Nero BackItUp 3 Instruction Manual

Nero BackItUp Manual
Nero AG
Copyright and trademark information
The Nero BackItUp manual and all its contents are protected by copyright and are the property of Nero AG. All rights reserved. This manual contains material that is protected by internationally valid copyright. No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted or transcribed without the express written permission of Nero AG.
Nero AG rejects any claims that transcend the clauses of the guarantee rights. Nero AG does not undertake any liability for the correctness of the content of the Nero BackItUp manual. The contents of the software supplied, as well as of the Nero BackItUp manual, may be changed without prior warning.
All trade names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The trademarks mentioned here are named for information purposes only.
Copyright © 2007 Nero AG and its licensors. All rights reserved. REV 1.0, SW
1 Start Successfully 6
1.1 About Nero BackItUp 6
1.2 Working with Nero BackItUp 6
1.3 Versions of Nero BackItUp 7
1.4 About the manual 8
2 Launching the Program 9
2.1 Starting Nero BackItUp via Nero StartSmart 9
3 User Interface 10
3.1 Menu bar 10
3.2 Toolbars 11
3.3 Menu icons 12
4 Back up Files 13
4.1 Basic steps 13
4.2 Selecting files 13
4.2.1 Selecting files in the File Backup screen 13
4.2.2 Selecting files using the Backup Wizard 15
5 Backing up Files Again - Updating a File Backup 17
5.1 Backup types 18
6 Backing up Drives 21
6.1 Basic steps 21
6.2 Selecting drives 21
7 Specifying the Backup Target for File and Drive Backup and Starting the Backup23
7.1 Burning a backup to a disc or saving it to a hard drive 23
7.2 Uploading the backup to an FTP server 25
7.3 Saving the backup as an image file 26
7.4 Backup Settings screen 29
7.4.1 Use Password window 31
7.5 Completing the Backup Wizard screen 32
8 Scheduling Backups - Nero BackItUp Jobs 34
8.1 Configuring jobs 34
8.1.1 Job Information screen 36
Nero BackItUp
8.2 Editing jobs 37
8.3 Executing jobs 39
9 Verifying Backups 40 10 Restoring Files and Drives 42
10.1 Restore screen 42
10.2 Restoring a file backup 43
10.3 Restoring a drive backup 46
10.4 Starting a restore 47
11 Backup and Restore Tools 50
11.1 Filters 50
11.1.1 Standard filters 50
11.1.2 Creating filters 50
11.1.3 Selecting and combining filters 52
11.2 Finding files 53
12 Nero BackItUp ImageTool 55
12.1 Creating a bootable disc 55
12.2 Launching Nero BackItUp ImageTool 56
12.3 User interface 57
12.3.1 Options window 58
12.4 File/Folder window 59
12.5 Drive backup 60
12.5.1 Selecting a drive 60
12.5.2 Burning the backup to a disc or saving it to a hard drive 60
12.5.3 Uploading a backup to an FTP server 62
12.5.4 Saving a backup as an image file 63
12.6 Verifying a drive backup 64
12.7 Restoring a drive backup 65
12.8 Exiting Nero BackItUp ImageTool 66
13 Other Operations 67
13.1 Updating the virus scanner 67
13.2 Erasing a rewritable disc 67
14 Options Window 69
14.1 General tab 70
14.2 Backup tab 71
14.3 Job tab 72
14.4 Restore tab 73
14.5 E-mail Notification tab 74
Nero BackItUp
14.5.1 Events and e-mail notifications 74
14.6 FTP tab 75
14.7 Expert Features tab 75
15 Technical Information 78
15.1 System requirements 78
15.2 Disc formats supported 78
15.3 File systems supported 79
15.4 Source media supported 80
16 Index 81 17 Appendix: Nero BackItUp File Extensions 85 18 Contact 86
Nero BackItUp
Start Successfully

1 Start Successfully

1.1 About Nero BackItUp

Nero BackItUp is a program for backing up and restoring data. Nero BackItUp saves files (file backup) as well as programs and operating systems (drive backup).
Open files can be backed up with the shadow copy feature, while you continue to work on the file. You can burn the backup to a disc, or save it to hard drive, or on an FTP server. Saving as an image file is also possible. With Nero BackItUp you can verify at any time that the backed up data is complete and correct.
Use Nero BackItUp to set up jobs for regular data backup that are executed automatically. Nero BackItUp can create bootable discs and, if necessary, it can restore a previously backed up system.

1.2 Working with Nero BackItUp

Nero BackItUp is a powerful tool for backing up and restoring data. You have to decide between saving files and saving entire drives:
If you choose File Backup, individual files and folders you select are saved (see Back up
 
You can back up files and drives on various media. You can find more information about t and how you ultimately start the backup
Drive Backup and Starting the Backup.
Set up Nero BackItUp jobs, if you want to regularly perform backups (see Scheduling
Backups - Nero BackItUp Jobs).
Nero BackItUp offers you some useful features to restore data in case of failure (see
Restoring Files and Drives).
With the Nero BackItUp ImageTool, Nero BackItUp offers you another tool for backing up files and drives. The ImageTool is included on the bootable disc that you can create with Nero BackItUp. With the ImageTool, you can back up and restore drives. This particularly lends itself to backing up on otherwise active drives, since such drives are inactive when booting the ImageTool. You can find more info ImageTool under Nero BackItUp ImageTool
If you want to back up the same files again later, a backup update makes the work ea and saves
If you choose Drive Backup, entire drive are backed up (see Backing up Drives).
resources and other things (see Backing up Files Again - Updating a File
s, including programs and the operating system,
under Specifying the Backup Target for File and
rmation about this and about working with the
Nero BackItUp 6
Start Successfully

1.3 Versions of Nero BackItUp

Nero BackItUp is available in two different versions:
Nero BackItUp and Nero BackItUp Essentials. Nero BackItUp offers the full range of features as described in this manual.
Nero BackItUp Essentials offers a limited feature set. The user interface is supported by wizards and offers a simple introduction to the various tasks.
You can execute the following tasks with Nero BackItUp Essentials:
Create and update a file backup
Create a drive backup
Restore a file or drive backup
Create a job and manage jobs
(jobs are scheduled backups that are automatically executed by Nero BackItUp a defined time)
Use utton to
the More b ope n the extended area. It contains the following options:
Configure Erase Disc Disc Info
Cover Designer
Create Bootable Disc
Compared with the full version,
Opens the Options windo ), where you can specify settings for workin
Erases a rewritable disc. Displays information on the inserted disc such as sessions, content
(if any), and capacity. Launches Nero CoverDesigner, which you can use to create labels
and covers. Information about a current backup, such as the numb and names of the files, is incorporated into the document data.
Creates a bootable disc (see Creating a bootable disc).
t a
w (see Options Window
g with Nero BackItUp.
Nero BackItUp Essentials does not offer the following
File backup
Backup from Windows® Explorer via the shell context menu  File selection bShadow copy FTP support Automatic PCBackup of access rFile search ew
Selected file vi
NTFS stream s
Drive backup
Drive backup in Nero Im
FTP support
NTFS stream support
Nero BackItUp 7
y clicking and dragging
shutdown after the backup
ights (from NTFS-formatted data media)
Start Successfully
Restoration of backed up access rights (to NTFS-formatted data media) Adaptation of drive size File display in tree structure Restoration at the selected location
Backup when logging onto the system Warning if there is insufficient storage space on the disc
General features
Verification of backups Calendar Other filters Use of the most recent filter setting Addition of new files to an incremental backup Saving of profiles Script support Encryption Setting of compression levels Ignoring of time differences when comparing files E-mail notification Virus scanner Sounds to indicate various events Resetting of archive bits after a backup

1.4 About the manual

This manual is intended for all users who wish to learn how to use Nero BackItUp. It is process-based and explains how to reach a particular objective on a step-by-basis.
In order to make best use of this manual, please note the following conventions:
Symbol Meaning
1. Start …
[] Indicates keyboard shortcuts for entering commands.
Indicates warnings, preconditions or instructions that have to be followed strictly.
Indicates additional information or advice.
A number at the beginning of a line indicates a request for action. Carry out these actions in the order specified.
Indicates an intermediate result. Indicates a result. Indicates text passages or buttons that appear in the user
interface. They are shown in bold face. Indicates references to other chapters. They are executed as
links and are shown in red and underlined.
Nero BackItUp 8
Launching the Program

2 Launching the Program

2.1 Starting Nero BackItUp via Nero StartSmart

To launch Nero BackItUp via Nero StartSmart, proceed as follows:
1. Click the Nero StartSmart icon.
Æ The Nero StartSmart window opens.
2. Click the button.
Æ The list of Nero applications is displayed.
Fig. 1: Nero StartSmart
3. Select the Nero BackItUp entry from the selection list.
Æ The Nero BackItUp window opens.
Î You have launched Nero BackItUp via Nero StartSmart.
Nero BackItUp 9
User Interface

3 User Interface

The Nero BackItUp user interface is the starting point for all work that you will do with Nero BackItUp. The user interface consists of the menu bar, toolbar, Options selection list and a screen with changing content (depending on which menu icon in the Options selection list is selected).

3.1 Menu bar

The menu bar offers the following menus:
Fig. 2: Nero BackItUp user interface - Home screen
Opens the File menu containing file-related functions such as Open, Print (only from the Restore screen), and Close. You can also set, import, and export the options as well as launch Nero CoverDesigner.
Opens the Edit menu containing file editing functions such as Select, Unselect, Delete, and Show Properties. You can also search for specific files.
Opens the View menu where you can display toolbars and switch between the screens.
Opens the Tools menu where you can launch wizards. You can also display information about the inserted disc, erase a rewritable disc, and create a bootable disc.
Opens the Help menu containing help options. You can also update the anti-virus scanner and enter a new serial number if necessary.
Nero BackItUp 10
User Interface

3.2 Toolbars

The toolbars offer the following icons and setting options:
Standard toolbar
New Window
View selection list
Profile selection list
Address toolbar
Opens a selection list with the menu icons that are also available in the user interface. When you click one of these icons, a new window opens with the respective screen.
Opens a selection list containing the File Backup, Drive Backup, Restore, Jobs, and Verify menu icons. When you click one of these icons, a window opens with the respective wizard.
In the Home and Wizards screens: Selects an existing backup in order to restore it, verify it, or create a job from it. File backups can also be updated.
In the File Backup screen: Selects an existing file backup and opens the Backup Summary been made since the backup and if so, what they were.
In the Drive Backup screen: Selects an existing drive backup and transfers it to the screen.
In the Restore screen: Selects an existing backup and transfers it to the screen.
Deletes the selected backup or job from the backup or job list. This button is available in the Home, Restore, and Job screens. Launches Nero CoverDesigner, which you can use to create labels
and covers. Information about a current backup, such as the number and names of the files, is incorporated into the document data.
Nero CoverDesigner is an application in the Nero Suite and is automatically installed during the main installation procedure. For further information, refer to the Nero CoverDesigner manual.
Displays information on the inserted disc such as sessions, content (if any), and capacity.
Opens the Find File window, where you can search for specific files on your computer.
This button is available in the File Backup and Restore screens. Updates the information on drives and connected devices. This button is available in the Drive Backup screen. Selects a view for the files that will be displayed. This selection list is available in the File Backup and Restore
screens. Selects a profile and with it, the filters and settings assigned to that
profile (see This selection list is available in the File Backup screen. Opens the About Nero BackItUp window to display information
such as the version number.
Selects a start folder for displaying the folders/files in the File Backup screen.
This toolbar is available in the File Backup screen.
Backup tab).
window that shows whether changes have
Nero BackItUp 11
User Interface

3.3 Menu icons

The following menu icons can be selected in the Options selection list on the left:
Displays the Home screen, which offers an overview of the last backups and next jobs. The following icons are used:
File Backup
Drive Backup
- Executed backup
- Executed job
- Planned job
- Deactivated job
Displays the Wizards screen, where you can launch the wizards.
Displays the File Backup screen, where you can select files for backup and start the file backup.
Displays the Drive Backup screen, where you can select drives for backup and start the drive backup.
Displays the Restore screen, where you can select a backup to restore and start the restore.
Displays the Jobs screen, which indicates upcoming jobs and permits jobs to be added. Jobs are scheduled backups that are automatically executed by Nero BackItUp at a defined time.
Displays the Calendar screen, which offers a calendar overview of planned and executed jobs and restores. You can also add jobs and start the restore.
Job names are displayed in different colors with the following meanings: Green - Successfully executed job Red - Failed job Blue - Planned job Gray - Deactivated job
Nero BackItUp 12
Back up Files

4 Back up Files

You can back up files with Nero BackItUp. You can burn the backup to a disc or hard drive (internal, external, USB or FireWire possible to save on an FTP server, or save as an image file.
A file backup is useful to protect against data loss that can occur due to hardware damage or force majeure (fire, etc.). Consequently we recommend executing frequent file backups so that, should such an event occur, data that is as current as possible can be restored. If you always want to back up the same folders and files (e.g. the My Documents folder), then you can update the backup starting from the second backup to save space (see
Again - Updating a File Backup

4.1 Basic steps

The following steps are generally required to back up files using Nero BackItUp:

Select the files and folders to back up (see Selecting files)

Select the target of the backup (see Backup Settings screen, for example)
Specify backu
for example)
4.2 Selec
ting files
The first step is selecting files and folders to back up. You can either start this step in the File Backup screen or in the Backup Wizard window. (In either case the subsequent step s will be executed in the Backup Wizard - you will be prompted.) You will have more selection possibilities if you select the files in the File Backup screen, for instance you can search for specific files. If you select the files in the Backup Wizard wi file selection that more quickly accomplishes the objective.
), network drives or removable medium. It is also
Backing up Files
p settings and start the backup (see Completing the Backup Wizard screen,
ndow you will have a simplified
4.2.1 Select
You can select files and folders from your hard drive, from drives, removable data media, from the netwo s
ee FTP tab
Search folders are supported both for backup and restore under the Windo ws Vista operating system. This means that you can back up search queries, paths, and the original documents. Restore i (virtual folder).
rk, or from an FTP server (if you have entered an FTP server in the options,
s possible to the original path, a selected path, or in a search folder
ing files in the File Backup screen
The first step for a file backup is selecting files and folders. If you start this step in the File Backup screen you will ha Backup Wizard window.
To select files in the File Backup s Click the File Backup menu icon.
Æ The File Backup screen appears.
ve more extensive selection possibilities than you have in the
creen, proceed as follows:
Nero BackItUp 13
Back up Files
Fig. 3: File Backup screen
2. If you want to use filters to exclude certain files from the backup or to allow only certain files:
1. Click the
Æ The files that do not meet the filter criteria are excluded from the backup. The check
box in front of the respective file is automatically grayed out by Nero BackItUp.
2. To use a profile with a predefined combination of filters (see
respective profile from the drop-down menu on the upper right.
Æ The files that do not meet the filter criteria are excluded from the backup. The check
box in front of the respective file is automatically grayed out by Nero BackItUp.
3. To create filters, click the
4. To remove filters, select a filter in the Selected File Filters selection list and click the
button to select filters (see Selecting and combining filters).
Backup tab), select the
button (see Creating filters).
3. Select a start folder in the Address drop-down menu for the folder display in the file backup
4. Check the box preceding the folder or folders that you want to add to the backup.
Æ The files in the folder that meet the filter criteria are added to the backup. The selected
file is added to the backup.
If the check box is grayed out, the entire folder or respective file cannot be selected.
You can also select files by dragging and dropping them from Win dows
File Backup screen.
Nero BackItUp 14
Explorer to the
Back up Files
5. If you want to view the selected files and verify them manually:
1. Select the Selected File View entry in the drop-down menu.
Æ The files of the selected folder(s) will be displayed in the list.
2. Exclude files from the backup as desired by clearing the appropriate boxes.
You cannot manually include files in the backup (checking the box preceding the file) that are excluded from the backup by filters. However it is possible to add excluded files to the backup via the Find File feature (see the next step).
6. If you want to search for specific files in order to add them to the backup or exclude them
from the backup, then execute a file search (see
Î You have selected files to back up. Now proceed with the file backup by clicking the
Start File Backup button and specifying the target of the backup (see
Backup Target for File and Drive Backup and Starting the Backup

4.2.2 Selecting files using the Backup Wizard

Finding files).
Specifying the
The first step for a file backup is selecting files and folders. If you start this step in the Backup Wizard window, then you will have a simplified selection that more quickly achieves the objective than you would have using the File Backup screen.
To select files in the Backup Wizard window, proceed as follows:
1. Click the menu icon. File Backup
The File Backup screen appears. Æ
Click the Wizards > File Backup button in the toolbar.
Æ The Backup Wizard window, with the Select Files and Folders screen, opens.
Nero BackItUp 15
Back up Files
Fig. 4: Backup Wizard window, Select Files and Folders screen
3. If you want to use filters to exclude certain files from the backup or to allow only certain files:
1. If you want to create filters, click the Create button
2. If you want to select filters, click the Add button and combining filters
Æ The files that do not meet the filter criteria are excluded from the backup. The check
box in front of the respective file is automatically grayed out by Nero BackItUp.
3. If you want to remove filters, select a filter in the Selected File Filters selection list and
click the Remove button
in the extended area.
in the extended area (see Creating
in the extended area (see Selecting
4. Select a start folder for the folder display in the Address drop-down menu.
5. Check the box preceding the folder or folders that you want to add to the backup.
Æ Those files in the folder that meet the filter criteria will be added to the backup.
If you want to view the selected files and verify them manually:
Select the Selected File View entry in the drop-down menu.
The files of the selected folder(s) will be displayed in the list.
2. Exclude files from the backup as desired by clearin g the appropriate boxes
You have selected files to back up. Now proceed with the file backup by clicking the Next button and specifying the target of the backup (
for File and Drive Backup and Starting the Backup
Nero BackItUp 16
see Specifying the Backup Target
Backing up Files Again - Updating a File Backup

5 Backing up Files Again - Updating a File Backup

You can update a file backup with Nero BackItUp. You can choose between various backup types (see
If you update a file backup, then your starting point is an existing backup. A backup with multiple updates is referred to as a backup set.
You can start the update in one of two ways that differ as described below:
By selecting additional files and folders in the File Backup screen and with a backup
summary (overview that shows which changes have occurred) By selecting files and folders in a wizard without a backup summary
If you open in the File Backup screen, you will have more extensive selection possibilities. If you start in objective.
To update a backup, proceed as follows:
1. screen:
If you want to start in the File Backup
Click the File Backup menu icon.
Æ The File Backup screen appears.
Backup types).
a wizard, you will have a simplified selection that more quickly accomplishes your
Click the button.
Æ The Open Backup dialog box opens.
In the Ope backu
Select the desired file backup and click the Open button.
Æ ,
n Backup dialog box all backups are displayed. However you can only select file
The Backup Summary dialog box opens. It tells you whether there are changes how many changed.
folders and files have been removed, and how many files have been
Fig. 5: Backup Summary dialog box
Click the OK button.
The Backup Summary dialog box closes. The selection of the existing backup is transferred into the File Backup screen.
5. Add additional files and folders as de
Click the Start File Backup button.
Æ The Backup Wizard opens and the Backup Settings screen appears.
Nero BackItUp 17
sired (see Selecting files in the File Backup screen
Backing up Files Again - Updating a File Backup
If you want to start with a wizard:
Click the Wizards > File Backup button.
Æ The Backup Wiza
Click the Next button.
Æ The Backup Source screen appears.
3. Select the Use Existing Backup option button.
4. Select an existing back
Click the Next button.
Æ iles and Folders screen a ppears. The chosen backup selection is
The Select F transferred.
6. Enter additional files an
Click the Next button.
Æ The Backup Settings screen appears.
You can also start the file update by double-clicking an existing backup in the Home
rd window with the welcome screen opens.
up from the list or using the
d folders as desired (see Selecting files using the Backup Wizard

sc3. Select the desired type of backup in the Backup Ty pe drop-down menu (see Backup types).

If you want to back up recently added files with the Incremental and Differential Backup types, then e the option
nsure that the Add new files in incremental or differential backup box in
s is checked (see
Backup tab).
5.1 Backu
You have selected a file backup to update. Proceed Î with the update by clicking the Next button and specifying the target of the backup (see Specifying the Backup Target for
File and Drive Backup and Starting the Backup
You will not b sele
cted backup and automatically extended.
The selected backup does not have to be available during the update.
e able to select the backup name for the update - it is transferred from the
p types
There are four backup t
Full backup
Differential back
Incremental backup
Update backup
With the Full backup t first backup is always a full backup.
ypes in Nero BackItUp:
ype, all files and folders that you have selected will be backed up. A
Nero BackItUp 18
Backing up Files Again - Updating a File Backup
With the Incremental backup type, all files that have changed in comparison to the last backup will be saved.
With the Differential backup type, all files that have changed in comparison to the first backup will be saved.
With the three Full, Incremental and Differential backup types, it does not matter which medium you save the backup to. You can, for example, use the disc th automatically started a multisession disc) as long as there is still space on the di can also back
up to a new medium.
Incremental ba
ckup - compares the current data with the last backup
at you used for the old backup (Nero BackItUp
sc. You
Differential backup - compares the current data with the first backup
Fig. 6: Th p
e differential backup compares data with the last backup, the incremental backup compares data with the first backu
The procedure for the Update backup type varies depending on the medium to which you will back up.
If you are backing up to a hard drive with the Update backup type, then previous backup will be overwritten with the changed data. This means that older version
the data of the
will be erased; access to older backup states will no longer be possible. If you are backing up to the disc on which the last bac
kup was burned with the Update backup type, then the procedure is the same as described for the Incremental backup. In this case a folder will be generated in a new session.
If you are backing up to a new disc with the Update backup type, then the procedure is th same as describe
The following table pr on to he e the correct u for
r application:
Backup type
Full backup Extremely high
Differential backup
Incremental backup
Backup update to hard drive (old versions will be erased)
d for the Full backup. The full backup will be burned on the disc.
ovides informati lp you determin pdate type
Storage spac requirement for the backup set
Extremely low
Effort involved in restoring
Extreme (only the current version is required)
Low (current and first version must be kept)
High (all versions must be kept)
Extremely (only the current version is required)
Access to older versions?
Nero BackItUp 19
Backing up Files Again - Updating a File Backup
An examp
le is provided below to illustrate the difference between incremental and differential
backups: Let's assume that you have 100 photos and are backing them up. The first (full) backup
contains the 100 photos. Then you change 25 of the photos and want to back up again.
You select an incremental or differential backup (it does not matter which you select for the second backup). The 25 changed p
hotos are backed up. Then you change another 25
photos and want to back up again:
If you select th
e Incremental backup, 25 photos are backed up, specifically those that have changed since the last backup. (Nero BackItUp compares the current status with t last backup.)
If you select the D
have changed since the first backup. (Nero BackItUp compares the current status with
ifferential backup, 50 photos are backed up, specifically those that
the first backup.)
This means that incremental backups require less storage space, however usu
ally more backup versions will have been created. The result is that the restore takes longer since many small versions must be restored (and made ready) one after the other.
The opposite is true of the differential backup: It requires more storage space, however only two backup versions (the first
and the last) are needed. Consequently, for the restore only two versions are restored (and made ready) because the last version contains all chan ges made since the first ba
1st backup
2nd backup
3rd backup
Data on the computer Incremental
Fig. 7: Data backup distinction between differential and incremental backup
Nero BackItUp 20
Backing up Drives

6 Backing up Drives

You can back up entire drives with Nero BackItUp. In contrast to the file backup, the drive backup restores programs and operating systems when restoring.
You can burn the backup to a disc or save it to a hard drive. It is also possible to save the backup to an FTP server or as an image file.
When you back up a drive, the backup file is usually quite large. If you burn the backup to disc, you will usually require multiple discs. The first backup disc is always a bootable disc. If you do not burn the backup to disc, it is still quite useful to create a bootable disc so that you can start the computer (and the drive restore) from CD/DVD in the event of an emergency
Nero BackItUp ImageTool).
It is not possible to update a drive backup.
You must have administrator rights in Windows® XP® to start a drive backup.

6.1 Basic steps

The following steps are generally required to back up a drive (i.e. hard drive and/or partitions) with Nero BackItUp:

Select the hard drive/partition to back up (see Selecting drives)

Select the target of the backup (see Backup Settings screen, for example)
Specify the back
Wizard screen
6.2 Selec
ting drives
To select a drive to back up with Nero B
Click the Drive Backup menu icon.
Æ The Drive Backup screen appears.
up settings and start the backup (see e.g. Completing the Backup
ackItUp, proceed as follows:
Nero BackItUp 21
Backing up Drives
Fig. 8: Drive Backup screen
You can also start the drive backup via the wizard. To do this click the Wizards menu icon followed by Create New Drive Backup or click the Wizards button followed by Drive Backup.
button that updates the drive information is not available in the wizard.
2. If you want to back up a hard drive, click the appropriate button under the Drive Name list
Æ The hard drive with all partitions is selected and marked (displayed with a dotted line).
3. If you want to back up a partition, click the appropriate partition under the Partition names
list heading.
Æ The partition is selected and marked (displayed with a dotted line).
You can select multiple partitions of a hard drive for backup.
Î You have selected a hard drive or partition to back up. You can proceed with the drive
backup by clicking the Start Drive Backup button and specifying the target of the backup (see
Specifying the Backup Target for File and Drive Backup and Starting the
Nero BackItUp 22

Specifying the Backup Target for File and Drive Backup and Starting the Backup

7 Specifying the Backup Target for File and Drive Backup
and Starting the Backup
After you have selected files and folders or a drive to back up (see Selecting files or Backing
up Drives
Backup Settings and Completing the Backup Wizard screens (see

7.1 Burning a backup to a disc or saving it to a hard drive

With Nero BackItUp, you can burn the backup to a disc or save it to a hard drive, network drives or removable media.
Nero BackItUp supports the disc types CD, DVD, HD-DVD and Blu-ray disc. The type of disc you can burn depends on the type of burner used.
To start the backup and burn to a disc or save to a hard drive, proceed as follows:
1. If you want to burn the backup to a disc:
1. Select a burner in the Target drop-down menu.
2. Insert a disc into the burner.
), you can specify the target of the backup and start the backup. This is done in the
Backup Settings
and Completing the Backup Wizard screen).
2. If you want to save the backup to a hard drive:
1. In the Target drop-down menu select a hard drive, a network drive, or a removable drive.
2. In the Target Path input field, specify the path of the folder to which the backup is to be
3. Make additional settings as necessary (see Backup Settings screen).
Click the Next button.
Æ The screen appears.
Completing the Backup Wizard
5. Check the settings in the Completing the Backup Wizard screen.
If necessary spec
6. ify additional settings in the extended area (see Completing the Backup
Wizard screen).
Click the Backup button.
The Backup Process screen is displayed and the backup started. You can track the
backup process with the progress bar. If burning a disc, Nero BackItUp automatically starts a multisession disc or continues with this one (i.e. you can save additional backups to this disc as long as there is enough space.) When backing up an active hard drive (i.e. a hard drive that other programs can access or on which the current operating system is running), it cannot be disabled and a dialog box appe drive...".
ars with the message "Nero BackItUp cannot disable the selected partition/hard
The dialog box with the message "Nero BackItUp cannot disable the selected partition/har drive... " is not an error messag still being used by Windows
For the backup this means that system files can change during the backup process. In other words, at the end of the backup process there may be errors when verifying the data. In this case a dialog box will be displayed with the message that some data has been changed in the interval between backup and verification. The ch the backup are usually irrelevant for restoration of the system.
Nero BackItUp 23
e, but only a message to let you know that the partition is
anges made to files during
Specifying the Backup Target for File and Drive Backup and Starting the Backup
However, if you are interested in a drive backup without verification errors you can back up the drive with the Nero BackItUp ImageTool. Nero BackItUp ImageTool boots from a dis which means that the drive in this case is not in operation and thu cha
nge during the backup (Nero BackItUp ImageTool
8. thout locking, click the Ignore button.
If you want to continue the process wi
The backup process is resumed.
s system files cannot
During the backup process the following setting options are available in the extended are
ally shut down the PC when done: Shuts down the PC once the backup is
complete. Print Disc Cover: O
the document
pens Nero CoverDesigner and transfers information about the files into
Fig. 9: screen
Backup Wizard window, Backup Process
Æ the Waiting for Disc dialog box will
If the backup is being burned on multiple discs, then open and the drive will eject the disc once it is full.
Remove the recorded disc and insert a new blank disc.
Æ The backup process resumes and the newly inserted blank disc is burned.
Repeat the previous step until the backup has been completely burned to disc.
If you previously checke
Æ d the Verify data after backup box in the Completing the
Backup Wizard screen and the backup has been burned to one disc, then verificatio
will start automatically.
Nero BackItUp 24
Specifying the Backup Target for File and Drive Backup and Starting the Backup
If you previously checked the Verify data after backup box in the Completing the
Backup Wizard screen and the backup has been burned to multiple discs, then the Select source drive for data verification dialog box will open and the drive will open.
11. Insert the first disc of the backup to have it verified.
In the Select source
12. drive for data verification dialog box, select the appropriate drive and
click the OK button.
Verification will start and the first disc will be verified. After verification the disc will be
ejected and the Select source drive for data verification dialog box will appe
Repeat the two previous steps for each disc of the backup in chronological order.
When the ba
Æ ckup process has been concluded, the disc will be ejected and a dialog box
will appear.
ar again.
7.2 Uploa
1. Select the desired FTP server in the Target drop-down menu.
2. older on the server:
If you want to specify a f
Fig. 10: "Backup process completed successfully" dialog box
Click the OK button.
Æ he dialog box closes.
You have burned the backup to a disc or saved it to a hard drive, a network drive, o
Î r a
removable medium. Now you can save the log or click the Next button and start other actions such as executing the same backup again, creating a new backup, or closing the wizard.
ding the backup to an FTP server
Nero BackItUp can be used to upload and save the backup to an FTP server.
This featu
re is only available if you have entered an FTP server in the options (see FTP
r, proceed asTo start the backup and upload it to an FTP serve follows:
1. Click the Æ The Open Folder window opens.
2. Click the New Folder button and enter a name. Æ A new folder is created and displayed in the Folder Na
3. Double-click a folder in the Folder Name selection list.
Nero BackItUp 25
me selection list.
Specifying the Backup Target for File and Drive Backup and Starting the Backup
Æ The folder is transferred into the Path display panel.
4. Click the Select button.
he Open Folder window is closed and the selected folder is transferred.
3. s screen (see Backup SettingsIf necessary make additional settings in the Backup Setting
4. Click the Next button.
Æ The Completing the Backup Wizard screen appears.
5. Check the settings in the Completing the Backup Wizard screen.
6. rdIf necessary specify other settings in the extended area (see Completing the Backup Wiza
7. lick the Backup button. C
Æ The Backup Process screen appears and backup begins. You can track the backup
process with the progress bar.
The following setting options are available in the extended area during the backup process:
complete. Print Disc Cover: Opens
the document data.
Æ When the backup is completed, a dialog box with an appropriate message appears.
y shut down the PC when done: Shuts down the PC once the backup is
Nero CoverDesigner and transfers information about the files into
8. Cl k
ic the OK button.
he dialog box is closed.
Î You have uploaded the drive backup to a
Now you can save the log or click the Nex executing the same backup again, creating a new backup, or closing the wizard.

7.3 Saving the backup as an image file

With Nero BackItUp and the Nero Image Recorder, the backup can be saved as an image. An image file is an individual file on the hard drive that contains an image of a complete di You can generally regard fi
le as often as you like.
Nero Image Recorder is also suitable for creating an image of a disc type not supported b the installed burner. You can therefo in
stalled a DVD burner.
This feature is only available if you checked the Enable Image Recorder as target box
General tab).
To start the backup and to create an image, proceed as follows:
1. Select the Image Recorder entry from the Target drop-down menu.
an image file as a "virtual disc." You can burn copies of the image
re create a DVD image, for instance, without having
n FTP server.
t button and start other actions such as
Nero BackItUp 26
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