Nordre Kullerød 1
3241 Sandefjord
Tel: +47 33 48 99 99
CWDM-1-8 / 9-16
CWDM-1-8-M / 9-16-M
CWDM-1-8-L / CWDM-9-16-L
9-channel CWDM multiplexer and demultiplexer /
multi mode (-M) / -low-loss (-L)
User manual
Rev. D

CWDM-1-8/-9-16/1-8-L/9-16-L/1-8-M/9-16-M Rev. D
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Nevion Support
Nevion Europe
P.O. Box 1020
3204 Sandefjord, Norway
Support phone 1: +47 33 48 99 97
Support phone 2: +47 90 60 99 99
1600 Emerson Avenue
Oxnard, CA 93033, USA
Toll free North America: (866) 515-0811
Outside North America: +1 (805) 247-8560
E-mail: support@nevion.com
See http://www.nevion.com/support/ for service hours for customer support globally.
Revision history
Current revision of this document is the uppermost in the table below.
Cover page update; DoC removed; no other
changes to content
New template. Updated China RoHS and added
Declaration of Conformity.
Complete restructuring of user manual, adding
specifications for –L (low loss) and –M (multi mode)
versions, removed description of 4-channel CWDM.
Updated Materials Declaration and added EFUP.
Corrected interconnection of sub-racks with RS-422 .

CWDM-1-8/-9-16/1-8-L/9-16-L/1-8-M/9-16-M Rev. D
nevion.com | 3
Revision history .......................................................................................................... 2
1 Product overview ..................................................................................................... 4
2 Specifications .......................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Optical specifications ....................................................................................................... 5
3 Connections ............................................................................................................. 6
3.1 1-8 channel system ......................................................................................................... 6
4 9-16 channel system................................................................................................ 7
5 Laser safety precautions .......................................................................................... 8
General environmental requirements for Nevion equipment....................................... 9
Product Warranty ...................................................................................................... 10
Appendix A Materials declaration and recycling information..................................... 11
A.1 Materials declaration ......................................................................................................11
A.2 Recycling information .....................................................................................................11

CWDM-1-8/-9-16/1-8-L/9-16-L/1-8-M/9-16-M Rev. D
nevion.com | 4
1 Product overview
The Flashlink CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing) system is based on alloptical modules for multiplexing and demultiplexing 8 CWDM wavelengths according to ITUT G.694.2. Two sets of wavelengths, one from 1470 to 1610nm (1-8) and one from 1270 to
1410nm with an upgrade port. By use of the upgrade port, up to 16 optical signals can be run
over a single fiber. The units are passive and all-optical devices, requiring no power supply
or control. Any number of channels can be used to transport signals in one direction with the
rest of the channels transporting signals in the other direction. The units can be cascaded
through the upgrade ports in the 9-16 module.
Figure 1 - CWDM-1-8/9-16 block diagram