Neff T29R96 Instruction manual

Neff GmbH Carl-Wery-Straße 34 81739 München
Operating instructions
nl Gebruiksaanwijzing
Cod: 9000134735 C
aЙ~к `млнзгЙкI tЙ нЬ~ев узм ~еЗ ЕзеЦк~нмд~нЙ узм зе узмк ЕЬзбЕЙK qЬбл йк~ЕнбЕ~д ~ййдб~еЕЙI гзЗЙке
~еЗ СмеЕнбзе~дI бл г~емС~ЕнмкЙЗ млбеЦ г~нЙкб~дл зС нЬЙ ЬбЦЬЙлн им~дбну пЬбЕЬ ~кЙ лмДаЙЕнЙЗ нз лнкбЕн nм~дбну `зенкзд нЬкзмЦЬзмн нЬЙ ЙенбкЙ г~емС~ЕнмкбеЦ йкзЕЙллK fн бл гЙнбЕмдзмлду нЙлнЙЗ нз ЙелмкЙ нЬ~н бн гЙЙнл узмк ЗЙг~еЗл Сзк йЙкСЙЕн ЕззвбеЦK tЙ лнкзеЦду ~ЗоблЙ узм нз кЙ~З нЬкзмЦЬ ~еЗ Сзддзп нЬЙлЙ лбгйдЙ белнкмЕнбзелIбе зкЗЙк нз ЙелмкЙ нЬ~н узм ЦЙн йЙкСЙЕн кЙлмднл Скзг нЬЙ гзгЙен узм Сбклн млЙ нЬбл ~ййдб~еЕЙK fн Езен~бел бгйзкн~ен беСзкг~нбзеI езн амлн ~Дзмн млбеЦ нЬЙ ~ййдб~еЕЙI Дмн ~длз кЙд~нбеЦ нз л~СЙну ~еЗ г~бенЙе~еЕЙK
tЬЙе змк йкзЗмЕнл ~кЙ ДЙбеЦ нк~елйзкнЙЗI нЬЙу гмлн ДЙ йкзобЗЙЗ пбнЬ лмбн~ДдЙ йкзнЙЕнбоЙ й~Ев~ЦбеЦK eзпЙоЙкI пЙ Ь~оЙ кЙЗмЕЙЗ змк й~Ев~ЦбеЦ нз нЬЙ Д~кЙ ЙллЙенб~длI ~еЗ нЬЙ г~нЙкб~дл ~кЙ ~дд ЕзгйдЙнЙду кЙЕуЕд~ДдЙK vзм нзз Е~е ЕзенкбДмнЙ нз нЬЙ ЕзелЙко~нбзе зС нЬЙ ЙеобкзегЙен Ду ЗЙйзлбнбеЦ нЬЙ й~Ев~ЦбеЦ бе нЬЙ еЙ~кЙлн кЙЕуЕдбеЦ Езен~беЙкK rлЙЗ збд лЬзмдЗ езн ДЙ йзмкЙЗ Ззпе нЬЙ лбевI ~л нЬбл Е~млЙл лЙкбзмл З~г~ЦЙ нз нЬЙ ЙеобкзегЙенK mд~ЕЙ бн бе ~ лЙ~дЙЗ Езен~беЙк ~еЗ н~вЙ бн нз ~е ~ййкзйкб~нЙ ЕзддЙЕнбзе йзбенI зк бС нЬбл бл езн йзллбДдЙ йд~ЕЙ бн бе нЬЙ кмДДблЬ ДбеI Eбн пбдд ЙеЗ мй бе ~ ЕзенкзддЙЗ ЗмгйI пЬбЕЬ бл езн нЬЙ ДЙлн зйнбзе Дмн ЬЙкЙ бн пбдд езн Езен~гбе~нЙ ЦкзмеЗ п~нЙкFK _знЬ узм ~еЗ узмк ЕЬбдЗкЙе пбдд ДЙ Цк~нЙСмдK _ЙСзкЙ узм ЦЙн кбЗ зС ~е здЗ ~ййдб~еЕЙI г~вЙ лмкЙ узм кЙеЗЙк бн млЙдЙллI ~еЗ нЬЙе н~вЙ бн нз ~ ЕЙенкЙ Сзк кЙЕзоЙкбеЦ кЙЕуЕд~ДдЙ г~нЙкб~длK ^лв узмк дзЕ~д ~мнЬзкбнбЙл Сзк ЗЙн~бдл зС нЬЙ ЕЙенкЙ еЙ~кЙлн узмк ЬзгЙK
IMPORTANT: In the unlikely event that the appliance should arrive damaged or not meet your expectations in terms of quality, please inform us as soon as possible. For the warranty to be valid, the appliance must not have been tampered with, or used inappropriately. not have been tampered with, or used inappropriately.
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If the s y m bo l ap pe a rs on the s pe cifica tion s plate, fo llow th es e instructions:
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t~кебеЦл пЬЙе бе млЙ Сзк ЕззвбеЦ VKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
On indicators and fault messages
p~СЙну п~кебеЦл
oЙ~З нЬбл rлЙкл j~ем~д Е~кЙСмдду нз ЙелмЙ нЬ~н узм млЙ нЬбл ~ййдб~еЕЙ нз Еззв л~СЙду ~еЗ ЙССбЕбЙендуK
All installation, regulation and adaptation to other types
of gas must be carried out by an authorised installation
technician, respecting all applicable regulations,
and the country's electrical and gas supply companies'
It is recommended that you call our Technical Assistance
Service for adaptation to other types of gas.
_ЙСзкЙ белн~ддбеЦ узмк еЙп ЕззвбеЦ ЬзД г~вЙ лмкЙ нЬ~н нЬЙ гЙ~лмкЙгЙенл ~кЙ ~дд ЕзккЙЕнK
qЬЙ СзддзпбеЦ белнкмЕнбзел ~кЙ зеду о~дбЗ бе ЕзменкбЙл пЬзлЙ лугДзд ~ййЙ~кл зе нЬЙ ~ййдб~еЕЙK qз ~З~йн нЬЙ ~ййдб~еЕЙ нз ЕзеЗбнбзел зС млЙ бе узмк ЕзменкуI ~дп~ул Сзддзп нЬЙ нЙЕЬебЕ~д белнкмЕнбзелK
This appliance has been designed for home use only,
not for commercial or professional use. This appliance cannot be installed on yachts or in caravans. The warranty will only be valid if the appliance is used for the purpose for which it was designed.
fн бл зС нЬЙ мнгзлн бгйзкн~еЕЙ нЬ~н нЬЙ йд~ЕЙ бе пЬбЕЬ нЬЙ ~ййдб~еЕЙ бл нз ДЙ белн~ддЙЗ лЬзмдЗ Ь~оЙ лмбн~ДдЙI СмддуJСмеЕнбзебеЦ оЙенбд~нбзеK
j~вЙ лмкЙ нЬ~н нЬЙ ~ййдб~еЕЙ бл езн лмДаЙЕнЙЗ нз лнкзеЦ Зк~мЦЬнлI ~л нЬЙу гбЦЬн Ддзп змн нЬЙ ДмкеЙклK
qЬбл ~ййдб~еЕЙ дЙ~оЙл нЬЙ С~Ензку пбнЬ нЬЙ лЙн нз нЬЙ нуйЙ зС Ц~л нЬ~н бл беЗбЕ~нЙЗ зе нЬЙ лйЙЕбСбЕ~нбзел йд~нЙK fС Сзк ~еу кЙ~лзе бн бл еЙЕЙлл~ку нз Е~кку змн ~ ЕЬ~еЦЙI Е~дд нЬЙ нЙЕЬебЕ~д ~ллблн~еЕЙ лЙкобЕЙK
aз езн г~вЙ ~еу ~ЗамлнгЙенл нз нЬЙ бенЙкбзк зС нЬЙ ~ййдб~еЕЙK fС нЬбл лЬзмдЗ ДЙ еЙЕЙлл~куI Е~дд змк нЙЕЬебЕ~д ~ллблн~еЕЙ лЙкобЕЙK
j~âÉ ëìêÉ óçì âÉÉé нЬЙлЙ белнкмЕнбзел Сзк млЙ ~еЗ ~ллЙгДду бе ~ л~СЙ йд~ЕЙI лз нЬ~н узм Е~е Ь~еЗ нЬЙг зе пбнЬ нЬЙ ~ййдб~еЕЙ бС бн ЙоЙк ЕЬ~еЦЙл зпеЙкK
fС нЬЙ Цд~лл зе нЬЙ ЕззвбеЦ ЬзД бл мелнмЕвI Е~дд нЬЙ нЙЕЬебЕ~д ~ллблн~еЕЙ лЙкобЕЙ бггЙЗб~нЙдуI ëç íÜ~í íÜÉó
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fе нЬЙ ЙоЙен зС ~ г~дСмеЕнбзеI нмке зСС нЬЙ ~ййдб~еЕЙЫл Ц~л ~еЗ ЙдЙЕнкбЕбну лмййдуI ДЙСзкЙ Е~ддбеЦ змк нЙЕЬебЕ~д ~ллблн~еЕЙ лЙкобЕЙK
kЙоЙк йд~ЕЙ мелн~ДдЙ й~ел зк Езен~беЙкл зе нЬЙ ЕззвбеЦ ЬзД зк нЬЙ ДмкеЙклI ~л нЬЙу г~у ~ЕЕбЗЙен~дду нбй зоЙкK
fС ~ Ц~л н~й ЦЙнл лнмЕвI Зз езн СзкЕЙ бнK `~дд нЬЙ нЙЕЬебЕ~д лЙкобЕЙл ЗЙй~кнгЙен бггЙЗб~нЙдуI ëç íÜ~í íÜÉó Å~å
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fС узм Ь~оЙ ~ Цд~лл ЬзДI пЬЙе нЬЙ Ц~л ЬзД бл бе млЙ ~озбЗ Зк~мЦЬнл ~еЗ лйбдд~ЦЙл зС ЕздЗ дбимбЗл ~л нЬЙу ЕзмдЗ Е~млЙ нЬЙ Цд~лл нз лЬ~ннЙкK
qЬбл ~ййдб~еЕЙ лЬзмдЗ езн ДЙ ЕзееЙЕнЙЗ нз ~ ЕзгДмлнбзе йкзЗмЕнл Йо~Ем~нбзе ЗЙобЕЙK
Do not use steam clearing machines to clean the
hotplate, as there is risk of
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
mental unless they concerning use for their safety.
children) with reduced physical, sensory or
capabilities, or
have been given
of the appliance by a
lack of experience and knowledge,
supervision or instruction
person responsible
qЬбл бл пЬ~н узмк еЙп `ззвбеЦ eзД дззвл дбвЙ
m~е лмййзкнл
On and residual heat displays for each cooking zone
dêÉ~ëÉ ëéä~ëÜ íê~ó
`зенкзд везДл
qкбйдЙJСд~гЙ ДмкеЙк зС мй нз PKP вt
qЬЙ Ц~л ДмкеЙкл
There are indications to show which burner each control knob operates. Figure 1.
To light a burner, press the burner switch and turn it left to the maximum position, keeping it in this position for a few seconds until the burner lights before releasing and adjusting it to the required position. The corresponding on display for the burner will light up. If it does not light, the on display will flash. Turn the switch to the position and repeat the operation. If the ignition sparkers are dirty, this makes the burner harder to light, so you should keep them as clean as possible. Do this with a small brush and make sure that the ignition sparker is not hit or knocked violently. If the burners on your cooking hob are fitted with safety valves (which stop the flow of gas if one of the burners accidentally goes out), light the burners in the same way, though you should continue to hold in the control knob for a few seconds after the flame lights. The corresponding on display for the burner will light up. If it does not light, the on display will flash. Turn the switch to the position and repeat the operation.
To turn it off, turn the control to the right to the position . The display corresponding to the hotplate will flash briefly and then will stay on, indicating high temperatures in the cooking zone. In the event of accidentally turning the flame out on the hotplate, the automatic ignition system will be triggered. With the modern and functional cooking hob you have purchased, you can have progressive taps fitted which allow you to adjust the flame to the desired heat.
Depending on the model, your cooking hob may have a triple-flame burner, which is very practical if you wish to cook with receptacles such as paella pans or Chinese woks (to create all kinds of Asian dishes).
When you are using this gas appliance, it will make the kitchen hot and humid, and therefore you must ensure that the kitchen is well ventilated. Either keep the natural ventilation apertures open, or install an extractor hood.
If you use your appliance for a long period of time, you may need extra ventilation - either open a window (though watch out for draughts) or turn up the power on the extractor hood, if possible. An orange-coloured flame is normal and it is produced in the presence of dust in the atmosphere, spillages, etc.
On and residual heat display
Automatic ignition system
All hotplates have an on and a residual heat display that lights up when the flame on the corresponding hotplate is lit.
Once the cooking zone has been disconnected, the residual heat indicator will remain on indicating that the temperature is too high here. Do not touch the cooking zone while the pilot light is on. After a while the residual heat indicator will switch off indicating that the temperature in the cooking zone has lowered and is not too high now. Be careful though when touching the appliance in order to avoid burns, as the cooking zone may have not cooled completely.
All hotplates have an automatic ignition system that is triggered if the flame goes out on the hotplates in use. This system will attempt to relight the hotplate for 10 sec. If, after this time, the hotplate is not lit, the on display will flash and the burner will remain locked.
To unlock it, turn the switch to position .
oЙЕзггЙеЗЙЗ Зб~гЙнЙкл зС кЙЕЙйн~ЕдЙл
aЙйЙеЗбеЦ зе нЬЙ гзЗЙдW
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^мсбдб~куW NO Åã NQ Åã
jfkfjrj Õ ob`bmq^`ib j^ufjrj Õ ob`bmq^`ib
^ЗЗбнбзе~д й~е лмййзкнл
aЙйЙеЗбеЦ зе нЬЙ гзЗЙдI узмк ЬзД г~у беЕдмЗЙ ~е Йснк~ й~е лмййзкнI пЬбЕЬ гмлн ДЙ млЙЗ пбнЬ нЬЙ нкбйдЙJСд~гЙ ДмкеЙк зк нЬЙ i~кЦЙ нкбйдЙJСд~гЙ ДмкеЙк Сзк кЙЕЙйн~ЕдЙл зС гзкЙ нЬ~е OS Ег Зб~гЙнЙкI ЦкбЗЗдЙлI Й~кнЬЙеп~кЙ йзнл ~еЗ ~дд нуйЙл зС ЕзеЕ~оЙ кЙЕЙйн~ЕдЙл EпзвлI ЙнЕKF cбЦK QK aмЙ нз нЬЙ ЬбЦЬ нЙгйЙк~нмкЙл пЬбЕЬ ~кЙ кЙ~ЕЬЙЗ Ду нЬЙлЙ Йснк~ лмййзкнл ЗмкбеЦ ЕззвбеЦI Зз езн нзмЕЬ нЬЙгI ТЗ~еЦЙк зС ДмкелТK
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The manufacturer declines all responsibility if these additional pan supports are not used or are used incorrectly.
`ззвбеЦ oЙЕзггЙеЗ~нбзел
eЙкЙ ~кЙ лзгЙ ЕззвбеЦ ЦмбЗЙдбеЙлW
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нз~лнбеЦI й~Йдд~лI ^лб~е СззЗ EпзвFK
pЕ~ддзйлI лнЙ~влI згЙдЙннЙлI СкубеЦK
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ймЗЗбеЦ ~еЗ Е~к~гЙдлK
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jЙднбеЦW _мннЙкI ЕЬзЕзд~нЙI ЦЙд~нбеЙK
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