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The NECVersa® MediaDock™2000 User’s Guide gives
you the information you need t o ma ximize the use of you r
MediaDock 2000. Read this guide to familiarize yourself
with the MediaDock 2000 and its features. For specific
information see
Chapter 1 to acquaint yourself with MediaDock 2000
capabilities and features.
Chapter 2 to set up your MediaDock 2000 hardware and
connect you r NEC Vers a 2000 series system. Chapter 2
als o gives you recommendati ons for taking care of your
MediaDock 2000.
Chapter 3 to set up and use the software needed for you r
NEC Versa 2000 computer to recognize and let you us e
the MediaDock 2000 and its CD ROM reader.
Chapter 4 to learn more about us ing the MediaDoc k
2000 and the built-in CD ROM reader. Chapter 4 also
descr ibes how to t ake care of your CDs .
Cha pter 5 to master procedur es for connecting external
options like headphones, microp hones or speakers.
Appendix A to find out MediaDock 2000 specifications.
Appendix B for troubles hooting informa tion.
This doc ument, along with your NEC Versa 2000 Series
User’s Guide, provides the information that you need to ef-
fectively use your MediaDock 2000.
Using this Guide vii
To make this guide as easy to use as possible, text is set up
in the following ways.
Warnings, c autions, a nd notes have the f ollowing
damage system hardware or software.
about whatever is being described.
Notes give partic ularly important infor mation
Names of keys are p rinted as they appear on the keyboard, for example,
Text tha t you must type or keys tha t you must press are
presented in bold type. For example, type
See the following docu ments for inf ormation related t o MediaDock 2000 and NEC Versa 2000 system operation:
Your NEC Versa 2000 User’s Guide.
Cautions indicate situations that can
Ctrl, Alt
, or
and press
viii Using this Guide
The Mi c rosoft® Windows f or Wor kgroups, Windows
95, and
MS- DOS op erat ing system documentation t hat
came with your NEC Versa 2000 computer.
Using this G uide
Text Setup................................................................viii
Related Documents...................................................viii
1 Introducing the MediaDock 2000
What’s in the Box.....................................................1-2
MediaDock 2000 Features ........................................1-3
Front and Right Side Features..............................1-4
Rear Features ......................................................1-6
If You Need Help......................................................B-3
Contents v
Introducing the
MediaDock 2000
The NEC Versa® MediaDock™ 2000 transforms your
NEC Versa 2000 notebook computer into a multif aceted
multimedia desktop system. In addition to it s multimedia
capabilities , the MediaD oc k 2000 pr ovides I/O ports
including a parallel port, serial device port, PS/2-style
keyboard/mouse port, and externa l CRT port.
This c hapter des c ribes t he fea tures and cap abilities that
make the MediaDock 2000 an exceptional multimedia system.
NEC Versa MediaDoc k 2000
Introducing the MediaDock 2000 1-1
Ca refully unpack a nd c heck the contents of the MediaD oc k
2000 shipping carton. MediaDock 2000 accessories are
pac ked in t he b ottom of the s hip ping carton.
Make sure you have the hardware components shown in the
following figure and that they are in good condit ion. If
anything is damaged or missing, c ontact your deal er.
1-2 Introducing the MediaDock 2000
Carton cont ents
The MediaDock 2000 provides the following features.
A quad-s peed CD-ROM R eader /Pl ayer .
Two s peakers to output mid-range a nd base s ounds.
A docking lever to gently guide your Versa 2000 com-
put er towa rds the docking mecha nism, secu ring it in
Mult imedia ports for p lugging in external spea kers, a
microphone, headphones, or a musica l instr ument device
interface (MIDI) device/joystick.
Peri pheral ports for attaching a PS/ 2 type keyboard,
mouse, a printer port with Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP)
support, a serial port for serial (RS232-C) devices, and
a CRT port for an external monitor.
Locking latches that secure your NEC Versa 2000
computer to the MediaDock 2000.
The sections that follow give the location and a description
of each feature.
Introducing the MediaDock 2000 1-3
Front and Right Side Features
The following figure shows features located on the front a nd
right side of the MediaDock 2000. Descriptions follow the
Docking Connector
Locking Latches
Docking Leve r
Volume Con t rol
MediaDock 2000 fr ont and right side features
Features on the front and side of the MediaDock 2000 are
descr ibed next.
CD ROM Reader — A built-in, quad-speed CD-ROM
reader lets you access data and recorded audio. You ca n
output sound to the MediaDock 2000 speakers, external
spea kers, or external hea dphones.
CD-ROM u se and controls a re descr ibed in Chap ter 4
under “CD - ROM Use.”
Volume Control — This contr ol let s you control the
sound volume produced by the MediaDock 2000. Move
the control towards the front of the MediaDock 2000 to
decrease sound; back to increase sound.
1-4 Introducing the MediaDock 2000
Docking Lever — Push the docking lever for ward t o
lock your NEC Versa 2000 computer into place. Lift
and pull the lever back to rel ease the comp uter.
Docking Connector — The docking connector lets you
dock your NEC Versa 2000 computer and access the
MediaDock 2000’s CD-ROM and sound capabilities.
Locking la tches — These lat c hes secure you r Vers a
2000 to the MediaDock 2000.
Introducing the MediaDock 2000 1-5
Rear Features
The following figure shows features located on the rear of
the MediaDock 2000.
Features on the rear of the MediaDock 2000 are described
in the following sect ion.
External Speakers
Seria l Port
MediaDock 2000 rear features
Headphone/ Exter nal Speaker Port — This port lets you
plug in headphones or ex terna l speaker s.
Line-In — This port lets you use another audio sys tem,
like a home st ereo, as an input source. Use a cable to
connect t o the Line-Ou t por t on the other audio system
to record or play.
Microphone Por t — T his port lets you plug in a micro-
Printer Port
CRT Port
Line-Out — T his port let s the MediaDock act as a n input sourc e f or anot her audio system. Connect this port to
a Line- I n port on another audio system to play or record.
1-6 Introducing the MediaDock 2000
PS /2-t ype Keyboard Port — L et s you add an external
PS/2-type Mouse Port — Lets you add an external
Joystick/MI DI por t — If you are using a joystick or
MIDI device, insta ll the device in this por t.
Serial Port — Use this port to install any serial
(RS232-C) devices.
Parallel Port — Use t his port to insta ll a parallel pr inter
or other parallel devices, such as tape bac kup systems.
External CRT Port — Use this port to install an external
Air Vents — MediaDock 2000 air vents allow air to cir-
cula te inside the unit. This keeps the internal c omponents cool and pr otects from overhea ting.
Power Cable Port — The power cable port lets you connect t he p ower cord to the MediaDock and AC power .
Introducing the MediaDock 2000 1-7
Rear Panel Icons
The following lis ts provides a desc ript ion of rear panel
— Hea dphones/External Sp eakers
— Line-In
— Mic rophone
— Line-Out
— Keyboard
— Mouse
— Joystick/MIDI
1-8 Introducing the MediaDock 2000
— Serial
— Parallel
Now tha t you have f amiliariz ed you rself wit h MediaDock
2000 features, go to Section 2, “Getting Started” for setup
and docking ins tructions.
Introducing the MediaDock 2000 1-9
Getting Started
Getting your MediaDock 2000 up and running is easy. This
chap ter provides the p rocedures you need to get sta rted.
They i n clude:
Finding a good loc ation for the Media Dock 2000
Connecting your NEC Versa 2000 computer and Medi-
aDock 2000
Power ing on and off.
Thi s chapt er a l so provides the p rocedures to use when yo u
are finished using the MediaDock 2000 and NEC Versa
2000 together.
Getting Started 2-1
Before setting up your MediaDock 2000, find a good location for using it . Here a re some guidelines.
Select a flat, sturdy surface, like a desktop or table, so
you have access to both the front and ba c k of the unit.
Choose an ar ea awa y from extremely warm or cold sur-
roundings, dir ect sunlight , excess i ve du st, vib ration,
shock or mois ture.
Use your MediaDock 2000 in a location that meets the following environmental c onditions:
Temperature:41°F to 95°F (5°C to 35°C)
Humidity:20% to 80% ( noncondensing)
Store your MediaDock 2000 in a location that meets the
following conditions:
Temperature:–4°F to 122°F (–20°C to 50°C)
2-2 Getting Started
Humidity:10% to 85% ( noncondensing)
Setting up your NEC Versa 2000 computer and MediaDock
2000 involves the following:
Connecting the power c able to you r Media D ock 2000
and an electrical out let
Docking your NEC Versa 2000 computer on your Me-
diaDock 2000
Powering on using your NEC Versa 2000 computer
power switch.
Follow the ins truc tions given next in the order presented to
get your NEC Versa 2000 computer and MediaDock 2000
up and running.
Getting Started 2-3
Connecting the Power Cable
The power cable that came with your MediaDock 2000
provides power to your MediaDock 2000 and your NEC
Versa 2000 computer. Connect the power c able a s follows:
Position your MediaDock 2000 on a flat surface.
Attach one end of the power cable to the MediaDock
2000 power port.
Attach the ot her end to a wall outl et .
Power Port
2-4 Getting Started
Connecting the power cable
the MediaDock 2000 and NE C Versa 2000 are runnin g, results in a sy stem crash.
Disconnecting the power cable while
Follow the p rocedure given next to c onnect your NEC
Versa 2000 computer to your MediaDock 2000.
Docking Your NEC Versa 2000 Computer
Attach your NEC Versa 2000 to your MediaDock 2000 as
Adhere to the f ol l owing c auti ons. Fai l ure
to do so can damage your NEC Versa 2000 computer, your MediaDock 2000, or both.
Your NEC Versa 2000 computer
ered off
when connecting and di sconnecting it to
must be pow-
your MediaDock 2000.
Make sure all NEC Versa 2000 computer port
cover s (except for the expansi on port cov er) are
securely closed before connecting y our c omputer
to your MediaDock 2000. Open and stow the expansion port cov er as instructed in t he following
Your NEC Versa 2000 computer is the
model that can be used with your MediaDock
2000 option. Do not attempt to attach any other
model notebook computer to your MediaDock
Turn off power to your NEC Versa 2000 computer.
Verify that the power cord is connected to your Medi-
aDock 2000 and a wall outlet.
Open the ex pansion port c over on the back of your NEC
Versa 2000 computer and slide it underneath the expansion port.
Getting Started 2-5
Opening the NEC V er s a 2000 ex pans ion por t cover
2-6 Getting Started
Stow ing the expansion port cover
Turn your NEC Versa 2000 computer around, and align
its expansion c onnector wit h the docking connector on
your MediaDock 2000.
Docking Connector
Aligning your NEC Ver s a 2000 with your MediaDock 2000
Locate the indents on the rear of your NEC Versa 2000
comput er. Pl ace the indents underneath MediaDoc k
2000 tabs.
MediaDock 2000 Tabs
Locating NEC Ver s a 2000 indents
While holding your c omputer in p lace, push the Medi-
aDock 2000 docking lever all the way to the back of the
unit, secur i ng it into place in the locking notch.
Getting Started 2-7
Locking Notch
Securing the doc k ing lev er
Your NEC Versa 2000 computer is now docked. Keep the
following in mind.
To use the MediaDock 2000, the power cable must be
connected. The MediaDock 2000 power cable powers
both the MediaDock 2000 and the NEC Versa 2000
connected to it. Your MediaD oc k 2000 cannot ru n on
the NEC Versa 2000 batteries.
And since the MediaDock 2000 runs on AC power only,
your NEC Versa 2000 power management features are
unavailable while it’s doc ked.
2-8 Getting Started
The first time you connect your NEC Versa 2000 com-
puter and MediaDock 2000, you need to set up your
Versa 2000 software to recognize the MediaDock 2000
and a udio software. This information is in Chapter 3,
“S etting Up and Using th e Software.”
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