NETGEAR and Fir stGear ar e trademar ks N etgear, Inc.
Microsoft, Window s, and Wi ndows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Other bra nd and produc t names are register ed tradema rks or tradem arks of their respective holders.
Statement of Conditions
In the int erest of im provin g interna l design, operational function, and/o r reliability, NETGEAR reserv es the ri ght to
make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
NETGEAR does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s) or circuit
layout(s) described herein.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Compliance Notice: Radio Frequency Notice
This de vice complies with par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Operat ion is subject to the following two condi tions:
•This dev ic e m a y no t cause harm ful inter fe rence.
•This device must accept any inter ference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Note: This equ ipment has be en tested and found to compl y w ith the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
part 15 of th e F C C Rules. These limits ar e de s ig ned to provide reasona ble prot ec ti on against ha r m fu l in te rferenc e in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not insta lled and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful i nterference to r adio communications. However, ther e is no
guarant ee tha t in te rf erenc e wil l no t oc cur in a pa rt ic ular ins ta llat io n. I f this equi pme nt do es ca use har mful in te rf erenc e to
radio or televisi on reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, th e user is encouraged to try
to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
•Increase the separation between the equipment an d recei ver.
•Connect the equipment int o an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receive r is connected.
•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
EN 55 022 Declaration of Conformance
This is to certify that the Model RT311 and RT314 Inter net Access Gateway Routers are shiel ded against the generation
of radio interference in accordance with the application of Council Direct ive 89/336/EEC, Article 4a. Conformity i s
declared by the application of E N 55 022 Class B (CISPR 22).
Bestätigung des Herstellers/Importeurs
Es wird hiermit bestätigt, daß das Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers gemäß der im
BMPT-AmtsblVfg 2 43/ 1991 un d V fg 46 /19 92 a ufgef ühr te n Best imm ung en ent st ört is t. D as v or sc hrif ts mäßi ge Betrei be n
einiger G eräte (z.B. Testsender) kann jedoch gewissen Besc hränkungen unterliegen. Lesen Sie dazu bitte die
Anmerk ungen in der Betriebsan leitung.
Das Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation wurde davo n unterrichtet, daß dieses Gerät auf den Markt
gebrach t w urde und es ist berechtigt, die Serie auf die Er füllung der Vorschriften hin zu überprüfen.
Certificate of the Manufacturer/Importer
It is hereby certified that the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers hav e been suppressed
in accordan ce w ith the conditions set out in the BMPT-AmtsblVfg 243/1991 and Vfg 46/1992. The operation of some
equipment (for example, test transmitters) in accordance with the regulations may, however, be subject to certain
restri ct ions. Please refer to the notes in th e operati ng in structions.
Federal Office for Telecommunications Approvals has been notified of the placing of this equipment on the market
and has been granted the right to test the series for co mpliance with the regulations.
VCCI-2 Statement
This equi pment is in the 2nd Class category (inform ation equipment to be used in a residential area or an adjacent ar ea
thereto) and conforms to the standards set by the Voluntary Control Council for Interference b y Da ta Proc essing
Equipment and Electronic Office Machines aimed at preventing radio interference in such res idential areas.
When use d near a radio or TV receiver, it may become the cause of radio interference.
Read instructions for correct handling.
Customer Support
Refer to the Suppor t Information Card that shipped with your Model RT311 or RT314 Interne t A ccess Gateway Router.
World Wide Web
NETGEAR maintains a World Wide Web home page that you can access at the universal re source locator (URL)
or Netsca pe are required.
. A direct connection to the Internet and a Web browser such as Internet Explorer
Purpose ........................................................................................................................... xv
Audience .......................................................................................................................... xv
Congratulation s on your purch ase of the NETGEAR™ Model RT311 or RT314 Internet Access
Gatew ay Router.
The Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers provide connection for multiple
personal computers (PCs) to the Int ernet through an external broadband access device (such as a
cable modem or DSL modem) that is normally intended for use by a single PC.
This guide describes the features of the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gatewa y
Routers and provide s installation and configuration instructions.
Aud i en ce
To configure and install the Model RT311 and RT314 routers, you should have the following
background and experience:
•Working knowledge of basic network concepts and ter minology
•Working knowledge of the Windows environment
If you are unfamiliar with basic routing conc epts, refer to Chapter 10, “Networks
and Routing Bas ics,” t o bec ome more f amilia r with the t erms a nd proc edures used in thi s
Reference Guide for the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers
This section describes the conventions used in this guide.
Special Message Formats
This guide use s the following formats to highlight special messages:
This format is used to highlight inf ormation of importance or special interest.
equipment failur e or loss of data.
equipment damage.
mishandling equipment.
This format is used to highlight information that will help you pre vent
This format is used to highlight information about the possibili ty of injury or
This format is used to alert you that you may incur an electrical shock by
Use of Enter, Type, Press, and Click
This guide uses “enter,” “type,” “press” and “click” to describe the following actions:
•When you read “enter,” type the text and press the Enter key.
•When you read “type,” type the text, but do not press the Enter key.
•When you read “pre ss,” press only the a lphanumeric or named key.
•When you read “click,” click the left mouse button.
Reference Guide for the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers
Other Conventions
This guide use s the following typographical conventions:
courie r fon t
Initial CapsMenu titles and window and button names.
[Enter]Named keys in text are shown enclosed in square br ackets. The notation
[Ctrl]+CTwo or more keys that must be pressed simultaneously are shown in text
ALL CAPSDOS file and directory names.
Book titles and UNIX file , command, and directory names.
Screen text, use r-typed command-line entries.
[Enter] is used for the Enter key and the Return key.
linked with a plus (+) sign.
Related Publications
In this document, you are directed to various RFC documents for further information. An RFC is a
Request For Comment (RFC) published by the Internet Engine ering Task Force (IETF), an open
organizat ion that defines the archite cture and operation of the Internet. The RFC documents
outline and define the standa rd protoco ls and procedures f or the Internet. The documents are listed
on the World Wide Web at
For more information a bout address assignment, refer to the IETF documents RFC 1597,
Allocation for Privat e Internets,
and RFC 1466,
and are mirrored and indexed at many other sites
Guidelines for Manag ement of IP Addr ess Space
For more information a bout IP addre ss translation, refer to RFC 1631,
Translator (NAT)
The IP Network Addre ss
Chapter 1
This chapter describes the features of the NETGEAR Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access
Gatew ay Routers and discusses planning c onsiderations for installation.
About the Router
The Model R T311 or RT314 Internet Access Gateway Router connects your local area network
(LAN) to the Internet th rough an e xter nal single -user access dev ice such as a ca ble modem or DSL
When personal computers (PCs) on the LAN need to communicate with locations on the Internet,
the PCs send requests to the router. The router translates th ose requests so that the requests appear
to originate from a single PC, rather than from a network of PCs. The router delivers the requests
to the external acc es s device for transmission to the Internet.
The Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers are flexible, high-perfor mance,
easy-to-use routers. These routers provide a c ost-effective solution for connecting your entire
network to a single-user broadband line, such as a cable mode m or DSL modem. With minimum
setup, you can install and use the route r within minutes to meet the networ king requirements of
your LAN.
Reference Guide for the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers
Key Features
The Model R T311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers provide the following features:
•Ethernet LAN connection at 10 megabits per se cond (Mbps) or 100 Mbps
–Internal four port 10/100 switch (Model R T314 router)
–Single 10/100 port (Model RT311 router)
–Autosensing for Ethernet (10BASE-T) or Fast Ethernet (100BASE-Tx) transmissions
–Half-duple x or full-duplex operation
•Ethernet connection to a wide area network (WAN) device, such as a cable modem or DSL
–RJ-45 interfa ce al lowing connection to a 10BASE-T device
•Protocol Support
–IP routing
–Dynamic extended Networ k Address Tr anslation (NAT+) with port forwarding for
operation with a single sta tic or dynamic IP address
–Dynamic Host Configur ation Protocol (DHCP) server for dynamically assigning
network conf iguration information to PCs on the LAN
–DHCP client for dynamically obtaining configuration information from the Internet
Service Provid er (IS P)
–DNS Proxy for simplified configur ation
–PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) support
•Login capability
–Automatically executes user login for RoadRunner cable modem service or PPP over
Ethernet accounts
•Easy installation and management
–Configure from a web browser
–Built-in Manage r interface for configuration of adv a nced features, accessible by serial
terminal or Telnet Protocol
–Configurable through the LAN—no serial connection required
Reference Guide for the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers
–Network Address Translation (NAT) hides local PCs from the Internet
–Powerful packet filtering capabilities
–Incoming port forwarding for specific services
•Front panel LEDs for easy monitoring of status and activity
•Flash EPROM for firmware upgrade
•Five-year warran ty
•Free technical support se ven days a week, twenty-four hours a day
Autosensing 10/100 Ethern et
The Model R T311 and RT314 routers connect to either a 10 Mbps standard Ethernet network or a
100 Mbps Fa st Ethernet network. The local LAN interface is autosensing and is capable of
full-duplex operation.
The Model RT31 1 and R T3 14 routers suppor t the Transmission Control Protocol/Interne t Protocol
(TCP/IP) and Routing Information Protocol ( RIP).
For further infor mation about TCP/IP, refer to Chapter 10, “Networks and Routing Basics.”
IP Address Masquerading by Dynamic NAT+
The Model RT311 and RT314 routers allo w se veral networked PCs to share an Internet account
using only a single IP address, which may be static ally or dynamically ass igned by your Internet
service provider (ISP). This technique, an extension of Ne twork Address Translation (NAT), is
also known as IP address masque rading and allows the use of an inexpensive single-user ISP
Port Forwarding with NAT
Although NAT prevents Internet locations from directly accessing the PCs on the LAN, the route r
allows incoming traffic to b e for ward e d to sp eci fic PCs based on the serv ice port num b er o f the
incoming request.
Reference Guide for the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers
Automati c Configuration of Attached PCs by DHCP
The Model RT311 and RT314 routers dynamically assign network configuration information ,
including IP, gateway, and domain name server (DNS) addresses, to atta ched PCs on the LAN
using the Dynamic Host Confi guration Protocol (DHCP). This f eatur e greatly simplifies
configuration of LAN-attached PCs.
DNS Proxy
When DHCP is enabled and no DNS addresses are specified, the ro ute r provides its own address
as a DNS server to the attached PCs. The router obtains actual DNS addresses f rom the ISP during
connection setup and forwards DNS requests from the LAN.
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
PPP over Ethernet is a protocol for connecting remote hosts to the Internet over an always-on
connection by simul ating a dial-up connecti on.
The Model R T311 and RT314 routers are equipped with several feature s designed to maintain
security, as described in this section.
PCs Hidden by NAT
Network address translation (NAT) opens a temporary path to the Internet for requests originating
from the loca l net work.
outside the LAN from finding and directly accessing the PCs on the LAN.
Packet Filtering
The Model RT311 and R T314 routers provide extensive packet filtering capabilities. Packets are
allowed or discarded based on their source or destination addresses, service port numbers, or ra w
data patterns within the packe t.
Port-Addres s Translation
The Model RT311 and RT314 routers perform port-address translation. Requests ori ginating from
outside the local network are allowed to reach particular local workstations based on the type of
service reque sted .
Requests ori ginating fro m outside t he LAN
are discarded, preventing use rs
Reference Guide for the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers
You can install, conf ig ure, and oper ate the route r within minutes af ter conne cti ng it to the networ k.
Use your browser to configure for basic Internet access, or use Telnet to access the built-in
manager interface for advanced feature s .
Browser-based Setup Wizard
A browser-based Wizard allows you to easily configu re your router for basic Internet access from
almost any type of persona l computer, such as Windows, Macintosh, or Linux.
Manager Interface
The Manag er interface manages and co n figures the router through an easily understood sc reen
process. You can access this interface thr ough the MANAGER port on the rear panel of the route r.
Connect the workstat ion you are using to configure the router to this port. You can also access the
Manager interface from across the network, using a Telnet session.
Use the Ma nag er i nte rface in any of the following situations:
•You need to make one or more computers available for access from the Internet using port
•You need to create additional static routes.
•You need to create filters for incomi ng or outgoing data traffic.
Reference Guide for the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers
Chapter 2
Installing and Connecting the Router
This chapter provides instructions for installing the Model RT311 or RT314 Internet A ccess
Gateway Router.
Package Contents
The product package should contain the following item s:
•Model RT311 or RT314 Internet Access Gate wa y Router
•10-foot twisted-pair Categor y 5 Ethernet cable, crossove r wiring (red) (RT311 only)
Model RT311 and RT314 Resource
CD, including:
— This guide
— Application Notes
•Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gate way Router Installation Guide
•Registration and Warranty Card
•Support Information Card
Call your dealer if there are any wrong, mi ssing, or damaged parts. Keep the carton, including
the original packing materials, to repack the router if ther e is a need to retur n it for repa ir.
Installing and Connecting the Router2-1
Reference Guide for the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers
Local Network Hardware Requirements
The Model R T311 or RT314 Internet Access Gateway Router is intended for use in a network of
workstations that are interconnected by twisted-pair Ethernet or Fast Ethernet cables.
Each workstation in the network must meet the fol lowing requirements:
•An Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC) is installed.
•Workstations are connected by a hub or switch. If all workstations on the network will not run
at the same speed (10 Mbps or 100 Mbps), a dual-speed hub or switch must be used. The
Model RT314 router provides a switch capable of either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps operation.
•Links operating at 100 Mbps are connected with C ategory 5 cable.
•The access device to be shared (cable modem or DSL modem) has a standard 10BASE-T
Ethernet interface.
2-2Installing and Connecting the Router
Reference Guide for the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers
Router Description
The front panels of the
Model RT311 router
contain status LEDs.
1 = PWR (Power) LED
3 = LOCAL LAN LNK/ACT (Link/Activity) and 100M LEDs
4 = INTERNET LNK/ACT (Link/Activity) LED
Figure 2-1.RT311 Front Pane l
(Figure 2-1) and
Model RT314 router
(Figure 2-2)
1 = PWR (Power) LED
3 = LAN LNK/ACT (Link/Activity) and 100M LEDs
4 = INTERNET LNK/ACT (Link/Activity) LED
Figure 2-2.RT 314 Front Panel
Installing and Connecting the Router2-3
Reference Guide for the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers
You can use some of the LEDs to verify connections. Table 2-1 lists and describes each LED on
the front pa nel of the router. These LEDs are green when lit.
Tab le 2-1.LED Descriptions
PWR (Power)On
100 (100 Mbps)On
The rear panels of the
Model RT311 router
Power is supplied to the router.
Power is not supplied to the router.
The system is not ready or has failed to start up.
The system is ready and ru nnin
The system is ini tia li z in
The LAN port has detected a link with an attached device.
Data is bein
The LAN is operatin
The LAN is operatin
The Internet port has detected a link with an attached device.
Data is bein
tranmitted or received by th e LAN port.
tranmitted or receiv ed by the Internet port.
Model RT314 router
at 100 Mbps.
at 10 Mbps.
are shown in Figure 2-3 and
Figure 2-4. Refer to these diagrams to ide ntify a ll the po rts on t he r outer when you att empt t o make
any connections.
1 = Ground
2 = AC adapter outlet for connecting the AC adapter to the router
3 = Local Ethernet port for connecting the route r to th e local LAN
4 = Internet Ethernet port for connecting the router to a cable or DSL modem
5 = RS-232 Manager port f o r connecting the router to the serial port of a PC
Figure 2-3.RT 311 Rear Panel
2-4Installing and Connecting the Router
Reference Guide for the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers
1 = AC adapter outlet for connecting the AC adapter to the router
2 = Local Ethernet ports for connecting the router to the local PCs
3 = RS-232 Manager port for connecti ng the router to the serial port of a PC
4 = Internet Ethernet port for connecting the router to a cable or DSL modem
5 = Ground
Figure 2-4.RT314 Rear Panel
Connecting the Router
Three connections must be made before using your router:
•Connect your local Ethernet network to the LOC AL port(s) of the router.
•Connect your cable or DSL modem to the INTER NET port of the router.
•Connect the power adapter
Connecting to your Local Ethernet Network
Your local network will attach to the router port or ports mar ked LOCAL. Because the Model
RT314 router include s a four -port switch while the Model RT311 router has a single port for
connection to your local network, the method of connection is different. Follow the proce du re
below for your specific model.
The LOCAL ports of these routers are capable of operation a t either 10 Mbps (10BASE-T) or 100
Mbps (100BASE-Tx), depending on the Ethernet interface of the attached PC, hub, or switch. For
any connection which will operate at 100 Mbps, you must use a Category 5 (CAT5) rated cable,
such as the white Ethernet cable included with the router.
Installing and Connecting the Router2-5
Reference Guide for the Model RT311 and RT314 Internet Access Gateway Routers
Connecting the Model RT311 router to your Local Area Net work
The Model RT311 router has a single port for connec tion to your local network. This port is wired
as a host rather than a hub, and is intended to connect to a hub or switc h in your network. To
connect the Model RT311 router to your LAN:
•Connect the LOCAL port of the router to your existing Ethernet hub or switch using the
white straight -through Ethernet cable shipped with your router.
To connect the router to a single PC:
•Connect the LOCAL port of the router to the Ethernet port of your PC using the red
Ethernet crossover cable shipped with your router.
If the Ethernet port of your PC oper ates at 100 Mbps, you must use a Category 5 r ated cable,
such as the red Ethernet cable inc luded with the Model RT311 router.
Connecting the Model RT314 rout er to your Local Area Network
The Model R T314 router incorporates a four-port switch for connection to your local network. To
connect the M odel RT314 router to your LAN:
•Connect up to four PCs directly to any of the four LOCAL ports of the router using
standard Eth ernet cables.
If your local network consis ts of more tha n four hosts, you will need to connect your router to
another hub or switch:
•Connect any LOCAL port of your Model RT314 router to the UPLINK port of an
Ethernet hub o r switch using standa rd Eth ern et ca bl e.
If the UPLINK port of your hub or switch is selectable for UPLINK or NORMAL operation,
be sure that UPLINK is selected. If the hub or switc h does not contain an UPLINK port, you
can connect to one of its normal por ts using an Ethernet crossover cable.
Connecting to the Internet
To connect the router to the Internet or WAN:
•Connect the INTERNET port of the router to your existing Internet access device, such
as a cable modem or DSL modem.
Because the INTERNET port operates only at 10 Mbps, the attached device must provide a
10BASE-T connection. No cable is provide d with your router for this connect ion. Use the
cable provided with your access device or any other standard 10BASE-T Ether ne t cable.
2-6Installing and Connecting the Router
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