EDFA-B-C 17dBm
SDI optimized Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
User manual
Rev. B
Nordre Kullerød 1
3241 Sandefjord
Tel: +47 33 48 99 99

EDFA-B-C 17dBm Rev. B
Nevion Europe
P.O. Box 1020
3204 Sandefjord, Norway
Support phone 1: +47 33 48 99 97
Support phone 2: +47 90 60 99 99
Nevion USA
1600 Emerson Avenue
Oxnard, CA 93033, USA
Toll free North America: (866) 515-0811
Outside North America: +1 (805) 247-8560
E-mail: support@nevion.com
See http://www.nevion.com/support/ for service hours for customer support globally.
Initial revision (not published)
Nevion Support
Revision history
Current revision of this document is the uppermost in the table below.
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EDFA-B-C 17dBm Rev. B
Revision history ........................................................................................................ 2
1 Product overview ................................................................................................... 4
2 Specifications ........................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Optical Characteristics .................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Power consumption ....................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Environmental conditions ................................................................ .............................. 5
3 Cautions ................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Laser Safety ................................................................................................ .................. 6
4 Configuration ......................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Dip switch settings ........................................................................................................ 7
4.1.1 Common dip switches ................................................................................................ 7
4.1.2 Constant power mode ................................................................................................ 7
4.1.3 Constant gain mode ................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Status by LED’s ............................................................................................................. 8
4.2.1 LED status description ............................................................................................... 8
4.3 GPI ................................................................................................................................ 9
4.4 RS232 control ..............................................................................................................10
4.5 Lid operated switches...................................................................................................11
4.6 Key switch ....................................................................................................................11
5 Connections ........................................................................................................ 12
6 Operation ............................................................................................................. 13
6.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................13
6.2 EDFA theory ................................................................................................................13
6.3 Operation modes ..........................................................................................................13
General environmental requirements for Nevion equipment .................................. 15
Product Warranty.................................................................................................... 16
Appendix A Materials declaration and recycling information .................................. 17
A.1 Materials declaration ....................................................................................................17
A.2 Recycling information ...................................................................................................17
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EDFA-B-C 17dBm Rev. B
1 Product overview
The Flashlink EDFA-B-C 17dBm is an erbium doped fiber amplifier with a special control
circuit making it better for SDI signals than normal EDFAs. It is a +17dBm booster that is
typically used at the beginning or in the middle of a link. At the receiving end of a link, a low
power / low noise preamp would typically be needed instead.
The EDFA is unidirectional by nature, but can amplify up to 40 DWDM channels on a single
fiber, at 100GHz spacing. Ideal gain flatness is achieved with input power close to the
nominal input power.
Various safety measures are implemented, like automatic shutdown if rear lid is opened to
access the fiber connectors, or manual shutdown by the use of GPI, GYDA, RS422 or
turning the safety key to the “off” position. There is also a reduced output power mode that
can be entered with the use of GPI, GYDA or RS422 control.
EDFA can also be directly controlled over RS232, bypassing the Flashlink features. The
key, lid, GPI and GYDA/RS422 still operate the shutdown and reduced output power
modes, even when using direct RS232 control.
EDFA status is monitored by use of LEDs, GPIO and RS422/GYDA.
Figure 1: EDFA block diagram
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EDFA-B-C 17dBm Rev. B
17dBm +/- 1.5dBm at Pin from -10dBm to 0dBm
Max. 1.0dB at Pin=-6dBm, Pout=17dBm
Max. 5.0dB at Pin from -10dBm to 0dBm
Max. 6.0dB at Pin=-6dBm, Pout=17dBm
Full C-band, 1529 to 1562nm
Min. 40 channels at 100GHz spacing
Polarization dependant gain
Polarization Mode
Input/Output return loss
(pump off)
Maximum power
Operation temperature
Operation without damage
temperature range
2 Specifications
2.1 Optical Characteristics
2.2 Power consumption
2.3 Environmental conditions
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EDFA-B-C 17dBm Rev. B
3 Cautions
3.1 Laser Safety
This unit is capable of emitting dangerous levels of light.
Containing a Class IIIb assembly, use the utmost case when changing
connections, and always turn the unit completely off before inspecting or
cleaning any connectors which are attached to the unit’s output.
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