Nikon D80 User Manual 2

Two photographers, Italy and the D80
Photographers from different elds share their impressions after shooting with the D80 on a trip to Italy.
Cortina dʼAmpezzo
Cinque Terre
For every aspiring photographer –
High performance that satises
all shooting styles
• 10.2 effective megapixel CCD image sensor
• Advanced image processing engine
• Improved 11-area AF system
• 2.5-inch LCD with wide viewing angle
• Large, bright 0.94x viewnder
• Nikon D-SLR build quality and ne ergonomic design
• D-Lighting, Filters effects and a wide range of image enhancement options
About shooting in Italy - -
H (Hien): Iʼ ve lo ng dr eam e d o f sh o oti n g i n Venice. As a photojourn alist, I always st rive to convey the moment just as I see it with my own eyes. This demands a great amount of footwork to get acquainted with the location, and the time to establish a rapp ort with the locals. Shooting early in the morning with the D80 left an immediate impression on me. There was limited li ght, and that was comprised of a mix ture of natural and articial light. A lm camera in such a situation requires complicated use of lters, whereas the D80 was able to achieve accurate white balance an d meterin g under mi xe d lig ht so ur ces an d produce beautiful results.
Y (Yves): I believe shooting in the cafe allowed m e t o cl ea r l y ex p r e s s my fe e l i n g s ab ou t th e location. I am always exploring how best to express myself based on the inspiration I draw from the actual scene. And for me, the light is the inspiration. I like to control the light in each shot, which of co ur se includes captur in g the mood of th e natu ral li ght, while at ti me s also ta king advantage of reected light or using ashes. The D80 produced images just as I envisioned them, performing perfectly throughout the trip. Images from the D80 are of the highest quality, and I can edit them freely after the shot. The D80 can even perform in-camera editing, which only ad ds to the cr eative pos si bilitie s and ma ke s digital easier and more enjoyable for everyone.
First impressions of shooting with the D80 - -
H: All functions respond immediately. The camera is ready to shoot the instant I turn it on, shutter response is excellent, and autofocus is fast and prec ise. Speed is of the essence to my style of photography. Thatʼs why the remarkab le speed of the D80 captured my at tention rig ht awa y.
Yves Paternoster
Born in Franc e, Yve s stu died ph oto grap hy in Amst erd am a nd b eg an w or ki ng as a f re el an ce ph ot og ra ph er . Cur rent ly living in Amsterdam, Yv es fo cu ses pr ima ri ly on
commercial photograp hy.
Any on e w ho ta ke s p hot os un der stan ds th e desire to capture precious moments the instant they unfold, and the need for a camera with the speed and precision to be always ready to shoot.
Y: I w a s a lso im pres s e d by th e speed an d efciency of operation. The placement and size of bu tto ns and co ntrol s makes th em easy to us e. I also nd th e menus easy to understan d, and intuitive to use. The solid feel of the camera body belies its compact size, it was easy to carry around and simple to use from the very beginning.
Hien Lam Duc
Born in L aos, Hien em igrated to Fr anc e at the age of 16 . He be ga n his c are er as a phot ojourn alist with a s eries on the Meko ng R iver. Hien n ow l i v e s i n P ar i s a n d p ho to gr ap hs a ro un d the w or l d, w it h pa r t i cu l ar conce ntration o n Laos.
“The D80 is a perfect camera for every aspiring photographer and fully capable of satisfying the most demanding.”
Hien Lam Duc
H: I use the LCD monit or to conrm what I just shot and nd the D80ʼs 2.5-inch monitor very easy to view. The display is bright, colors are excellent, and the high resoluti on is a practical benet. I found this combination even helps me conrm sharpness. The playback and preview features are also easy to operate. You can zoom in or out using a single button, and itʼs easy to return to a full-frame view. Thereʼs no doubt that the ease of operation and quality of display makes the LCD monitor a useful tool, not only for checking shots and settings, but also for communicating with the people that Iʼm photographing.
Im pressions after c ompleti ng the shoot - -
H: I was par ti cularly ta ken with th e qualit y of res pon se, the ease of manual c ontrol, and the ex ib ility of setting s and func ti ons. Autofoc us also delivered the precision Iʼve come to expect of Nikon SLR cameras. The viewnder provides a clear view, and itʼs easy to change focus points to match the shot. I shot with the D80 the same way I use my lm bodies, and I felt completely comfortable doing so. The D80 is a performer that transcends distinctions between lm and digital cameras.
About the 10.2 megapixel images - -
Y: One of the advantages of digital is in how it
Y: Skin tones really come ou t great. They are
accurately re produced , eve n when shootin g in soft light , o r people wi th darke r complexi ons. Iʼm also pleased with how sharp and clear shots came out, even when shooting with little light with which to work.
H: Even when shooting from the gondola in bright sunlight, the reds in my subject, the blue sky, and th e bla ck of the go ndo la we re a ll acc ur at el y reproduc ed. I used the Landscape mode of the Digi-Vari Programs for this shot, and the outstanding qua lity of the con trast , color repro ducti on and smooth transitions all caught my eye. Thereʼs no doubt that the D80ʼs automatic settings can deliver sat isfying res ult s. With automatic setti ngs like this, anyone can take professional-quality photos.
smoothe s the photog ra phic process. You can change settings at any time on a digital camera th at are th e equ iv al en t of chang in g the t yp e of lm. A good example of this is the ability to change sensitivity. Digital is also more efcient than lm. You canʼt conrm what youʼve shot with lm until after developing the lm, whereas digital all ows you to acc uratel y conrm whatever you want as you shoot. This point really struck me as I shot with the D80.
H: It sounds as though we agree that the D80 is a perfect camera for every aspiring photographer, as well as one that is capable of satisfying both a photojournalist such as me, and a commercial photographer such as yourself.
“The camera provided satisfying results that were sharp and clear.”    Yves Paternoster
Iʼve shot from this location before, but never this early in the morning. The D80ʼs automatic functions worked wonderfully, capturing the mood of the moment as I hoped to express it.
– Yves Patern oster
• Image qua lity mode: R AW (NEF)
• Lens: AF- S Zoom-Ni kkor 17-35mm f/2. 8D ED-IF
• Exposu re mode: [M] 1/2. 5 second, f /5.6
• White bal ance: Auto • Sen sitivity: ISO- equiv. 125
I tried to shoot this scene just as it struck my eye. I used the Landscape mode of the Digi-Vari Programs for this shot, and Iʼm very pleased with how the D80 was able to accurately reproduce the moment.
Hien Lam Duc
• Image qua lity mode: R AW (NEF)
• Lens: AF DX Fis heye-Nikk or 10.5mm f/2. 8G ED
Exposu re mode: Digital Vari -Program [Lan dscape] 1/125 secon d, f/9
• White bal ance: Auto • Sen sitivity: ISO- equiv. 100
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