NEC Solutions (America), Inc.
Visual Systems
LT265 Installation Guide
Used with 4:3 and 16:9 screens v1.1
Product Description, Lens Specs,
Screen/Aspect Ratio, Notes and Formulas
Diagrams and Distance Charts, 4:3 Screens
16:9 Screens
Cabinet Dimensions, Top, Front and Right
Bottom, Back and Left
Ceiling Mount Dimensions
Input Panel and Control Codes
Product Description
Type: 1chip DMDTM projector, Color Wheel: 4 segment
Resolution: 1024 x 768 (4:3) Dimensions: 10.24”(W) x 4.84”(H) x 12.32”(D)
1024 x 576 (16:9) Weight: 6.4 lbs
Brightness: 2500 ANSI lumens
Lens Specifications
Throw Ratio: 2.0 - 2.4:1(for 100” diagonal) Focal Length: 28.2mm – 33.6mm
Offset Angle: 12.4°-14.9°
Screen Sizes: 30”-500” diagonal (4:3) Manual Zoom / Focus
(for 100” diagonal) F/#: 2.1 – 2.3
Screen/Aspect Ratio
Both 4:3 and 16:9 screens are fully supported with proper aspect ratio control for both type sources using NEC developed
scaling technology. By selecting the screen type in the menus, Aspect Ratio control is reconfigured for that screen type.
• For a 4:3 screen; select “4:3” in the “Screen” menu for proper aspect ratio control of 4:3 and 16:9 sources.
• For a 16:9 screen; select “16:9” in the “Screen” menu for proper aspect ratio control of 4:3 and 16:9 sources.
*Factory default “Screen” setting is “4:3”.
For screen sizes not indicated on the projection charts, use the formulas below.
The ceiling must be strong enough to support the projector and the installation must be in accordance with any local
building codes.
Distances are in inches, for millimeters multiply by 25.4.
Distances may vary ±5%.
The Projection Formulas use the image width for calculation. Image width is the same for all aspect ratios, only vertical image size
varies. For proper projector placement, determine the image width for a desired screen size. Use the Screen Formulas below to
calculate all screen dimensions. Plug in the image width for “W” in the Projection Formulas.
Refer to the diagrams and charts for popular screen sizes on page 2 and 3.
Definitions: 4:3 Screen Formulas:
W = Image Width W = H x 4/3
H = Image Height (Size) H = W x 3/4
B = Vertical distance between lens center and screen center Screen Diagonal = W x 5/4
C = Throw distance
D = Vertical distance between lens center and screen top 16:9 Screen Formulas:
(screen bottom for desktop application). W = H x 16/9
α = Projection angle H = W x 9/16
Screen Diagonal = W x 18.35756/16
Projection Formulas:
B = 0.5254W - 0.029 Vertical Position for a 16:9 screen: The Vertical Position adjustment moves the 16:9
C (wide) = 1.9976W – 2.373 image up and down in the unused portion of the 4:3 panel. This adjustment is only
C (tele) = 2.4211W – 2.086 availab le when the projector is set for ‘16:9’ in the ‘Screen’ menu. The range of Vertical
D(4:3) = 0.1504W - 0.029 Position is dependent on aspect ratio and 3D Reform used. If 3D Reform is not used,
D(16:9) = 0.24415W - 0.029 the approximate range of Vertical Position is +/-0.167H (H=Screen Height) when using
α (wide) = tan
α (tele) = tan
(B/C(wide)) a 16:9 screen.
Pg. 1
Pg. 2
Pg. 3
Pg. 4
Pg. 5
Pg. 6
Pg. 7
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Diagrams and Distance Charts for 4:3 Screens
The following diagrams show the relationship bet ween projector position and the screen. Refer to the chart below for data.
Distances are in inches. For millimeters multiply by 25.4.
Lens Ctr
Throw Distance
Screen Top
Screen Ctr
Lens offset from
mount center
Screen Ctr
Lens Ctr
Screen Bottom
Distance chart for popular 4:3 screens
Note: For screen sizes not indicated on the chart,
use the formulas on page 1.
Screen Size
Diag W H wide
inches inches inches inches inches
30 24 18 12.6 45.6-56.0 3.6 15.4-12.7
60 48 36 25.2 93.5
72 57.6 43.2 30.2 112.7
84 67.2 50.4 35.3 131.9
90 72 54 37.8 141.5
100 80 60 42.0 157.4
120 96 72 50.4 189.4
150 120 90 63.0 237.3
180 144 108 75.6 285.3
200 160 120 84.0 317.2
250 200 150 105.1 397.1
300 240 180 126.1 477.1
350 280 210 147.1 557.0
400 320 240 168.1 636.9
450 360 270 189.1 716.8
500 400 300 210.1 796.7
Throw Distance
tele wide-tele
114.1 7.2 15.1-12.4
137.4 8.6 15.0-12.4
160.6 10.1 15.0-12.4
172.2 10.8 15.0-12.4
191.6 12.0 14.9-12.4
230.3 14.4 14.9-12.3
288.4 18.0 14.9-12.3
346.6 21.6 14.8-12.3
385.3 24.0 14.8-12.3
482.1 30.1 14.8-12.3
579.0 36.1 14.8-12.3
675.8 42.1 14.8-12.3
772.7 48.1 14.8-12.3
869.5 54.1 14.8-12.3
966.4 60.1 14.8-12.3
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Diagrams and Distance Charts for 16:9 Screens
The following diagram shows the relationship bet ween projector position and the screen. Refer to the chart below for data.
Distances are in inches. For millimeters multiply by 25.4.
Lens Ctr
Throw Distance
Screen Top
Screen Ctr
Lens offset from
mount center
Screen Ctr
Screen Bottom
Lens Ctr
Distance chart for popular 16:9 screens
Vertical Position for a 16:9 screen
The Vertical Position adjustment moves the 16:9
image up and down in the unused portion of the
4:3 panel. This adjustment is only available when
the projector is set for ‘16:9’ in the ‘Screen’ menu.
The range of Vertical Position is dependent on
aspect ratio and 3D Reform used. If 3D Reform
is not used, the approximate range of Vertical
Position is +/-0.167H (H=Screen Height) when
using a 16:9 screen.
Note: For screen sizes not indicated on the chart,
use the formulas on page 1.
Screen Size
Diag W H wide
inches inches inches inches inches
28 24 13.5 12.6 45.6-56.0 5.8 15.4-12.7
55 48 27 25.2 93.5
60 53 29.5 27.6 102.5
73 64 36 33.6 125.5
82.6 72 40.5 37.8 141.5
92 80 45 42.0 157.4
100 87 49 45.7 171.4
106 92 52 48.3 181.4
110 96 54 50.4 189.4
119 104 58.5 54.6 205.4
123 107 60 56.2 211.4
133 116 65 60.9 229.3
135 118 66 62.0 233.3
159.5 139 78 73.0 275.3
161 140 79 73.5 277.3
459 400 225 210.1 796.7
Throw Distance
tele wide-tele
114.1 11.7 15.1-12.4
125.0 12.8 15.0-12.4
152.9 15.6 15.0-12.4
172.2 17.5 15.0-12.4
191.6 19.5 14.9-12.4
208.5 21.2 14.9-12.4
220.7 22.4 14.9-12.3
230.3 23.4 14.9-12.3
249.7 25.4 14.9-12.3
257.0 26.1 14.9-12.3
278.8 28.3 14.9-12.3
283.6 28.8 14.9-12.3
334.4 33.9 14.9-12.3
336.9 34.2 14.9-12.3
966.4 97.6 14.8-12.3
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