NEC LXI User Manual 2

NEC Versa® LXi
Release Notes
Congratulations on purchasing an NEC Versa LXi notebook computer! Before using your system read the important informatio n detailed in t his doc ume nt. The topic s desc ribe d in this docume nt apply to NEC Versa LXi systems running th e Microsoft Windows 95, or Windows NT operating s ystems. Top ics specifi c to a parti cular operating s ystem are noted.
Notes for All Users.........................................................................................................................................2
Introducing New System Features...............................................................................................................2
Optimizing the LCD Panel Display..............................................................................................................3
Toggling Between Video Modes .................................................................................................................3
Restoring the Hard Disk Drive ....................................................................................................................4
Disabling Power Management.....................................................................................................................4
Using a TV as an External Dis play Device ...................................................................................................4
Hot Docking Your System ..........................................................................................................................4
Upgrading to a New Versa Dock Monitor Stand..........................................................................................4
Notes for Using Windows 2000.......................................................................................................................5
Conserving Battery Power...........................................................................................................................5
Resuming From Save-to-Ram/Save-to-File..................................................................................................5
Upgrading to Windows 2000.......................................................................................................................5
Notes for Using Windows 98 Second Edition..................................................................................................6
Installing the NEC VersaGlide Mouse Driver ..............................................................................................6
Docking Your System .................................................................................................................................6
Increasing the System’s Memory Capacity..................................................................................................7
Using the Fn-F3 Function Keys ................................................................................................................... 7
Updating DuoVue Mode .............................................................................................................................7
Updating the IR (infrared) Driver................................................................................................................7
Disabling Save-to-Disk...............................................................................................................................8
Using PC Cards ..........................................................................................................................................8
Resuming from Save-to File........................................................................................................................8
Using the Internal Microphone....................................................................................................................8
Using Novell Software................................................................................................................................8
Notes for Using Windows 95 ..........................................................................................................................9
Warm Swapping Devices............................................................................................................................9
Using Screen Savers.................................................................................................................................... 9
Notes for Using Windows NT..................................................................................................... ....................9
Using the Save-to-File Function..................................................................................................................9
Using the HDPREPEZ Utility.....................................................................................................................9
Optimizing Sound Quality.........................................................................................................................10
Using PC Cards ........................................................................................................................................10
Running the Internet Connection Wizard................................................................................................... 10
Windows® 2000, Windows 98 Second Edition,
NEC Versa LXi Release Notes 1
Notes for All Users
Be sure t o r ead the follo wi ng notes wh en using any of the Windows operatin g systems on your NEC Versa LXi.
Introducing New System Features
Your NEC Versa LXi provides a variety of system features to accommodate your mobile computing needs. In addit ion to the features described in the NEC Versa LXi User's Guide, some systems now offer the foll owing :
an Int el
a CD Read/Write drive with a CD creating application (NEC VersaBay III option)
a DVD drive with the NEC SoftDVD Player (NEC VersaBay III option)
256-MB memory module (optional accessory)
Intel SpeedSt ep T echnolo gy
The Int el Pentium III process ors with S p eedStep t ech nology allow you to customize high-p er formance computing on your notebook system by optimizing performance speed and conserving battery life.
If your system's processor is eq uipped with SpeedSt ep technol ogy, an icon , providing access to the SpeedSt ep applet, appears on the taskbar. Th e defa u lt settings of th e Speed S tep appl et includ e the following options:
Pentium III, 600 MHz, 650 MHz, 700 MHz, or 750 MHz with SpeedStep
Runnin g on Batterie s Battery Optimized Performance (Recommended), only.
Plugged In - Maximum Performance ( Rec om mended) or Battery Optimized Per formance.
If you want to introduce the Maximum Performance option as a Running on Batteries option, downl oad and execute the SpeedStepHig h.exe fi le from th e NE C C web site. Sp eedStepHig h .exe file updates your notebook system's registry and adds the Maximum Performance option to the Running on Batteries drop-down list. Follow these steps to download and execute the file.
Go to
, select Downloads, then select Continue to download page.
At th e FTP Search Form screen, use the drop-down boxes to select 'Ver s a' as the base m odel, 'Versa LXi' as the model name, and 'Applicatio n' as the Category.
Click the Search button to generate a file list.
Click the SpeedStepHigh.exe file and follow the on-screen instructions to save it to your hard drive.
Once downloaded on your system's hard drive, double click the file to initiate the update. The screen message indicates that the system's registry will be updated.
Click Y es . N ex t, the screen messag e indicates th at the upda te is successfu lly compl eted.
Click OK.
To veri f y the update, double cl ick the Speed S tep appl et and click th e Running on Ba tteries drop­down list to view the Maximum Performance option.
2 NEC Versa LXi Release Notes
settings. If you follow these instructions to introduce and set the Maximum Performance option for Running on Batteries while using a Ver s a Bay III b a ttery in the VersaBay III, your system may experience adverse effects.
CD Read/Write Drive
The NEC VersaBay III CD Read/Write drive with the CD creating application provides the latest in CD-ROM technology and is fully compatible with Kodak Multisession Photo CDs, standard audio CDs, and CD-i movies. In addition, the CD creating application allows you to write information to a CD and backup the contents of your hard disk drive to a CD.
For detailed information about using the CD Read/Write drive and installing the CD creating appli cation fr om th e N EC Versa CD-RW C D, refer to the accessory sheet th at ships with your system .
The NEC VersaBay III DVD-ROM drive with the NEC SoftDVD Player provides the latest in DVD­ROM technology and is fully compatible with Kodak Multisession Photo CDs, standard audio CDs, and CD-i movies. In additi on, the NEC SoftDVD Player allows you to pla y movies in DVD format .
For detailed informa t i on about usin g th e DVD-ROM drive and installing the NEC SoftDVD Player, refer to the accessory sheet that shi p s wit h your system . Conta ct your local N ECC support repr es entative f or details.
256-MB Memory Module
NECC recommends th at you do not mo dify the Sp eedStep app let's default
The 256-MB memory module is an optional accessory that increases the memor y expansion capabili ty of your NEC Versa LXi notebook computer to a maximum of 512-MB. Contact your local NECC support representative for details.
Optimizing the LCD Panel Display
To optimize the LCD panel display, be sure to set your system’s colors setting to High Color, 16 bit. To modi f y the Color s set ting, right click on the Windows desktop an d s elect Properties. S elect the Settings tab, t hen use the drop- down box i n the Colors section of the wi ndow t o c hange th e setting to High Color (16 bit).
Toggling Between Video Modes
mode. To reestablish simultaneous mode for the TV, reenable the TV display settings. Follow these steps to enable the TV display settings for Windows 98 and Windows 95.
toggles th e s ystem between vi d eo m od es. With a TV an d m onitor attached, usin g
to repeatedly toggle between video modes results in CRT and LCD, only, in simultaneous display
To enable the TV display settings in Windows 98, right click on the Windows desktop, click Properties, s elect the Set tings tab, and select the Advan ced tab. Next, s elect the S3 DuoVue tab and pla ce a check in the box next to the TV graphic.
To enable the TV display settings in Windows 95, right click on the Windows desktop, click Properties, s el ect the S3 Du oVu e tab and pla ce a check in the box next to the TV graphic.
NEC Versa LXi Release Notes 3
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