The NETGEAR Managed Switch software has two purposes:
•Assist attached hardware in switching frames, based on Layer 2, 3, or 4 information
contained in the frames.
•Provide a complete device management portfolio to the network administrator.
This chapter contains the following sections:
•Product Concept
Note: For more information about the topics covered in this manual, visit the
support website at
Note: Firmware updates with new features and bug fixes are made
available from time to time at
products can regularly check the site and download new firmware, or
you can check for and download new firmware manually. If the
features or behavior of your product does not match what is
described in this guide, you might need to update your firmware. Some
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
NETGEAR Managed Switch software encompasses both hardware and software support.
The software is partitioned to run in the following processors:
•CPU. This code runs the networking device management portfolio and controls the
overall networking device hardware. It also assists in frame forwarding, as needed and
specified. This code is designed to run on multiple platforms with minimal changes from
platform to platform.
•Networking device processor. This code does the majority of the packet switching,
usually at wire speed. This code is platform dependent, and substantial changes might
exist across products.
Product Concept
Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet switching continues to evolve from high-end backbone
applications to desktop switching applications. The price of the technology continues to
decline, while performance and feature sets continue to improve. Devices that are capable of
switching Layers 2, 3, and 4 are increasingly in demand. NETGEAR Managed Switch
software provides a flexible solution to these ever-increasing needs.
The exact functionality provided by each networking device on which the NETGEAR
Managed Switch software base runs varies depending upon the platform and requirements
of the NETGEAR Managed Switch software.
NETGEAR Managed Switch software includes a set of comprehensive management
functions for managing both NETGEAR Managed Switch software and the network. You can
manage the NETGEAR Managed Switch software by using one of the following three
•Command-line interface (CLI)
•Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
About the NETGEAR Managed Switch Software
2. Using the Command-Line Interface
The command-line interface (CLI) is a text-based way to manage and monitor the system. You
can access the CLI by using a direct serial connection or by using a remote logical connection
with telnet or SSH.
This chapter describes the CLI syntax, conventions, and modes. It contains the following
•Command Syntax
•Command Conventions
•Common Parameter Values
•unit/slot/port Naming Convention
•Using the No Form of a Command
•Executing Show Commands
•CLI Output Filtering
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
Command Syntax
A command is one or more words that might be followed by one or more parameters.
Parameters can be required or optional values.
Some commands, such as show network and clear vlan, do not require parameters.
Other commands, such as network parms, require that you supply a value after the
command. You must type the parameter values in a specific order, and optional parameters
follow required parameters. The following example describes the network parms
command syntax:
Format network parms ipaddrnetmask [gateway]
•network parms is the command name.
•ipaddr and netmask are parameters and represent required values that you must enter
after you type the command keywords.
•[gateway] is an optional keyword, so you are not required to enter a value in place of
the keyword.
This command line reference manual lists each command by the command name and
provides a brief description of the command. Each command reference also contains the
following information:
•Format shows the command keywords and the required and optional parameters.
•Mode identifies the command mode you must be in to access the command.
•Default shows the default value, if any, of a configurable setting on the device.
The show commands also contain a description of the information that the command shows.
Command Conventions
The parameters for a command might include mandatory values, optional values, or keyword
choices. Parameters are order-dependent. The following table describes the conventions this
document uses to distinguish between value types.
Table 1. Parameter Conventions
italic fontvalue or [value]Indicates a variable value. You must replace the
italicized text, which can be placed within curly
brackets or square brackets, with an appropriate
value, which might be a name or number.
[ ] square brackets [keyword]Indicates an optional parameter.
{ } curly braces{choice1 | choice2}Indicates that you must select a parameter from the
list of choices.
Using the Command-Line Interface
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
Table 1. Parameter Conventions (continued)
| Vertical barschoice1 | choice2Separates the mutually exclusive choices.
[{ }] Braces within
square brackets
[{choice1 | choice2}] Indicates a choice within an optional element. This
format is used mainly for complicated commands
Common Parameter Values
Parameter values might be names (strings) or numbers. To use spaces as part of a name
parameter, enclose the name value in double quotes. For example, the expression “System
Name with Spaces” forces the system to accept the spaces. Empty strings (““) are not valid
user-defined strings. The following table describes common parameter values and value
Table 2. Parameter Descriptions
ipaddrThis parameter is a valid IPv4 address. You can enter the IP address in the
following formats:
• a (32 bits)
• a.b (8.24 bits)
• a.b.c (8.8.16 bits)
• a.b.c.d (
In addition to these formats, the CLI accepts decimal, hexadecimal and octal
formats through the following input formats (where n is any valid hexadecimal, octal
or decimal number):
• 0xn (CLI assumes hexadecimal format.)
• 0n (CLI assumes octal format with leading zeros.)
• n (CLI assumes decimal format.)
ipv6-addrThis parameter is a valid IPv6 address. You can enter the IP address in the
following formats:
• FE80:0000:0000:0000:020F:24FF:FEBF:DBCB
• FE80:0:0:0:20F:24FF:FEBF:DBCB
• FE80:0:0:0:20F:24FF:128:141:49:32
For additional information, refer to RFC 3513.
Interface or
Logical InterfaceRepresents a logical slot and port number. This is applicable in the case of a
Character stringsUse double quotation marks to identify character strings, for example, “System
Valid slot and port number separated by a forward slash. For example, 0/1
represents slot number 0 and port number 1.
port-channel (LAG). You can use the logical unit/slot/port to configure the
Name with Spaces”. An empty string (“”) is not valid.
Using the Command-Line Interface
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
unit/slot/port Naming Convention
NETGEAR Managed Switch software references physical entities such as cards and ports by
using a unit/slot/port naming convention. The NETGEAR Managed Switch software
also uses this convention to identify certain logical entities, such as Port-Channel interfaces.
The slot number has two uses. In the case of physical ports, it identifies the card containing
the ports. In the case of logical and CPU ports it also identifies the type of interface or port.
Table 3. Type of Slots
Slot TypeDescription
Physical slot numbers Physical slot numbers begin with zero, and are allocated up to the maximum
(LAG) or router interfaces. The value of logical slot numbers depend on the
type of logical interface and can vary from platform to platform.
CPU slot numbersThe CPU slots immediately follow the logical slots.
The port identifies the specific physical port or logical interface being managed on a given
Table 4. Type of Ports
Port TypeDescription
Physical PortsThe physical ports for each slot are numbered sequentially starting from one.
For example, port 1 on slot 0 (an internal port) for a switch is 1/0/1, port 2 is
1/0/2, port 3 is 1/0/3, and so on.
Logical InterfacesPort-channel or Link Aggregation Group (LAG) interfaces are logical
interfaces that are only used for bridging functions.
VLAN routing interfaces are only used for routing functions.
Loopback interfaces are logical interfaces that are always up.
Tunnel interfaces are logical point-to-point links that carry encapsulated
CPU portsCPU ports are handled by the driver as one or more physical entities located
on physical slots.
Note: In the CLI, loopback and tunnel interfaces do not use the
unit/slot/port format. To specify a loopback interface, you use
the loopback ID. To specify a tunnel interface, you use the tunnel ID.
Using the Command-Line Interface
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
Using the No Form of a Command
The no keyword is a specific form of an existing command and does not represent a new or
distinct command. Almost every configuration command has a no form. In general, use the
no form to reverse the action of a command or reset a value back to the default. For example,
the no shutdown configuration command reverses the shutdown of an interface. Use the
command without the keyword no to reenable a disabled feature or to enable a feature that is
disabled by default. Only the configuration commands are available in the no form.
Executing Show Commands
All show commands can be issued from any configuration mode (Global Configuration,
Interface Configuration, VLAN Configuration, etc.). The show commands provide information
about system and feature-specific configuration, status, and statistics. Previously, show
commands could be issued only in User EXEC or Privileged EXEC modes.
CLI Output Filtering
Many CLI show commands include considerable content to display to the user. This can
make output confusing and cumbersome to parse through to find the information of desired
importance. The CLI Output Filtering feature allows the user, when executing CLI show
display commands, to optionally specify arguments to filter the CLI output to display only
desired information. The result is to simplify the display and make it easier for the user to find
the information the user is interested in.
The main functions of the CLI Output Filtering feature are:
•Pagination Control
-Supports enabling/disabling paginated output for all show CLI commands. When
disabled, output is displayed in its entirety. When enabled, output is displayed
page-by-page such that content does not scroll off the terminal screen until the user
presses a key to continue. --More-- or (q)uit is displayed at the end of each page.
-When pagination is enabled, press the return key to advance a single line, press q or
Q to stop pagination, or press any other key to advance a whole page. These keys
are not configurable.
Note: Although some NETGEAR Managed Switch show commands already
support pagination, the implementation is unique per command and
not generic to all commands.
•Output Filtering
-“Grep”-like control for modifying the displayed output to only show the user-desired
-Filter displayed output to only include lines containing a specified string match.
Using the Command-Line Interface
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
-Filter displayed output to exclude lines containing a specified string match.
-Filter displayed output to only include lines including and following a specified string
-Filter displayed output to only include a specified section of the content (for example,
“interface 0/1”) with a configurable end-of-section delimiter.
-String matching should be case insensitive.
-Pagination, when enabled, also applies to filtered output.
The following shows an example of the extensions made to the CLI show commands for
the Output Filtering feature.
(NETGEAR Switch) #show running-config ?
<cr> Press enter to execute the command.
| Output filter options.
<scriptname> Script file name for writing active configuration.
all Show all the running configuration on the switch.
interface Display the running configuration for specificed interface
on the switch.
(NETGEAR Switch) #show running-config | ?
begin Begin with the line that matches
exclude Exclude lines that matches
include Include lines that matches
section Display portion of lines
For new commands for the feature, see CLI Output Filtering Commands on page 175.
Using the Command-Line Interface
3. NETGEAR Managed Switch
Software Modules
NETGEAR Managed Switch software consists of flexible modules that can be applied in various
combinations to develop advanced Layer 2/3/4+ products. The commands and command modes
available on your switch depend on the installed modules. Additionally, for some show
commands, the output fields might change based on the modules included in the NETGEAR
Managed Switch software.
The NETGEAR Managed Switch software suite includes the following modules:
•Switching (Layer 2)
•Routing (Layer 3)
•IPv6 routing
•Quality of Service
•Management (CLI, Web UI, and SNMP)
•IPv6 Management—Allows management of the NETGEAR Managed Switch device
through an IPv6 through an IPv6 address without requiring the IPv6 Routing package in
the system. The management address can be associated with the network port
(front-panel switch ports), a routine interface (port or VLAN) and the Service port.
•Chassis management
•Data Center
•Secure Management
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
Command Modes
The CLI groups commands into modes according to the command function. Each of the
command modes supports specific NETGEAR Managed Switch software commands. The
commands in one mode are not available until you switch to that particular mode, with the
exception of the User EXEC mode commands. You can execute the User EXEC mode
commands in the Privileged EXEC mode.
The command prompt changes in each command mode to help you identify the current
mode. The following table describes the command modes and the prompts visible in that
Note: The command modes available on your switch depend on the software
modules that are installed. For example, a switch that does not support
BGPv4 does not have the BGPv4 Router Command Mode.
Table 5. CLI Command Modes
Command ModePromptMode Description
User EXECSwitch>Contains a limited set of commands to view
basic system information.
Privileged EXECSwitch#Allows you to issue any EXEC command,
enter the VLAN mode, or enter the Global
Configuration mode.
Global ConfigSwitch (Config)#Groups general setup commands and
permits you to make modifications to the
running configuration.
VLAN ConfigSwitch (Vlan)#Groups all the VLAN commands.
Interface Config Switch (Interface
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
Table 5. CLI Command Modes (continued)
Command ModePromptMode Description
Line ConsoleSwitch (config-line)#Contains commands to configure outbound
telnet settings and console interface
settings, as well as to configure console
login/enable authentication.
Line SSHSwitch (config-ssh)#Contains commands to configure SSH
login/enable authentication.
Line TelnetSwitch (config-telnet)#Contains commands to configure telnet
login/enable authentication.
Mail Server ConfigSwitch (Mail-Server)#Allows configuration of the email server.
Policy Map ConfigSwitch (Config-policy-map)#Contains the QoS Policy-Map configuration
Policy Class Config Switch(Config-policy-class-map)# Consists of class creation, deletion, and
Class Map ConfigSwitch (Config-class-map)#Contains the QoS class map configuration
Router OSPF
Router OSPFv3
Router RIP ConfigSwitch (Config-router)#Contains the RIP configuration commands.
BGP Router ConfigSwitch (Config-router)#Contains the BGP4 configuration
Switch (Config-IAS-User)#Allows password configuration for a user in
the IAS database.
matching commands. The class match
commands specify Layer 2, Layer 3, and
general match criteria.
commands for IPv4.
Switch (Config-class-map)#Contains the QoS class map configuration
commands for IPv6.
Switch (Config-router)#Contains the OSPF configuration
Switch (Config rtr)#Contains the OSPFv3 configuration
Route Map ConfigSwitch (config-route-map)#Contains the route map configuration
IPv6 Address
Family Config
Peer Template
MAC Access-list
Switch (Config-router-af)#Contains the IPv6 address family
configuration commands.
(Config-rtr-tmplt)#Contains the BGP peer template
configuration commands.
Switch (Config-mac-access-list)# Allows you to create a MAC Access-List and
to enter the mode containing MAC
Access-List configuration commands.
NETGEAR Managed Switch Software Modules
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
Table 5. CLI Command Modes (continued)
Command ModePromptMode Description
TACACS ConfigSwitch (Tacacs)#Contains commands to configure properties
for the TACACS servers.
DHCPv6 Pool
Chassis Global
Config Mode
ARP Access-List
Config Mode
Support ModeSwitch (Support)#Allows access to the support commands,
Switch (Config dhcp-pool)#Contains the DHCP server IP address pool
configuration commands.
Switch (Config dhcp6-pool)#Contains the DHCPv6 server IPv6 address
pool configuration commands.
Switch (Config chassis)#Allows you to access the Chassis Global
Config Mode.
Switch (Config-arp-access-list)# Contains commands to add ARP ACL rules
in an ARP Access List.
which should only be used by the
manufacturer's technical support personnel
as improper use could cause unexpected
system behavior and/or invalidate product
The following table explains how to enter or exit each mode.
Table 6. CLI Mode Access and Exit
Command ModeAccess MethodExit or Access Previous Mode
User EXECThis is the first level of access. To exit, enter logout.
Privileged EXECFrom the User EXEC mode, enter
Global ConfigFrom the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
VLAN ConfigFrom the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
vlan database.
NETGEAR Managed Switch Software Modules
To exit to the User EXEC mode, enter exit or
To exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
exit, or press Ctrl-Z.
To exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
exit, or press Ctrl-Z.
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
Table 6. CLI Mode Access and Exit (continued)
Command ModeAccess MethodExit or Access Previous Mode
Interface Config From the Global Config mode, enter:
interface unit/slot/port
From the Global Config mode, enter:
interface loopback id
From the Global Config mode, enter:
interfacetunnel id
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
From the Global Config mode, enter:
interface vlan vlan-id
Line ConsoleFrom the Global Config mode, enter
line console.
Line SSHFrom the Global Config mode, enter
line ssh.
Line TelnetFrom the Global Config mode, enter
line telnet.
Mail Server Config From the Global Config mode, enter
From the Global Config mode, enter
aaa ias-user username name.
mail-server address.
From the Global Config mode, enter
From the Policy Map mode enter class. To exit to the Policy Map mode, enter exit. To
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
From the Global Config mode, enter
class-map, and specify the optional
protocol for this class. See
page 1045 for more information.
ipv4 to specify the Layer 3
class-map on
NETGEAR Managed Switch Software Modules
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
Table 6. CLI Mode Access and Exit (continued)
Command ModeAccess MethodExit or Access Previous Mode
VPCFrom Global Config mode, enter vpc.To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
Router OSPF
Router OSPFv3
Router RIP
BGP Router
Route Map Config From the Global Config mode, enter
IPv6 Address
Family Config
From the Global Config mode, enter
class-map and specify the optional
protocol for this class. See
page 1045 for more information.
From the Global Config mode, enter
router ospf.
From the Global Config mode, enter
ipv6 router ospf.
From the Global Config mode, enter
router rip.
From the Global Config mode, enter
router bgp asnumber.
route-map map-tag.
From the BGP Router Config mode,
ipv6 to specify the Layer 3
class-map on
address-family ipv6.
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
Peer Template
MAC Access-list
TACACS ConfigFrom the Global Config mode, enter
DHCPv6 Pool
From the BGP Router Config mode,
template peer name to create
a BGP peer template and enter Peer
Template Configuration mode.
From the Global Config mode, enter
mac access-list extended name.
tacacs-server host ip-addr,
where ip-addr is the IP address of the
TACACS server on your network.
From the Global Config mode, enter
ip dhcp pool pool-name.
From the Global Config mode, enter
ip dhcpv6 poolpool-name.
NETGEAR Managed Switch Software Modules
o exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit. T o
return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter exit.
To return to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
Table 6. CLI Mode Access and Exit (continued)
Command ModeAccess MethodExit or Access Previous Mode
Chassis Global
Config Mode
ARP Access-List
Config Mode
Support ModeFrom the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
From the Global Config mode, enter
From the Global Config mode, enter arp
Note: The support command is
available only if the techsupport
enable command has been issued.
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter the
exit command. To return to the Privileged
EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Global Config mode, enter the
exit command. To return to the Privileged
EXEC mode, enter
To exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, enter
exit, or press Ctrl-Z.
Command Completion and Abbreviation
Command completion finishes spelling the command when you type enough letters of a
command to uniquely identify the command keyword. Once you have entered enough letters,
press the SPACEBAR or TAB key to complete the word.
Command abbreviation allows you to execute a command when you have entered there are
enough letters to uniquely identify the command. You must enter all of the required keywords
and parameters before you enter the command.
CLI Error Messages
If you enter a command and the system is unable to execute it, an error message appears.
The following table describes the most common CLI error messages.
Table 7. CLI Error Messages
Message TextDescription
% Invalid input detected at
'^' marker.
Command not found / Incomplete
command. Use ? to list
Ambiguous commandIndicates that you did not enter enough letters to uniquely identify the
Indicates that you entered an incorrect or unavailable command. The
carat (^) shows where the invalid text is detected. This message also
appears if any of the parameters or values are not recognized.
Indicates that you did not enter the required keywords or values.
NETGEAR Managed Switch Software Modules
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
CLI Line-Editing Conventions
The following table describes the key combinations you can use to edit commands or
increase the speed of command entry. You can access this list from the CLI by entering
from the User or Privileged EXEC modes.
Table 8. CLI Editing Conventions
Key SequenceDescription
DEL or BackspaceDelete previous character.
Ctrl-AGo to beginning of line.
Ctrl-EGo to end of line.
Ctrl-FGo forward one character.
Ctrl-BGo backward one character.
Ctrl-DDelete current character.
Ctrl-U, XDelete to beginning of line.
Ctrl-KDelete to end of line.
Ctrl-WDelete previous word.
Ctrl-TTranspose previous character.
Ctrl-PGo to previous line in history buffer.
Ctrl-RRewrites or pastes the line.
Ctrl-NGo to next line in history buffer.
Ctrl-YPrints last deleted character.
Ctrl-QEnables serial flow.
Ctrl-SDisables serial flow.
Ctrl-ZReturn to root command prompt.
Tab, <SPACE>Command-line completion.
ExitGo to next lower command prompt.
?List available commands, keywords, or parameters.
NETGEAR Managed Switch Software Modules
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
Using CLI Help
Enter a question mark (?) at the command prompt to display the commands available in the
current mode.
(NETGEAR Switch) >?
enable Enter into user privilege mode.
help Display help for various special keys.
logout Exit this session. Any unsaved changes are lost.
password Change an existing user’s password.
ping Send ICMP echo packets to a specified IP address.
quit Exit this session. Any unsaved changes are lost.
show Display Switch Options and Settings.
telnet Telnet to a remote host.
Enter a question mark (?) after each word you enter to display available command keywords
or parameters.
(NETGEAR Switch) #network ?
ipv6 Configure IPv6 parameters for system network.
javamode Enable/Disable.
mac-address Configure MAC Address.
mac-type Select the locally administered or burnedin MAC
mgmt_vlan Configure the Management VLAN ID of the switch.
parms Configure Network Parameters of the device.
protocol Select DHCP, BootP, or None as the network config
If the help output shows a parameter in angle brackets, you must replace the parameter with
a value.
(NETGEAR Switch) #network parms ?
<ipaddr> Enter the IP Address.
none Reset IP address and gateway on management interface
If there are no additional command keywords or parameters, or if additional parameters are
optional, the following message appears in the output:
<cr> Press Enter to execute the command
You can also enter a question mark (?) after typing one or more characters of a word to list
the available command or parameters that begin with the letters, as shown in the following
(NETGEAR Switch) #show m?
mac mac-addr-table mac-address-table
mail-server mbuf monitor
NETGEAR Managed Switch Software Modules
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
Accessing the CLI
You can access the CLI by using a direct console connection or by using a telnet or SSH
connection from a remote management host.
For the initial connection, you must use a direct connection to the console port. You cannot
access the system remotely until the system has an IP address, subnet mask, and default
gateway. You can set the network configuration information manually, or you can configure
the system to accept these settings from a BootP or DHCP server on your network. For more
information, see
Network Interface Commands on page 72.
NETGEAR Managed Switch Software Modules
4. Chassis Commands
This chapter describes the chassis commands available in the NETGEAR Managed Switch CLI.
Note: These commands apply to the M6100 series switches only.
The Chassis Commands chapter includes the following sections:
•General Chassis Commands
•Backplane Port Commands
•Chassis Firmware Synchronization Commands
•Nonstop Forwarding Commands for Chassis Configuration
The commands in this chapter are in one of two functional groups:
•Show commands. Display switch settings, statistics, and other information.
•Configuration commands. Configure features and options of the switch. For every
configuration command, there is a show command that displays the configuration setting.
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
General Chassis Commands
This section describes the commands you use to configure the chassis.
This command sets the mode to Chassis Global Config.
ModeChassis Global Config
chassis-status sample-mode
This command set the global status management mode.
Formatchassis-status sample-mode [cumulative | history [max-samples
ModeChassis Global Config
cumulativeTracks the sum of received time stamp offsets cumulatively.
historyTracks the history of received timestamps.
max-samplesAs an option for the history parameter, the maximum number of samples to keep. The
valid range is from 100 to 500.
member (Chassis Global Config)
This command configures a blade. The unit is the identifier of the blade that you want to
add or remove from the chassis. The switchindex is the index into the database of the
supported blade types, indicating the type of the blade that is being preconfigured. The blade
index is a 32-bit integer. You execute this command on the management blade.
Formatmember unit switchindex
ModeChassis Global Config
Note: You can obtain the switch index by executing the show supported
switchtype command in user EXEC mode.
Chassis Commands
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
no member
This command removes a blade from the chassis. The unit is the identifier of the blade to
be removed from the chassis. You execute this command on the primary management blade.
Formatno member unit
ModeChassis Global Config
movemanagement (Chassis Global Config)
This command moves the management functionality from one blade to the other. The
fromunit is the identifier of the current management blade. The tounit is the identifier of
the new management blade. Upon execution, the entire chassis (including all interfaces in
the chassis) is unconfigured and reconfigured with the configuration on the new management
blade. After the reload is complete, you must perform all chassis management capabilities on
the new management blade. To preserve the current configuration across a management
blade move, execute the copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
privileged EXEC command or save privileged EXEC command before you perform the
management blade move. A management blade move causes all routes and layer 2
addresses to be lost. You execute this command is executed on the management blade. The
system prompts you to confirm the management blade move.
Note: You can only configure the blade in slot 1 or slot 2 as a management
Formatmovemanagement fromunit tounit
ModeChassis Global Config
slot (for chassis configuration)
This command configures a slot in the system. The unit/slot is the slot identifier of the
slot. The cardindex is the index into the database of the supported card types, indicating
the type of the card being preconfigured in the specified slot. The card index is a 32-bit
integer. If a card is currently present in the slot that is unconfigured, the configured
information will be deleted and the slot will be reconfigured with default information for the
Formatslot unit/slot cardindex
ModeGlobal Config
Note: Card index can be obtained by executing show supported cardtype
command in User EXEC mode.
Chassis Commands
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
no slot
This command removes configured information from an existing slot in the system.
Note: Card index can be obtained by executing show supported cardtype
command in User EXEC mode.
set slot disable (for chassis configuration)
This command configures the administrative mode of the slot(s). If you specify all, the
command is applied to all slots, otherwise the command is applied to the slot identified by
If a card or other module is present in the slot, this administrative mode will effectively be
applied to the contents of the slot. If the slot is empty , this administrative mode will be applied
to any module that is inserted into the slot. If a card is disabled, all the ports on the device are
operationally disabled and shown as “unplugged” on management screens.
This command unconfigures the administrative mode of the slot or slots. If you specify all,
the command removes the configuration from all slots, otherwise the configuration is
removed from the slot identified by unit/slot.
If a card or other module is present in the slot, this administrative mode removes the
configuration from the contents of the slot. If the slot is empty, this administrative mode
removes the configuration from any module inserted into the slot. If a card is disabled, all the
ports on the device are operationally disabled and shown as “unplugged” on management
Formatno set slot disable [unit/slot] | all]
ModeGlobal Config
set slot power (for chassis configuration)
This command configures the power mode of the slot(s) and allows power to be supplied to a
card located in the slot. If you specify all, the command is applied to all slots, otherwise the
command is applied to the slot identified by unit/slot.
Chassis Commands
M5300, M6100, and M7100 Series ProSAFE Managed Switches
Use this command when installing or removing cards. If a card or other module is present in
this slot, the power mode is applied to the contents of the slot. If the slot is empty, the power
mode is applied to any card inserted into the slot.
Formatset slot power [unit/slot] | all]
ModeGlobal Config
no set slot power
This command unconfigures the power mode of the slot or slots and prohibits power from
being supplied to a card located in the slot. If you specify all, the command prohibits power
to all slots, otherwise the command prohibits power to the slot identified by unit/slot.
Use this command when installing or removing cards. If a card or other module is present in
this slot, power is prohibited to the contents of the slot. If the slot is empty , power is prohibited
to any card inserted into the slot.
Formatno set slot power [unit/slot] | all]
ModeGlobal Config
reload (for chassis configuration)
This command resets the entire chassis or the identified blade. The blade is the blade
identifier. The system prompts you to confirm that you want to reset the chassis or blade.
Formatreload [blade]
ModeGlobal Config
show supported cardtype (for chassis configuration)
This commands displays information about all card types or specific card types supported in
the system.