Newport ESP300, ESP300-2, ESP300-1 User Manual

ESP300 Motion Controller/Driver

User's Manual

Newport Corporation warrants that this product will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will comply with Newport’s published specifications at the time of sale for a period of one year from date of shipment. If found to be defective during the warranty period, the product will either be repaired or replaced at Newport's option.
To exercise this warranty, write or call your local Newport office or representative, or contact Newport headquarters in Irvine, California. You will be given prompt assistance and return instructions. Send the product, freight prepaid, to the indicated service facility. Repairs will be made and the instrument returned freight prepaid. Repaired products are warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or 90 days, whichever first occurs.
Limitation of Warranty
The above warranties do not apply to products which have been repaired or modified without Newport’s written approval, or products subjected to unusual physical, thermal or electrical stress, improper installation, misuse, abuse, accident or negligence in use, storage, transportation or handling. This warranty also does not apply to fuses, batteries, or damage from battery leakage.
First printing 1999
Copyright 2002 by Newport Corporation, Irvine, CA. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or copied without the prior written approval of Newport Corporation.
This manual has been provided for information only and product specifications are subject to change without notice. Any change will be reflected in future printings.
2002 Newport Corporation
1791 Deere Ave. Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 863-3144
P/N 28187-02 Rev. F
ii Preface
Confidentiality & Proprietary Rights
Reservation of Title:
The Newport programs and all materials furnished or produced in connection with them ("Related Materials") contain trade secrets of Newport and are for use only in the manner expressly permitted. Newport claims and reserves all rights and benefits afforded under law in the Programs provided by Newport Corporation.
Newport shall retain full ownership of Intellectual Property Rights in and to all development, process, align or assembly technologies developed and other derivative work that may be developed by Newport. Customer shall not challenge, or cause any third party to challenge the rights of Newport.
Preservation of Secrecy and Confidentiality and Restrictions to Access:
Customer shall protect the Newport Programs and Related Materials as trade secrets of Newport, and shall devote its best efforts to ensure that all its personnel protect the Newport Programs as trade secrets of Newport Corporation. Customer shall not at any time disclose Newport's trade secrets to any other person, firm, organization, or employee that does not need (consistent with Customer's right of use hereunder) to obtain access to the Newport Programs and Related Materials. These restrictions shall not apply to information (1) generally known to the public or obtainable from public sources; (2) readily apparent from the keyboard operations, visual display, or output reports of the Programs; 93) previously in the possession of Customer or subsequently developed or acquired without reliance on the Newport Programs; or (4) approved by Newport for release without restriction.
Service Information
This section contains information regarding factory service for the ESP300 System. The user should not attempt any maintenance or service of the system or optional equipment beyond the procedures outlined in this manual. Any problem that cannot be resolved should be referred to Newport Corporation.
Preface iii
EU Declaration of Conformity
iv Preface
Table of Contents
Warranty ............................................................................ ii
Limitation of Warranty ....................................................... ii
Copyright ............................................................................ ii
EU Declaration of Conformity........................................... iv
Section 1 – Introduction ...........................................1-1
1.1 Scope............................................................... 1-1
1.2 Safety Considerations ..................................... 1-2
1.3 Conventions and Definitions........................... 1-3
1.3.1 Definitions and Symbols.................... 1-3
1.3.2 Terminology....................................... 1-5
1.4 System Overview ............................................ 1-6
1.4.1 Features .............................................. 1-6
1.4.2 Specifications ..................................... 1-7
1.4.3 Descriptions of Front Panel Versions 1-8
1.4.4 Rear Panel Description....................... 1-9
1.5 System Setup................................................. 1-11
1.5.1 Line Voltage..................................... 1-11
1.5.2 First Power ON ................................ 1-11
1.6 Quick Start .................................................... 1-12
1.6.1 Connecting Motion Devices............. 1-12
1.6.2 Motor On.......................................... 1-13
1.6.3 Homing............................................. 1-13
1.6.4 First Jog............................................ 1-14
Section 2 – Modes of Operation...............................2-1
2.1 Overview of Operating Modes........................ 2-1
2.1.1 LOCAL Mode .................................... 2-1
2.1.2 REMOTE Mode................................. 2-1
2.2 Operation in LOCAL Mode............................ 2-2
2.2.1 Accessing the Menu ........................... 2-2
2.2.2 Navigating the Menu.......................... 2-2
2.2.3 Changing Values ................................ 2-2
2.2.4 Motion from the Front Panel.............. 2-3
2.2.5 Detailed Description of Menu Items.. 2-5
Section 3 – Remote Mode.........................................3-1
3.1 Programming Modes....................................... 3-1
Preface v
3.2 Remote Interfaces............................................ 3-4
3.2.1 RS-232C Interface.............................. 3-4
3.2.2 IEEE488 Interface.............................. 3-5
3.3 Software Utilities ............................................ 3-6
3.4 Command Syntax............................................ 3-7
3.4.1 Summary of Command Syntax .......... 3-8
3.5 Command Summary ....................................... 3-9
3.5.1 Command List by Category ............. 3-10
3.5.2 Command List - Alphabetical .......... 3-14
3.6 Description of Commands ............................ 3-17
Section 4 – Advanced Capabilities ..........................4-1
4.1 Grouping ......................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Introduction – Advanced Capabilities 4-1
4.1.2 Defining a Group & Group
Parameters.......................................... 4-1 Creating a Group................. 4-1 Defining Group Parameters 4-2
4.1.3 Making Linear and Circular Moves ... 4-2 Making Linear Move .......... 4-3 Making Circular Move........ 4-3
4.1.4 Making Contours................................ 4-4
4.1.5 Miscellaneous Commands ................. 4-7
4.2 Slaving a Stage to Trackball, Joystick, or a
Different Stage ................................................ 4-7
4.2.1 Introduction – Slaving a Stage ........... 4-7
4.2.2 Slave to a Different Stage .................. 4-8
4.2.3 Slave to a Trackball............................ 4-8
4.2.4 Slave to a Joystick.............................. 4-9
4.3 Closed Loop Stepper Motor Positioning......... 4-9
4.3.1 Introduction – Closed Loop Stepper .. 4-9
4.3.2 Feature Implementation ................... 4-10
4.4 Synchronize Motion to External and Internal
Events............................................................ 4-12
4.4.1 Introduction – Synchronize Motion . 4-12
4.4.2 Using DIO to Execute Stored
Programs .......................................... 4-12
4.4.3 Using DIO to Inhibit Motion ........... 4-14
4.4.4 Using DIO to Monitor Motion
Status................................................ 4-14
Section 5 – Motion Control Tutorial.........................5-1
5.1 Motion Systems............................................... 5-1
5.2 Specification Definitions................................. 5-2
5.2.1 Following Error.................................. 5-3
vi Preface
5.2.2 Error ................................................... 5-3
5.2.3 Accuracy ............................................ 5-3
5.2.4 Local Accuracy .................................. 5-4
5.2.5 Resolution .......................................... 5-6
5.2.6 Minimum Incremental Motion........... 5-6
5.2.7 Repeatability ...................................... 5-7
5.2.8 Backlash (Hysteresis)......................... 5-8
5.2.9 Pitch, Roll and Yaw ........................... 5-9
5.2.10 Wobble ............................................. 5-10
5.2.11 Load Capacity .................................. 5-10
5.2.12 Maximum Velocity .......................... 5-11
5.2.13 Minimum Velocity........................... 5-11
5.2.14 Velocity Regulation ......................... 5-12
5.2.15 Maximum Acceleration.................... 5-12
5.2.16 Combined Parameters ...................... 5-13
5.3 Control Loops ............................................... 5-13
5.3.1 PID Servo Loops.............................. 5-14
5.3.2 Feed-Forward Loops ........................ 5-16
5.4 Motion Profiles ............................................. 5-18
5.4.1 Move ................................................ 5-18
5.4.2 Jog .................................................... 5-19
5.4.3 Home Search .................................... 5-20
5.5 Encoders........................................................ 5-22
5.6 Motors ........................................................... 5-26
5.6.1 Stepper Motors................................. 5-26 Stepper Motor Types.......... 5-31
5.6.2 DC Motors........................................ 5-32
5.7 Drivers........................................................... 5-33
5.7.1 Stepper Motor Drivers ..................... 5-33
5.7.2 Unipolar-Bipolar Drivers ................. 5-35
5.7.3 DC Motor Drivers ............................ 5-36 PWM Drivers ..................... 5-38
Section 6 – Servo Tuning .........................................6-1
6.1 Tuning Principles ............................................ 6-1
6.2 Tuning Procedures .......................................... 6-1
6.2.1 Hardware and Software Requirements6-2
6.2.2 Correcting Axis Oscillation ............... 6-2
6.2.3 Correcting Following Error................ 6-2
6.2.4 Points To Remember.......................... 6-4
Section 7 – Optional Equipment ..............................7-1
7.1 Hand-held Keypad .......................................... 7-1
7.1.1 Description of Keys ........................... 7-2
7.1.2 Activating the Keyboard .................... 7-2
Preface vii
Appendix A – Error Messages................................. A-1
Appendix B – Trouble-Shooting/Maintenance ....... B-1
B.1 Trouble-Shooting Guide .................................B-2
B.2 Fuse Replacement ...........................................B-4
B.2.1 Replacing Fuses on the ESP300 Rear
Power Line Panel ...............................B-4
B.3 Cleaning ..........................................................B-5
Appendix C – Connector Pin Assignments............ C-1
C.1 ESP300 Rear Panel .........................................C-1
C.1.1 GPIO Connector (37-Pin D-Sub) ......C-1
C.1.2 Signal Descriptions (Digital I/O, 37-Pin
JP4 Connector)..................................C-1
C.1.3 Motor Driver Card (25-Pin) I/O
Connector ..........................................C-2
C.1.4 Signal Descriptions (Motor Driver Card,
25-Pin I/O Connector).......................C-3
C.1.5 Auxiliary Encoder Inputs ..................C-5
C.1.6 IEEE488 Interface Connector (24-
Pin) ....................................................C-6
C.1.7 RS-232C Interface Connector (9-Pin
C.1.8 RS-232C Interface Cable...................C-7
C.1.9 Motor Interlock Connector (BNC) ....C-7
Appendix D – Binary Conversion Table ................. D-1
Appendix E – System Upgrades ............................. E-1
E.1 Adding Axes ...................................................E-2
E.2 Adding IEEE488.............................................E-3
E.3 Changing the Front Panel Option....................E-4
Appendix F – ESP Configuration Logic...................F-1
Appendix G – Programming Non-ESP Compatible
Stages................................................ G-1
viii Preface
Appendix H – Factory Service................................. H-1
H.1 Service Form .................................................. H-2
List of Figures
Figure No. Page
Figure 1.1: ESP 300 Controller/Driver ..........................................1-6
Figure 1.2: ESP300 Front Panel with displays ..............................1-9
Figure 1.3: Rear Panel of the ESP300..........................................1-10
Figure 2.1: Menu Section................................................................2-2
Figure 2.2: Menu Item.....................................................................2-3
Figure 2.3: Motion from the Front Panel Displayed ......................2-3
Figure 3.1: Command Syntax Diagram ..........................................3-7
Figure 4.1: A Contour with Multiple Circular Moves ....................4-5
Figure 4.2: A Contour with Multiple Linear and Circular Moves 4-5 Figure 4.3: Block Diagram of Via Point Data Handling
By Command Processor.............................................4-6
Figure 4.4: Block Diagram of Via Point Data Handling
By Trajectory Generator...........................................4-7
Figure 4.5: Block Diagram of Closed Loop Stepper Motor
Positioning .......................................................... 4-11
Figure 5.1: Typical Motion Control Systems ..................................5-1
Figure 5.2: Position Error Test.......................................................5-4
Figure 5.3a: High Accuracy for Small Motions..............................5-5
Figure 5.3b: Low Accuracy for Small Motions...............................5-5
Figure 5.4: Effect of Stiction and Elasticity on Small Motion ........5-6
Figure 5.5: Error Plot .....................................................................5-6
Figure 5.6: Error vs. Motion Step Size ...........................................5-7
Figure 5.7: Hysteresis Plot .............................................................5-8
Figure 5.8: Real vs. Ideal Position..................................................5-9
Figure 5.9: Pitch, Roll and Yaw Motion Axes.................................5-9
Figure 5.10: Pitch, Yaw and Roll Motion Axes...............................5-9
Figure 5.11: Wobble Generates a Circle ......................................5-10
Figure 5.12: Position, Velocity and Average Velocity................. 5-11
Figure 5.13: Servo Loop ...............................................................5-14
Figure 5.14: P Loop ......................................................................5-15
Figure 5.15: PI Loop.....................................................................5-15
Figure 5.16: PID Loop..................................................................5-16
Figure 5.17: Trapezoidal Velocity Profile ....................................5-17
Figure 5.18: PID Loop with Feed Forward..................................5-17
Figure 5.19: Tachometer-Driven PIDF Loop...............................5-18
Figure 5.20: Trapezoidal Motion Profile......................................5-19
Figure5.21: Position and Acceleration Profiles ...........................5-19
Figure 5.22: Home (Origin) Switch and Encoder Index Pulse.....5-21
Preface ix
Figure 5.23: Slow Speed Home (Origin) Switch Search............5-21
Figure 5.24: High/Low-Speed Home (Origin) Switch Search ...5-21 Figure 5.25: Home (Origin) Search From Opposite
Direction ...............................................................5-22
Figure 5.26: Encoder Quadrature Output .................................5-23
Figure 5.27: Optical Encoder Scale...........................................5-23
Figure 5.28: Optical Encoder Read Head .................................5-24
Figure 5.29: Single-Channel Optical Encoder Scale and
Read Head Assembly.............................................5-24
Figure 5.30: Two-Channel Optical Encoder Scale and
Read Head Assembly.........................................5-25
Figure 5.31: Stepper Motor Operation ......................................5-26
Figure 5.32: Four-Phase Stepper Motor ...................................5-27
Figure 5.33: Phase-Timing Diagram.........................................5-27
Figure 5.34: Energizing Two Phases Simultaneously................5-28
Figure 5.35: Timing Diagram, Half-Stepping Motor.................5-28
Figure 5.36: Energizing Two Phases with Different
Intensities ..........................................................5-28
Figure 5.37: Timing Diagram, Continuous Motion (Ideal) .......5-29
Figure 5.38: Timing Diagram, Mini-Stepping ...........................5-29
Figure 5.39: Single Phase Energization ....................................5-30
Figure 5.40: External Force Applied .........................................5-30
Figure 5.41: Unstable Point.......................................................5-30
Figure 5.42: Torque and Tooth Alignment ................................5-30
Figure 5.43: DC Motor ..............................................................5-32
Figure 5.44: Simple Stepper Motor Driver................................5-34
Figure 5.45: Current Build-up in Phase ....................................5-34
Figure 5.46: Effect of a Short ON Time on Current ..................5-34
Figure 5.47: Motor Pulse with High Voltage Chopper..............5-35
Figure 5.48: Dual H-Bridge Driver ...........................................5-36
Figure 5.49: DC Motor Voltage Amplifier.................................5-36
Figure 5.50: DC Motor Current Driver.....................................5-37
Figure 5.51: DC Motor Velocity Feedback Driver....................5-37
Figure 5.52: DC Motor Tachometer Gain and
Figure 7.1: Alphanumeric Hand-held Keypad.............................7-1
Figure B.1: Rear Power Line Panel Fuse Replacement ............. B-4
Figure C.1: RS-232C Connector pin-out .................................... C-7
Figure C.2: Connector, Pin-to-Pin RS-232C Interface Cable....C-7
Figure C.3: Motor Interlock Connector (BNC) with dust cap .... C-8
Figure E.1: Removal of the Top Cover ....................................... E-2
Figure E.2: Interior of the unit explaining the connectors ......... E-3
Figure E.3: How to remove screws inside the unit for the
Front Panel .......................................................... E-4
Figure F.1: Configuration Logic................................................. F-2
x Preface
List of Tables
Table No. Page
Table 3.5.1: Command List by Category..................................... 3-10
Table 3.5.2: Command List - Alphabetical.................................. 3-14
Table 4.1: Slave to a Different Stage Steps ................................... 4-8
Table 4.2: Slave to a Trackball Steps ............................................ 4-9
Table 4.3: Slave to a Joystick Steps............................................... 4-9
Table 4.4: An Example of Closed Loop Stepper Motor
Positioning Setup .................................................. 4-11
Table 4.5: Closed Loop Stepper Positioning Commands............ 4-12
Table 4.6: Commands to Synchronize Motion to External
Events .................................................................... 4-15
Table 6.1: Servo Parameter Functions ......................................... 6-5
Table B.1: Trouble-Shooting Guide Descriptions.........................B-2
Table C.1: Digital Connector Pin-Outs ........................................C-1
Table C.2: Driver Card Connector Pin-Outs................................C-2
Table C.3: Auxiliary Encoder Connector Pin Outs ......................C-6
Table C.4: IEEE488 Interface Connector.....................................C-6
Table D.1: Binary Conversion Table, using decimal and
ASCII copies........................................................... D-1
Table H.1: Technical Customer Support Contacts ...................... H-1
Preface xi
Command Index (Section 3)
Command Description Page in section 3-
AB abort motion...............................................................................................20
AC set acceleration...........................................................................................21
AE set e-stop deceleration................................................................................23
AF set acceleration feed-forward gain.............................................................25
AG set deceleration...........................................................................................26
AP abort program.............................................................................................28
AU set maximum acceleration and deceleration ..............................................29
BA set backlash compensation.........................................................................30
BG assign DIO bits to execute stored programs ..............................................31
BK assign DIO bits to inhibit motion...............................................................32
BL enable DIO bits to inhibit motion ..............................................................33
BM assign DIO bits to notify motion status......................................................34
BN enable DIO bits to notify motion status .....................................................35
BO set DIO port A, B direction........................................................................36
BP assign DIO bits for jog mode .....................................................................38
BQ enable DIO bits for jog mode.....................................................................39
CL set closed loop update interval...................................................................40
CO set linear compensation..............................................................................41
DB set position deadband.................................................................................42
DC setup data acquisition .................................................................................43
DD get data acquisition done status..................................................................45
DE enable/disable data acquisition ..................................................................46
DF get data acquisition sample count ..............................................................47
DG get acquisition data ....................................................................................48
DH define home................................................................................................49
DL define label.................................................................................................50
DO set dac offset ..............................................................................................51
DP read desired position ..................................................................................52
DV read desired velocity..................................................................................53
EO automatic execution on power on ..............................................................54
EP enter program mode ...................................................................................55
ES define event action command string ..........................................................56
EX execute a program ......................................................................................58
FE set maximum following error threshold.....................................................59
FP set position display resolution....................................................................60
FR set encoder full-step resolution ..................................................................61
GR set master-slave reduction ratio .................................................................62
HA set group acceleration ................................................................................63
HB read list of groups assigned ........................................................................65
HC move group along an arc............................................................................66
xii Preface
HD set group deceleration ................................................................................68
HE set group e-stop deceleration .....................................................................70
HF group off.....................................................................................................71
HJ set group jerk..............................................................................................72
HL move group along a line.............................................................................73
HN create new group........................................................................................75
HO group on .....................................................................................................77
HP read group position ....................................................................................78
HQ wait for group command buffer level ........................................................79
HS stop group motion ......................................................................................80
HV set group velocity.......................................................................................81
HW wait for group motion stop.........................................................................82
HX delete group................................................................................................84
HZ read group size ...........................................................................................85
ID read stage model and serial number...........................................................86
JH set jog high speed.......................................................................................87
JK set jerk rate.................................................................................................88
JL jump to label ..............................................................................................89
JW set jog low speed ........................................................................................90
KD set derivative gain ......................................................................................91
KI set integral gain..........................................................................................92
KP set proportional gain ..................................................................................93
KS set saturation level of integral factor..........................................................94
LP list program ................................................................................................95
MD read motion done status .............................................................................96
MF motor off ....................................................................................................97
MO motor on.....................................................................................................98
MT move to hardware travel limit ....................................................................99
MV move indefinitely .....................................................................................100
MZ move to nearest index ..............................................................................102
OH set home search high speed......................................................................103
OL set home search low speed .......................................................................104
OM set home search mode ..............................................................................105
OR search for home........................................................................................106
PA move to absolute position ........................................................................108
PH get hardware status...................................................................................109
PR move to relative position..........................................................................112
QD update motor driver settings.....................................................................113
QG set gear constant.......................................................................................114
QI set maximum motor current .....................................................................115
QM set motor type...........................................................................................116
QP quit program mode...................................................................................117
QR reduce motor torque .................................................................................118
QS set microstep factor..................................................................................119
QT set tachometer gain ..................................................................................120
QV set average motor voltage ........................................................................121
Preface xiii
RS reset the controller....................................................................................123
SB set / get DIO port A, B bit status..............................................................126
SI set master-slave jog velocity update interval...........................................129
SK set master-slave jog velocity scaling coefficients....................................130
SL set left travel limit ....................................................................................131
SM save settings to non-volatile memory ......................................................132
SN set axis displacement units.......................................................................133
SR set right travel limit ..................................................................................134
SS define master-slave relationship ..............................................................135
ST stop motion...............................................................................................136
SU set encoder resolution ..............................................................................137
TB read error message ...................................................................................138
TE read error code .........................................................................................139
TJ set trajectory mode...................................................................................140
TP read actual position ..................................................................................141
TS read controller status ................................................................................142
TV read actual velocity ..................................................................................143
TX read controller activity .............................................................................144
UF update servo filter ....................................................................................145
UH wait for DIO bit high................................................................................146
UL wait for DIO bit low.................................................................................147
VA set velocity ...............................................................................................148
VB set base velocity for step motors..............................................................149
VE read controller firmware version..............................................................150
VF set velocity feed-forward gain .................................................................151
VU set maximum velocity..............................................................................152
WP wait for position .......................................................................................153
WS wait for motion stop.................................................................................154
WT wait .........................................................................................................155
XM read available memory .............................................................................156
XX erase program...........................................................................................157
ZA set amplifier I/O configuration.................................................................158
ZB set feedback configuration .......................................................................161
ZE set e-stop configuration............................................................................163
ZF set following error configuration .............................................................165
ZH set hardware limit configuration ..............................................................167
ZS set software limit configuration ...............................................................169
ZU get ESP system configuration ..................................................................171
ZZ set system configuration ..........................................................................173
xiv Preface
Section 1 - Introduction
1.1 Scope
This manual provides descriptions and operating procedures for the integrated 3 axis ESP300 Controller/Driver (ESP = Enhanced System Performance). There are two configurations available:
ESP300 - XXXXX1: 150W Power Supply Models ESP300 – XXXXX2: 400W Power Supply Models Safety considerations, conventions and definitions, and a system overview are provided in Section 1, Introduction.
Procedures for unpacking the equipment, hardware and software requirements, descriptions of controls and indicators, and setup procedures are provided in Section 1, Introduction.
Instructions for configuring and powering up the ESP300 and stage motors, for home and jog motions, and for system shut-down are provided in Section 1, Introduction.
Overview of operating modes (LOCAL and REMOTE) and Menu Options in LOCAL Mode are provided in Section 2, Modes of Operation.
Motion commands, language-specific information, and error-handling procedures are provided in Section 3, Remote Mode.
An overview of motion parameters and equipment is provided in Section 4, Motion Control Tutorial.
Servo tuning principles and procedures are given in Section 5.
Procedures for ordering, installing, and using optional equipment are provided in Section 6.
The following information is provided in the Appendices:
Error messages
Trouble-shooting and maintenance
Connector pin assignments
Decimal/ASCII/binary conversion table
System upgrades for software and firmware
Factory service
Section 1 – Introduction 1-1
1.2 Safety Considerations
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operations of this equipment. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the equipment.
Disconnect or do not plug in the power cord in the following circumstances:
If the power cord or any other attached cables are frayed or
If the power plug or receptacle is damaged.
If the unit is exposed to rain or excessive moisture, or liquids are
If the unit has been dropped or the case is damaged.
If you suspect service or repair is required.
When you clean the case.
spilled on it.
To protect the equipment from damage and avoid hazardous situations, follow these recommendations:
Do not make modifications or parts substitutions.
Return equipment to Newport Corporation for service and repair.
Do not touch, directly or with other objects, live circuits inside
the unit.
Keep air vents free of dirt and dust.
Do not block air vents.
Keep liquids away from unit.
Do not expose equipment to excessive moisture (>90% humidity).
All attachment plug receptacles in the vicinity of this unit are to
be of the grounding type and properly polarized. Contact an
electrician to check faulty or questionable receptacles.
1-2 Section 1 - Introduction
This product is equipped with a 3-wire grounding type plug. Any
interruption of the grounding connection can create an electric
shock hazard. If you are unable to insert the plug into your wall
plug receptacle, contact an electrician to perform the necessary
alterations to assure that the green (green-yellow) wire is attached
to earth ground.
This product operates with voltages that can be lethal. Pushing
objects of any kind into cabinet slots or holes, or spilling any
liquid on the product, may touch hazardous voltage points or
short out parts.
When opening or removing covers observe the following precautions:
Turn power OFF and unplug the unit from its power source
Remove jewelry from hands and wrists
Use insulated hand tools only
Maintain grounding by wearing a wrist strap attached to
instrument chassis.
1.3 Conventions and Definitions
This section provides a list of symbols and their definitions, and commonly used terms found in this manual.
1.3.1 Definitions and Symbols
The following are definitions of safety and general symbols used on equipment or in this manual.
Section 2 – Modes of Operation 1-3
Calls attention to a procedure, practice or condition which, if not
correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or death.
Calls attention to a procedure, practice, or condition which, if not
correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to
property or equipment.
Calls attention to a procedure, practice, or condition that is
considered important to remember in the context.
This symbol indicates the principle On/Off
ush-push switch is in the ON position when ressed in, and in the OFF position when de­ressed.
Protective conductor terminal
Caution, risk of electric shock
Caution (refer to accompanying documents)
1-4 Section 1 - Introduction
Stop (of action or operation)
1.3.2 Terminology
The following is a brief description of the terms specific to motion control and the ESP300 Motion Controller/Driver.
Axis – a logical name for a stage/positioner/ motion device
Encoder – a displacement measuring device, term usually used for
both linear and rotary models.
ESP – Enhanced System Performance motion system is comprised of compatible stage(s). ESP is synonymous with a plug-and-play motion system.
ESP – compatible – refers to Newport Corporation stage with its own firmware-based configuration parameters. Newport stages or other stages without this feature are referred to as being not ESP­compatible and must be uniquely configured by the user.
Home (position) – the unique point in space that can be accurately found by an axis, also called origin.
Jog – a motion of undetermined-length, initiated manually.
Motion device – electro-mechanical equipment. Used
interchangeably with stage and positioner.
Move – a motion to a destination
Origin – used interchangeably with home
PID – a closed loop algorithm using proportional, integral, and
derivative gain factors for position control
Positioner – used interchangeably with stage and motion device
Stage – used interchangeably with motion device and positioner
Section 2 – Modes of Operation 1-5
1.4 System Overview
The Enhanced System Performance (ESP) architecture consists of the ESP300 Controller/Driver and ESP-compatible stages. The ESP300 is an advanced stand-alone controller with integrated motor drivers. It can control and drive up to 3 axes of motion in any stepper and DC motor configuration.
The ESP plug-and-play concept significantly increases user friendliness and improves overall motion performance.
The ESP300 is used as a stand-alone controller to drive an ESP motion device. All components are designed for optimal performance.
1.4.1 Features
A number of advanced features make the ESP300 an excellent choice for many applications:
Integrated controller and driver design is cost effective and space
Compact, standard 2U height rack mountable or bench-top
Allows any combination of motor types (2 phase stepper and
brush DC) up to 3A, 48V per axis
Digital Signal Processing architecture
Real-time high speed command processing
Powerful commands for most demanding applications
Motion program storage (up to 99 programs) in 64kB non-volatile
Advanced motion programming capabilities and complex digital
I/O functions
User selectable displacement units
Optional full-featured front panel with position and status displays
for each axis, push-buttons for simple motion sequences and access to an elaborate menu that allows setup of the system without use of a computer
Optional handheld keypad for full access to ESP300 command set
without computer.
Figure 1.1: ESP300 Controller/Driver
1-6 Section 1 - Introduction
1.4.2 Specifications Function:
Integrated motion controller and driver.
Number of motion axes:
1 to 3, in any combination or order of 2 phase stepper and brush
DC motors, up to 48VDC, 3A per axis.
Trajectory type:
Trapezoidal velocity profile
S-curve velocity profile.
Motion device compatibility:
Family of motorized Newport motion devices, using either stepper
or DC motors
Custom motion devices (call for compatibility).
DC motor control:
18 bit DAC resolution
4 MHz maximum encoder input frequency
Digital PIDFF servo loop, 0.4 ms update rate.
Stepper motor control:
Up to 1000 microstep resolutions per full step.
Computer Interface:
RS232-C, 19200 baud, 8 bits, 8, N, 1
IEEE-488 – optional, Please contact Newport for information
Utility interfaces:
16 bit digital inputs/outputs, user definable, in blocks of 8.
Remote motor off input (interlock).
User Memory:
64 KB non-volatile program memory
512 byte command buffer
Operating modes:
Local mode – stand-alone operation, executing motion from the
front panel
Remote mode – executing commands received over one of the
computer interfaces or the optional handheld keypad
Program execution mode – execution of a stored program.
Section 2 – Modes of Operation 1-7
Optional display:
80 character alpha-numeric LCD display
Displays position, status, utility menus and setup screens.
3" (2U) H x 16.5" W x 12" D (75 x 412 x 300 mm) for ESP300-
XXXXX1 Models
3" (2U) H x 16.5" W x 13.5" D (75 x 412 x 342.9 mm) for
ESP300-XXXXX2 Models
Power requirements:
100-240VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz
4A max for ESP300 - XXXXX1 Models
6.3A max for ESP300 - XXXXX2 Models
T4A / 250VAC for XXXXX1 Models
T6.3A/250VAC for XXXXX2 Models
10.90Lbs. max (4.9kg) max for ESP300 - XXXXX1 Models
14.05Lbs. max (6.37kg) max for ESP300 - XXXXX2 Models
Operating conditions:
Temperature: 0°C to 40°C
Humidity: 20% to 90% RH, non-condensing
Other :
Pollution degree :2
Installation category: II
Altitude: <2000m
Instrument use: the model ESP300 is intended for indoor use only.
1.4.3 Descriptions of Front Panel Versions
The ESP300 is available with either a blank front panel or a front panel with LCD display and manual control buttons. With the display version, a menu allows the user to change velocities, accelerations and more, without a computer interface.
1-8 Section 1 - Introduction
FRONT PANEL DISPLAY A general view of the front panel is shown in (Figure 1.2). There are two distinct areas: a display/menu section and a motion/home section that allows simple manual motion sequence like JOG and HOMING.
X-Y buttons
Home Buttons
Stop All Axis
Figure 1.2: ESP300 Front Panel with Displays
This version does not provide a display or local operation.
Power Section
The black push button type switch on the lower left corner is used to turn power On or Off . The on state is indicated with a green LED above the push-button.
1.4.4 Rear Panel Description
See Appendix C for pin-outs.
J og Buttons
There are up to three 25-pin D-Sub connectors on the rear panel, one for each axis. Unused axes have blank panels.
Section 2 – Modes of Operation 1-9
This is a 37-pin D-Sub connector used for general purpose, digital Input/Output signals. A variety of commands are available to control these ports. See Section 3, Remote Mode and Appendix C for Connector Pin Outs.
Serial No. Label
AUX Encoder
IEEE-488 (optional)
Axis 3 Axis 2 Axis 1
Axis Connectors
Power Entry
Figure 1.3: Rear Panel of the ESP300 (400 Watt chasse shown)
This 25 pin D-Sub connector provides input for 3 auxiliary encoder channels (axis 4, 5, 6). For signal description, see Section C.1.4. These channels can be used for master-slaving (see Section 4.2), trackball and other applications. Additionally, 4 digital I/O pins are provided (See Section C.1.2).
The coaxial connector provides remote motor power interlock capability. One or more external switches can be wired to remotely inhibit the motor power in a way similar to the Stop All button on the front panel.
The controller is shipped with a mating connector that provides the necessary wiring to enable proper operation without an external switch.
The RS232-C interface to a host computer or terminal is made through this 9 pin D-Sub connector. The pin out enables the use of an off-the-shelf, pin-to-pin cable.
1-10 Section 1 - Introduction
1.5 System Setup
This is a standard 24 pin connector to interface with a standard IEEE-488 device. Note: This is an optional feature.
The power entry section on the right side of the rear panel provides a standard IEC 320 inlet, a fuse holder, and a binding post to ground the controller if the main power supply wiring does not provide earth ground terminals.
This section guides the user through the proper set-up of the motion control system.
Carefully unpack and visually inspect the controller and stages for any damage.
Place all components on a flat and clean surface.
1.5.1 Line Voltage
The controller can operate from 100-240VAC, ±10%, at a
1.5.2 First Power ON
Plug the AC line cord supplied with the ESP300 into the power entry module on the rear panel.
Do not block AC line cord entry area for disconnecting purpose.
Plug the AC line cord into the AC wall-outlet.
Push in the POWER switch on the lower left side of the front panel.
Shortly after the power is switched on, the ESP300 with front panel display will perform a start-up sequence as described below.
frequency of 50/60 Hz.
Momentarily display: "Newport ESP300" and the Firmware
Section 2 – Modes of Operation 1-11
1.6 Quick Start
Momentarily show the stage type that is connected. Since there
should be no stages connected at this point, the "NO STAGE" message is displayed for all axes.
Any time you call for technical support, the firmware version is
essential to trouble-shoot a problem. It is displayed every time the
controller power is turned on. Users of the blank front panel can
query the version with the "VE" command
(see Section 3, Remote Mode).
This section serves as a quick start for ESP300 with front panel display only.
The following paragraphs guide you through a very basic motion sequence that verifies that the system is working properly.
1.6.1 Connecting Motion Devices
Never connect/disconnect stages while the ESP300 is powered on.
Power the ESP300 off.
If an ESP motion control system was purchased, all necessary hardware for set-up is included.
With ESP compatible stages, the configuration of each axis is identified automatically by the ESP300 at power up. ESP compatible stages are visually identified with a blue "ESP Compatible" sticker, on the stage.
Carefully connect one end of the supplied cables to the stage and the other end to the appropriate axis connector on the rear of the controller. Secure both connectors with the locking thumb-screws.
1-12 Section 1 - Introduction
Users of the ESP300 with blank front panel can skip to Section 3, Remote Mode.
1.6.2 Motor On
After the controller and the stages are connected as described, the motors can be powered on.
Make sure that the motion devices are placed on a flat surface and their full travel is not obstructed.
Be prepared to quickly turn the motor power off by pressing the
STOP ALL button or power switch if any abnormal operation is
After the power switch is pushed in, the controller performs the start­up sequence as described in Section 1.5.2.
The default state after start-up is motor power off.
To apply power to the motors, press the button on the right of the display to enable power for the respective axis. The ON state of the motor power is indicated on the display. Blank Front Panel must use external interface to enable motor power.
1.6.3 Homing
HOME Search
The HOME Search routine is a sequence of motion segments through which the controller determines the exact location of a home (origin) switch. A detailed description of the algorithm can be found in the
Motion Control Tutorial (Section 5).
It is recommended that the user perform a home search routine
after each controller power-on. The controller must know the exact initial position of the motion device not only to accurately repeat a motion sequence (program) but also to prevent it from
hitting the travel limits (limit switches).
To perform a home search routine, press the home function key for the respective axis.
Section 2 – Modes of Operation 1-13
The display will indicate that a home routine is in progress with to the left of the axis number.
The position value is reset at the home position.
Only one axis can be homed at a time; i.e., even if multiple homing commands are issued, the prior axis has to finish homing before the second can start homing.
1.6.4 First Jog
If left jog key is pressed, the selected axis will move slowly in the negative direction. To move a single step at a time, press this switch once. See Section 2.2.4 for details.
If right jog key is pressed, the selected axis will move slowly in the positive direction. To move a single step at a time, press this switch once. See Section 2.2.4 for details.
If the HIGH SPEED key between the jog keys is pressed simultaneously with one of the jog keys, the axis will jog fast in the selected direction. See Section 2 for setting of high speed rate.
At this point, you may proceed to Section 2 of this manual, to get familiar with the controller and the local motion modes.
Remember that only motions inside the software travel limits are
allowed (see 'SL' command in Section 3, Remote Mode). Any
move outside these limits will be ignored.
1-14 Section 1 - Introduction
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