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Publication Part NumberVersion Publish DateComments
This document describes the command-line interface (CLI) for the NETGEAR ProSafe Gigabit
Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308.
This chapter introduces the CLI interface. It includes the following sections:
• Command Syntax and Conventions
• The Four Categories of Commands
• The Four Main Modes for Configuration Commands
• Global Commands
• The Three Basic Types of Commands
• Command Autocompletion and Command Abbreviation
• Access the CLI
Note: For more information about the topics covered in this manual, visit
the support website at
Note: For more information about the features that you can configure
using the CLI, see the ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN
Firewall SRX5308 Reference Manual.
Note: You cannot generate and upload a certificate through the CLI. You
need to access the web management interface to manage these
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Command Syntax and Conventions
A command is one or more words that can be followed by one or more keywords and
parameters. Keywords and parameters can be required or optional:
• A keyword is a predefined string (word) that narrows down the scope of a command. A
keyword can be followed by an associated parameter or by associated keywords. In
many cases, these associated keywords are mutually exclusive, so you need to select
one of them. In some cases, this manual refers to a group of words as a keyword.
• A parameter is a variable for which you need to type a value. You need to replace the
parameter name with the appropriate value, which might be a name or number. A
parameter can be associated with a command or with a keyword.
This manual lists each command by its full command name and provides a brief description
of the command. In addition, for each command, the following information is provided:
• Format. Shows the command keywords and the required and optional parameters.
• Mode. Identifies the command mode you need to be in to access the command. (With
some minor exceptions, the mode is always described using lower-case letters.)
• Related show command or commands. Identifies and links to the show command or
commands that can display the configured information.
For more complicated commands, in addition to the format, mode, and related show
command or commands, the following information is provided:
• Table. Explains the keywords and parameters that you can use for the command.
• Example. Shows a CLI example for the command.
Command Conventions
In this manual, the following type font conventions are used:
• A command name is stated in bold font.
• A keyword name is stated in bold font.
• A parameter name is stated in italic font.
The keywords and parameters for a command might include mandatory values, optional
values, or choices. The following table describes the conventions that this manual uses to
distinguish between value types:
Table 1. Command conventions
< > angle brackets<value>Indicate that you need to enter a value in place of the
brackets and text inside them. (value is the parameter.)
[ ] square brackets[value]Indicate an optional parameter that you can enter in place of
the brackets and text inside them. (value is the parameter.)
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Table 1. Command conventions (continued)
{ } curly braces{choice1 | choice2}Indicate that you need to select a keyword from the list of
choices. (choice1 and choice1 are keywords.)
| vertical barschoice1 | choice2Separate the mutually exclusive choices. (choice1 and
choice1 are keywords.)
[ { } ] braces within
square brackets
[{choice1 | choice2}] Indicate a choice within an optional element. (choice1 and
choice1 are keywords.)
Description of a Command
The following example describes the net radvd pool lan edit <row id> command:
net radvd pool lan edit is the command name.
<row id> is the required parameter for which you need to enter a value after you type
the command words.
The command lets you enter the net-config [radvd-pool-lan] mode, from which you can
issue the following keywords and parameters:
prefix_type is a keyword. The required associated keyword that you need to
select is either 6To4 or Global-Local-ISATAP.
• If you select 6To4, you also need to issue the sla_id keyword and enter a
value for the <id number> parameter.
• If you select Global-Local-ISATAP, you also need to issue the
prefix_address keyword and enter a value for the <ipv6-address>
parameter, and you need to issue the prefix_length keyword and enter a
value for the <prefix length> parameter.
prefix_life_time is a keyword. <seconds> is the required parameter for which
you need to enter a value.
Command example:
SRX5308> net radvd pool lan edit 12
net-config[radvd-pool-lan]> prefix_type Global-Local-ISATAP
net-config[radvd-pool-lan]> prefix_address 10FA:2203:6145:4201::
net-config[radvd-pool-lan]> prefix_length 10
net-config[radvd-pool-lan]> prefix_life_time 3600
net-config[radvd-pool-lan]> save
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Common Parameters
Parameter values might be names (strings) or numbers. To use spaces as part of a name
parameter, enclose the name value in double quotes. For example, the expression “System
Name with Spaces” forces the system to accept the spaces. Empty strings (“”) are not valid
user-defined strings. The following table describes common parameter values and value
Table 2. Common parameters
ipaddrThis parameter is a valid IPv4 address. You need to enter the IP address in the a.b.c.d
format, in which each octet is a number in the range from 0 to 255 (both inclusive), for
The CLI accepts decimal, hexadecimal, and octal formats through the following input
formats (where n is any valid decimal, hexadecimal, or octal number):
• 0xn (CLI assumes hexadecimal format)
• 0n (CLI assumes octal format with leading zeros)
• n (CLI assumes decima l format)
ipv6-addressThis parameter is a valid IPv6 address. You can enter the IPv6 address in the following
• FE80:0000:0000:0000:020F:24FF:FEBF:DBCB, or
• FE80:0:0:0:20F:24FF:FEBF:DBCB, or
• FE80::20F:24FF:FEBF:DBCB, or
• FE80:0:0:0:20F:24FF:128:141:49:32
For additional information, see RFC 3513.
Character stringsUse double quotation marks to identify character strings, for example, “System Name with
Spaces”. An empty string (“”) is not valid.
The Four Categories of Commands
There are four CLI command categories:
• Configuration commands with four main configuration modes. For more information, see
the following section, The Four Main Modes for Configuration Commands). Save
commands also fall into this category (see Save Commands on page 12).
• Show commands that are available for the four main configuration modes (see Chapter 7,
Overview of the Show Commands and Chapter 8, Show Commands).
• Utility commands (see Chapter 9, Utility Commands).
• Global commands (see Global Commands on page 13).
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
The Four Main Modes for Configuration Commands
For the configuration commands, there are four main modes in the CLI: net, security , system,
and vpn. Chapter 2, Overview of the Configuration Commands lists all commands in these
modes, and each of these modes is described in detail in a separate chapter (see Chapter 3
through Chapter 6).
The following table lists the main configuration modes, the configuration modes, the features
that you can configure in each configuration mode, and, for orientation, the basic web
management interface (GUI) path to the feature.
Table 3. Main configuration modes
__________________________CLI________________________ ___Web Management Interface (GUI)___
Main Mode SubmodeFeature That You Can Configure Basic Path
Network configuration commands
netddnsDynamic DNSNetwork Configuration > Dynamic DNS
dmzDMZ for IPv4
DMZ for IPv6
ethernetVLAN assignment to LAN interface Network Configuration > LAN Setup
ipv6IPv4 or IPv4/IPv6 modeNetwork Configuration > WAN Settings
ipv6_tunnelIPv6 tunnelsNetwork Configuration > WAN Settings
lanIPv4 LAN settings and VLANs
LAN groups for IPv4
Secondary IPv4 LAN addresses
Advanced IPv4 LAN settings
Fixed and reserved DHCP IPv4
LAN IPv4 traffic meter profiles
IPv6 LAN settings
Secondary IPv6 LAN addresses
IPv6 LAN DHCP address pools
IPv6 prefix delegation for the LAN
protocol_binding Protocol bindingsNetwork Configuration > Protocol Binding
qosWAN QoS profilesNetwork Configuration > QoS
radvdIPv6 RADVD and pools for the
IPv6 RADVD and pools for the
Network Configuration > DMZ Setup
Network Configuration > LAN Setup
Network Configuration > LAN Setup
Network Configuration > DMZ Setup
routingDynamic IPv4 routes
Static IPv4 routes
Static IPv6 routes
Network Configuration > Routing
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Table 3. Main configuration modes (continued)
__________________________CLI________________________ ___Web Management Interface (GUI)___
Main Mode SubmodeFeature That You Can Configure Basic Path
Security configuration commands
securityaddress_filterSource MAC filters
siitStateless IP/ICMP TranslationNetwork Configuration > SIIT
wanIPv4 WAN (Internet) settings
Secondary IPv4 WAN addresses
IPv6 WAN (Internet) setti n gs
MTU, port speed, and MAC
address, failure detection method,
and upload/download settings
wan_settingsNAT or Classical Routing
Load balancing settings for IPv4
IP/MAC bindings for IPv4
IP MAC bindings for IPv6
bandwidthBandwidth profilesSecurity > Bandwidth Profile
content_filterGroup filtering
Blocked keywords
Web components
Trusted domains
firewallAll IPv4 firewall rules
All IPv6 firewall rules
Attack checks
Session limits and time-outs
Network Configuration > WAN Settings
Network Configuration > WAN Settings
Security > Address Filter
Security > Content Filtering
Security > Firewall
porttriggering_rulesSecurity > Port Triggering
schedulesSecurity > Schedule
servicesCustom services
LAN and WAN IP groups
LAN QoS profiles
upnpSecurity > UPnP
Administration and monitoring configuration commands
__________________________CLI________________________ ___Web Management Interface (GUI)___
Main Mode SubmodeFeature That You Can Configure Basic Path
VPN configuration commands
vpnipsecIKE policies
timeAdministration > Time Zone
traffic_meterWAN traffic metersMonitoring > Traffic Meter
VPN policies
VPN IPSec Wizard
Mode Config records
RADIUS servers
l2tpL2TP serverVPN > L2TP Server
pptpPPTP serverVPN > PPTP Server
sslvpnSSL policies
Resources and resource objects
Portal layouts
SSL VPN clients
Client routes
Port forwarding
User accounts
User login and IP policies
Save Commands
The following table describes the configuration commands that let you save or cancel
configuration changes in the CLI. You can use these commands in any of the four main
configuration modes. These commands are not preceded by a period.
Table 4. Save commands
saveSave the configuration changes.
exitSave the configuration changes and exit the current configuration mode.
cancelRoll back the configuration changes.
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Commands That Require Saving
After you have issued a command that includes the word configure, add, or edit, you
enter a configuration mode from which you can issue keywords and associated parameters.
These are examples of commands for which you need to save your changes:
• net lan ipv4 configure <vlan id> lets you enter the net-config [lan-ipv4]
configuration mode. After you made your changes, issue save or exit to save your
• security content_filter trusted_domain add lets you enter the
security-config [approved-urls] configuration mode. After you made your changes, issue
save or exit to save your changes.
• vpn sslvpn users groups add lets you enter the vpn-config [user-groups]
configuration mode. After you made your changes, issue save or exit to save your
Commands That Do Not Require Saving
You do not need to save your changes after you have issued a command that deletes,
disables, or enables a row ID, name, IP address, or MAC address, or that lets you make a
configuration change without entering another configuration mode.
These are examples of commands that you do not need to save:
The following table describes the global commands that you can use anywhere in the CLI.
These commands need to be preceded by a period.
Table 5. Global CLI commands
.exitExit the current session.
.helpDisplay an overview of the CLI syntax.
.topReturn to the default command mode or root.
.rebootReboot the system.
.historyDisplay the command-line history of the current session.
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
The Three Basic Types of Commands
You can encounter the following three basic types of commands in the CLI:
• Entry commands to enter a configuration mode. Commands that let you enter a
configuration mode from which you can configure various keywords and associated
parameters and keywords. For example, the net wan wan1 ipv4 configure
command lets you enter the net-config [wan1-ipv4] mode, from which you can configure
the IPv4 WAN settings.
This type of command is the most common in the CLI and is always indicated by two
steps in this manual, each one showing the format and mode:
Step 1Formatnet wan wan ipv4 configure <wan interface>
Step 2FormatThis section shows the keywords and associated parameters, for example:
Sometimes, you need to enter a parameter to enter a configuration mode. For example,
security schedules edit<row id> requires you to enter the row ID parameter to
enter the security-config [schedules] mode, from which you can modify various keywords
and associated parameters and keywords.
• Commands with a single p arameter . Commands th at require you to supply on e or more
parameters and that do not let you enter another configuration mode. The parameter is
usually a row ID or a name. For example, security firewall ipv4 delete <row id> requires you to enter the row ID parameter to delete the firewall rule.
For this type of command, the format and mode are shown in this manual:
• Commands without parameters. Commands that do not require you to supply a
parameter after the command and that do not let you enter another configuration mode.
For example, util restore_factory_defaults does not require parameters.
For this type of command also, the format and mode are shown in this manual:
Formatutil restore_factory_defaults
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Command Autocompletion and Command Abbreviation
Command autocompletion finishes spelling the command when you type enough letters of a
command to uniquely identify the command keyword. You need to type all of the required
keywords and parameters before you can use autocompletion.
The following keys both perform autocompletion for the current command. If the command
prefix is not unique, a subsequent repeat of the key displays possible completions.
• Enter or Return key. Autocompletes, synt ax-checks, and then executes the command. If
there is a syntax error, the offending part of the command is highlighted and explained.
• Spacebar. Autocompletes, or if the command is already resolved, inserts a space.
CLI Line-Editing Conventions
The following table describes the key combinations that you can use to edit commands or
increase the speed of command entry. Access this list from the CLI by issuing .help.
Table 6. CLI editing conventions
Key or Key Sequence Description
Invoking context-sensitive help
?Displays conte xt-sensitive help. The info rmation that displays consists either of a list of
possible command completions with summaries or of the full syntax of the current
command. When a command has been resolved, a subsequent repeat of the help key
displays a detailed reference.
Note: Command autocompletion finishes spelling the command when you type enough letters of a command
to uniquely identify the command keyword. However, you need to type all of the required keywords and
parameters before you use autocompletion.
Enter (or Return)Autocompletes, syntax-checks, and then executes a command. If there is a syntax
error, the offending part of the command line is highlighted and explained. If the
command prefix is not unique, a subsequent repeat of the key displays possi ble
SpacebarAutocompletes, or if the command is already resolved, inserts a space. If the command
prefix is not unique, a subsequent repeat of the key displays possible completions.
Moving around
Ctrl-AGo to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl-EGo to the end of the line.
Up arrowGo to the previous line in the history buffer.
Down arrowGo to the ne xt line in the history buffer.
Left arrowGo backward one character.
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Table 6. CLI editing conventions (continued)
Key or Key Sequence Description
Right arrowGo forward one character.
Ctrl-CDelete the entire line.
Ctrl-DDelete the next character.
Ctrl-KDelete all characters to the end of the line from where the cursor is located.
BackspaceDelete the previous character.
Invoking escape sequences
!!Substitute the previous line.
!NSubstitute the Nth line, in which N is the absolute line number as displayed in the
output of the history command.
!-NSubstitute the line that is located N lines before the current line, in which N is a relative
number in relation to the current lint.
Access the CLI
You can access the CLI by logging in with the same user credentials (user name and
password) that you use to access the web management interface. SRX5308> is the CLI
SRX5308 login: admin
Welcome to SRX5308 Command Line Interface
2. Overview of the Configuration
This chapter provides an overview of all configuration commands in the four configuration
command modes. The keywords and associated parameters that are available for these
commands are explained in the following chapters. The chapter includes the following sections:
Enter the net ? command at the CLI prompt to display the submodes in the net mode. The
following table lists the submodes and their commands in alphabetical order:
Table 7. Net mode configuration commands
SubmodeCommand NamePurpose
net ddns configureEnable, configure, or disable DDNS service.
net dmz ipv4 configureEnable, configure, or disable the IPv4 DMZ.
net dmz ipv6 configureEnable, configure, or disable the IPv6 DMZ.
net dmz ipv6 pool configure <ipv6 address>Configure a new or existing IPv6 DMZ DHCP
address pool.
net dmz pool ipv6 delete < ipv6 address>Delete an IPv6 DMZ DHCP address pool.
net ethernet configure <interface name or
net ipv6 ipmode configureConfigure the IP mode (IPv4 only or
net ipv6_tunnel isatap addConfigure a new IPv6 ISATAP tunnel.
net ipv6_tunnel isatap delete <row id>Delete an IPv6 ISATAP tunnel.
Configure a VLAN for a LAN interface.
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Table 7. Net mode configuration commands (continued)
SubmodeCommand NamePurpose
net ipv6_tunnel isatap edit <row id>Configure an existing IPv6 ISATAP tunnel.
net ipv6_tunnel six_to_four configureEnable or disable automatic (6to4) tunneling.
net lan dhcp reserved_ip configure
<mac address>
net lan dhcp reserved_ip delete
<mac address>
net lan ipv4 advanced configureConfigure advanced LAN settings such as the
net lan ipv4 configure <vlan id>Configure a new or existing VLAN.
net lan ipv4 default_vlanConfigure the default VLAN for each port.
net lan ipv4 delete <vlan id>Delete a VLAN.
net lan ipv4 disable <vlan id>Disable a VLAN.
net lan ipv4 enable <vlan id>Enable a VLAN.
net lan ipv4 multi_homing addConfigure a new secondary IPv4 address.
net lan ipv4 multi_homing delete <row id>Delete a secondary IPv4 address.
net lan ipv4 multi_homing edit <row id>Configure an existing secondary IPv4
net lan ipv4 traffic_meter configure
<ip address>
Bind a MAC address to an IP address for
DHCP reservation or change an existing
binding, and assign a LAN group.
Delete the binding of a MAC address to an IP
MAC address for VLANs and ARP broadcast.
Configure a traffic meter profile for an IPv4
net lan ipv4 traffic_meter delete <row id>Delete a traffic meter profile.
net lan ipv6 configureConfigure the IPv6 LAN address settings and
net lan ipv6 multi_homing addConfigure a new secondary IPv6 address.
net lan ipv6 multi_homing delete <row id>Delete a secondary IPv6 address.
net lan ipv6 multi_homing edit <row id>Configure an existing secondary IPv6
net lan ipv6 pool addConfigure a new IPv6 LAN DHCP address
net lan ipv6 pool delete <row id>Delete an IPv6 LAN DHCP address pool.
net lan ipv6 pool edit <row id>Configure an existing IPv6 LAN DHCP
address pool.
net lan ipv6 prefix_delegation addConfigure a new prefix for IPv6 LAN prefix
Overview of the Configuration Commands
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Table 7. Net mode configuration commands (continued)
SubmodeCommand NamePurpose
net lan ipv6 prefix_delegation delete <row id> Delete a prefix for IPv6 LAN prefix delegation.
protocol binding
net lan ipv6 prefix_delegation edit <row id>Configure an existing prefix for IPv6 LAN
prefix delegation.
net lan lan_groups edit <row id>
<new group name>
net protocol_binding addConfigure a new protocol binding.
net protocol_binding dele teDelete a protocol binding.
net protocol_binding disableDisable a protocol binding.
net protocol_binding edit <row id>Configure an existing protocol binding.
net protocol_binding enableEnable a protocol binding.
net qos configureConfigure the QoS mode for the WAN
net qos profile addConfigure a new WAN QoS profile.
net qos profile delete <row id>Delete a WAN QoS profile.
net qos profile disable <row id>Disable a WAN QoS profile.
net qos profile edit <row id>Configure an existing WAN QoS profile.
net qos profile enable <row id>Enable a WAN QoS profile.
Change an existing LAN default group name.
net radvd configure dmzConfigure the IPv6 RADVD for the DMZ.
net radvd configure lanConfigure the IPv6 RADVD for the LAN.
net routing dynamic configureConfigure RIP and the associated MD5 key
net routing static ipv4 configure <route name> Configure a new or existing IPv4 static route.
net routing static ipv4 delete <route name>Delete an IPv4 static route.
net routing static ipv4 delete_allDelete all IPv4 routes.
net routing static ipv6 configure <route name> Configure a new or existing IPv6 static route.
net routing static ipv6 delete <route name>Delete an IPv6 static route.
net routing static ipv6 delete_allDelete all IPv6 routes.
net siit configureConfigure Stateless IP/ICMP Translation
Overview of the Configuration Commands
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Table 7. Net mode configuration commands (continued)
SubmodeCommand NamePurpose
net wan port_setup configure <wan interface> Configure the MTU, port speed, and MAC
address of the VPN firewall.
net wan wan ipv4 configure <wan interface> Configure the IPv4 settings of the WAN
net wan wan ipv4 secondary_address add
<wan interface>
net wan wan ipv4 secondary_address delete
<row id>
net wan wan ipv6 configure <wan interface> Configure the IPv6 settings of the WAN
net wan_settings load_balancing configureConfigure the load balancing settings for two
net wan_settings wanmode configure Configure the mode of IPv4 routin g (NAT or
Configure a secondary IPv4 WAN address.
Delete a secondary IPv4 WAN address.
WAN interfaces that are configured for IPv4.
classical routing) between the WAN interface
and LAN interfaces.
Enter the security ? command at the CLI prompt to display the submodes in the security
mode. The following table lists the submodes and their commands in alphabetical order:
Table 8. Security mode configuration commands
SubmodeCommand NamePurpose
security address_filter ip_or_mac_binding addConfigure a new IP/MAC binding rule.
security address_filter mac_filter configureConfigure the source MAC address filter.
security address_filter mac_filter source addConfigure a new MAC source address.
security address_filter mac_filter source delete
<row id>
Overview of the Configuration Commands
Delete an IP/MAC binding rule.
Configure an existing IP/MAC binding
Configure the email log for IP/MAC
Binding violations.
<row id>
security firewall advanced algsConfigure SIP support for the ALG.
security firewall attack_checks configure ipv4Configure WAN and LAN security attack
Enable or disable bandwidth profile
Delete a blocked keyword.
Configure an existing blocked keyword.
Delete a trusted domain.
Configure an existing trusted domain.
checks for IPv4 traffic.
security firewall attack_checks configure ipv6Configure WAN security attack checks
for IPv6 traffic.
security firewall attack_checks igmp configureEnable or disable multicast pass-through
security schedules edit {1 | 2 | 3}Configure one of the three security
security services addConfigure a new custom service.
security services delete <row id>Delete a custom service.
security services edit <row id>Configure an existing custom service.
security services ip_group addConfigure a new LAN or WAN IP group.
security services ip_group add_ip_to
<group name>
security services ip_group delete <row id>Delete a LAN or WAN IP gro up .
security services ip_group delete_ip <row id>Remove an IP address from a LAN or
security services ip_group edit <row id>Configure an existing LAN or WAN IP
security services qos_profile addAdd a QoS profile.
security services qos_profile delete <row id>Delete a QoS profile.
security services qos_profile edit <row id>Configure an existing QoS profile.
Add an IP address to a LAN or WAN IP
WAN IP group.
Administrative and Monitoring Settings (System Mode)
Configuration Commands
Enter the system ? command at the CLI prompt to display the submodes in the system
mode. The following table lists the submodes and their commands in alphabetical order:
Table 9. System mode configuration commands
SubmodeCommand NamePurpose
system logging configureConfigure routing logs for accepted and
dropped IPv4 and IPv6 packets.
system logging remote configureConfigure email logs and alerts, schedule
email logs and alerts, and configure a syslog
Overview of the Configuration Commands
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Table 9. System mode configuration commands (continued)
SubmodeCommand NamePurpose
system remote_management https
system remote_management telnet
system snmp sys configureConfigure the SNMP system information.
system time configureConfigure the system time, date, and NTP
system traffic_meter configure
<wan interface>
Configure remote management over HTTPS.
Configure remote management over Telnet.
Configure the WA N tr affic meter.
VPN Settings (VPN Mode) Configuration Commands
Enter the vpn ? command at the CLI prompt to display the submodes in the vpn mode. The
following table lists the submodes and their commands in alphabetical order:
Table 10. Configuration commands: vpn mode
SubmodeCommand NamePurpose
vpn ipsec ikepolicy configure <ike policy name>Configure a new or existing manual IPSec
IKE policy.
vpn ipsec ikepolicy delete <ike policy name>Delete an IPSec policy.
vpn ipsec mode_config configure <record name>Configure a new or existing Mode Config
vpn ipsec mode_config delete <record name>Delete a Mode Config record.
vpn ipsec radius configure Configure the RADIUS servers.
vpn ipsec vpnpolicy configure <vpn policy name>Configure a new or existing auto IPSec
vpn ipsec vpnpolicy connect <vpn policy name>Establish a VPN connection.
vpn ipsec vpnpolicy delete <vpn policy name>Delete an IPSec VPN policy.
vpn ipsec vpnpolicy disable <vpn policy name>Disable an IPSec VPN policy.
vpn ipsec vpnpolicy drop <vpn policy name>Terminate an IPSec VPN connection.
vpn ipsec vpnpolicy enable <vpn policy name>Enable an IPSec VPN policy.
vpn ipsec wizard configure <Gateway | VPN_Client> Configure the IPSec VPN wizard for a
l2tpvpn l2tp server configure Configure the L2TP server.
VPN policy or manual IPSec VPN policy.
gateway-to-gateway or gateway-to-VPN
client connection.
pptpvpn pptp server configure Configure the PPTP server.
radiusvpn ipsec radius configure Configure the RADIUS server.
vpn sslvpn client ipv4Configure the SSL client IPv4 address
vpn sslvpn client ipv6Configure the SSL client IPv6 address
vpn sslvpn policy addConfigure a new SSL VPN policy.
vpn sslvpn policy delete <row id>Delete an SSL VPN policy.
vpn sslvpn policy edit <row id>Configure an existing SSL VPN policy.
vpn sslvpn portal_layouts add Configure a new SSL VPN portal layout.
vpn sslvpn portal_layout s de l et e <row id >Delete an SSL VPN portal layout.
vpn sslvpn users domains edit <row id>Configure an existing authentication
vpn sslvpn users groups addConfigure a new authentication group.
vpn sslvpn users groups delete <row id>Delete an authentication group.
vpn sslvpn users groups edit <row id>Configure an existing authentication group.
vpn sslvpn users users addAdd a new user account.
vpn sslvpn users users browser_policies <row id>Configure the client browsers from which a
user is either allowed or denied access.
vpn sslvpn users users delete <row id>Delete a user account.
vpn sslvpn users users edit <row id>Configure an existing user account.
vpn sslvpn users users ip_policies configure
<row id>
vpn sslvpn users users ip_policies delete <row id>Delete a source IP address for a user.
vpn sslvpn users users login_policies <row id>Configure the login policy for a user.
Configure source IP addresses from which
a user is either allowed or denied access.
Overview of the Configuration Commands
3. Net Mode Configuration Commands
This chapter explains the configuration commands, keywords, and associated parameters in the
net mode. The chapter includes the following sections:
• General WAN Commands
• IPv4 WAN Commands
• IPv6 WAN Commands
• IPv6 Tunnel Commands
• Dynamic DNS Commands
• IPv4 LAN Commands
• IPv6 LAN Commands
• IPv4 DMZ Setup Commands
• IPv6 DMZ Setup Commands
• WAN QoS Commands
• IPv4 Routing Commands
• IPv6 Routing Commands
After you have issued a command that includes the word
configure, add, or edit, you need to save (or cancel) your
changes. For more information, see Save Commands on page 12.
General WAN Commands
net wan port_setup configure <wan interface>
This command configures the advanced WAN settings for a W AN inte rface, that is, the MTU,
port speed, MAC address, failure detection method, and uploa d and download settings of the
VPN firewall. After you have issued the net wan port_setup configure command to
specify one of the four WAN interfaces (that is, WAN1, WAN2, WAN3, or WAN4), you enter
the net-config [port_setup] mode, and then you can configure the advanced settings for the
specified interface in the order that you prefer.
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Step 1Formatnet wan port_setup configure <wan interface>
mac_addressmac addressThe MAC address that the ISP requires for MAC
Specifies the port speed and duplex mode of the
WAN port. The keywords are self-explanatory.
Specifies the source for the MAC address. The
default setting is Use-Default-Mac.
If your ISP requires MAC authentication and
another MAC address has been previously
registered with your ISP, select either
Use-This-Computers-Mac or select
Use-This-Mac. If you select the latter keyword,
you need to issue the mac_address keyword and
specify the MAC address that is expected by your
authentication when the mac_type keyword is set
to Use-This-Mac.
Failure detection method
None, WAN-DNS,
secondsThe retry interval in seconds, from 5 to 999
Specifies the type of failover method for IPv4
connections. You can specify only one type of
• None. The re is no failover method configured.
• WAN-DNS. DNS queries are sent to the DNS
server that you configure through the net wan
wan ipv4 configure <wan interface> command.
• CUSTOM-DNS. DNS queries are sent to the
DNS server that you need to specify with the
failover_method dns_ipaddress_wan
• Ping. Pings are sent to a server with a public IP
address that you need to specify with the
failover_method ping_ipaddress_wan
For all three failover methods, you also need to
issue the failover_method retry_interval
keyword to specify and interval and the and
failover_method retry_attempts
keywords to specify the number of attempts.
seconds. The DNS query or ping is sent
periodically after every test period.
Net Mode Configuration Commands
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
KeywordAssociated Keyword to
Select or Parameter to Type
Upload and download settings
numberThe number of failover attempts, from 2 to 999.
ipaddressThe address of the DNS server to which the DNS
ipaddressThe ping address to which the pings are sent if the
The primary WAN interface is considered down
after the specified number of queries have failed to
elicit a reply. The backup interface is brought up
after this situation has occurred.
queries are sent if the failover method is set to
failover method is set to Ping.
Specifies the type of WAN connection that the
VPN firewall uses to connect to the Internet.
Specifies the maximum upload speed that is
provided by your ISP. If you select Custom, you
need to specify the speed in Kbps with the