Nikon Ecobins 10x25, Monarch X 10.5x45, ProStaff ATB 10x25, Monarch X 8.5x45 Brochure

EDG is the first birding binocular to harness the optical superiority of Nikon’s highly acclaimed
ED (Extra-Low Dispersion) glass to push the limits of optical perf ormance. This extraordinary glass was developed for
Nikon’s legendary Nikkor camera lenses, for increased resolution and color contrast. Nikon EDG binoculars offer the
same results to the world’s most serious birders—high contrast images that are razor sharp and extremely bright.
Deliv er superior sh arpness and c olor corr ectio n for unma tched det ail resol ution.
• Dielec tric High- Reflect ive Multil ayer Prism C oating
Ex traordi nary tec hnology de livers unc ompromis ed low- light per formanc e.
• Ad vanced, Full y Multico ated Opti cs
Multipl e layers o f anti-r eflec tive c ompounds on ever y glass sur face fo r bright, v ivid imag es.
• So phistica ted Design
New erg onomic cons truct ion balance s perfe ctly in the hand f or ext ended vie wing.
• Du al Focus Knob w ith Locki ng Diopter A djustment s
A quick, c entral f ocusing kn ob has been pai red wit h pop- up diopter adjus tments f or speed and c onvenien ce.
• Hor n-Shape d Detacha ble Eyecups
Ergon omically co ntoure d eyecups bl ock out per ipheral light fo r a clear field o f view.
• Long Eye Relief w ith Ratc heting Eye cup Adjustm ents
Allow f or a perf ect vie w, with or wi thout ey ewear.
• Li ghtweigh t, Rubber-A rmored Bo dy
Deliv ers superi or ruggedne ss that is st ill easy to hold in an y weather.
• Th umb-Posi tion Memor y Contour s (42mm models)
Prov ide optimum t racti on with so ft-grip t actile s urface .
• Ma gnesium-A lloy Body
New bod y cuts wei ght with out sacri ficing dur ability.
• Wa terproo f/Fogproo f Optical P erform ance
O-ri ng sealed and dr y nitr ogen filled t o handle the toughes t conditi ons. (Up to 10 minu tes submer sed at
16.4 fee t)
Quick and Smooth Central Focusing Control…
…Pulls out for Diopter Adjustment— In for Focusing
Compl ete specifi cations on pa ges 22-2 3.
When yo u want absolute cutting­edge per form ance for any c onditio ns,the 42mm Niko n EDG could be calle d the ultim ate choice . Deliver ing ex tremel y brigh t, high res olution i mages than ks to Nikon ’s ED glass lens es and dielec tric hi gh­ref lecti ve multil ayer pri sm coati ng, this mod el repre sents th e pinnacle of Nikon t echnolo gy. Rugged wa terpr oof/f ogproof p erfor mance in an ergono mic body de sign.
EDG 7x 42, 8x 42, 10x 42
Part #756 0 (7x42); #7561 (8x42 ); #7562 (10x42)
Built wi th the sam e rugged, waterpro of/ fogpr oof inte grit y, the 32mm Nikon ED G is for the bi rder look ing to shed ev en more wei ght on the t rip. Long eye re lief wit h ratch eting ey ecup adjust ments , high-pe rform ance bod y mater ials for a b etter gr ip in any con dition and t he same ful ly multic oated lenses a s big brot her. All house d in a sleek, f ast-hand ling roof pr ism body.
EDG 8x32, 10x32
Part #756 3 (8x32); #756 4 (10x32)
E DG Binoculars
Objective Lenses Sculpted from Nikon's Coveted ED (Extra-low Dispersion) Glass
The Ultimate Testament to
Form, Function and Performance
Exceptional Styling Contrasted by
Uncompromising Durability
“This fast moving binocular gives me the ability to scan the horizon while barely touching the focus wheel due to the outstanding depth-of-field. Field-of-view is always an important feature and with the EDG product you see it all. Beautiful to hold and superb to use, it does everything that I want it to do!
Richard Crossley, Freelance photographer/author/guide
COVER IMAG E: LITTLE BEE-EATERS, Tsavo E ast, Kenya. © Jane an d Adrian Binns. IMAGE PAGE 2: W OODLAND KING FISHER, Mu rchinson Falls N P, Uganda. © Jane and Adri an Binns.
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The incredible, high-resolution performance of the EDG binocular is now available in a remarkable
new EDG Fieldscope line. The new EDG Fieldscopes offer the same ED glass lenses and dielectric coated
prisms* as their binocular counterparts, delivering extraordinarily high contrast images in a sleek, redesigned
Fieldscope body. Larger 85mm and 65mm lenses allow you a wider field of view.
E DG Fieldscopes
• Nikon ‘s Legen dary ED (E xtra-l ow Dispers ion) Glass Lens es
Deliv er superior sh arpness and c olor corr ectio n for unmatc hed detai l resolut ion.
• Dielectr ic High-Ref lectiv e Multilay er Prism Coa ting*
Ex traordi nary tec hnology de livers unc ompromis ed low- light per formanc e.
• 85mm and 65mm Objec tive Len ses
Deliv er an expans ive fiel d of view so y ou can cat ch more of t he actio n.
• Fully Multic oated Op tics
Multipl e layers o f anti-r eflec tive c ompounds on ev ery glass sur face fo r bright, v ivid sigh t pictur es.
• High Grade Opt ics and Multi coating Tech nology
Care fully cut a nd polished gla ss is coat ed in multiple layer s of anti -refl ectiv e compounds f or bright r esoluti on and brilli ant color.
• EDG Eyepiec es
Both mo dels include a z oom eyepie ce and are com patible with o ptional e yepieces .
• Sliding Sunsh ade and Vue-Thr u Case
Prot ects yo ur invest ment in any si tuation .
• Straight and A ngled Body Ve rsions
• Waterpro of/Fogpr oof
Nitr ogen filled an d O-ring s ealed.
Intr oducing th e new king o f full-si zed Nikon F ieldscop es. The pr o­level E DG 85mm pro vides th e ultimat e in optic al perf ormanc e thanks to Nikon ’s ED lenses an d dielect ric coa ted prism s*. A rugged w aterpr oof, fogpr oof new bo dy design an d full comp atabili ty wit h the new line of EDG e yepiece s means you ’ll have a c ustom vie w and a depend able compani on for a lif etime of un parallele d birding.
EDG Fi eld sco pe 85mm
Part # 829 2 (Straight Body w/20 -60x zoo m eyepiece), Part #82 93 (Angled Body w/2 0-60 x zoom eyepiece)
Suprem e ruggedne ss and a larg er 65mm objec tive mak e this Fiel dscope the per fect c hoice wh en you’re c ounting e very ou nce in your pa ck, yet st ill need to s ee ever y detai l on the trip y ou’ve b een planning f or years . The new E DG won’t dis appoint , delive ring ex traor dinarily b right, high-r esolut ion view s and trul y remark able low -light pe rfor mance. All wate rproof a nd fogpr oof in a st ylish, ligh tweigh t new bod y design.
EDG Fieldscope 65mm
Part # 829 0 (Straight Body w/16 -48x zoom eyep iece), Part #82 91 (Angled Body w/16- 48x zoom eyepi ece)
*Diel ectric coa tings are o nly necessa ry on str aight bod y roof prism m odels. Not app licable on ang led body mod els.
Complete specifications on pages 22-23.
Optional Eyepieces
Nikon of fers s ix addit ional eye pieces fo r the EDG Fields copes. A L ong Eye Relie f 25x model d esigned speci ficall y for a wider f ield of v iew and ease -of-u se when sha ring the sc ope wit h other s. The 30 x model is a medium po wer eyep iece popul ar with man y scope us ers for it s bright ness and re solutio n.
Part #83 00 (25x LER ED G Eyepiece)
Also availab le: Part #82 94 (20x); #82 96 (38x LER); #8297 ( 50x); and #82 98 (75x) models
Part #82 95 (30x EDG Ey epiece)
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Nikon’s Premier binocular line is built to exceed the standards of discriminating birders.
Full-sized, mid-sized or compact, these birding classics each feature some of the world’s finest,
most earth-friendly optics surrounded by a lightweight, highly ergonomic body.
As wit h the sist er models o f the Premie r, the 8x32 vers ion feat ures a light weight alum inum die cast c hassis, O -ring se aled and nit rogen purged f or wate rproo f and fogpr oof per forman ce. Genero us eye rel ief and clic k-sto p turn-a nd-slid e eyecup s appeal equall y to those w ho do or do not w ear eyegl asses.
Premier 8x32
Part #7534 ( 8x32)
The Niko n Premier L XL 8x2 0 and 10x 25 are the a bsolute i n compac t perf ormanc e. They both f eatur e Eco-G lass lense s with f ully mult icoate d phase- corr ected , silve r-coate d prisms f or outst anding imag e resolu ­tion, e xcellen t field of v iew and sup erior clo se focus . Turn-an d-slide r ubber ey ecups giv e you a per fect f it with or wit hout eye wear.
Premier LXL 8x20, 10x25
Part #750 6 (8x20); # 750 7 (10x25)
Beaut ifully de signed, the Pre mier 8x42 a nd 10x42 are simpl y some of t he best ro of prism optic s in the wor ld. Const ruct ed on an O-r ing sealed , nitrog en purged an d lightw eight allo y chassis for a lif etime of w aterp roof and f ogproo f perfo rmance, t hese mode ls feat ure subst antial e xit pup ils for max imum light g atherin g.
Premier 8x42, 10x42
Part #753 5 (8x42); # 753 6 (10x42)
Complet e specification s on pages 22-23 .
“The Premier line is the perfect bridge for those looking to upgrade their birding binoculars, but not quite ready to commit to the highest end optics available. It provides a bright, crystal clear image in a sturdy, waterproof glass. Anita prefers the 8x32 because of its lighter weight and a better fit for her smaller hands, and their compact size also makes them great for travel.”
—Paul & Anita Guris, Nikon ProStaffer Owners/Operators, See Life Paulagics
IMAGE PAGE 6: H ORNED PUFF IN, St. Paul, A laska. © Cameron Cox IMAGE PAGE 7: SAD DLE-BILLED STORK , Masai Mara NP, Kenya. © Ja ne and Adrian Binns .
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Premier Binoculars
• Silver Coa ted Prisms
High-r eflec tion silv er coatin g on the prism s urface for the b rightes t images.
• Nikon’s Exclus ive Field Fl attener a nd Eyepiece D esign For remar kably sh arp, clear v iewing.
• Fully Multic oated Op tics
Multipl e layers o f anti-r eflec tive c ompounds on ever y glass sur face for b right, v ivid sigh t pictur es.
• Quick, Cen tral Focus Kn ob
For fast s ubject acqui sition. No b ird goes unse en.
• Durable and Pr otecti ve, Rubber-A rmored C oating (except 8 x20 and 10x 25)
Prov ides a non- slip grip, we t or dry.
• Sturdy, Die- Cast Allo y Body
Cuts w eight wit hout sacr ificing d urabilit y.
• Turn-and-S lide Rubber Ey ecups
With mu lti-c lick adjustme nts are e xtrem ely eyeglass-friendly.
• Waterpro of/Fogpr oof
Nitr ogen filled an d O-ring s ealed.
The new Monarch X series combines the latest optical technology with recent advancements
in construction to create the nex t great binocular line. Featuring Nikon’s advanced dielectric high
reflective multilayer prism coating, formerly available only on the exclusive EDG binocular, the Monarch X
delivers incredible optical performance, especially during the active birding periods of dusk and dawn.
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