.
햶 Import…: Load saved settings.
햷 Export…: Create a settings fi le.
햸 Quit: Quit the WT / WTA Confi gurator.
To quit the WT / WTA Confi gurator, click the Quit button.

Adjust Settings
When entering text in the Confi gurator window, use only the characters shown
in the keyboard area of the illustration for “Text Entry in the Network Settings Menu”
on page 14 of the WT-1 User’s Manual or page 26 of the WT-2 User’s Manual.
The “Wireless” Tab: Wireless Settings
SSID: Enter the BSS- or ESS-ID for the wireless LAN adapter or access point.
Communication mode: Choose from Infrastructure and Ad-hoc.
• Infrastructure: Choose when connecting to the wireless network via an access
point. The channel is set automatically and can not be selected from the Channel
• Ad-hoc: Choose for direct peer-to-peer connection to a host. When using an ad-hoc
connection, select a Channel that matches that used by the wireless LAN adapter.
Use encryption (WEP)
of encryption (ASCII, Base 16, or TKIP), then enter the encryption key in the WEP key
text box. ASCII and TKIP keys use standard letters and numbers, while base-16 (hexadecimal) keys use only the numbers 0–9 and the letters “A–F”. The length of ASCII and
base-16 keys depends on the type of encryption used: 5 ASCII or 13 hexadecimal characters are required for 40- and 64-bit encryption, 10 ASCII or 26 hexadecimal characters
for 128-bit encryption. TKIP keys are available only with the WT-2 and may be 8 to 64
characters long. If Shared key is selected, the WT-1 will enable shared-key verifi cation
to confi rm that the other devices in the network share the same key (the WT-2 automatically selects the type of verifi cation appropriate to the network).
: To enable encryption, check this option and select the type