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4.8.2 FTP Server
You can configure a FTP server on this page. Follow the instructions below to set up your FTP server:
Plug an external USB hard disk drive or USB flash
1. drive into this Router.
Click the Enable/Disable radio box to enable/ disable internet access to ftp from WAN port.
Change the Service port to specify a port for ftp server to use (default 21).
If WAN type is PPPOE/PPTP/L2TP, there would be two connections. Therefore, users can access the ftp server via two connections. Users in a private LAN can access ftp server via Public Address while internet users can access ftp server via Internet Address.
Click the Start button to start the ftp server.
On this page, when a share folder is added, you can view its display name, volume partition, folder path and you can delete the share folder by clicking the delete button.
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Name - This folder’s display name.
Partition - The volume that the folder resides.
Folder - The real full path of the specified folder.
Modify - You can edit the share folder by clicking the modify button.
Delete - You can delete the share folder by clicking the delete button.
The max share folders number is 10. If you want to share a new folder when the number has reached 10, you can delete a share folder and then add a new one. If you want to change the FTP settings, you need to restart FTP Server to enable the Settings Change.
4.8.3 Media Server
You can configure media server on this page. Follow the instructions below to set up your media server:
Plug an external USB hard disk drive or USB flash
1. drive into this Router. Click the Start button to initiate the media server.
2. Click the Add share folder button to specify a
3. folder as the search path of media server. Click the Scan All button to scan all the share
4. folders immediately. You can also select Auto- scan and at same time choose the auto scan interval time from the pull-down list, and then click the Save button to save the new settings. In this case, the media server will auto scan the share folder.
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On this page, when a share folder is added, you can view its display name, file system type, folder path and you can delete the share folder by clicking the delete button as shown in the corresponding dialog box.
Name - This folder’s display name.
File System - The file system on the partition can be FAT32 or NTFS.
Folder - The real full path of the specified folder.
Delete - You can delete the share folder by clicking the delete button.
The max. share folders number is 3. If you want to share a new folder when the numbers have reached to be 3, you can delete a share folder and then add a new one. Click the Start button to start the media server. Click the Stop button to stop the media server. Click the Scan All button to scan all the share folders immediately. Click the delete button to delete the specified share folder.
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4.8.4 User Accounts
You can specify the user name and password for Network Sharing users on the following User Accounts page. Network Sharing users can use Internet Explorer to access files stored in the USB drive. There are two Network Sharing users that can access the shares. They are Administrator and Guest. Administrator has read/write privileges while Guest has read-only access. Only Administrator can use a Web browser to transfer the files from a PC to the Writable shared volume on the USB drive.
Figure 4-32 User Accounts
User Name - Type the user name that you want to give access to the USB drive. The user name should consist of alphanumeric characters, not exceeding 15 in length.
Password - Enter the password in the Password field. The password should consist of alphanu­meric characters, not exceeding 15 in length. For security purposes, the password for each user
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account is not displayed. Confirm Password - Re-enter the password here.
Click the Save button to store your settings. Click the Clear All button to clear all the fields.
Please restart the service for the new settings to take effect.
If you cannot use the new user name and password to access the shares, press Windows
logo + R to open the Run dialog box. Next, net use \\ and press Enter.
( is your Router’s LAN IP address.)
4.9 Forwarding
Figure 4-33 The Forwarding menu
There are four submenus under Forwarding (shown in Figure 4-33): Virtual Servers, Port Triggering, DMZ and UPnP. Click on any of these items in order to configure the corresponding function.
4.9.1 Virtual Servers
Go to “Forwarding Virtual Servers” in the menu,
in order to visualize and add virtual servers, as shown in the following screen (Figure 4-34). Virtual servers can be used for setting up public services on your LAN, such as DNS, Email and FTP. A virtual
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server is defined as a service port, and all requests from the Internet to this service port will be redirected to the computer specified by the server IP. Any PC that was used for a virtual server must have a static or reserved IP Address because its IP Address may be changed when using the DHCP function.
Figure 4-34 Virtual Servers
Service Port - The numbers of External Ports. You can type a service port or a range of service ports (in XXX – YYY format, XXX is the start port number, YYY is the end port number).
IP Address - The IP Address of the PC providing the service application.
Internal Port - The Internal Service Port number of the PC running the service application. You can leave it blank if the Internal Port is the same as the Service Port, or enter a specific port number when Service Port is a single one.
Protocol - The protocol used for this application, either TCP, UDP, or All (all protocols supported by the router).
Status - This field displays either Enabled or Disabled, as the current status for the device.
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To setup a virtual server entry:
Click the “Add New…” button (as in Figure 4-35).
Select the service you want to use from the Common Service Port list. If the Common Service Port list does not have the service that you want to use, type the number of the service port or service port range in the Service Port box.
Type the IP Address of the computer in the IP Address box.
Select the protocol used for this application, either TCP or UDP, or All.
Click on the check box to Enable the virtual server.
Click the Save button.
Figure 4-35 Add or Modify a Virtual Server Entry
If your computer or server has more than one type of service available, please select a different service, and enter the same IP Address for that computer or server.
To modify or delete an existing entry:
Click the Modify button next to in the entry you want to change. If you want to erase this entry, click on Delete.
Proceed with the changes you want to make.
Click the Save button.
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Click the Enable All button to activate all entries Click the Disabled All button to cancel all entries. Click the Delete All button to erase all entries Click the Next button to go to the following page Click the Previous button to return to the last page.
If you set the service port of the virtual server as 80, you must set the Web management port on System Tools –> Remote Management page to be any other value except 80, such as 8080. Otherwise, there will be a conflict to disable the virtual server.
4.9.2 Port Triggering
Go to “Forwarding Port Triggering” in the menu,
in order to visualize and add port triggering, as shown in the next screen (Figure 4-36). Some applications require multiple connections, like Internet games, video conferencing, Internet calling, and so on. These applications cannot work with a pure NAT router. Port Triggering is used for some of these applications to let them work with a NAT router.
Figure 4-36 Port Triggering
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Once the Router is configured, the operation is as follows:
A local host makes an outgoing connection using a destination port number defined in the Trigger Port field.
The Router records this connection, opens the incoming port or ports associated with this entry in the Port Triggering table, and associates them with the local host.
When necessary the external host will be able to connect to the local host using one of the ports defined in the Incoming Ports field. Trigger Port - The port for outgoing traffic. An outgoing connection using this port will “Trigger” this rule. Trigger Protocol - The protocol used for Trigger Ports, either TCP, UDP, or All (all protocols supported by the router). Incoming Ports Range - The port or port range used by the remote system when it responds to the outgoing request. A response using one of these ports will be forwarded to the PC that triggered this rule. You can input at most 5 groups of ports (or port section). Every group of ports must be set apart with “,”. For example, 2000-2038, 2050-2051, 2085, 3010-3030. Incoming Protocol - The protocol used for Incoming Ports Range, either TCP or UDP, or
ALL (all protocols supported by the router). Status - It displays the current status of this
entry, either Enabled or Disabled.
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To add a new rule, follow the steps below.
Click the “Add New…” button. The following screen will be displayed, as shown in Figure 4-37.
Select a common application from the Common Applications drop-down list, then the Trigger Port field and the Incoming Ports field will be automati­cally filled. If the Common Applications do not have the application you need, enter the Trigger Port and the Incoming Ports manually.
Select the protocol used for Trigger Port from the Trigger Protocol drop-down list, either TCP, UDP, or All.
Select the protocol used for Incoming Ports from the Incoming Protocol drop-down list, either TCP or UDP, or All.
Select Enable in Status field.
Click the Save button to store the new rule.
Figure 4-37 Add or Modify a Triggering Entry
To modify or delete an existing entry:
Click the Modify button next to in the entry you want to change. If you want to erase this entry, click on Delete.
Proceed with the changes you want to make.
Click the Save button.
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Click the Enable All button to activate all entries. Click the Disabled All button to cancel all entries. Click the Delete All button to erase all entries.
When the trigger connection is released, the corresponding opened ports will be closed.
Each rule allows only to be used by a single host on LAN synchronously. The trigger connection of other hosts on LAN will be refused.
Incoming Port Range cannot overlap each other.
4.9.3 DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)
Go to “Forwarding DMZ”, in order to visualize and
configure the DMZ host, as shown in the screen below (Figure 4-38). The DMZ host feature allows one local host to be exposed to the Internet so as to gain access to certain applications, such as Internet gaming or videoconferencing. DMZ host forwards all the ports at the same time. Any PC whose port is being forwarded must have its DHCP client function disabled, and should also have a new static IP Address assigned to it, because its IP Address may be changed when using the DHCP function.
Figure 4-38 DMZ
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To assign a computer or server to be a DMZ server:
Click the Enable radio button
Enter the local host IP Address in the DMZ Host IP Address field.
Click the Save button.
Once you set the DMZ host, the firewall protection for that host will be disabled.
4.9.4 UPnP
Go to “Forwarding UPnP” in the menu, in order
to visualize the information related to the UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) feature, as shown in the screen below (Figure 4-39). The UPnP architecture allows any compatible device, such as Internet com­puters, to access the local host resources or other networking equipment, as needed. UPnP devices on the LAN can be automatically discovered using the UPnP application.
Figure 4-39 UPnP Setting
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Current UPnP Status - UPnP can be enabled or disabled by clicking the Enable or Disable button. Please note that since this feature is enabled by default, it may present a risk to security.
Current UPnP Settings List - This table displays the current UPnP information.
App Description - The description provided by the application in the UPnP request.
External Port - External port, which the router opened for the application.
Protocol - Shows which type of protocol is opened.
Internal Port - Internal port, which the router opened for local host.
IP Address - The UPnP device that is currently accessing the router. Status - The port status is displayed in this field.
“Enabled” means that the port is still active. Otherwise, the port is inactive.
Click Refresh to update the Current UPnP Settings List.
4.10 Security
Figure 4-40 Security menu
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There are four submenus under the Security (shown in Figure 4-40): Basic Security, Advanced Security, Local Management and Remote Management. Click on any of these items in order to configure the corresponding function.
4.10.1 Basic Security
Go to “Security Basic Security”, in order to
configure the basic security settings, as shown in the screen below (Figure 4-37).
Figure 4-41 Basic Security
Firewall - A firewall protects your network from the outside world. In this page, the user can enable or disable the router firewall.
SPI Firewall - SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection, also known as dynamic packet filtering) helps to prevent cyber attacks by tracking more state per session. It validates that the traffic passing through the session conforms to the protocol. SPI Firewall is enabled by factory default. If you
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want all the computers on the LAN exposed to the outside world, you can disable it. enable or disable the router firewall.
VNP - VPN Passthrough must be enabled if you want to allow VPN tunnels using IPSec, PPTP, or L2TP protocols to pass through the Router’s firewall.
PPTP Passthrough - Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) allows the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) to be tunneled through an IP network. To allow PPTP tunnels to pass through the router, keep its default configuration: Enabled.
L2TP Passthrough - Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is the method used to enable Point-to-Point sessions via the Internet on the Layer 2 level. To allow L2TP tunnels to pass through the router, keep its default configuration:
Enabled. IPSec Passthrough - Internet Protocol
Security (IPSec) is a suite of protocols for ensuring private, secure communications over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, through the use of cryptographic security services. To allow IPSec tunnels to pass through the router, keep its default configuration: Enabled.
ALG - It is recommended to enable Application Layer Gateway (ALG) because it allows customized Network Address Translation (NAT) traversal filters to be plugged into the gateway, so as to support address and port translation for certain application layer “control/data” protocols, such as FTP, TFTP, H323 etc.
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FTP ALG - To allow FTP clients and servers to transfer data across NAT, keep its default configuration: Enabled.
TFTP ALG - To allow TFTP clients and servers to transfer data across NAT, keep its default configuration: Enabled.
H323 ALG - To allow Microsoft NetMeeting clients to communicate across NAT, keep its default configuration: Enabled.
Click the Save button to store your settings.
4.10.2 Advanced Security
Go to “Security Advanced Security” in the menu,
in order to protect the router from being attacked by TCP-SYN Flood, UDP Flood and ICMP-Flood, as shown in the following screen (Figure 4-42).
Figure 4-42 Advanced Security
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Packets Statistics Interval (5~60) - The default
value is 10. Select the desired setting between 5 and 60 seconds from the drop-down list. This value determines the time interval between packets. The result of the statistics is used for analysis by SYN Flood, UDP Flood and ICMP-Flood. DoS Protection - Denial of Service protection.
Check the corresponding box to Enable or Disable this function. Only when DoS is enabled, flood filters will be effective.
Note: You must first enable Traffic Statistics in “System Tool Traffic Statistics” for the DoS Protection
feature to work. Enable ICMP-FLOOD Attack Filtering – Check this
box to Enable or Disable the ICMP-FLOOD Attack Filtering. ICMP-FLOOD Packets Threshold (5~3600) - The
default value is 50. Select the desired setting 5 ~ 3600. When the current ICMP-FLOOD Packets number exceeds the set value, the router will im­mediately startup the blocking feature. Enable UDP-FLOOD Filtering - Enable or Disable
the UDP-FLOOD Filtering. UDP-FLOOD Packets Threshold (5~3600) - The
default value is 500. Select the desired setting between 5 ~ 3600. When the current UPD-FLOOD Packets number exceeds the set value, the router will immediately startup the blocking feature. Enable TCP-SYN-FLOOD Attack Filtering - Check
this box to Enable or Disable the TCP-SYN-FLOOD Attack Filtering.
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TCP-SYN-FLOOD Packets Threshold (5~3600) -
The default value is 50. Select the desired setting between 5 ~ 3600. When the current TCP-SYN­FLOOD Packets number exceeds the set value, the router will immediate startup the blocking feature. Ignore Ping Packet From WAN Port - Check this
box to Enable or Disable this option. The default setting is disabled. If enabled, the ping packet from the Internet cannot access the router. Forbid Ping Packet From LAN Port - Check this
box to Enable or Disable this option. The default setting is disabled. If enabled, the ping packet from LAN cannot access the router. This function can be used to defend the network against some viruses.
Click the Save button to store the settings. Click the DoS Host Block List button to display the DoS host table with the items excluded.
4.10.3 Local Management
Go to “Security Local Management” in the menu,
in order to configure the management rule as shown in the screen below (Figure 4-43). The management feature allows you to deny computers in the LAN from accessing the Router.
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Figure 4-43 Local Management
By default, the radio button “All the PCs on the
LAN are allowed to access the Router’s Web­Based Utility” is checked. If you want to allow PCs
with specific MAC Addresses to access the Setup page of the Router’s Web-Based Utility locally from inside the network, check the radio button “Only the
PCs listed can browse the built-in web pages to perform Administrator tasks”, and then enter each
MAC Address in a separate field. The format for the MAC Address is XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX (where X is any hexadecimal digit). Only the PCs with a MAC address listed can use the password to browse the built-in web pages to perform Administrator tasks while all the others will be blocked. After clicking the Add button, your PC’s MAC Address will be placed in the above list. Click the Save button to store your settings.
If your PC is blocked but you want to access the router again, use a pin to press and hold the Reset Button (hole) on the back panel for about 5 seconds,
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to reset the router to its factory default values on the Web-Based Utility.
4.10.4 Remote Management
Go to “Security Remote Management” in the
menu, in order to configure the Remote Manage­ment feature, as shown in the screen below (Figure 4-44). This feature allows you to manage your router from a remote location via the Internet.
Figure 4-44 Remote Management
Web Management Port - Web browser normally
uses the standard HTTP port 80 for access. This router’s default remote management web port number is 80. For greater security, you can change the remote management web port to a custom port by entering that number in the box provided. Choose a number between 1 and 65534, but do not use the number of any common service port. Remote Management IP Address - This is the
current address you will use when accessing your Router from the Internet. This function is disabled when the IP address is set to the default value of To enable this function change to a valid IP address. If set to, then all the hosts can access the Router from internet.
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1)2)To access the Router, you should type your Router’s WAN IP address into your browser’s address (in IE) or Location (in Navigator) box, followed by a colon and the custom port num­ber. For example, if your Router’s WAN address is, and the port number used is 8080, please enter in your browser. Later, you may be asked to type the Router’s password. After successfully entering the username and password, you will be able to access the router’s web-based utility. Be sure to change the router’s default password to a more secure password.
4.11 Parental Control
Go to “Parental Control” in order to configure this monitoring feature, as shown it the screen below. (Figure 4-45). Parental Control can be used to monitor the internet activities of a child, limit his/ her access to certain websites and to restrict the amount of time they spend surfing.
Figure 4-45 Parental Control Settings
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Parental Control - Check Enable if you want to activate this function; otherwise, check Disable.
MAC Address of Parental PC - In this field, enter the MAC address of the monitoring PC, or you can make use of the Copy To Above button below.
MAC Address of Your PC - This field displays the MAC address of the PC that is managing this router. If the MAC Address of your adapter is reg­istered, you can click the Copy To Above button to enter this address into the MAC Address of Parental PC field above.
Website Description - Description of the allowed website for the monitored PC.
Schedule - The time period allowed for the monitored PC to have access to the Internet. For detailed information, please go to “Access Control Schedule”.
Modify – Use this link to edit or delete an existing
To add a new entry, please follow the steps below.
Click the Add New button. The screen shown in
1. figure 4-46 below will appear. In the MAC Address of Child PC field, enter the
2. MAC address of the PC (e.g. 00-11-22-33-44­AA) you want to control. Or you can choose the MAC address from the All Address in Current LAN drop-down list. Give a description (e.g. Allow Google) for the
3. website allowed to be accessed in the Website Description field. Enter the allowed domain name of the website,
4. either the full name or the keywords (e.g. google) in the Allowed Domain Name field. Any domain
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name with keywords in it ( will be allowed. Select from the Effective Time drop-down list the
5. schedule (e.g. Schedule_1) you want the entry to take effect. If there are not suitable schedules for you, click the Schedule in red below to open the Advanced Schedule Settings page, and create the schedule you need. In the Status field, select the Enabled or Disabled
6. condition for that entry. Click the Save button.
Click the Enable All button to activate all entries. Click the Disabled All button to cancel all entries. Click the Delete All button to erase all entries. Click the Next button to go to the following page Click the Previous button to return to the last page.
Figure 4-46 Add or Modify Parental Control Entry
+ 52 hidden pages