NETGEAR RP114 User Manual

Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router

4500 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA Phone 1-888-NETGEAR
SM-RP114NA-2 July 2001
© 2001 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved.
NETGEAR and FirstGear are trademarks Netgear, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.
Statement of Conditions
In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/orreliability, NETGEAR reserves the rightto make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
NETGEAR does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s) or circuit layout(s) described herein.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Compliance Notice: Radio Frequency Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
EN 55 022 Declaration of Conformance
This is to certify that the Model RP114 Web Safe Router is shielded against the generation of radio interference in accordance with the application of Council Directive 89/336/EEC, Article 4a. Conformity is declared by the application of EN 55 022 Class B (CISPR 22).
Bestätigung des Herstellers/Importeurs
Es wird hiermit bestätigt, daß das Model RP114 Web Safe Router gemäß der im BMPT-AmtsblVfg 243/1991 und Vfg 46/1992 aufgeführten Bestimmungen entstört ist. Das vorschriftsmäßige Betreiben einiger Geräte (z.B. Testsender) kann jedoch gewissen Beschränkungen unterliegen. Lesen Sie dazu bitte die Anmerkungen in der Betriebsanleitung.
Das Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation wurde davon unterrichtet, daß dieses Gerät auf den Markt gebracht wurde und es ist berechtigt, die Serie auf die Erfüllung der Vorschriften hin zu überprüfen.
Certificate of the Manufacturer/Importer
It is hereby certified that the Model RP114 Web Safe Router has been suppressed in accordance with the conditions set out in the BMPT-AmtsblVfg 243/1991 and Vfg 46/1992. The operation of some equipment (for example, test transmitters) in accordance with the regulations may, however, be subject to certain restrictions. Please refer to the notes in the operating instructions.
Federal Office for Telecommunications Approvals has been notified of the placing of this equipment on the market and has been granted the right to test the series for compliance with the regulations.
Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Statement
This equipment is in the second category (information equipment to be used in a residential area or an adjacent area thereto) and conforms to the standards set by the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Data Processing Equipment and Electronic Office Machines aimed at preventing radio interference in such residential areas.
When used near a radio or TV receiver, it may become the cause of radio interference. Read instructions for correct handling.
Customer Support
Refer to the Support Information Card that shipped with your Model RP114 Web Safe Router.
World Wide Web
NETGEAR maintains a World Wide Web home page that you can access at the universal resource locator (URL)
or Netscape are required.
. A direct connection to the Internet and a Web browser such as Internet Explorer


About This Guide
Technical Support ............................................................................................................ xv
Related Publications ........................................................................................................ xv
Typographical Conventions ............................................................................................xvii
Special Message Formats ..............................................................................................xvii
Chapter 1 Introduction
About the Router ............................................................................................................1-1
Key Features ..................................................................................................................1-1
Content Filtering .......................................................................................................1-3
Security ....................................................................................................................1-3
Autosensing 10/100 Ethernet ...................................................................................1-4
TCP/IP ......................................................................................................................1-4
Easy Installation and Management ..........................................................................1-5
Maintenance and Support ........................................................................................1-5
Chapter 2 SettingUptheHardware
Package Contents ..........................................................................................................2-1
Local Network Hardware Requirements .........................................................................2-2
PC Requirements ..............................................................................................2-2
Access Device Requirement .............................................................................2-2
The Router’s Front Panel ...............................................................................................2-3
The Router’s Rear Panel ................................................................................................2-4
Connecting the Router ....................................................................................................2-4
Connecting to your Local Ethernet Network .............................................................2-4
Connecting to Your Internet Access Device .............................................................2-5
Connecting the Power Adapter ................................................................................2-5
Verifying Power ........................................................................................................2-6
Contents v
Chapter 3 Preparing Your Network
Preparing Your Personal Computers for IP Networking .................................................3-1
Configuring Windows 95 or later for IP Networking ........................................................3-2
Configuring TCP/IP Properties .................................................................................3-4
Verifying TCP/IP Properties (Windows) ...................................................................3-4
Configuring the Macintosh for IP Networking .................................................................3-5
Verifying TCP/IP Properties (Macintosh) ..................................................................3-6
Your Internet Account .....................................................................................................3-7
Login Protocols ........................................................................................................3-7
Account Information .................................................................................................3-8
Obtaining ISP Configuration Information (Windows) .........................................3-8
Obtaining ISP Configuration Information (Macintosh) .......................................3-9
Ready for Configuration ................................................................................................3-10
Chapter 4 Basic Configuration of the Router
Configuring for Internet Access ......................................................................................4-1
Configuring for Content Filtering .....................................................................................4-7
E-Mail .......................................................................................................................4-8
Keyword ...................................................................................................................4-9
Schedule ................................................................................................................4-10
Trusted ...................................................................................................................4-11
Logs .......................................................................................................................4-12
Chapter 5 Advanced Configuration of the Router
System Settings ..............................................................................................................5-1
System Tab ..............................................................................................................5-1
Dynamic DNS ...........................................................................................................5-2
Password .................................................................................................................5-2
LAN Setup ......................................................................................................................5-3
DHCP .......................................................................................................................5-3
LAN TCP/IP ..............................................................................................................5-4
Configuring for Port Forwarding to Local Servers ..........................................................5-6
Local Web and FTP Server Example .................................................................5-7
Local Game Host or Videoconference Example ................................................5-8
vi Contents
Static Routes ..................................................................................................................5-8
Static Route Example .............................................................................................5-10
Chapter 6 Maintenance
System Status ................................................................................................................6-1
DHCP Table ....................................................................................................................6-4
Software Upgrade ...........................................................................................................6-4
Configuration File Management .....................................................................................6-5
Restore and Backup the Configuration ....................................................................6-5
Erase the Configuration ...........................................................................................6-5
Chapter 7 Using the Manager Interface for Initial Router Configuration
Connecting for Configuration ..........................................................................................7-1
Using the Manager Interface ..........................................................................................7-3
Login ........................................................................................................................7-3
Navigating the Manager ...........................................................................................7-4
Manager Menu Summary .........................................................................................7-4
General Setup Menu ................................................................................................7-6
WAN Setup ..............................................................................................................7-7
LAN Setup ................................................................................................................7-8
LAN Port Filter Setup Menu ...............................................................................7-8
TCP/IP and DHCP Setup ..................................................................................7-9
Manager Password Setup ......................................................................................7-11
Chapter 8 Using the Manager Interface to Configure the Router for Internet Access
Internet Access Configuration ........................................................................................8-1
Remote Node Setup Menu .......................................................................................8-3
Editing IP Options ...........................................................................................................8-6
Editing Filter Sets ...........................................................................................................8-8
Configuration for Local Servers ....................................................................................8-10
Local Web and FTP Server Example ...............................................................8-11
Local Game Host or Videoconference Example ..............................................8-12
Setting Static Routes ....................................................................................................8-12
Static Route Example .............................................................................................8-15
Dynamic DNS ...............................................................................................................8-17
Contents vii
Chapter 9 Using the Manager Interface for Advanced System Maintenance
System Status ................................................................................................................9-1
Log and Trace .................................................................................................................9-4
View Error Log .........................................................................................................9-4
Syslog ......................................................................................................................9-5
Diagnostic Menu .............................................................................................................9-6
Back Up and Restore Configuration ...............................................................................9-8
Backing Up and Restoring the Configuration Using FTP .........................................9-8
Software Update .............................................................................................................9-9
Updating Router Software Using FTP ......................................................................9-9
Command Interpreter Mode ...........................................................................................9-9
Remote Management ...................................................................................................9-10
Chapter 10 Configuring Filters
Router Filter Structure ..................................................................................................10-1
Configuring a Filter Set .................................................................................................10-2
Configuring a Filter Rule ...............................................................................................10-6
TCP/IP Filter Rule ..................................................................................................10-6
Generic Filter Rule .................................................................................................10-9
Applying a Filter Set ...................................................................................................10-10
Default Filters .............................................................................................................10-11
Filter 1: NetBIOS_WAN ........................................................................................10-11
Filter 2: NetBIOS_LAN .........................................................................................10-11
Filter 3: TEL_FTP_WEB_WAN .............................................................................10-11
Chapter 11 Troubleshooting
Basic Functioning .........................................................................................................11-1
PWR LED Not On ..................................................................................................11-1
Test LED Never Blinks or LED Stays On ...............................................................11-2
LNK/ACT LEDs Not On ..........................................................................................11-2
Troubleshooting the Web Configuration Interface ........................................................11-2
Troubleshooting the ISP Connection ............................................................................11-3
Troubleshooting a TCP/IP Network Using a Ping Utility ...............................................11-5
Testing the LAN Path to Your Router .....................................................................11-5
viii Contents
Testing the Path from Your PC to a Remote Device ..............................................11-7
Troubleshooting the Manager Interface ........................................................................11-7
Restoring the Default Configuration and Password ......................................................11-8
Using the Default Reset button ..............................................................................11-8
Appendix A Technical Specifications
General Specifications ................................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B Network and Routing Basics
Basic Router Concepts .................................................................................................. B-1
What is a Router? ................................................................................................... B-1
Routing Information Protocol ................................................................................... B-2
IP Addresses and the Internet ................................................................................. B-2
Netmask .................................................................................................................. B-4
Subnet Addressing .................................................................................................. B-5
Private IP Addresses ............................................................................................... B-7
Single IP Address Operation Using NAT ................................................................. B-8
MAC Addresses and Address Resolution Protocol ................................................. B-9
Domain Name Server .............................................................................................. B-9
IP Configuration by DHCP .................................................................................... B-10
Ethernet Cabling .......................................................................................................... B-10
Uplink Switches, Crossover Cables, and MDI/MDIX Switching .............................B-11
Cable Quality ..........................................................................................................B-11
Glossary Index
Contents ix
x Contents
Figure 2-1. RP114 Front Panel ...................................................................................2-3
Figure 2-2. RP114 Rear Panel ...................................................................................2-4
Figure 4-1. Login window ...........................................................................................4-2
Figure 4-2. Browser-based configuration main menu ................................................4-2
Figure 4-3. Browser-based Setup Wizard, first screen ...............................................4-3
Figure 4-4. Browser-based Setup Wizard, second screen .........................................4-4
Figure 4-5. Browser-based Setup Wizard, third screen .............................................4-6
Figure 5-1. LAN Setup Menu ......................................................................................5-3
Figure 5-2. Port Forwarding Menu .............................................................................5-6
Figure 5-3. Static Route Summary Table ...................................................................5-8
Figure 5-4. Static Route Entry and Edit Menu ............................................................5-9
Figure 5-5. Static Route Example ............................................................................5-11
Figure 6-1. System Status screen ..............................................................................6-1
Figure 6-2. Router Statistics screen ...........................................................................6-3
Figure 6-3. DHCP Table .............................................................................................6-4
Figure 7-1. Manager Main Menu ................................................................................7-3
Figure 7-2. Menu 1 - General Setup ...........................................................................7-6
Figure 7-3. Menu 2 - WAN Setup ...............................................................................7-7
Figure 7-4. Menu 3 - LAN Setup ................................................................................7-8
Figure 7-5. Menu 23 - System Password .................................................................7-11
Figure 8-1. Menu 4 - Internet Access Setup ...............................................................8-2
Figure 8-2. Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile ............................................................8-4
Figure 8-3. Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Network Layer Options .................................8-6
Figure 8-4. Menu 21 - Filter Set Configuration ...........................................................8-8
Figure 8-5. Menu 11.5 - Remote Node Filters ............................................................8-9
Figure 8-6. Menu 15 - SUA Server Setup ................................................................8-11
Figure 8-7. IP Static Routing Table Example ............................................................8-13
Figure 8-8. Menu 12.1 - Edit IP Static Route ............................................................8-14
Figure 8-9. Static Route Example ............................................................................8-16
Figure 8-10. Menu 1.1 - Configure Dynamic DNS ......................................................8-17
Figure 9-1. Menu 24 - System Maintenance ..............................................................9-2
Figure 9-2. Menu 24.1 - System Maintenance - Status ..............................................9-2
Figure 9-3. Menu 24.4 - System Maintenance - Diagnostic .......................................9-7
Figure 10-1. Menu 21 - Filter Set Configuration .........................................................10-2
Figure 10-2. Menu 21.1 - Filter Rules Summary ........................................................10-3
Figure 10-3. Menu 21.1.1 - TCP/IP Filter Rule ...........................................................10-5
Figure B-1. Three Main Address Classes .................................................................. B-3
Figure B-2. Example of Subnetting a Class B Address ............................................. B-5
Figure B-3. Single IP Address Operation Using NAT ................................................ B-8
Table 2-1. LED Descriptions .....................................................................................2-3
Table 4-1. Log entry descriptions ............................................................................4-12
Table 4-2. Log display buttons ................................................................................4-13
Table 5-1. Dynamic DNS configuration fields ...........................................................5-2
Table 5-2. DHCP Setup Fields .................................................................................5-4
Table 5-3. LAN TCP/IP Setup Fields .......................................................................5-4
Table 5-4. Port Table Entries (Example) ...................................................................5-7
Table 5-5. Edit IP Static Route Fields ......................................................................5-9
Table 6-1. Menu 3.2 - System Status Fields .............................................................6-2
Table 6-2. Router Statistics Fields ...........................................................................6-3
Table 7-1. Manager Menu Commands ....................................................................7-4
Table 7-2. Manager Menu Summary .......................................................................7-4
Table 7-3. WAN Setup Fields ...................................................................................7-7
Table 7-4. Menu 3.1 - LAN Port Filter Setup Fields ..................................................7-9
Table 7-5. Menu 3.2 - TCP/IP and DHCP Setup Fields .........................................7-10
Table 8-1. Remote Node Profile Fields ....................................................................8-4
Table 8-2. Remote Node Network Layer Options Fields ..........................................8-7
Table 8-3. Remote Node Filters Fields .....................................................................8-9
Table 8-4. Menu 15 Field Entries (Example) ...........................................................8-11
Table 8-5. Edit IP Static Route Fields ....................................................................8-14
Table 8-6. Dynamic DNS Configuration Fields ......................................................8-17
Table 9-1. System Maintenance Status ....................................................................9-3
Table 9-2. System Maintenance Status Fields .........................................................9-3
Table 9-3. System Maintenance - Log and Trace Fields ..........................................9-4
Table 9-4. System Maintenance - UNIX Syslog Fields .............................................9-5
Table 9-5. System Maintenance - Diagnostic Fields .................................................9-7
Table 10-1. Abbreviations Used in Menu 21.1 - Filter Rules Summary ...................10-3
Table 10-2. Abbreviations Used if Filter Type Is IP ...................................................10-4
Table 10-3. Abbreviations Used if Filter Type Is GEN ...............................................10-4
Table 10-4. TCP/IP Filter Rule Fields ......................................................................10-7
Table 10-5. Generic Filter Rule Fields .....................................................................10-9
Table B-1. Netmask Notation Translation Table for One Octet ................................ B-6
Table B-2. Netmask Formats .................................................................................... B-6
Table B-3. UTP Ethernet cable wiring, straight-through ......................................... B-10

About This Guide

Congratulations on your purchase of the NETGEAR™Model RP114 Web Safe Router. The Model RP114 router provides connection for multiple personal computers (PCs) to the
Internetthrough an external broadband access device (such as a cable modem or DSL modem) that is normally intended for use by a single PC.
If you are unfamiliar with networking and routing, refer to Appendix B, “Network
andRoutingBasics,” to become more familiar with the terms and procedures used in this

Technical Support

For help with any technical issues, contact Customer Support at 1-888-NETGEAR, or visit us on the Web at The NETGEAR Web site includes an extensive knowledge base, answers to frequently asked questions, and a means for submitting technical questions online.

Related Publications

As you read this document, you may be directed to various RFC documents for further information. An RFC is a Request For Comment (RFC) published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), an open organization that defines the architecture and operation of the Internet. The RFC documents outline and define the standard protocols and procedures for the Internet. The documents are listed on the World Wide Web at andaremirroredandindexedat many other sites worldwide.
For more information about address assignment, refer to the IETF documents RFC 1597, Address
Allocation for Private Internets,
About This Guide xv
and RFC 1466,
Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space
Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router
For more information about IP address translation, refer to RFC 1631,
Translator (NAT)
The IP Network Address
xvi About This Guide
Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router

Typographical Conventions

This guide uses the following typographical conventions:
courier font Screen text, user-typed command-line entries.
Initial Caps Menu titles and window and button names. [Enter] Named keys in text are shown enclosed in square brackets. The notation
[Ctrl]+C Two or more keys that must be pressed simultaneously are shown in text
ALL CAPS DOS file and directory names.
Book titles and UNIX file, command, and directory names.
[Enter] is used for the Enter key and the Return key.
linked with a plus (+) sign.

Special Message Formats

This guide uses the following formats to highlight special messages:
This format is used to highlight information of importance or special interest.
equipment failure or loss of data.
This format is used to highlight information that will help you prevent
equipment damage.
electrical shock if you mishandle the equipment.
About This Guide xvii
This format is used to highlight information about the possibility of injury or
This format is used to alert you that there is the potential for incurring an
Chapter 1
This chapter describes the features of the NETGEAR Model RP114 Web Safe Router and discusses planning considerations for installation. The software version described is v3.26.

About the Router

The Model RP114 Web Safe Router with 4-port switch connects your local area network(LAN) to the Internet through an external single-user access device such as a cable modem or DSL modem.
The Model RP114 router provides you with multiple Web content filtering options, plus browsing activity reporting and instant alerts -- both via e-mail. Parents and network administrators can establishrestricted access policies based on time-of-day, Website addresses and address keywords, and share high-speed cable/DSL Internet access for up to 253 personal computers. Network Address Translation (NAT) protects you from hackers.
With minimum setup, you can install and use the router w ithin minutes.

Key Features

The Model RP114 router provides the following features:
•Security – Parental control of web browsing and newsgroup access using Web Address (URL)
keyword blocking – Auditing and e-mail reporting of web browsing activities – Blocking can be scheduled by day and time – Network Address Translation (NAT) hides local PCs from the Internet
Introduction 1-1
Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router
Powerful packet filtering capabilities – Incoming port forwarding and DMZ for specific services
Built in 4-port 10/100 Mbps Switch – Allows LAN connections at 10 megabits per second (Mbps) or 100 M bps – Autosensing for Ethernet (10BASE-T) or Fast Ethernet (100BASE-Tx) transmissions
Auto Uplink
(autosensing MDI/MDIX) configures each port for normal or uplink
Half-duplex or full-duplex operation
Ethernet connection to a wide area network (WAN) device, such as a cable modem or DSL
RJ-45 interface allowing connection to a 10BASE-T device
Protocol Support –IProuting – Dynamic extended Network Address Translation (NAT+) with port forwarding for
operation with a single static or dynamic IP address
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server for dynamically assigning
network configuration information to PCs on the LAN
DHCP client for dynamically obtaining configuration information from the Internet
Service Provider (ISP) – DNS Proxy for simplified configuration – PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) support
Login capability Automatically executes user login for – RoadRunner cable modem service, – PPP over Ethernet accounts, PPTP login (for European service providers) – BigPond service (for Telstra Australia)
Easy installation and management – Easy, web-based setup for configuration of most features – Built-in Manager interface for configuration of advanced features, accessible by
Telnet Protocol
1-2 Introduction
Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router
Front panel LEDs for easy monitoring of status and activity
Flash memory for firmware upgrade
Five-year warranty, two years on power adapter
Free technical support seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day

Content Filtering

With its content filtering features, the Model RP114 router prevents objectionable content from reaching your PCs. Its content filtering features include:
Content filtering by domain or keyword
The Model RP114 router uses content filtering to enforce your network’s Internet access policies. The router allows you to control access to Internetcontent by screening for keywords within Web URLs or newsgroup names.
Logging of inappropriate use
You can configure the Model RP114 router to log access to Web sites and to e-mail the log to you. You can also configure the router to send an immediate alert e-mail message to you whenever a local user attempts to access a blocked Web site.


The Model RP114 router is equipped with several features designed to maintain security, as described in this section.
PCs Hidden by NAT
Network address translation (NAT) opens a temporary path to the Internet for requests originating f rom the local network. Requests originating from outside the LAN are discarded, preventing users outside the LAN from finding and directly accessing the PCs on the LAN.
Port Forwarding with NAT
Although NAT prevents Internet locations from directly accessing the PCs on the LAN, the router allows you to direct incoming traffic to specific PCs based on the service port number of the incoming request, or to one designated “DMZ” host computer. You can specify forwarding of single ports or ranges of ports.
Packet Filtering
The Model RP114 router provides extensive packet filtering capabilities. Packets are allowed or discarded based on their source or destination addresses, service port numbers, or raw data patterns within the packet.
Introduction 1-3
Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router

Autosensing 10/100 Ethernet

With its internal, 4-port 10/100 switch, the Model RP114 router can connect to either a 10 Mbps standard Ethernet network or a 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet network. The local LAN interface is autosensing and is capable of full-duplex or half-duplex operation.
The Model RP114 router incorporates Auto Uplink
technology. Each LOCAL Ethernet port will automatically sense whether the Ethernet cable plugged into the port should have a 'normal' connection (e.g. connecting to a PC) or an 'uplink' connection (e.g. connecting to a router, switch, or hub). That port will then configure itself to the correct configuration. This feature also eliminates the need to worry about crossover cables, as Auto Uplink
will accommodate either
type of cable to make the right connection.


The Model RP114 router supports the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and Routing Information Protocol (RIP).
For further information about TCP/IP, refer to Appendix B, “Network and Routing Basics.”
IP Address Masquerading by Dynamic NAT+
The M odel RP114 router allows several networked PCs to share an Internet account using only a single IP address, which may be statically or dynamically assigned by your Internet service provider (ISP). This technique, an extension of Network Address Translation (NAT), is also known as IP address masquerading and allows the use of an inexpensive single-user ISP account.
Automatic Configuration of Attached PCs by DHCP
The Model RP114 router dynamically assigns network configuration information, including IP, gateway, and domain name server (DNS) addresses, to attached PCs on the LAN using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). This feature greatly simplifies configuration of LAN-attached PCs.
DNS Proxy
When DHCP is enabled and no DNS addresses are specified, the router provides its own address as a DNS server to the attached PCs. The router obtains actual DNS addresses from the ISP during connection setup and forwards DNS requests from the LAN.
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
PPP over Ethernet is a protocol for connecting remote hosts to the Internet over an always-on connection by simulating a dial-up connection.
1-4 Introduction
Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router

Easy Installation and Management

You can install, configure, and operate the Model RP114 Web Safe Router within minutes after connecting it to the network. The following features simplify installation and management tasks:
Browser-based management
Browser-based configuration allows you to easily configure your router from almost any type of personal computer, such as Windows,Macintosh, or Linux. A user-friendly Setup Wizard is provided and online help documentation is built into the browser-based Web Management Interface.
Manager Interface
The Manager Interface provides access to certain advanced features such as custom filters. You can access this interface from the network by using a Telnet client program.
Visual monitoring
The Model RP114 router’s front panel LEDs provide an easy way to monitor its status and activity.

Maintenance and Support

NETGEAR offers the following features to help you maximize your use of the Model RP114 router:
Flash memory for firmware upgrade
Five-year warranty, two years on power adapter.
Free technical support seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day
Introduction 1-5
Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router
1-6 Introduction
Chapter 2
Setting Up the Hardware
This chapter describes the Model RP114 Web Safe Router hardware and provides instructions for installing it.

Package Contents

The product package should contain the following items:
Model RP114 Web Safe Router
Category 5 (Cat 5) Ethernet cable, straight-through wiring
Model RP114 Resource CD, including:
— This guide — Application Notes
RP114 Cable/DSL Web Safe Router Installation Guide
Registration and Warranty Card
Support Information Card If any of the parts are incorrect, missing, or damaged, contact your NETGEAR dealer. Keep the
carton, including the original packing materials, in case you need to return the router for repair.
Setting Up the Hardware 2-1
Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router

Local Network Hardware Requirements

The Model RP114 Web Safe Router is intended for use in a network of personal computers (PCs) that are interconnected by twisted-pair Ethernet cables.

PC Requirements

To install and run the Model RP114 router over your network of PCs, each PC must have the following:
An installed Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC).
A connection to the network via a hub or switch. If all PCs on the network will not run at the
same speed (10 Mbps or 100 Mbps), you need to use a dual-speed hub or switch. The Model RP114 router provides a 4-port switch capable of either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps operation. Links operating at 100 Mbps must be connected with Category 5 cable.

Access Device Requirement

The shared broadband access device (cable modem or DSL modem) must provide a standard 10BASE-T Ethernet interface.
2-2 Setting Up the Hardware
Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router

The Router’s Front Panel

The front panel of the Model RP114 Web Safe Router (Figure 2-1) contains port connections and status LEDs.
Figure 2-1. RP114 Front Panel
You can use some of the LEDs to verify connections. Table 2-1 lists and describes each LED on the front panel of the router. These LEDs are green when lit.
Table 2-1. LED Descriptions
Label Activity Description
PWR (Power) On
Off Blinking
LNK On The WAN port has detected a link with an attached device. ACT (Activity) Blinking Data is being transmitted or received by the WAN port.
LNK/ACT (Link/Activity)
100 (100 Mbps) On
On Blinking
Power is supplied to the router. Power is not supplied to the router.
The system is not ready or has failed to start up. The system is ready and running. The system is initializing.
The LAN port has detected a link with an attached device. Data is being tranmitted or received by the LAN port.
The LAN is operating at 100 Mbps. The LAN is operating at 10 Mbps.
Setting Up the Hardware 2-3
Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router

The Router’s Rear Panel

The rear panel of the Model RP114 router is shown in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2. RP114 Rear Panel
The rear panel contains the following features:
12 VDC power adapter outlet
Factory Default Reset pushbutton
Ground lug

Connecting the Router

Before using your router, you need to do the following:
Connect your local Ethernet network to the LAN port(s) of the router (described next).
Connect your cable or DSL modem to the WAN port of the router (see page 2-5).
Connect the power adapter (see page 2-5).

Connecting to your Local Ethernet Network

Your local network will attach to the router port or ports marked LAN. The LAN ports are capable of operation at either 10 Mbps (10BASE-T) or 100 Mbps (100BASE-Tx), depending on the Ethernet interface of the attached PC, hub, or switch. For any connection which will operate at 100 Mbps, you must use a Category 5 (CAT5) rated cable, such as the white Ethernet cable included with the router.
2-4 Setting Up the Hardware
Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router
The Model RP114 router incorporates a four-port switch for connection to your local network. To connect the Model RP114 router to your LAN:
Connect up to four PCs directly to any of the four LAN ports of the router using standard
Ethernet cables.
If your local network consists of more than four hosts, you will need to connect your router to another hub or switch:
Connect any LAN port of your Model RP114 router to any port of an Ethernet hub or switch
using a standard or crossover Ethernet cable. Because the Model RP114 router is capable of automatically sensing the polarity of the
Ethernet connection, you can connect to the other hub’s normal or uplink port, using a standard or crossover Ethernet cable. The LAN port of your Model RP114 router will automatically configure itself for proper operation.

Connecting to Your Internet Access Device

To connect the router to the Internet (or WAN):
Connect the router’s WAN port to the 10BASE-T Ethernet port on your existing Internet access device (your cable modem or DSL modem).
The attached modem device must provide a standard 10BASE-T Ethernet connection. The Model RP114 router does not include a cable for this connection. Instead, use the Ethernet cable provided with your access device or any other standard 10BASE-T Ethernet cable. If you are using a DSL modem, the m odem’s connection to the phone line remains unchanged.
The Ethernet cable supplied by your ISP for connecting to your cable or DSL modem may be an Ethernet crossover cable rather than a straight-through cable. It is important to use this cable to connect the modem to your router, not to connect your PCs to your router.

Connecting the Power Adapter

To connect the router to the power adapter:
Plug the connector of the power adapter into the 12 V DC adapter outlet on the rear panel of the router.
Plug the other end of the adapter into a standard wall outlet.
Verify that the PWR LED on the router is lit.
Setting Up the Hardware 2-5
Reference Guide for the Model RP114 Web Safe Router

Verifying Power

After connecting the power adapter to the router and a power source, the router powers on automatically. Complete the following steps to verify that power is correctly applied to the router:
When power is first applied, verify that the PWR LED is on.
Verify that the TEST LED begins to blink within a few seconds.
After approximately 30 seconds, verify that:
The TEST LED is not lit.
The LAN LNK/ACT LEDs are lit for any local ports that are connected.
The WAN LNK LED is lit. If a LNK or LNK/ACT LED is lit, a link has been established to the connected device.
If a LOCAL port is connected to a 100 Mbps device, verify that the 100 LED is lit.
You are now ready to begin configuration of your network, as described in the following chapter.
2-6 Setting Up the Hardware
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