New Holland 400GM Series Flex-Wing
Finishing Mower Specifications
410GM 420GM 430GM
MODEL 410GM 420GM 430GM
PACKAGE 100 200 300
SIZE, in. (mm) 60 (1524) 72 (1829) 90 (2286)
Overall cutting width, ft. (m) 12 (3.7) Flex 15 (4.6) Flex 17 (5.2) Flex
Center deck cutting width, ft. (m) 5 (1.5) 6 (1.8) 7.5 (2.3)
Wing deck cutting width, ft. (m) 4 (1.2) 5 (1.5) 6 (1.8)
Deck overlap, in. (mm) 6 (152) 6 (152) 12 (305)
Overall width, in. (mm) 146 (3708) 182 (4623) 207 (5258)
Transport width, in. (mm) 100 (2540) 101 (2565) 102 (2591)
Maximum overall length, in. (mm) 182
ansport length, in. (mm) 177 (4496) 180 (4572) 188 (4775)
Transport height, in. (mm) 90 (2286) 100 (2540) 110 (2794)
Min. hp (kW) 30 (22.4) 35 (26.1) 40 (29.8)
Cutting height range, in. (mm)..................................................................................................1 to 5 (25 to 127)....................................................................................................
Blasé tip speed, FPM (mpm)........................................................................................................16,000 (4877).......................................................................................................
Caster wheels, 12............................................................................................................................15 x 6.00-6 .........................................................................................................
Transport tires, 2...........................................................................................................................26 x 12.00-12.......................................................................................................
Approx. weight, lbs. (kg) 2600 (1179) 2800 (1270) 3100 (1406)
(4623) 185 (4699) 196 (4978)
Visit our Web site at www.newholland.com/na. Or, call toll-free 866-NEW-HLND (866-639-4563).
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New Holland is a re gistered tr ademark of CNH Am erica LLC.
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