New Age Industrial Corp., Inc.
PO Box 520 • 16788 US Hwy 36 • Norton, Kansas 67654
Phone: 800-255-0104 • Fax: (877)-877-7687 • www.NewAgeIndustrial.com
Tray Drying Rack -- Correctional Duty
These racks conveniently stack pans and
trays for drying without contact, allowing
air to circulate freely for faster drying and to
reduce pan-to-pan contamination.
• Framework is constructed out of 1½” x 1¾”
x .070” wall tubing.
• Angle tray guides are .090” thick and are
spaced on 1½” and 2¾” centers.
• Racks come equipped with four 6” x 2”
platform type swivel casters.
• Lifetime Guarantee against rust and
• Five-Year Guarantee against
workmanship and material defects.
• NSF Certied.
Model Size
No W-H-D Levels Clearance Cap. Lbs.
96704 28½” x 64” x 58¼” 3 2.65” 120* 203
96705 28½” x 82” x 58¼” 4 2.65” 160* 249
96706 28½” x 64” x 69¼” 3 2.65” 144* 229
96707 28½” x 82” x 69¼” 4 2.65” 192* 283
96708 28½” x 64” x 63½” 3 1.4” 240* 228
96709 28½” x 82” x 63½” 4 1.4” 320* 282
96710 28½” x 64” x 75½” 3 1.4” 288* 263
96711 28½” x 82” x 75½” 4 1.4” 384* 325
Four 6” x 2” heavy duty plat form type swivel casters (#C490) with tamper proof fasteners.
Note: Tray Capacit y is based on two, compartmented or insulated trays per slot.
** Height v aries, based on tray si ze, conrm with facto ry when ordering.
Above heigh t is based on a 16" tray.
Caster Locks (2) -- Add “CL” sux to model #.
Perimeter Bumper -- Add “PB” sux to model #.
Vertical Bumpers (4) - - Add “VB” sux to model #.
Note: The bo ttom drainag e channel is rem oved when perime ter and corner b umpers are
This information is for general sales and engineering use
only. New Age Industrial reserves the right to modify or
make changes at any time without notice to materials and
Tray Guide Tray Ship
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