NEC Express5800-R120f-1M, Express5800-R120d-1M, Express5800-R110g-1E, Express5800-T110f-S, Express5800-R120e-2M Installation Guide

Front Cover
Installation Guide
Express5800 Series
NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension
Chapter 1 Summary Chapter 2 System Requirements Chapter 3 Installation Chapter 4 Precautions for Use
© NEC Corporation 2014
NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension Installation Guide


Front Cover .......................................................................................................................................................1
Contents............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Trademarks........................................................................................................................................................ 3
External Libraries which this product uses........................................................................................................ 4
About This Document ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter1 Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter2 System Requirements.................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Managed server ................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1.1 Server Management Driver.................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Notes on Managed Servers................................................................................................................ 9
2.2.1 Teaming Setting..................................................................................................................... 9
Chapter3 Installation................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension Installation for Windows............................................................ 10
3.1.1 Check before installation..................................................................................................... 10
3.1.2 Start installation menu......................................................................................................... 10
3.1.3 Install JRE ............................................................................................................................11
3.1.4 Install NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension...............................................................................11
3.1.5 Set the IP Address that NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension uses............................................ 13
3.2 NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension Uninstallation for Windows........................................................ 14
3.3 JRE Update for Windows................................................................................................................ 14
3.4 NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension Installation for Linux.................................................................. 15
3.4.1 Check before installation..................................................................................................... 15
3.4.2 Install JRE ........................................................................................................................... 15
3.4.3 Copy and extract NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension installer............................................... 16
3.4.4 Install NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension.............................................................................. 16
3.4.5 Set the IP Address of NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension uses............................................... 17
3.5 NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension Uninstallation for Linux ............................................................. 18
3.5.1 Uninstall NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension ......................................................................... 18
3.5.2 Uninstall JRE....................................................................................................................... 18
3.6 JRE Update for Linux...................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter4 Precautions for Use...................................................................................................................... 20
4.1 NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension installation .................................................................................. 20
4.2 JRE7 installation.............................................................................................................................. 20
4.3 Firewall............................................................................................................................................ 20
4.3.1 Windows Firewall................................................................................................................ 20
4.3.2 Linux Firewall in Red Hat Enterprise Linux....................................................................... 21
4.3.3 Linux Firewall in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server............................................................... 21
4.4 Reservation TCP Ports..................................................................................................................... 21
4.5 Remote Power Control.................................................................................................................... 21
NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension Installation Guide
NEC ESMPRO and EXPRESSBUILDER are trademarks of NEC Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and Windows Server are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. Red Hat is registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. and its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. MIRACLE LINUX is a registered trademark of MIRACLE LINUX CORPORATION. Asianux is a registered trademark of MIRACLE LINUX CORPORATION in Japan. Novell, Novell logo, and SUSE are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries. All other product, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective trademark owners.
Windows Server 2012 stands for Microsoft® Windows Server® 2012 Standard operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2012 Datacenter operating system. Windows Server 2008 R2 stands for Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2, Standard operating system, Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2, Enterprise operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2, Datacenter operating system. Windows 2008 Server stands for Micr osoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard Edition operating system, Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Enterprise Edition operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard 32-Bit operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Enterprise 32-Bit operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Datacenter operating system. Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions stands for Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 R2 Standard x64 Edition Operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 R2 Enterprise x64 Edition operating system, or Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Standard x64 Edition operating system and Micros oft® Windows Server® 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition operating system. Windows Server 2003 stands for Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition.
NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension Installation Guide
External Libraries which this product uses
This product contains libraries ("External Libraries") provided by the third party suppliers ("Suppliers"). Please assume and agree these libraries' license documents and NOTICE files before using this product. License documents and NOTICE files of "External Libraries" are stored in t he following folders. /esmpro_sa_ex/doc/
If the "External Libraries" require to include their Source Code with this product, see the folder below. /esmpro_sa_ex/src/
The libraries listed below are "External Libraries." Notwithstanding any of the terms in the Agreement or any other agreement You may have with NEC:
(a) "Suppliers" provide the libraries WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND and, such Suppliers
(b) In no event are the Suppliers liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or
consequential damages, including but not limited to lost data, lost savings, and lost profits, with respect to the External Libraries; and,
(c) NEC and the Suppliers are not liable to You, and will not defend, indemnify, or hold You harmless for
any claims arising from or related to the External Libraries.
The following are External Libraries and their Copyright.
Java(TM) Platform, Standard Edition Runtime Environment (JRE): Copyright © 1993, 2012 Oracle and/or
its affiliates.
libnewt, libslang : Copyright © 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
(1) No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of NEC
(2) The contents of this document may be revised without prior notice. (3) The contents of this document shall not be copied or altered without the prior written permission o f NEC
(4) All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this document. If you notice
any part unclear, incorrect, or omitted in the document, contact your authorized NEC sales representative.
(5) NEC assumes no liability for damages arising from the use of this product, nor any liability for
incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this document regardless of (4).
NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension Installation Guide

About This Document

This document explains the complete procedures from installation of "NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension" to setup of managed server.
Before attempting to operate NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension, read this document so as to gain an adequate understanding of the contents.
This document is intended for persons who are familiar with the operating system's functions and operations and the network's functions and setup. For operations and inquiries about the operating system, see its online help information.
This document covers universal information about generally managed servers. The notes and restrictions on use of each product as a managed server are explained in the user's guide provided with the managed server and "NEC ESMPRO Manager Setup guide".
Names used with screen images in this document are fictitious. They are unrelated to existing product names, names of organizations, or individual names. The setting values on the screen images are shown as examples, so setting values such as IP addresses on screen images are not guaranteed for operation.
In this document, "¥" expresses back slash.
Symbols in This Document
The following explains three symbols that are used in this document:
Points or particular notes you must follow when handling software of servers. Points or notes you need to check when handling software or servers. Useful information.
NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension Installation Guide

Chapter1 Summary

NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension (Ver.2) is software that works on the managed server. When "ESMPRO Management" of BMC configuration on the managed server is set "Enable", you can execute commands specified by NEC ESMPRO Manager Ve r.5.4 or later.
You can configure BMC on the managed server by the following software.
- Server Configuration Utility or BMC Configuration (Windows/Linux/Off-line TOOL)
- Web Console of EXPRESSSCOPE Engine 3, SP3 (except ft Server)
- NEC ESMPRO Manager (Ver.5.4 or later) (ft Server: Ver.5.61 or later)
You can not configure BMC by NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension (Ver.2 or later).
NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension Installation Guide

Chapter2 System Requirements

2.1 Managed server

Install NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension (Ver.2) in the managed server. It works on the following environment.
It needs to be managed by NEC ESMPRO Manager (Ver.5.4 or later) and satisfy the following conditions.
Managed Server
NEC Express5800 series and NEC Storage NS series that integrates EXPRESSSCOPE Engine 3 or SP3.
You can not install NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension (Ver.2) in the server with
EXPRESSSCOPE Engine 2 or earlier.
You can not install NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension (Ver.1) or NEC DianaScope Agent in
the server with EXPRESSSCOPE Engine 3.
ft Server (NEC Express5800/R320c-M4, R320c-E4 and R310c-E4) is supported by the
upper version from NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension for Windows Ver.2.02.
ECO CENTER (NEC Express5800/E120d-M and E110d-M) is supported by the upper
version from NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension for Windows Ver2.03 and NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension for Linux Ver2.02.
EXPRESSSCOPE Engine SP3 is supported by the upper version from NEC ESMPRO
Agent Extension for Windows/Linux Ver2.04.
512MB or more
Availability of hard disk
100MB or more
Operating system
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2, Standard Edition/Enterprise Edition Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2, Standard/Enterprise x64 Edition Windows Server 20 0 8 Standard/Enterprise Edition Windows Server 2008 Standard/Enterprise/Datacenter x64 Edition Windows Server 2008 R2, Standard/Enterprise/Datacenter Windows Server 2012 Standard/Datacenter Windows Server 2012 R2, Standard/Datacenter
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform 5 (x86, x64) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5 (x86, x64) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 (x86, x64) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (SP3) (x86, x64) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SP2, SP3) (x86, x64) Oracle Linux 6 (x64)
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