User's Manual
The following options are available in the playback menu.
r_,_ Quick retouch _ 100
Easily create retouched copies in which contrast and saturation have been enhanced.
_t_ D-Lighting _ 101
Enhances brightness and contrast in dark portions of pictures.
Skin softening _ 102
The camera detects faces and creates a copy of the picture with softer skin tones in
the faces of portrait subjects.
_, Print set _ 87
Select pictures to print and the number of copies for each,
Slide show _ 91
View pictures stored in the internal memory or on a memory card in an automatic
slide show,
1_ Delete _ 32
Delete _ or seJec_eoolc_ure_
011 Protect _ 34
Protect seJec_eo Dic_ures from accloema deletion.
_L_ Rotate image _ 9_
Change me onenta_lor of olc_ures.
[] Small aicture _ ]04
Create a sma][ copy or _ne curren[ OlCiure,
I_ Voice memo _ 9.5
Record voice memos fol alc[ures.
P._ Copy _ 37
Copy files between memory card and internal memory.
Displaying the Playback Menu
Pressthe [] button to enter playback mode ([_[_ 28).
Pressthe MENUbutton to display the playback menu.
÷ ...............
• Use the multi selector to choose and apply settings ([_ %.
• Press ti]e MENUbutton to exit ti]e playback menu.
Print Set (Creating a DPOF Print Order)
mode) -)' MENU(Playback menu) --) _3, Print set
When printing pictures stored on the memory card using any of the following
methods, the Print set option in the playback menu is used to create digital "print
orders" for printing on DPOF compatible devices.
• Inserting tile memory card into a DPOF compatible ([_ 166) printer's card slot
• Taking tile memory card to a digital photo lab
• Connecting tile camera to a PictBridge compatible ([_ 1(56) printer ([_ 119). A
print order can also be created for pictures stored in tile internal memory if tile
memory card is removed from tile camera.
iil: !t
The playback menu is displayed.
2 Use the multi selector to choose _:_ Print set
and press the _) button.
Proceed to step 4 when playing back in favorite pictures
mode, auto sort mode, or Wistby date mode.
3 Choose Select images and press the _)
4 Choose pictures (up to 99) and the numberof
copies (up to nine) of each.
Pressthe multi selector • or • to select pictures, and
press • or • to specify the number of copies to be
Picture selected for printing can be recognized by the
check mark (_') icon and the numeral indicating the
number of copies to be printed. If no copies have been specified for pictures, the
selection is canceled.
Rotate the zoom control to T (% to switch to full-frame playback.
Rotate the zoom control to W (_;;_) to switch back to 12 thumbnail display.
Pressthe _) button when setting iscomplete.
.5 Choose whether or not to print shooting date
and photo information.
Choose Date and press the _) button to print the
shooting date on all pictures in the print order.
Choose Info and press the _) button to print shutter
speed and aperture information on all pictures in the
print order.
Choose Done and pressthe _) button to complete the print order and exit.
Pictures selected for printing are recognized by the
icon displayed with playback.
Notes on Print Set
When a print order is created in _vorite pictures mode, auto sort mode or list by date mode, the
screen shown below is displayed if pictures other than those in the album, the selected category, or
taken on the selected shooting date, have been marked _r printing,
• Select Yes to add pictures in the selected album or category, or taken on the selected shooting
date, to the existing print order.
• Select No to remove print marking from previously marked pictures and restrict the print order to
pictures in the selected album or category, or taken on the selected shooting date,
Favorite pictures mode/
List by date mode
auto sort mode
If the total number of the pictu res in a print order exceeds 9g, the screen shown below will be
displayed, o
• Select Yes to remove pictures previously added from the print order and restrict the print order to
pictures just marked.
• Select Cancel to remove the pictu res just added from the print order and restrict the print order to g-
pictures previously marked.
Favorite pictures mode/
auto sort mode
List by date mode
_1_ Notes on Printing Shooting Date and Photo Information
When the Date and Info options are enabled in the print set option, shooting date and photo
information are printed on pictures when a DPOF compatible (_ 166) printer which supports
printing of shooting date and photo information is used.
• Photo information cannot be printed when the camera is connected directly to a printer, via the
supplied USB cable, for DPOF printing (_ 124).
• Note that Date and Info settings are reset when the print set option is displayed,
• The date printed is that recorded when the picture was taken,
Changing the camera's date using the Date option in the setup
menu after a picture has been taken has no affect on the date
printed on the picture.
[] Canceling Existing Print Order
Select Delete print set in step 3 of"Print Set (Creating a DPOF Print Order)" (_ 87) and press the
button to remove print marking from all pictures and cancel the print order.
[] Date Imprint
When date and time of recording are imprinted on pictures using the Date imprint option
(_ 133) in setup menu, pictures are recorded with shooting date and time imprinted on the
picture when they are taken, Pictures with the date imprinted on them can be printed from printers
that do not support printing of the date on pictures,
Only the date and time imprinted on pictures with the date imprint option will be printed, even if
the Print set date option is enabled,
Slide Show
mode) -) MENU(Playback menu) -.) _ Slide show
Play back pictures stored in the internal memory or on a memory card one by one
in an automated "slide show."
I Use the multi selector to choose Start and
press the _) button.
To change the interval between pictures, choose Frame
intvl, select the desired interval time, and press the _)
button before choosing Start.
To repeat the slide show automatically, choose Loop and
press the _) button before choosing Start. The check
mark (ql_) will be added to the loop option when enabled.
2 The slide show begins.
While the slide show isin progress, the following
operations are available:
Pressthe multi selector • to display the subsequent
picture or 4 to display the previous picture. Hold down
either button to fast forward or rewind.
Pressthe _) button to pause the slide show.
When the slide show ends or is paused, choose End and
press the _) button to return to the playback menu, or
choose Restart to play the slide show again.
_1_ Notes on Slide Show
• Only the firstframe of movies (_ 11O)included ina slide show is displayed,
• The maximum playback time is up to 30 minutes even if Loop isenabled (_ 137),
Delete (Deleting Multiple Pictures)
mode) -_ MENU(Playback menu) -_ _ Delete
Delete selected pictures or all pictures.
Erase Selected images
Select pictures from the picture selection screen and delete them. See "Selecting
Pictures" (_[_ 93) for more information.
Erase all images
Delete all pictures. In favorite pictures, auto sort, and list by date mode, all pictures
in tile album or auto sort category currently displayed, or taken on the selected
date, are deleted. Albums and auto sort categories themselves are not deleted.
Notes on Deletion
• Once deleted, pictures cannot be recovered, Transfer important images to a computer before
Pictures marked with the _ icon are protected and cannot be deleted (_ 94).
Selecting Pictures
Tile picture selection screen like that shown at right is
displayed with tile following menu selections:
• Playback menu: Print set>Select images
(_ 87), Delete>Erase selected images (_ 92),
Protect (_ 94), Rotate image (_ 94), and
Copy>Selected images (_ 97)
• Setup menu: Welcome screen>Select an image
(_ 12s)
Follow the procedures described below to choose the pictures.
1 Press the multi selector _ or i_ to choose the
desired picture, o_
Only one picture can be selected at a time for Rotate g
image and Welcome screen. Proceed to step 3. o
Rotate the zoom control to T (q) to switch to full-frame
playback or W ([]) to switch back to 12-thumbnail
display, g-
2 Press • or • to select or deselect (or to
specify the number of copies).
When a picture isselected, acheck mark (_) is displayed
with the picture. Repeat steps 1and 2to select additional
3 Press the _) button to finalize selection.
When Erase selected images is selected, a confirmation dialog is displayed. Follow the
instructions displayed in the monitor.
O_ Protect
mode) -_ MENU(Playbackmenu) -_ @,nProtect
Protect selected pictures from accidental deletion.
Select pictures to protect or cancel protection for previously protected pictures
from the picture selection screen. See "Selecting Pictures" ([_ 93) for more
Note that formatting the camera's internal memory or the memory card will
permanently delete protected files ([_ 138).
Protected pictures are recognized by the @_ icon ([_ 7, 70).
ec_ Rotate Image
mode) -_ MENU(Playbackmenu)-_ _L_Rotateimage
Specify the orientation in which recorded pictures are displayed with playback.
Still pictures can be rotated 90 degrees clockwise or 90 degrees counterclockwise.
Pictures that were recorded in portrait ("tall") orientation can be rotated up to 180
degrees in either direction.
Select a picture in the picture selection screen ([_[_g3). When the Rotate image
screen is displayed, pressthe multi selector 4 or i_ to rotate the picture 9(}
Rotate 90 degrees Rotate 90 degrees
counterclockwise clockwise
Pressthe _) button to finalize display orientation, and save orientation data with
the picture.
I_Voice Memos
mode) -_ MENU(Playback menu) -_ 1_Voice memo
Use the camera's built in microphone to record voice memos for pictures.
Recording Voice Memos
playback mode ([_[_] 28) or thumbnail
playback mode ([_[_] 69) and press the MENU
The playback menu is displayed.
2 Use the multi selector to choose _ Voice
memo and press the _) button.
The screen for recording voice memos is displayed.
3 Press and hold the _) button to record a voice
Recording ends after about 20 seconds or when the _)
button is released.
Do not touch the built in microphone during recording.
During recording, _ and _ blink in the monitor.
When recording ends, the voice memo playback screen is
displayed. Follow the instructions in step 3 of "Playing
Voice Memos" ([_ 96) to play the voice memo.
Pressthe MENUbutton before or after recording a voice
memo to return to full-frame playback mode.
[] More Information
See"image/Sound Fileand Folder Names" (_ 151)for more information.
Playing Voice Memos
Pictures for which voice memos have been recorded are indicated by ]_] in full
frame playback mode.
1 Select the desired picture in full- _s,®_,s_,®_s_o,
frame playback mode ([_ 28) or
thumbnail playback mode ([_[_]69) I _t' I
and press the MENUbutton.
The playbackmenu isdisplayed.
2 Use the multi selector to choose _ Voice
memo and press the _) button.
Thevoice memo playbackscreenisdisplayed.
3 Press the _) button to play the voice memo.
Pressthe 0000°°_)button againto stop playback.
Rotatethe zoom control to T or W during playbackto
Pressthe MENUbutton before or afterplayinga voice
memo to return to fulPframeplaybackmode.
Deleting Voice Memos
Select a picture with a voice memo and press the "_ ,@,
button. Use the multi selector to choose [,l_]and press
the _) button. Only the voice rr_erno will be deleted.
Notes on Voice Memos
• Whena picture with avoicememoattachedisdeleted, boththepicture anditsvoicememoare
• Ifa voicememo already existsforthecurrent picture, itmustbedeletedbeforeanewvoicememo
• TheCOOLPIX$3000isnotableto recordavoicememofor pictures takenwith anothermakeor
modelof digital camera,
E'3Copy (Copy Between Internal Memory and Memory Card)
[] button (Playback mode) ") M[NU (Playback menu) -) C_ Copy
Copy pictures between the internal memory and a memory card.
1 Use the multi selector to select an option
from the copy screen and press the _) button.
I_1• 1_1:Copy pictures from internal memory to memory
• 1_1:Copy pictures from memory card to internal
2 Select a copy option and press the _) button.
Selected images: Copy pictures selected from the picture
selection screen ([_) 93).
All images: Copy all pictures.
_1_ Notes on Copying Pictures
JPEG, AVI, and WAV format files can be copied. Files recorded in any other _rmat cannot be
If voice memos (_ 95) are attached to pictures selected for copying, voice memos are copied
with the pictures.
Operation is not guaranteed with pictures taken with another make of camera or that have been
modified on a computer.
When copying pictures selected for a Print set (_ 87), the print set marking is not copied.
However, Protect (_ 94) settings are copied with pictures.
Pictures or movies copied from the internal memory or a memory card cannot be displayed in
auto sort mode (_ 80).
When pictures added to albums (_ 74) are copied, the copies are not automatically added to the
same albums as the original pictures.
[] "Memory contains no images." Message
If there are no pictures stored on the memory card when playback mode is applied, the message
Memory contains no images, will be displayed. Press the MENUbutton to display the copy option
screen, and copy the pictures stored in the camera's internal memory to the memory card.
[] More Information
See "image/Sound File and Folder Names" (_ 151) for more irfformation.
Use the COOLPIX $3000 to edit pictures in camera and store them as separate files
([Z] 151).The editing functions described below are available.
Editing function Description
Quick retouch (_ 100)
D:Lighting (_ i0!)
Skin softening (_ !02)
Sma! I picture (_ !04) Create a small copy of pictures suitable for use as e mail
-°r_'i'_E " ........ _ Enlarge the image or refine the composition and create a copy
Crop (_ 105)containing only the portion visible in the monitor.
Notes on Picture Editing
• Pictures taken at an Image mode setting of _ 3968x2232 (_ 37) cannot be edited.
• The COOLPIX $3000 editing functions are not available for pictures taken with another model of
digital cameras.
• if no face is recognized in a picture, a copy cannot be created using the skin softening option
(_ m2).
• Edited copies created with this camera may not be displayed properly on a different model of
digital camera. It may also be impossible to transfer them to a computer using a different model of
digital camera.
• Editing functions are not available when there is not enough free space in the internal memory or
on the memory card to store the edited copies.
[] Restrictions on Picture Editing
When an edited copy is further modified with another editing function, check the _llowing restrictions.
Editing function Used _'_ Editing function to add
Quick retouch
Skin softening
Small Pictu[e
• Copies created with editin_
create them,
• When combining the small picture or crop function and another editing function, use the small
picture and crop functions after other editing functions have been applied.
• The skin softening function can be added to the picture taken with skin softening (_ 64).
Easily create retouched copies in which contrast and saturation
have been enhanced.
Create a copy of the current picture with enhanced brightness
and contrast, brightening dark portions of the picture.
The camera detects faces and creates a copy of the picture with
softer skin tones in the faces of portrait subjects.
Tile skin softening, small picture and crop functions car/be added.
The quick retouch and D Lighting functions cannot be used
The quick retouch, D Lighting, small picture, and crop function can be
Another editing function cannot be added,
functions cannot be further edited with the same function used to
[] Original and Edited Pictures
• Copies created with editing _nctions are not deleted if the original pictures are deleted. The
original pictures are not deleted if copies created with editing functions are deleted.
• Edited copies are stored with the same recording date and time as the original.
• Print marking (_ 87) and protect settings (_ 94) do not remain effective in edited copies.
r.__Quick Retouch: Enhancing Contrast and Saturation
Qclick retouch carl be used to easily create retouched copies in which contrast and
saturationhavebeen enhanced.Newcopiesare storedasseparatefiles.
([_[_] 28) or thumbnail ([_[_] 69) playback mode
and press the MENU button.
The playback menu is displayed.
2 Use the multi selector to choose r..._,-Quick
retouch and press the _) button.
The original version isdisplayed on the left and the edited
version is displayed on the right.
3 Press the multi selector • or • to choose the
degree of enhancement performed and press
the _) button.
Anew copy iscreated.
To exitwithout savingthe copy,pressthe MENUbutton.
Copies created with the quick retouch option can be
recognized by the _ icon displayed during playback.
[] More Information
See"image/Sound Fileand FokJerNames" (_ 151) for more information,
_D D-Lighting: Enhancing Brightness and Contrast
D Lighting car] be usect to create copies with enhancect brightness ant1 contrast,
brightening dark portions of a picture. New copies are stored as separate files.
([]_[]] 28) or thumbnail ([]_[]] 69) playback mode
and press the MENU button.
The playback menu is displayed. ......
2 Use the multi selector to choose [Inl D-Lighting
and press the _]_ button,
The original version isdisplayed on the left and the edited
version is displayed on the right.
3 Choose OK and press the _ button,
A new copy with enhanced brightness and contrast is
To exit without saving the copy, choose Cancel and
press the _) button.
D-Lighting copies can be recognized by the _ icon
displayed during playback.
[] More Information
See"image/Sound Fileand Folder Names" (_ 151)for more information,
Skin Softening: Softening Skin Tones
The camera detects faces in pictures and creates a copy with softer facial skin
tones. Copies created with the skin softening function are stored as separate files.
([]:[::] 28) or thumbnail ([]:[::] 69) playback mode
and press the MENU button.
The playback menu is displayed.
2 Usethe multi selector to choose _ Skin
softening and press the _ button.
Tile screen for selecting tile degree of softening is
if no faces are recognized in the picture, an alert is
displayed and the camera returns to the playback menu.
3 Press the multi selector • or • to choose the
degree of enhancement performed and press
the _ button.
The confirmation screen is displayed with the face to
which skin softening was applied enlarged at the center
of the monitor.
To exit without saving the copy, press the MENUbutton.
4 Checkthe enhancement performance.
Skin tones in up to 12faces, in the order of that closest to
tile center of the frame, are softened.
If more than one face was softened, press the multi
selector _ or • to display a different face.
To change the degree of effect, press tile MENUto return
to step 3.
Presstile _) button to display a new, created copy.
Copies created with tile skin softening function can be
recognized by the t_ indicator displayed during
_1_ Noteon Skin Softening
Depending upon the direction in which faces are looking, or the brightness of _ces, the camera may
be unable to accurately recognize faces, or the skin softening function may not perform as expected.
[] More Information
See "image/Sound File and Fok]er Names" (_ 151) for more information,
[] Small Picture: Resizing Pictures
Createasmallcopy of thecurrent picture.Thisfeatureisusefulfor displayingon
Webpagesandusingase mail attachments.Smallcopiesare storedasJPEGfiles
with acompressionratioof 1:16.The [] 640×480,[_g320×240,and [] 160xl 20
1 Select the desired picture from full-frame [ _JlT)
([_[_]28) or thumbnail ([_[_]69) playback mode
and press the MENUbutton.
The playbackmenu isdisplayed.
2 Use the multi selector to choose [] Small
picture and press the _) button.
3 Choose the desired copy size and press the _)
_ button.
4 Choose Yes and press the _) button, i_
Anew, smallercopyiscreated.
Toexitwithout savingthe copy,choose Noand pressthe
@ button.
The copy is displayed with a gray frame.
[] More Information
See"image/Sound Fileand FokJerNames" (_ 151) for more irfformatior_,
Crop: Creating a Cropped Copy
Create acopy containing only the portion visible in the monitor when _ __ is
displayed with playback zoom (l_[_72) enabled. Cropped copies are stored as
separate files.
1 Rotate the zoom control to T (q) in full-frame f.._ _. )
playback mode to zoom in on the image.
To crop a picture displayed in "tall" (portrait) orientation,
zoom in on the picture until the black bars displayed on
the both sides of the monitor disappear. The cropped _ _ J
picture will be displayed in landscape orientation.
To crop the picture in its current "tall" (portrait)
orientation, first use the Rotate image option ([]_Q94) to rotate the picture so that it is
displayed in landscape orientation. Next, enlarge the picture for cropping, crop the
picture, and then rotate the cropped picture back to "tall" (portrait) orientation.
2 Refine copy composition.
Rotate the zoom control to T (O0or W (_;_) to adjust the
zoom ratio.
Pressthe multi selector A, V, _ or i_ to scroll the
picture until only the portion you want to copy isvisible
in the monitor.
3 Press the MENUbutton.
4 Use the multi selector to choose Yes and
press the @ button.
A cropped copy is created.
To exit without saving the copy, choose No and pressthe
_) button.
[] Image Size
Asthe area to be savedis reduced, the image size (pixels) ofthe cropped copy isalso reduced.
When the size of the cropped copy is 320 × 240 or 160 x 120,agray frame is displayed around the
picture during playback, and the small picture icon _ or _ isdisplayed at the leftof the monitor in
full frame playback mode.
[] More Information
See"image/Sound Fileand FokJerNames" (_ 151) for more information.
To shoot movies with sound recorded via the built in microphone, enter shooting
mode and follow the steps below.
mode to display the shooting mode
menu and press the multi selector
• or • to select _, and then press
the _) button.
The maximum movie length that can be
recorded isdisplayed in the monitor
(_ 108). The maximum recording time for a single movie is 29 minutes. The maximum
file size for a single movie is 2 GB, even when there issufficient free space on the
memory card for a larger movie file.
2 Press the shutter-release button all
the way down to start recording.
The camera focuses on the subject at the
center of the frame.
A progress bar at the bottom of the monitor
shows the amount of recording time
To end recording, press the shutter release button all the way down a second time.
Recording stops automatically when the maximum movie length has been recorded.
_1_ Recording Movies
• Optical zoom cannot be adjusted once movie recording begins, Digital zoom cannot be applied
before movie recording begins, However, digital zoom can be applied (up to 2x) while movies are
being recorded.
• There may be some degradation in image quality when digital zoom is used.
• The angle of view (recordable area) with movie recording is narrower than with shooting of still
• Smear (_ 148) visible in the monitor with movie recording will be recorded with movies.
Avoiding bright objects such as the sun, reflections of the sun, and electric lights when recording
movies is recommended.
_1_ Note on Saving Movies
After a movie has been recorded, it is not fully saved to the internal memory or memory card until
monitor display returns to the shooting d isplay. Do not open the battery-chamber/memory card
sletcever before movies have been fully saved, Removing the memory card while movies are being
saved could result in loss of data or in damage to the camera or card,
_1_ Note on Autofocus
When _ Single AF (default setting) is selected for Autofocus mode in movie menu, focus locks
when the shutter release button is pressed (_ 109),
[] Functions Available with Movie Recording
• Macro mode (_ 33) is available, Confirm settings before starting movie recording, The flash
(_ 30), self timer (_ 32) and exposure compensation (_ 34) cannot be used,
• Press the MENUbutton to display the NJ_(movie) menu (_ 108) and adjust Movie options,
Autofocus mode, and Electronic VR
The Movie Menu
The movie menu carl be used to adjust Movie options (_ 108), Autofocus
mode (_ 10%, and Electronic VR (_ 109) settings.
Select _ (Movie) from the movie mode, then press the MENU button (_ ]O) to
display the movie menu and use the multi selector (_ 9) to modify and apply
Movie Options
The movie menu offers the options shown below.
o_ [] Movie Options and Maximum Movie Length
_°'_'_ ....... '_'_ ..... _"_"w_7 ,ntemaJ memory _°_7 °' Memory card
_ TV movie 640 _ _ ,_
Option W _
_ Srnall size 320 _o ] minSSs _ 2 h4S rain
All figures are approximate. The maximum recording time may vary with make of memory card,
The maximum recording time for a single movie is 29 minutes. The maximum file size for a single
movie is 2 GB, even when there is sufficient free space on the memory card for a larger movie file.
The maximum movie length that can be recorded for a single movie is displayed during recording.
[] More Information
708 See"Image/Sound Fileand Folder Names" (_ 151)for more information,
_) Autofocus Mode
(Movie) (Movie menu)
-_ MENU -_ I_ Autofocus mode
Choose how the camera focuses in movie mode.
_ Electronic VR
Choose wheq_er to useelectronic VR(vibration reduction) when shooting movies.
i .....i O_ion i De_.ption.......... _"
!_On :: : _ i _ Reducetheeffects of camerashake,nalimov,e modes. S
Off (default Setting) _DisableelectronicVR _
At setting other than Off, the icon for the current setting isdisplayed in the
monitor ([_ 6). ,_
............................ o
In full frame playback mode ([_ 28), movies are
recog nized by the Movie options icon (l_[_ 108).To
play a movie, display it in full frame playback mode and
press the _) button.
Rotate the zoom control to T or W to adjust playback
Playback controls are displayed at the top of the
monitor. Press the multi selector _ or i_ to choose a
control, then press the _) button to perform the
selected operation. The operations described below
are available.
During Volume
playback indicator
_o_,u,,_o_,_ ....
Fast-forwa rd
Pause []
End []
'_' Us_ ...... Description
[] Hold down the _) button to rewind movie.
[] Hold down the _) button to fast forward movie.
Press the _) button to pause playback.
The following operations can be performed while playback is
paused using the controls displayed at top in the monitor.
clown the _) button for continuous frame-by frame
_ ressthe _) button to rewind movie one frame. Hold
Press the _) button to advance movie one frame. Hold
:u]_j _ down the _) button for continuous frame-by frame
_ Press the _) button to resume playback.
Press the _) button to return to full-frame playback mode.
Deleting Movie _
Select a movie and press the "_ button in full frame
playback mode (l_[_ 28) or thumbnail playback mode
(l_[_ 6cP).A confirmation dialog is displayed. Choose Yes
and press the _) button to delete the movie, or choose
No and press the _) button to return to the normal
playback display without deleting the movie.
_1_ Movie Playback
1 10 Movies recorded by acamera other than the COOLPIX$3000cannot be played back.
Connect the camera to a television using the supplied audio/video cable to play
back pictures on a television.
1 Turn off the camera.
_I Connect the camera to the TV using the supplied audio/video cable.
Connect the yellow plug to the video in jack and the white pWug to the audioqn jack on
the TV.
3 Tune the television to the video channel.
See the documentation provided with your television for details.
4 Hold down the[] button to turn on the
The camera enters pWaybackmode and pictures are
displayed on the tdevision.
While connected to the TV, the camera monitor will
remain off.
_1_ Connecting the Audio/Video Cable
When connecting the audio/video cable, be sure that the camera connector is properly oriented. Do
not use force when connecting the audio/video cable to the camera. When disconnecting the
audio/video cable, do not pull the connector at an angle.
_1_ Video Mode
Be sure that the camera's video mode setting con_rms to the standard used by your television. The
video mode setting is specified from the Videe mode (_ 139) option in the Set up menu
(_ 12S).