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Documentation version 1.0
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The following points can be used:
K3 Oscilloscope Tx K23 IO Connector
K4 Output Tx (connector 4) K24 IO Connector
K5 Output Tx (connector 3) K201 Handheld terminal RxTx
K6 Synchronization In K202 Oscilloscope Rx
K7 Synchronization In K203 Jumper
K9 Jumper Attenuation K204 Jumper
K10 Master connector K205 Handheld terminal NCC
K11 Power Input K300 Output Rx (connector 1)
K12 Jumper Attenuation K301 Output Rx (connector 2)
K13 Jumper Attenuation P1 PA Drive Adjustment
K15 Jumper Attenuation P2 Phase Adjustment Tx
K16 RS232 Interface Connector P3 Mixer Bias Adjustment
K19 Jumper P4 Slave Data communication Rx
K21 Connector FCI P5 Master Data communication Rx
Indicator leds:
D11 Mux Connector 1 TX D51 Customer Counting: Led on = active
D12 Mux Connector 2 TX D52 Customer Counting: Led on = active
D16 Lamp On Connector 3 D53 Customer Counting: Led on = active
D17 Lamp On Connector 4 D201 Label Alarm RxTx
D18 Lamp Overload Connector 4 D202 Communication Error RxTx
D19 Lamp Overload Connector 3 D220 Label Detection Alarm NCC on = detection
D25 Sweep Lock D221 Communication Error NCC
D26 Center Lock D300 Lamp Overload Connector 1
D30 Customer Counting: Led on = active D301 Lamp On Connector 1
D45 Customer Counting: Led on = active D302 Lamp Overload Connector 2
D47 Customer Counting: Led on = active D303 Lamp On Connector 2
D48 Customer Counting: Led on = active D311 Mux Connector 1 RX
D50 Customer Counting: Led on = active D312 Mux Connector 2 RX
Indicator leds:
D11 Mux Connector 1 TX D51 Customer Counting: Led on = active
D12 Mux Connector 2 TX D52 Customer Counting: Led on = active
D16 Lamp On Connector 3 D53 Customer Counting: Led on = active
D17 Lamp On Connector 4 D201 Label Alarm RxTx
D18 Lamp Overload Connector 4 D202 Communication Error RxTx
D19 Lamp Overload Connector 3 D300 Lamp Overload Connector 1
D30 Customer Counting: Led on = active D301 Lamp On Connector 1
D45 Customer Counting: Led on = active D302 Lamp Overload Connector 2
D47 Customer Counting: Led on = active D303 Lamp On Connector 2
D48 Customer Counting: Led on = active D311 Mux Connector 1 RX
D50 Customer Counting: Led on = active D312 Mux Connector 2 RX
It is possible to attenuate the
receiver input sensitivity with 6, 12
or 18dB. In this way the receiver is
capable of accepting the high level
of the coupled transmitter signal
when the panels are too close to
eachother. When the distance
between the antenna’s is below 1.5
metre the attenuator should be
used to avoid overloading of the
receiving input.