RS-422 Multiplexer with GPI I/O
User manual
Rev. H
Nordre Kullerød 1
3241 Sandefjord
Tel: +47 33 48 99 99

D422-MG Rev. H
Nevion Europe
P.O. Box 1020
3204 Sandefjord, Norway
Support phone 1: +47 33 48 99 97
Support phone 2: +47 90 60 99 99
1600 Emerson Avenue
Oxnard, CA 93033, USA
Toll free North America: (866) 515-0811
Outside North America: +1 (805) 247-8560
E-mail: support@nevion.com
See http://www.nevion.com/support/ for service hours for customer support globally.
Cover page update; DoC removed; Changed A1
Materials declaration (product is now PB free);
Removed products D-422-MG-13T 0 dBm and D422-MG-15T 0 dBm
Corrected pinning for D422-MG-C3 in chapter 4.2
Added information on remote control of Flashlink /
Added single slot backplane for FlashCase
Added single slot backplane pinning
Added Declaration of Conformity.
Added Materials Declaration and EFUP
GPI monitoring and control via GYDA
Added RS422 VTR master and slave pinouts
Added CWDM channels 9-16.
Added power/latency specification.
Preliminary version. Pre production run.
Nevion Support
Revision history
Current revision of this document is the uppermost in the table below.
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D422-MG Rev. H
Revision history .......................................................................................................... 2
1 Product overview ..................................................................................................... 4
1.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 4
2 Specifications .......................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Electrical .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Inputs .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.1 RS-422 ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.2 GPI ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 Optical input ................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Outputs ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.3.1 RS-422 ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.2 GPI ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.3 Optical output ............................................................................................................... 6
3 Connector modules ................................................................................................. 7
3.1 D-422-MG-C1 .................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 D-422-MG-C2 .................................................................................................................. 7
3.3 D-422-MG-C3 .................................................................................................................. 8
3.4 Mounting the connector modules ..................................................................................... 8
3.5 C1 RS-422 Connector Pin Assignments .......................................................................... 8
3.6 C1 GPI Input Connector Pin Assignments ....................................................................... 9
3.7 C1 GPI Output Connector Pin Assignments .................................................................... 9
3.8 C2 DB25 Connector Pin Assignments ............................................................................10
3.9 C3 Molex KK Connector Pin Assignments ......................................................................10
4 Remote control of Flashlink systems ................................................................ ..... 12
4.1 Requirements .................................................................................................................12
4.2 Cable wiring ....................................................................................................................12
4.3 Turning remote control on ...............................................................................................13
5 Operational status monitoring ................................................................................ 16
5.1 GYDA – Monitoring and control ......................................................................................16
5.2 Front Panel - Status Monitoring ......................................................................................16
6 Operation ............................................................................................................... 17
General environmental requirements for Nevion equipment..................................... 18
Product Warranty ...................................................................................................... 19
Appendix A Materials declaration and recycling information..................................... 20
A.1 Materials declaration ......................................................................................................20
A.2 Recycling information .....................................................................................................20
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D422-MG Rev. H
The product is available in 17 versions:
1310±40nm -7.5 dBm F-P laser
1 Product overview
1.1 General
Figure 1: D-422-MG Block diagram
The flashlink D-422-MG module provides an economical solution for transmitting RS-422 and
GPI data signals via fiber optic cable. A pair of D-422-MG allows bi-directional transmission
of up to 8 RS-422 and 16 GPI data lines for distances over 60km. When access to fiber is
limited, D-422-MG can be combined with the flashlink optical multiplexing WDM, CWDM or
DWDM products.
The D-422-MG module multiplexes up to 8 RS-422 and 16 GPI inputs into an outgoing
datastream while at the same time demultiplexing an incoming datastream into 8 RS-422 and
16 GPI outputs. The outgoing multiplexed stream is available both as an optical signal and
as an electrical signal for use with a flashlink multichannel DWDM system.
As stand alone unit, the D-422-MG module utilises 2 fiber strands for bi-directional data
transport. Using either 2 fiber strands or optical multiplexing technology guarantees minimum
possible latency for applications where timing is crucial. The D-422-MG module is supplied
together with the D-422-MG-C1 connector module. The optical output is made with a FabryPerot laser diode for 1310±40nm or a DFB laser for 1550±40nm and the CWDM wavelengths
according to ITU-T G.694 from 1470±6nm up to 1610±6nm.
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D422-MG Rev. H
Front panel LEDs and Gyda system controller
500ns maximum single direction latency
including 1m of fiber.
Additional latency 5µs/km of fiber.
5µs maximum single direction latency including
1m of fiber.
Additional latency 5µs/km of fiber.
Signal type: Internal pull
Transmission circuit fiber:
Multi Mode 50/125um, Single Mode 9/125um
SC/UPC, Return Loss better than 40dB
Open collector transistor.
2 Specifications
2.1 Electrical
2.2 Inputs
2.2.1 RS-422
2.2.2 GPI
2.2.3 Optical input
2.3 Outputs
2.3.1 RS-422
2.3.2 GPI
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D422-MG Rev. H
Transmission circuit fibre:
Optical wavelength (ver. 13T):
Optical wavelength (ver. 15T):
Optical wavelength (ver. C1nn0):
1270, 1290, 1310, 1330, 1350, 1370, 1390,
1410, 1470, 1490, 1510, 1530, 1550, 1570,
1590, 1610nm ±6nm as per ITU-T G.694.2
Jitter (UI=unit interval):
2.3.3 Optical output
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