Nikon FM10 With 35-70mm Nikkor Zoom
If you want (otal manual control, tJie FM10 fs a great choice. SeSect
shutter speed and aperture. Use manual film advance and rewind
manually. The Center-Weighted light meter guides you towards a great
exposure, but you have options to do rt on your own. You focus manu
ally and preview depth-of-fieid to see the image quality and sharpness.
It's 100% your choice ~ a graat way to learn ar>d build contidence.
The FM10 is packaged in an outfit with a 36-70mm f/3.5-4,3 Zoom
Nikkor lens, Eveready case, strap and batteries. It's a great first 35mm
camera for the enthusiast who wants to begin with basics without
cutting comers. For the Nikon enthusiast, the FM10 is a great additional
camera - light, compact and it accepts AF Nikkor and Ai-S Nikkor
lenses for manual focusing operation; it fits perfectly into any photogra
pher’s Nikon system. And, there’s nothing like SLR viewing and
interchangeable Nikkor lenses to stimulate creativity.
35-70mm f/3.5-4.B Zoom Nikkor
From its traditional wide argie to pmrtnart tetephuto range, ltiis Zoom Nikkor providss a flGKible and creative range tor
general pfiotography.
Shutter speeds up to tfZDGO second
Shoot action stopping sharp pictures at up to 1/2000 sec., or achieve creative light patterns at si oca/ speeds like 1 second.
The wide shutter range will handle rriost picture taking situations and works great with a^^ide range of ISO film speeds.
Sulb setting_____________________________________________________________
For vary tong erq^osures, Iho B sotlirng lots you capture beautikjl night scenes, cityscapes with vibrant tilting, and long time
exposures tor creative esocitng photography. A -tripod is naquired for hast results.
Oepth-of-field preview
Using (hrough-the-lens SLFI vle^'inng, and being able to see ttie range ot sharpness is an exciting way fcr the new
photographer to see what's happening. It spurs their vision ar>d helps tnem make better pictures.
Double exposures
Double exposures can be lots of fun, and with creative liiuugtil and carefiJ praparalicn. g real pctures can resUK.
Daylight niaht-time and indoors
Flash photography is easy and dnect with the FM1D. Its buitt-in ISO tiot stioa will accept just about any Nikon Speedlight 1er
manual flash operation or non-TTL auto.
Nikkor lenses
The FMI0 is supplied with me 35-70 Zoom Nikkor, end there's a coenpaiible, llc^it and compact 70-210 lens available too. As
your Nikon system gmvjs, there are so many more AF Nikkor and AI-3 NiNior lenses to choose from - SJI perfectly
compatible with the Ffyli O's manual tdeusihg operatiori,
Center-weighted meter
Time proven and very accuraftB, Ihis ligtit meter will giide the phologrqptier iowarefs excellent exposures. With the built-in +0-
LEO display, Creative adjusimenia are just a tuin-of-a-diai away
Manual advance and rewind_____________________________________________________________
Comfortable handling, ightweight, compact and very convenient, the Nikon FM10 v^ll deliver, roll after rofl.
This optional 3X telephoto zoom Ions offers the mosi popular telephoto zoom range, perfect for action, candid, sports and
port raitu ret
@Nikon tic. 1

Picture fermât
Exposure meter
Exposure conirol
Muitiple exposure
Shutter speeef s&t lings
Focus ir^ screen
Framè^'coviirkg0" ■
Rim advance and re^iind
Accessory stioe
> >-s\ s •■ • A -.x s’ • wi-' s •! •'
Tripod socket
Üîiïie^sw^ ^l^èighi ■;
Zoom Nikkor 3â-70mm f/3.5-4.S
Attachment size
■Dirnenls^ssflidi^ia (4
Zoom Nikkbr 70-21 OiTinn f/4,5-5.e
Attadhment size
All itfiscirieatiais ^ppy wfton iwan naftents ara usen. at riomnai famiawtiUsfa (20' CJ, SpsciUcslions inttiieSj'gn are swfuecf îû lafter^s mïhauf/MJlics.
■ îShî:
SSrnirr' iStr^|^'dfts rSi^;;iSLF^ \vith-.f{>D^ pian'e stuitter
24nfim X 3Srnm (standard 35mnri forma^
TTL Center-weighted
M1S0 tqO;;; i...:
Manual control, guided by built-in ighft meter
B, 1 to 1/3000 secend
i;Bx^:^i^leyel p^teprism lyipe:.'7':/ j
Diopter; standard -1 dp (optional diopter adapter available)
i^D:^fid^|^:^Ep i diSiS'^7' : , ■ :
Fixed with split image fnlcroprisrri and matte field
Appri^iiS'^ '^,h 50mim local. .lengtlT set .dt infi'ntty .
O.S4x with 50mm set at iifinity
Manual - single stroke lever type fim advance and rewind crank
7.'; .’AddStiyeTy^. '^tom^catly .resets to iS when caiTiera back is opened
Mechanical self-timer, approx. 10-sec release delay
TTiTiiOsyri.ci^driiy-' ^ . --. .■ ..i >.■.■.. -- |
Slandard ISO-type hot shoe
Standard 1M' x 20 thread
777lSa9(W) lx S6^0^Si3|Dj^ jt3.4’:x:g,1*J/AppTdx.420 grams
(14.7 ounces) without batteries
extèriaim '{2;5" x 2,5^., Approx,
200 grams (7 ounces)
il7£i;rTié{atS.7i/7-^ ■■....::
. App^?|^iii;di^er® xil04 x 4:,:1:''),: Approx,
375 grams (13 dunces}
Optional Accessories for FM10
Prod, if Description
23e0-7 |ti^5 iGpyiar I; -. 7.
£370 Eyepiece Adapter
£941 +0.5 DPTR. Eyepiece correction lens
'2942 +1.0 DP^R/'EyeSjJ^eiroim^
2943 +2.0 DPTR. Eyepiece correction lens
2944'-' :,43:O;BP^R(-€vepS^iji0lnf^ lenS'/
2945 -2.0 DPTR. Eyepiece correclicn lens
2945 .:+3|p i DffT^s: E^pi^e. correclipri: .leh^7
£947 -4.0 DPTR. Eyepiece correction lens
Suggested List Price: $337.00
Includes FM10 body, 35-70mm t^3.5-4.8 Zoom
Nikkor lens, Eveready carrying case, strap, batteries
13ÜÜ Walt WnitrTian Read. fvfel«ille, New Vorti 11747-3004