NEC America reserves the right to change the specifications, functions,
or features in this document at any time without notice. NEC America
has prepared this document for use by its employees and customers. The
information contained herein is the property of NEC America and shall
not be reproduced without prior written approval from NEC America.
Guardian, an Open Application Interface (OAI) application, supports both the
telephone user and those who administer the telephone system within an
organization or institution. As an OAI application, Guardian is supported by the
Applications Manager (APM), particularly in the area of database administration
and application configuration.
Guardian is a two-pronged system that provides continuous control of real-time
call processing functions as well as a menu-driven terminal interface for system
administration. This dual design is illustrated in Figure 1-1 below.
Call Authorizing/
Administration Processes
Guardian Admin
(Operator Access
to * options Operator/Adm
Access to + options)
Log Name
Figure 1-1 Guardian Dual System
The system is designed to support the management of multiple tenants (e.g., a
university with four separ ate ca mpuse s or a bu sines s hou sed in s evera l buil dings) .
Each tenant has its own real-ti me call processing, configura tion, and databases, but
all tenants are managed by the centralized System Administrator.
NDA-30008 Revision 2.0Page 1
General InformationGuardian Operations Manual
System Overview (Continued)
The Guardian system monitors access to telephone extensions in the system,
detects invalid at tempts to plac e calls, and rest ricts s ervice, whe n neces sary. In the
Guardian system, each telephone user is assigned an authorization code that
corresponds to an individual extension or to a whole group of extensions, as in a
college dormitory or a corporate depa rtment. Authoriza tion codes, ext ensions, and
groups are administratively assigned defined time periods during which access is
prohibited (e.g., weekends or daily after 6:00 p.m.). Any calls attempted during
prohibited periods are considered invalid and are not processed. If an extensio n has
an excessive number of invalid calls, Guard ian restric t s or disables the extension.
Calls that are attempt ed on ext ensio ns or with aut horiz ation codes th at are alrea dy
disabled are also considered invalid.
Guardian uses one of th e foll owing methods to rest rict or d isable tel ephone acce ss:
•System Disable – Guardian monit ors re al-t ime cal l proce ssing f or a fr equenc y
of in va lid call attempts on any e xtensi on that e xce eds the desi gnated maximum
frequency (e.g., 7 invalid call attempts within a 15-minute period). When an
extension exceeds the maximum number of invalid calls, Guardian
automatically dis ables the extensi on temporarily . Both th e maximum frequenc y
and the length of time t hat t he e xte nsi on is tempora rily di sabled are c onf ig ure d
limits specified by extension group. However, the administrator can override a
System Disable at any time.
•Admin Disable – Guardian enabl es the admin istrator to di sable an y ext ension,
authorization code, or group of extensions in one of the following ways:
•Routinely – The disablement of any or all extensions, authorization codes,
or groups of extensions during specified, regularly occurring time periods,
such as weekends or the late night hours
•Unconditionally – The disable ment of an e xt ension , auth oriza tion cod e, or
group at any time, for as long as desired
Guardian logs information about invalid call attempts and modifications to the
status of extensions, authorization codes, and groups. From this log and the
databases, Guardian provides a variety of reports in support of system
Guardian is a password-protected system. You can enter the system with either an
Administrator, an Operator, or the Adm/Operator password. The Administrator
password provides un limited access t o all of the Guard ian administrat ive functions
that appear on the monitor in menu form. The Operator password enables you to
generate reports and to view, but not change, the status of individual extensions,
authorization codes, and groups of extensions. The Adm/Operator password
provides access to all Opera tor functions as well as ac cess to the modify menu. The
Guardian main menu includes a Maintain Password option through which the
Administrator can s pecify or cha nge the Administ rator, Operator o r Adm/Operator
Page 2NDA-30008 Revision 2.0
Guardian Operations ManualGeneral Information
User Procedure
You can use one of the following p rocedures to pla ce a call from a n extension using
an authorization code, depending upon the NEAX features that are available and
the data assignments that are configured on the NEAX System. During call
processing, Guardian verifies the disable status of the code and the extension and
either restricts the call or permits it with the routing and service feature privileges
assigned to the code.
Procedure No. 1: (Using a Service Access Code)
Step 1: The caller en ters the service access code to initiate Guardian.
Step 2:At the tone, the caller enters an authorization code.
Step 3:When the dial tone sounds, the caller enters the destination telephone
Step 4: If the author ization code and the e xtension are val id and enabled, the call
is placed, and the caller hears the tele phone ringing at the destinati on. If
the authorization code is disabled or unknown to the system, or if the
extension is disabl ed, the call is not be placed, and the caller hea rs a busy
Procedure No. 2:
Step 1:The caller enters the destination telephone number.
Step 2:If the special dial tone sounds, the call is restricted and requires an
authorization code.
Step 3:The caller enters the authorization code.
Step 4: If the author ization code and the e xtension are val id and enabled, the call
is placed, and the caller hears the tele phone ringing at the destinati on. If
the authorization code is disabled or unknown to the system, or if the
extension is disabl ed, the call is not be placed, and the caller hea rs a busy
NDA-30008 Revision 2.0Page 3
General InformationGuardian Operations Manual
Database Organization
Guardian requires the five databases described below for each tenant:
•Group – Contains definitions for up to 1,000 groups of extensions such as
corporate departments or student dormitories. Each group is assigned
information that is used to detect and prevent access violation on any of its
extensions b y group members. If all exte nsions in the or ganiz ation are ass igned
to only one group, that group is assigned the default value of zero in the
application conf iguration durin g installation. Ho weve r, if t here is more than one
group, group 0 is defined in the application co nfiguration, and all other gr oup s
are defined in this group dat abase. Groups 1- 9 hav e acces s to all e xtensions a nd
authorization codes. Groups 10-1000 have acces s only to those extensions and
authorization codes assigned to them.
•Extension – Contains e xtension numbers th at are up to fi ve digits i n length with
information relating to their verification. Each extension is mutually crossreferenced with it s group definition. If a n extension used in a cal l at tempt does
not appear in this database, the sys tem assumes that it belongs to the default
group 0, and the extension is marked as unknown for reporting purposes.
•Aut horization Code – Conta ins user -def ined autho rization c odes that a re up to
ten digits in length with information necessary for their verification. Forced
account codes may be substituted for authorization codes. Guardian can work
with either forced accou nt or authori zati on codes b u t not with both at the same
time. Each authorization code is assigned Route Restriction Class (RSC) and
Service Feature Clas s ( SFC) values that indicate levels of privileges granted t o
the code holder.
•Time Interval – Con tains up to 15 prede termined time inter vals us ed to specify
periods during which a uthorization c odes, extens ions, and groups ca n be turned
off by the system administrator. These intervals are user-defined and might
include weekends, holidays, or evenings.
•ID – Contains telephone user identification numbers and the authorization
codes that are assigned to them. The ID numbers may consist of seven to ten
characters. Guardian in it iall y creat es thi s databa se from th e author izat ion code
database. You can access the database by ID number through the Guardian
System Administrator Query Database option and modify it by authorization
code through the APM Database Administration option.
These databases are created and maintained through the Database Administration
option in the Applications Manager (APM). The Guardian system administrator
must have access to the APM at the system administrator security level in order to
create the databas es. The Applications Manager Ope rations Manual provid es stepby-step procedur es for c reating and changi ng the da tabase de finiti ons and r ecords.
Installation Introduction on page 7 of this manual provides information about the
specific fields necessary for each of the databases.
Page 4NDA-30008 Revision 2.0
Guardian Operations ManualGeneral Information
Database Organization (Continued)
Once a database is created or changes are made to it in the APM, it is installed for
active use by Guardian. While this installation is taking place, Guardian briefly
suspends its real-time control and restriction of PBX call processing. During this
period, the PBX reverts to its internal tables that do not reflect the status of
extensions, groups, and authorization codes in the databases. The amount of time
required to load the database(s) is brief eno ugh that it should not s ignificantly affect
the level of control exercised by Guardian.
Menu Organization
The system administrator interacts with Guardian through a series of menu-driven
screens. The organization of these screens is illustrated in Figure 1-2. Boldfaced
options appear on the Administration M ain Menu, the asterisk ed options (*) app ear
on the Operator Main Menu and the optio ns indi cated by a ‘+’ appear on the Adm/
Operator Menu. Chapter 3, “Administration” on page 27 of this manual describes
the use of these options and their data entry screens in detail.
Call Attempts
Database Status
Database History
System Administration
Modify Status +
Initialize Batch Control
Generate Reports* +
Clear Status
* Accessed through the Operator security level
+ Accessed through the Adm/Operator security level
This chapter prov ides you with specific inf ormation and f ield entries that you nee d
to install and configure Guardian. In addition to this chapter, use the following
manuals for installation informat ion:
•Applications Manager (APM) Installation Manual – Contains step-by-step
instructions for installing the software from the release media.
•Applications Manage r (APM) Operati ons Manual– Explains how applications
like Guardian are configured in the APM environment and how Guardian’s
databases are created, using the entries and values provided in this chapter.
•NEAX System Manuals - Give very detailed explanations about the
assignments that need to be made with the NEAX2400 Maintenance
Administration Terminal (MAT) commands, the NEAX2000 Customer
Administration Terminal (CAT), or the NEAX2000 Maintenance Operations
Console (MOC).
The installation a nd set up of Guard ian invol ves the f ollowing steps. Eac h of these
steps is described in more detail within this chap ter:
•Software Installation – Load the Guardian software from the release media
using the instructions provided in the APM Installation Manual. After you
install the software, you must assign the Guardian login name, guardadm so
that users can log in to Guardian from the UNIX prompt. For more information,
refer to this section on page 9.
•Applicati on Configuration – Guardian is internally supported b y the APM and
must be configured in the APM environment. This section that begins on page
11 provides the information that must be entered into this APM con figuration
file. Use the instructions provided in the APM Operations Manual for the
entries contained in this section.
•Database Requirements– Guardian uses fi ve dat abases which are cons tructed
through the APM Database Administration option. To build the databases, the
system creates master definition files and their related master databases. Then,
the system creates the appl ication defin ition files to enable the processing of the
master files int o application databa ses. This section def ines the infor mation that
you must enter to these definition and database files. Use the instructions
provided in the APM Operations Manual for the entries contained in this
•NEAX Command Assignments – Before Guard ian will function, speci fic data
settings must be assigned at the NEAX2400 Maintenance Administration
T erminal (MAT), the NEAX2000 Customer Administrat ion T erminal (CAT), or
the NEAX2000 Maintenance Operations Console (MOC). “NEAX Command
Assignments” on page 22 specifies the necessary commands and the values at
which they are to be set. Use the instructions prov ided in the appropriate NEAX
System Manuals to make the entries contained in this section.
•Initialization – Initialize Guardian from the APM Operations Menu using the
instructions provided in the APM Operations Manual. A password is assigned
to the login ID. This section describes the password assignment process.
Use the following steps to complete software installation.
Step 1: Softwar e
Step 2: Login ID
To load the Guardian software from the release media, log on to the APM Platform
Management Menu, select the Installation of Applications/Packages option, and
follow the instructions provided in the APM Installation Manual.
If the Guardian login ID, guardadm, already has a password, this software
installation is considered an upgrade, and the cursor returns to the APM Platform
Management Menu so that you can complete the steps detailed in section
Application Configuration on page 11 through section Initialization on page 26.
If the Guardian login ID, guardadm, does
not already have a password, respond to
the following series of prompts that are displayed on the screen:
To ensure correct in st al lat i on, a ll administrative type files should be
closed – – p lease ensure that all such files are closed at this time .
Make sure that no one is currently performing administrative
functions in the UNIX root files. Type y to continue the installation.
If you know the root password and wish to continue, enter ‘y’;
otherwise enter ‘n’ to abort the installation.
To continue, type y and press Enter.
To cancel the installation, type n and press Enter. The installation is
cancelled, and the pr ompt returns to t he APM Platform Management
Please Ent er the su/ro ot Password:
Enter the root password and press En ter.
If you enter the wrong root password, an erro r message displays, and
the installation fails. Press Enter to return to the APM Platform
Management Menu to start again.
Because a new user (i.e., guardadm) has just been installed, you need to execute
two commands from the command li ne under super-user stat us. The first command
(authck) updates the protected database files to incorporate user guardadm, and
the second command (passwd) removes any password that user guardadm may
have inherited during the installation process.
1. From the UNIX login prompt, log on as super user.
2. From the command line, type /tcb/bin/authck -s and press Enter.
The following message appears:
“The following use rs have entries in the def ault user fi le but not in the protected
password database: guardadm
There are discrepancies between the databases.
Fix them? (y/n)”
3. Enter y and press RETURN.
4. Type /bin/passwd -d guardadm at the command line and press Enter.
This completes the nec essary updating of the protec ted databases.
Configuration” on page 11. to configure Guardian in the APM.
Guardian is configured into the APM system using the
Application Configuration option on the APM System Administration menu.
1. Enter the APM option from the APM Platform Management Menu.
2. Enter the system adm inistrator password at the APM password screen.
3. Enter the Application Configuration option from the System Administration
This section contains the information that you should enter into the co nfiguration
file for Guardian. For specific instructions on what these parameters mean and how
to make these entries, use the
A tenant is defined as a group of users that may represent a campus, a corporate
department, or an entire organization. Using Guardian, you can have one or
multiple tenants. For instance, a university may be configured as one tenant, or
each of its campuses or academic departments may be configured as a tenant,
depending upon the needs of the university. Each tenant is associated with an
application name. This name must then be specifie d before any action ca n be taken
through the Administrati on menu. Multiple te nants can be handle d in either of two
•Each tenant can be configured individually and identified by a unique
application name (e.g., Guardian1 or Guardian2). In configuring each tenant,
only the application name and the tenant number (through OAI-Conf
command) must be changed. Once the tenants are configured, the Guardian
system administrator can specify a specific tenant’s application name so t hat all
actions taken through the menu options affect only the indicated tenant rather
than all of the tenants.
APM Operations Manual
function of the
•Guardian can be conf igured once f or tenant No. 0, which means all tenants. Th e
single configured application name is then used to gain access to the
Administration menus, and all actions taken thereafter through those menu
options affect every tenant served by Guardian.
If there is more than one switch in a net work, Guardian will work with all the
PBX’s and maintain its reports and database no differently than a single switch
There should be a s eparate application configuration in the APM for each Guar dian
switch. All parameters should be identi cal exce pt for th e destina tion lin k, standar d
out file and Guardian ID (UDP #14).
The following installation is based upon a single tenant (#0). If you need multiple
tenants, complete this configuration for each one.
OAI Application (Y,N)YIndicates whether or not (Yes or No) this
CRT Application (Y,N)NIndicates whether or not (Yes or No) this
Communication Queue (Y,N)NIndicates whether or not (Yes or No) this
Step 2: Prim ary
In adding Guardian to the APM Applicati on Configuration fil e, define it as an OAI
application that does not need a CRT or a communication queue, as follows:
Table 2-1 Application Characteristic Entries
tenant communicates with the NEAX using
OAI processes.
tenant requires a terminal screen that is of
the same type as the one used by the APM.
non-OAI a pplication ne eds an IPC queue to
communicate with other process.
On the Configuration Entry screen, make the entries shown below to the
parameters indicated:
Table 2-2 Primary Configuration Parameter Entries
Application NameGuardianThe unique logical na me of this appl ication.
Executable Filename/oai/app/guard/grdrtThe path name of the executable file.
Group(no entry)(Guardian is not a member of a group of
Response ModeIThis is a defaul t value since Guardian does
not belong to a group.
Initialization BatchYGuardian is set to initialize automatically
when the OAI syst em is initialized.
Termination Mode MGuardian is set to receive a termination
message from the APM when it is to
terminate, rather than a kill or termination
Standard Output/oai/log/dbg/grd.d bgGuardian’s output is sent to this file.
Number of Restarts5Guardian may be restarted by the APM up
Database Name #1/oai/app/guard/da ta/The path name of the database that co ntains
Database Name #2/oai/db/cur/The path name of the database tha t contains
Timeout Value #130The number of seconds Guardian waits
According to instru ctions in the APM Operations Manua l, designate the f ollowing
PBX facility for Guardi an using the Facilities command on the Configuration
Entry screen:
Authorization Code Facility (ACF)
Using the OAI-Conf command on the Con figuration Entry sc reen, make t he entry
shown for each of the following parameters required by Guardian. Use the
instructions provided for this option in the APM Operations Manual:
Each configured Guardian tenant requires five working databases (Group,
Authorization Code, Extension, Time Interval, and ID). Each database is created
through the Database Administration option on the APM System Administration
Menu. Database creation involves the following four-step process for each
required database:
Step 1
- Create
Master Definition File
Step 2
- Build
Master Database File
Step 3
- Create
Application Definition File
Step 4
- Process
Application Database
1. Create a Master Definition File: Th is s tep i nvolves c rea ting the mast er de f ini -
tion file t hat defin es the fi elds in the mast er database f ile. F our master def inition
files must be created for Guardian the following databases: Group, Authorization Code, Extension, and Time Interval. The Authorization Code master definition file support s both the Author ization Code and the ID databases. When
more than one tenant has been configured for Guardian, one master definition
file and master data base file can support the database req uir ed for each tenant.
That is, for example, if three tenants have been configured, one Group master
definition file and one Group master database file can support three Group databases, one for each tenant.
2. Build a Master Database Fil e: This step in v olves ente ring tenant-spec ific data
(e.g., extension s, group d efiniti ons, authori zation code s, student IDs, or time in tervals) into the master database fields that were just defined in the four master
definition files in Step 1.
3. Create an Application Definition Fi le: In this step, a definition file is created
for each of the Guardi an databases f or each tenant . This fi le def ines the form ats
by which data fr om the corre sponding mast er f ile is to be converted to meet the
needs of Guardian.
4. Process the Applicatio n Database: In this step, the Proc ess/Install Appl ication
Databases option on the APM Database Administration menu creates the file
that will be used by Guardian. When the Process command is activated, data is
drawn from the master database and converted to the formats specified in the
corresponding applica tion de f init ion f i le. The Install command on the Process/
Install Applicati on Dat abases option is activated to enable the Guardi an te nant
to copy its database into a working file.
The information required in all four steps for each Guardian database is provided
in table for m on the follo wing pages. Using this information w ith the procedural
instructions provided in the APM Operations Manual, enter the Database
Administration option on the APM System Administration Menu, and build the
Guardian databases, one at a t ime
. Any messages displayed dur ing these steps are
addressed in the Process and Error Messages chapter of the APM Operations Manual.
Page 16NDA-30008 Revision 2.0
Complete Step 4, Process the Application Database, for each database after entering the information on t he following page s.
Group IDN411000Short Integer2
Interval IndexN2015Short Integer5
Temp Disable Time
Lifetime Invalid
Frequency PeriodN2015Short Integer10
Frequency CountN107Short Integer2
The Group database fi eld entries are shown i n the table below and defined in “Field
Definitions” on page 17. Name the master definition file grdgrpf
m and the
application definition file grdgrpf.
Table 2-5 Group Database Field Entries
Master Definition FileApplication
Definition File
Data TypeTypical
N30255Short Integer2
N30255Short Integer255
Field Definitions
•Group ID – A number that identi f ies a gr oup, lying within the range fro m 1 to
1000. This is the key field for database sorting, so entries must be arranged in
ascending order.
•Interval Index – The index to the specific interval of tim e in t he Time Interva l
•T emp Disabl e Time Max – Number of 15 -minute periods tha t extensions in the
•Lifetime Invalid Attempts – The maximum lifetime number of accumulated
•Frequency P eriod – The time interval in minutes in which invalid call attempts
Groups 1-9 have access to all authorization codes and extensions; groups 101000 have access to only the codes and extensions assigned to them.
Database during which the group extensions are routinely, administratively
turned off. The index uses the following values:
0:Constantly off.
1-15:Inde x that corresp onds to the desired time interva l in the Ti me Interv al
group will be automaticall y , tempora rily turned of f by the sys tem in response to
an excess frequency of invalid call attempts; maximum 255 periods.
invalid requests that are allowed before the extensions in the group are turned
off by the system; maximum 255 requests.
are counted to obtain a frequency; maximum 15 minutes.
•Frequency Count– The number of invalid call attempts that are counted befo re
the frequency is considered excessive, and the extension is turned off by the
system; maximum of 7 requests.
The Authorization Code master definition file and master database file support
both the Authorization Code database and the ID database. Create separate
Authorization Code and ID application definition files to process the master
database into the two separate databases. Name the master definition file
m, name the Authorization Code application definition file grdacf, and
name the ID a pplication definition file grdidf, as shown below:
Master Definition File
& Master Database
Application Definition File
The Authorization Code database field entries are shown in the table below and
defined in Field Definitions on page 19:
Table 2-6 Authorization Code Database Field Entries
Field Description
Master Definition FileApplication
Data TypeTypical
Authorization Code*A10ASCII1246247
Interval In dexN2015Short Integer5
Extension or Group
*The fields of the two a pplication defini tion files (Aut horization Code and I D) that
are derived from the authorization code master database must be entered in the
following sequence:
OrderAuthcode Definition FileID Definition File
#1Authorization CodeID
#2Interval IndexAuthorization Code
#3Extension/Group Value
#4Route Restriction Class
#5Service Feature Class
#6Extension or Group Flag
Field Definitions
•Aut horization Code– Key f ield of the Authori zation Code Database consis ting
of ten digits. Codes must be arranged in ascending order. The authorization
code is also the second field in the ID Database.
•Assigned – Indicates whether or not (Yes or No) this authorization code has
been assigned to a telephone user.
•ID – The telephone user identification number assigned to this authorization
•Interval Index – The index to the specific interval of tim e in t he Time Interva l
Database during which the authori zat ion code is routinely disabled. The index
uses the following values:
0:Constantly off.
1-15:Index to an interval in the Time Interval Database.
•Extension or Group – The assignment of the authorization code to a single
extension or to a group of extensions. Possible field entries are as follows:
Ext: Extens ion
Grp: Group
•Extensio n/Group Value – The actual extension or group to which the
authorization code is assigned, corresponding to the Extension or Group
If assignment is Ext: An extension number of up to 5 digits in length.
If assignment is Grp: A group ID ranging from 1 to 1000.
•Route Restriction Class – A value from 0 to 15 on the NEAX2400 or a value
from 1 to 8 on the NEAX 2000 that represents different combinations of
distance and routing privileges available to code holders.
•Service Feature Class – A value from 0 to 15 on the NEAX2400 or a value
from 1 to 8 on the NEAX 2000 that represents different combinations of PBX
call processing features available to code holders.
•Reserved – System-reserved space. This field is not modified by the user.
NDA-30008 Revision 2.0Page 19
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