Congratulations! You now own the fastest SLR camera on the
market today. With a maximum shutter speed of 1/4000 sec.,
you can halt the most fleeting action literally in its tracks.
Complemented by a flash synchronization speed of 1/250 sec.,
the fastest in 35 mm SLR photography, the FE2 makes it easy
to fill in the shadows in strong daylight. These speeds are
made possible by Nikon’s advanced camera technology,
employing lightweight honeycomb-etched, vertical-traveling,
titanium shutter curtains.
In addition to aperture-priority automatic exposure from
1/4000 sec. to 8 sec., the FE2 offers full manual exposure
control with accuracy ensured by digital quartz timing. The
camera also has a battery power-saving feature: a light touch
of the lockable shutter release button activates the meter,
which then automatically switches off 16 seconds later.
Other exciting features include three bright interchangeable
focusing screens, automatic TTL flash photography with a
Nikon dedicated flash unit, plus rapid film advance up to 3.2
frames per second with a motor drive.
To obtain the best results, keep this instruction manual handy
until you’ve become thoroughly familiar with the FE2’s oper
ation. A few minutes wisely invested now will pay off later in
many years of rewarding photographic experiences.
Distributed by WWW.LENSINC.NET
i| Remove the battery clip.
Turn the camera upside down and
use a coin to unscrew the battery clip lid
:65; in a counterclockwise direction.
o Install the battery.
Wipe battery terminals clean and
insert the battery into the battery clip in
accordance with the marks provided in
the clip, making sure the + sign is up.
Usable batteries are;
1) one 3V lithium battery; 2) two 1.55V
silver-oxide batteries (3.1V), or 3) two
O Put the battery clip
back into place.
Slip the battery clip back into the camera
body baseplate and screw the lid clock
wise tightly into place.
Note: For more information on batteries, refer
to page 59.
1.5V alkaline-manganese batteries (3V).
Caution: Keep batteries away from infants and
small children. In case a battery is accidentally
swallowed, call a doctor immediately as the
material inside the batteries can cause serious
Note: The small numbers In the circles indentify parts of the camera as listed in the NOMEN
CLATURE section.
Distributed by WWW.LENSINC.NET
^ Mount the lens.
K Open the camera back 49.
Place the lens on the camera, lining
up the aperture/distance index on the
lens with the lens mounting index on
the camera body Then twist the lens
mounting ring counterclockwise until the
lens clicks into place. Confirm that the
aperture/distance index is right on top.
To remove: While pushing the lens re
lease button S, turn the lens mounting
ring H clockwise until the lens comes off.
While pushing the camera back lock
lever'^’counterclockwise with your finger,
pull up the film rewind knob ¡If. Then lift
up further until the camera back pops
Caution: Never touch the shutter curtains.
1) When changing lenses with film loaded in the camera, be careful not to expose the mirror box
to direct sunlight.
2) This camera is designed exclusively for use with Al lenses. Non-A! lenses cannot be used,
with a few exceptions: please refer to page 19 for more details.
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g Install the film cartridger
Position the film cartridge in the
film cartridge chamber (153 with the film
leader pointing towards the takeup spool,
and push the rewind knob back down to
secure the cartridge in place.
1) You can use any 35mm film cartridge avail
Insert the film leader in
the takeup spool m.
Pull the leader across the camera and in
sert it into any one of the slots in the
takeup spool.
O Engage the film’s
perforations with the
sprocket teeth .
Turn the takeup spool slightly with your
finger, so that the first or second perfo
ration at the bottom edge of the film is
engaged with the small tooth at the bot
tom of the slot in the takeup spool and the
able on the market.
2) Avoid loading film in direct sunlight. If there
is no shade available, turn your back to the
sun and use your own shadow to shield the
top and bottom perforations mesh se
curely with the film sprockets.
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II ir'II
I B m
Q Advance the film with
the film advance lever
Pull out and wind the film advance lever,
making sure the perforations on both film
edges are securely engaged with the
sprocket teeth and the film is advanced
properly. Also confirm that the film is
located properly between both film guide
rails l7; and there is no film slack.
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40 camera
Snap the camera back shut.
4 ^ Take p film slack.
“ * “ Fold out the film rewind crank ®
and rotate it gently in the direction of the
arrow on the film rewind knob until you
feel a slight resistance. Then fold the
crank back in.
' speed ring h .
Lift up
dot ®
Set the ASA/ISO film
the ASA/ISO film speed ring and
it in either direction until the index
is opposite the film speed in use.
sure the exposure compensation
is set at 0. These actions are es-
to activate the camera’s exposure
in use.
1) The film speed is printed on the film carton
and the cartridge itself.
2) If the exposure compensation dial is not at
0, refer to page 36 for details.
for correct exposure of the film
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4 o Make blank exposures until the frame
counter 59 reaches frame “1,”
The film advance lever doubles as a shutter release button lock:
to unlock the shutter release button pull out the film advance
lever to the standoff position as shown in the photo. To dispose
■ li
14 Press the shutter
release button
lightly to switch the
exposure meter on.
The shutter release button activates the
of the first few frames exposed during film loading, continue to
alternately advance the film and depress the shutter release
button until the frame counter reaches frame “1.” Check that
the rewind knob is rotating, indicating the film has been loaded
correctly and is being advanced. If the knob does not rotate,
reload the film.
1) Set the shutter speed/mode selector dial (i9; to A or a fast shutter speed
exposure meter when lightly pressed.
The meter stays on for approx. 16 sec.
after you have taken your finger off the
while making blank exposures.
2) Up to frame “1," the meter needle in the viewfinder does not move and
this indicates that the meter is not functioning; therefore do not take
pictures prior to the first frame.
Distributed by WWW.LENSINC.NET
4 e Check battery power.
While looking through the viewfinder after switching
the exposure meter on, if the black meter needle swings into the
shutter speed scale range, this indicates that the exposure
rii A Set the shutter speed dial to ‘‘A”
(for automatic operation).
Rotate the shutter speed dial until the "A” is opposite the shutter
speed/mode index The built-in locking mechanism ensures
meter is working properly.
1) When the shutter speed dial is set at B (Bulb) or M250 (1/250 sec.), the
black meter needle doesn’t move: therefore you cannot check the
batteries. Be sure to set the dial to another position. If the black meter
needle still doesn’t move, either the battery is improperly installed
(in which case you should install it properly) or battery power is not
sufficient (in which case you should change the battery).
2) You cannot check the battery power until the frame counter reaches
that the dial cannot be accidentally shifted from the "A” (auto
position) during shooting.
Note: The Nikon FE2 camera has one more shooting mode besides
aperture-priority auto exposure: manual operation. For details about
shooting in this mode, refer to pages 25—26.
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4 ^ Set the lens aperture.
40 Hold the camera steady.
* ■■ Turn the lens aperture ring @ until the desired f-number
is opposite the aperture/distance index on the lens. The selected
f-number appears in the viewfinder through the ADR (aperture
direct readout) window for convenient reference. Intermediate
settings on the lens aperture ring can be used.
Use the following suggestions as.a guide in setting the f/stop on
the lens (when a 50mm f/1.4 is used with ASA/ISO 100 film
Many blurred shots are caused by unsteady holding of
the camera. Basic holding posture; Use your left hand to cradle
the camera, with your fingers wrapped around the lens and
elbow propped against your body for support, as you look
through the viewfinder. Use you right hand's index finger to
depress the shutter release button and your thumb to wind the
film advance lever. Wrap the other fingers of your right hand
around the camera body. You can adapt this basic posture to
Outdoors (clear at the beach or in the mountains); f/11 ~f/16
Note: The depth of field as well as the shutter speed can be controlled by
your selection of the shooting aperture. For more information, refer to
pages 38—39.
both horizontal- and vertical-format shooting. To hold the camera
steady, it is advisable to lean on or against something strong
and stable (e.g., a wall). Also, you can look through the view
finder with the right or left eye, with the other eye open or closed.
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3 -
IQ Compose and focus on the subject.
The FE2 is provided with the Type K2 focusing screen
as standard for all-purpose photography. While looking through
the viewfinder, compose your photo with the main subject in the
center to assure correct exposure. Then turn the focusing ring
of the lens & until the subject looks clear. For precise pinpoint
focusing on subjects with distinct contours, use the central
split-image rangefinder; turn the focusing ring until the split
image becomes whole (A). For rapid focusing and for subjects
® Oulside-exposure-range
warning marks
(D A (Auto)
d) Shutter speed scale
® Shutter speed/mode indication needle
(D Meter needle
CD M250
(T) B(Bulb)
(D f-number in use
CD Fine matte/Fresnel field
ifii 3mm dia. split-image spot
ID 1 mm-wide microprism collar
(g) 12 mm dia. area
with indistinct outlines, use the microprism collar; turn the
focusing ring until the shimmering image becomes sharp (B).
When taking close-ups or macrophotography or shooting with
telephoto lenses of maximum apertures of approx, f/4.5 or
smaller, the split-image spot and microprism collar are likely to
darken. Therefore, use the matte portion of the screen; turn the
focusing ring until the image looks sharp (C).
1) The shutter speed scale in the viewfinder is color coded: black numbers
indicate reciprocal shutter speeds: i.e. 60 means 1/60 sec., while red
shows actual shutter speeds.
2) The finder coverage of the FE2 is approx. 93 %. The actual image size
will be slightly larger than the image seen in the viewfinder.
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(A) Split-image
(B) Microprism
Out of focus
In focus
(C) Matte field
Out of focus
In focus
Out of focus
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In focus
^0 n
AQ Take the photograph.
Look through the viewfinder and depress the shutter
release button halfway. The shutter speed, in accordance with
the subject brightness, is then indicated inside the viewfinder by
the black meter needle. If the shutter speed needle points
above 1/30 sec., depress the shutter release button all the way.
If the shutter speed is 1/30 sec. or below, turn the aperture ring
on the lens to make the speed at least above 1/30 sec. If you
Advance the film.
“ * ■ Wind the film advance lever as far as it will go to
transport the film to the next frame and ready the camera for
the next shot. Do not apply excessive pressure in winding the
Note: Don’t press the film rewind button
double exposed.
or certain frames may be
cannot obtain such a speed, refer to page 24.
1) A blurred photo may result if you take the shot at a shutter speed
between 1/30 sec. and 8 sec.
2) If the black meter needle is on either of the red exposure warning
marks, the shutter speed is out of the metering range. In this case,
you cannot obtain the correct exposure. See page 24 for more details.
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O A Push the film advance lever back
A Q Press the film rewind button.
into place.
After the last exposure has been made, the film advance lever
won’t move. Then push the film advance lever flush against the
camera body. By so doing the shutter release button is locked
and keeps the exposure meter switched off. This action pre
vents inadvertent shutter release.
Note: Even if the black meter needle remains inside the shutter speed
scale after the meter s\A/itch is off, it \nHI automatically be switched off
To rewind the exposed film back into the film cartridge,
turn the camera upside down and press the film rewind button.
You don’t have to depress the button all the way.
in approx. 16 sec., and the exposure measuring circuit will simultaneously
be cut off.
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OÆ Rewind the film.
Fold out the film rewind crank
and turn it gently in the direction of thé
arrow until you feel an increase in tension.
Give it a few more turns until the tension
is gone and the crank turns freely, indi
cating the film leader is rewound com
pletely back into the cartridge.
oe Remove the film
Open the camera back by pulling up the
rewind knob and take out the film car
tridge. Avoid unloading in direct sunlight.
If there is no shade available, turn your
back to the sun and use your own shadow
to shield the camera.
Note: Do not open the camera back before film
rewinding is completed.
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The Nikon FE2 is an Al-type (Automatic Maximum Aperture Indexing) camera
which performs full-aperture metering with Al-type lenses such as Al-Nikkor and
Nikon Series E lenses. The aperture rings of these lenses are fitted with meter
coupling ridges iP (see illustration 1). Almost all lenses now manufactured by Nikon
are the Al-type. However, please confirm whether or not your lens is Al before using
it with the FE2. Al-Nikkor lenses are identified by the two holes in the meter coupling
shoe M (see illustration 2).
Although almost all Nikkor lenses that have the Nikon bayonet mount, as well as
Nikon Series E lenses, can be mounted on the FE2, the camera cannot be used
with Nikkor lenses that have not yet been modified to offer the Al facility nor with
a few special-purpose lenses, because the FE2's meter coupling lever is fixed and
the FE2 does not have a mirror lock-up mechanism. For particulars, refer to the
table below.
Fisheye-Nikkor 6mm f/5.6
Fisheye-Nikkor 10 mm f/5.6 OP
PC-Nikkor 28mm f/4
PC-Nikkor 35mm f/2.8
Reflex-Nikkor 1000mm f/11
Reflex-Nikkor 2000 mm f/11
Zoom-Nikkor 200-600mm f/9.5
Requires mirror upNot usable
Requires mirror up
Hits camera's meter coupling lever
Hits camera's meter coupling lever
Hits camera's meter coupling lever
Hits camera's meter coupling lever
Hits camera’s meter coupling lever
Not usable
Serial No. 180901 and higher usable
Serial No. 906201 and higher usable
Serial No. 851000 and lower usable
Serial No. lower than 142361
and higher than 143000 usable
Serial No. 200311 and higher usable
Serial No. 300491 and higher usable
Zoom-Nikkor ED 180-600mm f/8Hits camera’s meter coupling lever
Zoom-Nikkor ED 360-1200mm f/11Hits camera's meter coupling lever
Focusing Unit AU-1Hits camera's meter coupling lever
Other Nikkor lenses that have not
Hits camera's meter coupling lever
been modified to offer the Al facility
Serial No. 174167 and higher usable
Serial No. 174088 and higher usable
Not usable
Requires Al modification
Note: The modification at reasonable cost of most non-Ai lenses having a meter coupling
prong is available for the convenience of Nikkor lens users. For further information concerning
Al lens modification, please contact your local authorized Nikon dealer.
Al-Nikkor Lens
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