• L egendary E D (Extr a-low Dispe rsion) Glass L enses
Deliv er superior sh arpness and c olor corr ectio n
for unma tched det ail resol ution.
• Dielec tric High- Reflect ive Multil ayer Prism C oating
Ex traordi nary tec hnology de livers unc ompromis ed
low- light per formanc e.
• Ad vanced, Full y Multico ated Opti cs
Multipl e layers o f anti-r eflec tive c ompounds
on ever y glass sur face fo r bright, v ivid imag es.
• So phistica ted Design
New erg onomic cons truct ion balance s perfe ctly
in the hand f or ext ended vie wing.
• Du al Focus Knob w ith Locki ng Diopter A djustment s
A quick, c entral f ocusing kn ob has been pai red wit h
pop- up diopter adjus tments f or speed and c onvenien ce.
• Hor n-Shape d Detacha ble Eyecups
Ergon omically co ntoure d eyecups bl ock out per ipheral
light fo r a clear field o f view.
• Long Eye Relief w ith Ratc heting Eye cup Adjustm ents
Allow f or a perf ect vie w, with or wi thout ey ewear.
• Li ghtweigh t, Rubber-A rmored Bo dy
Deliv ers superi or ruggedne ss that is st ill easy
to hold in an y weather.
• Th umb-Posi tion Memor y Contour s (42mm models)
Prov ide optimum t racti on with so ft-grip t actile s urface .
• Ma gnesium-A lloy Body
New bod y cuts wei ght with out sacri ficing dur ability.
• Wa terproo f/Fogproo f Optical P erform ance
O-ri ng sealed and dr y nitr ogen filled t o handle the
toughes t conditi ons. (Up to 10 minu tes submer sed at
16.4 fee t)
Quick and Smooth
Central Focusing
…Pulls out for
Diopter Adjustment—
In for Focusing
Compl ete specifi cations on pa ges 22-2 3.
When yo u want
absolute cuttingedge per form ance
for any c onditio ns,the
42mm Niko n EDG could
be calle d the ultim ate
choice . Deliver ing ex tremel y
brigh t, high res olution i mages than ks
to Nikon ’s ED glass lens es and dielec tric hi ghref lecti ve multil ayer pri sm coati ng, this mod el repre sents th e pinnacle
of Nikon t echnolo gy. Rugged wa terpr oof/f ogproof p erfor mance in an
ergono mic body de sign.
EDG 7x 42, 8x 42, 10x 42
Part #756 0 (7x42); #7561 (8x42 ); #7562 (10x42)
Built wi th the sam e
rugged, waterpro of/
fogpr oof inte grit y, the 32mm
Nikon ED G is for the bi rder look ing to
shed ev en more wei ght on the t rip. Long
eye re lief wit h ratch eting ey ecup adjust ments , high-pe rform ance bod y
mater ials for a b etter gr ip in any con dition and t he same ful ly multic oated
lenses a s big brot her. All house d in a sleek, f ast-hand ling roof pr ism body.
EDG 8x32, 10x32
Part #756 3 (8x32); #756 4 (10x32)
E DG Binoculars
Objective Lenses Sculpted from Nikon's
Coveted ED (Extra-low Dispersion) Glass
The Ultimate Testament to
Form, Function and Performance
Exceptional Styling Contrasted by
Uncompromising Durability
“This fast moving binocular gives me
the ability to scan the horizon while
barely touching the focus wheel due
to the outstanding depth-of-field.
Field-of-view is always an important
feature and with the EDG product
you see it all. Beautiful to hold and
superb to use, it does everything
that I want it to do!
Richard Crossley, Freelance
COVER IMAG E: LITTLE BEE-EATERS, Tsavo E ast, Kenya. © Jane an d Adrian Binns.
IMAGE PAGE 2: W OODLAND KING FISHER, Mu rchinson Falls N P, Uganda.
© Jane and Adri an Binns.
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