NEC Express5800-R120e-1M, Express5800-R120e-2M, Express5800-R120d-2M, Express5800-R120d-1M, Express5800-R120d-1E User Guide

Front Cover
BMC Configuration
User's Guide
Chapter 1 Summary Chapter 2 System Requirements Chapter 3 Installation Chapter 4 Functions Chapter 5 Functions for ft Server Chapter 6 Functions for the highly parallel computing server Chapter 7 Precautions for Use
© NEC Corporation 2013
BMC Configuration User's Guide


Front Cover .......................................................................................................................................................1
Contents............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Trademarks........................................................................................................................................................ 4
External Libraries which this product uses........................................................................................................ 5
About this Document......................................................................................................................................... 6
1. Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 BMC Configuration Functions.......................................................................................................... 7
1.1.1 NEC Express5800 series ........................................................................................................... 7
1.1.2 NEC Express5800/ft Server....................................................................................................... 8
1.1.3 NEC Express5800/HR120a-1 (The highly parallel computing server) ..................................... 8
2. System Requirements............................................................................................................................9
2.1 Hardware........................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Operating System.............................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Server Management Driver ............................................................................................................. 10
3. Installation............................................................................................................................................11
3.1 BMC Configuration Installation for Windows.................................................................................11
3.1.1 Check before installation..........................................................................................................11
3.1.2 Start installation menu..............................................................................................................11
3.1.3 Install BMC Configuration...................................................................................................... 12
3.2 BMC Configuration Uninstallation for Windows............................................................................ 14
3.2.1 Check before uninstallation..................................................................................................... 14
3.2.2 Uninstall BMC Configuration ................................................................................................. 14
3.3 BMC Configuration Installation for Linux...................................................................................... 15
3.3.1 Check before installation......................................................................................................... 15
3.3.2 Copy and extract BMC Configuration installer....................................................................... 15
3.3.3 Install BMC Configuration...................................................................................................... 16
3.4 BMC Configuration Uninstallation for Linux................................................................................. 17
3.4.1 Check before installation......................................................................................................... 17
3.4.2 Uninstall BMC Configuration ................................................................................................. 17
4. Functions............................................................................................................................................. 18
4.1 Start procedure................................................................................................................................. 18
4.1.1 On Windows............................................................................................................................ 18
4.1.2 On Linux.................................................................................................................................. 19
4.1.3 On Off-line TOOL................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 BMC Configuration......................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.1 Network................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Service..................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2.3 User Account........................................................................................................................... 24
4.2.4 User ......................................................................................................................................... 25
4.2.5 Active Directory ...................................................................................................................... 26
4.2.6 Group....................................................................................................................................... 28
4.2.7 LDAP....................................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.8 Mail Alert................................................................................................................................. 30
4.2.9 SNMP Alert............................................................................................................................. 32
4.2.10 System Operation.................................................................................................................. 34
4.2.11 ECO...................................................................................................................................... 36
4.2.12 ECO Information.................................................................................................................. 38
4.2.13 Control.................................................................................................................................. 40
4.2.14 Miscellaneous ....................................................................................................................... 41
4.3 BIOS Configuration......................................................................................................................... 43
4.4 Battery Configuration...................................................................................................................... 45
4.4.1 Battery Pack Information......................................................................................................... 45
4.4.2 Battery Controller Information................................................................................................ 47
BMC Configuration User's Guide
4.4.3 Battery Controller
Configuration............................................................................................. 48
4.5 Backup............................................................................................................................................. 49
4.6 Restore............................................................................................................................................. 50
4.7 Clear BMC SEL .............................................................................................................................. 51
4.8 BMC Configuration Initialization.................................................................................................... 51
4.9 Reset BMC ...................................................................................................................................... 51
5. Functions for ft Server......................................................................................................................... 52
5.1 Start procedure................................................................................................................................. 52
5.1.1 On Windows............................................................................................................................ 52
5.1.2 On Off-line TOOL................................................................................................................... 53
5.2 BMC Configuration Setting............................................................................................................. 54
5.2.1 Network................................................................................................................................... 54
5.2.2 Service..................................................................................................................................... 57
5.2.3 User Account........................................................................................................................... 58
5.2.4 User ......................................................................................................................................... 59
5.2.5 Active Directory ...................................................................................................................... 60
5.2.6 Group....................................................................................................................................... 62
5.2.7 LDAP....................................................................................................................................... 63
5.2.8 Mail Alert................................................................................................................................. 64
5.2.9 SNMP Alert............................................................................................................................. 66
5.2.10 System Operation.................................................................................................................. 68
5.2.11 Control.................................................................................................................................. 70
5.2.12 Miscellaneous ....................................................................................................................... 71
5.3 Backup............................................................................................................................................. 73
5.4 Restore............................................................................................................................................. 74
5.5 BMC Initialization........................................................................................................................... 75
5.6 Reset BMC ...................................................................................................................................... 75
6. Functions for the highly parallel computing server............................................................................. 76
6.1 Start procedure................................................................................................................................. 76
6.1.1 On Linux.................................................................................................................................. 76
6.2 ESMPRO Management................................................................................................................... 77
7. Precautions for Use.............................................................................................................................. 78
7.1 BMC Configuration installation...................................................................................................... 78
7.2 HTTP / HTTPS settings................................................................................................................... 78
7.3 Redirection setting........................................................................................................................... 78
7.4 PEF setting and SNMP Alert setting................................................................................................ 78
7.5 Alert form BMC.............................................................................................................................. 78
7.6 Alert T est......................................................................................................................................... 78
7.7 ECO setting ..................................................................................................................................... 79
7.8 Management LAN setting ............................................................................................................... 79
7.9 Default setting ................................................................................................................................. 79
BMC Configuration User's Guide
NEC ESMPRO and EXPRESSBUILDER are trademarks of NEC Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and Windows Server are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. Red Hat is registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. and its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Novell, Novell logo, and SUSE are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other product, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective trademark owners.
Windows 2012 stands for Microsoft® Windows Server® 2012 Standard Edition operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2012 Datacenter operating system. Windows 2008 R2 stands for Microso ft® Windows Server® 2008 R2, Standard operating system, Microsoft® Windows Serv er® 2008 R2, Enterprise operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2, D atacenter operating system. Windows 2008 stands for Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard operating system, Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Enterprise operating system and Microsof t® Windows Server® 2008 Datacenter operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard 32-Bit operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Enterprise 32-Bit operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Datacenter 32-Bit operating system. Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions stands for Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 R2 , Standard x64 Edition Operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 R2, Enterp rise x64 Edition operating system, or Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Standard x64 Edition operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition operating system. Windows 2003 stands for Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 operating system and Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition.
BMC Configuration User's Guide
External Libraries which this product uses
This product contains libraries ("External Libraries") provided by the third party suppliers ("Suppliers"). Please assume and agree these libraries' license documents and NOTICE files before using this product. License documents and NOTICE files of "External Libraries" are stored in t he following folders. /bmc_config/doc/
If the "External Libraries" require to include their Source Code with this product, see the folder below. /bmc_config/src/
The libraries listed below are "External Libraries." Notwithstanding any of the terms in the Agreement or any other agreement you may have with NEC:
(a) "Suppliers" provide the libraries WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND and, such Suppliers
(b) In no event are the Suppliers liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or
consequential damages, including but not limited to lost data, lost savings, and lost profits, with respect to the External Libraries; and,
(c) NEC and the Suppliers are not liable to you, and will not defend, indemnify, or hold you harmless for
any claims arising from or related to the External Libraries.
The following are External Libraries and their Copyright.
libnewt, libslang : Copyright © 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. json-c : Copyright © 2004, 2005 Metaparadigm Pte. Ltd. zlib : Copyright © 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
(1) No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of NEC
(2) The contents of this document may be revised without prior notice. (3) The contents of this document shall not be copied or altered without the prior written permission o f NEC
(4) All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this document. If you notice
any part unclear, incorrect, or omitted in the document, contact your authorized NEC sales representative.
(5) NEC assumes no liability for damages arising from the use of this product, nor any liability for
incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this document regardless of (4).
BMC Configuration User's Guide

About this Document

This document explains the complete procedures from installation of "BMC Configuration" to setup of managed server.
Before attempting to operate BMC Configuration, read this document so as to gain an adequate understanding of the contents.
This document is intended for persons who are familiar with the operating system's functions and operations and the network's functions and setup. For operations and inquiries about the operating system, see its online help information.
This document covers universal information about generally managed servers. The notes and restrictions on use of each product as a managed server are explained in the user's guide provided with the managed server and "ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Setup guide".
Names used with screen images in this document are fictitious. They are unrelated to existing product names, names of organizations, or individual names. The setting values on the screen images are shown as examples, so setting values such as IP addresses on screen images are not guaranteed for operation.
In this document. "¥" expresses back slash.
About Symbols in This Document
The following explains three symbols that are used in this document:
Points or particular notes you must follow when handling software of servers. Points or notes you need to check when handling software or servers. Useful information.
BMC Configuration User's Guide

1. Summary

BMC Configuration is software that works on the managed server. It configures BMC on the managed server.

1.1 BMC Configuration Functions

1.1.1 NEC Express5800 series

BMC Configuration
You can specify the configurations to the managed server's BMC.
BIOS Configuration
You can configure the System BIOS settings on the managed server. The settings are effective by rebooting the server.
Battery Configuration
If the managed server is equipped with a battery, you can check and configure the information of the battery.
You can output the configurations on the managed server to files.
You can apply the configurations which are backed up in files on the managed server.
You can clear the SEL(System Event Log) information of BMC.
BMC Configuration Initialization
You can clear the configurations to the ex-factory settings.
Reset BMC
You can restart BMC without system rebooting.
System Information (Version Information)
The versions of BMC Firmware, Boot Firmware, Sensor Data Information (SDR) and System BIOS can be collected.
BMC Configuration User's Guide

1.1.2 NEC Express5800/ft Server

BMC Configuration
You can specify the configurations to the managed server's BMC.
You can output the settings of FRU/BIOS/BMC Configuration on the server to a file.
You can apply the FRU/BIOS/BMC settings which are backed up in files to BMC on the server.

1.1.3 NEC Express5800/HR120a-1 (The highly parallel computing server)

Setting for NEC ESMPRO Management
You can specify the authentication key to manage from NEC ESMPRO Manager to the managed server's BMC.
BMC Configuration User's Guide

2. System Requirements

2.1 Hardware

It needs to satisfy the following conditions.
Target System
NEC Express5800 Series and NEC Storage NS Series that integrates EXPRESSSCOPE Engine 3 NEC Express5800/HR120a-1 (The highly parallel computing server)
512MB or more
Availability of hard disk
100MB or more
ft Server (NEC Express5800/R320c-M4, R320c-E4 and R310c-E4) is supported by the
upper version from BMC Configuration for Windows Ver.1.20.
ECO CENTER (NEC Express5800/E120d-1, E120d- M and E110d-M) is supported by the
upper version from BMC Configuration for Windows Ver.1.21.
The highly parallel computing server (NEC Express5800 /HR120a-1) is supported by the
upper version from BMC Configuration for Linux Ver.1.31.

2.2 Operating System

Target OS is as follows.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2, Standard Edition/Enterprise Edition Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2, Standard/Enterprise x64 Edition Windows Server 20 0 8 Standard/Enterprise Windows Server 2008 Standard/Enterprise/Datacenter x64 Edition Windows Server 2008 R2, Standard/Enterprise/Datacenter Windows Server 2012 Standard/Datacenter
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform 5 (x86, x64) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5 (x86,x64) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 (x86, x64) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (SP3) (x86, x64)
You can not install BMC Configuration in the following case.
-- Installation on guest OS virtual of machine. The following packages are necessary to use BMC Configuration on Red Hat Enterprise
Linux Server 6(x64). If these are not installed, you need to install them from the install disc of operating system.
-- glibc i686
-- nss-softokn-freebl i686
-- libxml2 i686
-- zlib i686

2.3 Server Management Driver

On Linux, OpenIPMI Driver must be started to use BMC Configuration.
Use the following command to confirm that OpenIPMI Driver has been installed on Linux.
rpm -qa | grep -i OpenIPMI
If the OpenIPMI Driver is stopped, you need to start OpenIPMI Driver. You can confirm
the status of OpenIPMI Driver by the following command.
/etc/init.d/ipmi status
If "not loaded" is displayed after executing the above command, please start OpenIPMI
Driver by the following command.
/etc/init.d/ipmi start
And you can start OpenIPMI Dr iver automatically at the system booting to execute the
following command and reboot the operation system.
chkconfig ipmi on
BMC Configuration User's Guide

3. Installation

3.1 BMC Configuration Installation for Windows

Explain the installation of BMC Configuration.

3.1.1 Check before installation

Check the followings:
-- See chapter 2 to check the system requirement.
-- Login to Windows as Administrator.

3.1.2 Start installation menu

If you install BMC Configuration by using downloaded modules:
After unzipping the downloaded modules, please execute the following file. BMC Configuration installation will be started.
If you install BMC Configuration by using EXPRESSBUILDER
You can install BMC Configuration as follows:
(1) Insert EXPRESSBUILDER into the DVD drive on the managed server which Windows has started. Autorun Menu will be displayed.
If Autorun Menu does not launch, double-click ¥autorun¥dispatcher.exe from
EXPRESSBUILDER. (x64 Edition : dispatcher_x64.exe)
If the device selection window is displayed, select the device you are using.
(2) Click [Set up software]-[BMC Configuration]. BMC Configuration installation will be started.
Please refer to 7.1 BMC Configuration installation when you install it.
BMC Configuration User's Guide

3.1.3 Install BMC Configuration

(1) The BMC Configuration installer is started. Click [Next].
(2) Enter a folder name to install. Click [Next].
(3) Confirm the installation settings, and click [Next]. The installation is started.
After the installation is completed, BMC Configuration is available.
BMC Configuration User's Guide

3.2 BMC Configuration Uninstallation for Windows

Explain the uninstallation of BMC Configuration.

3.2.1 Check before uninstallation

Check the following:
-- Login to Windows as Administrator.

3.2.2 Uninstall BMC Configuration

Uninstall from the Windows menu [Control Panel] - [Add or Remove Programs]. Select [BMC Configuration] and click [Change/Remove] button. You can uninstall it by displayed direction.
Close the dialog box of BMC Configuration if it has been opened, and then uninstall
BMC Configuration.
BMC Configuration User's Guide

3.3 BMC Configuration Installation for Linux

Explain the installation of BMC Configuration.

3.3.1 Check before installation

Check the followings:
-- See chapter 2 to check the system requirement.
-- Login to Linux as root user.
BMC Configuration installer exists on following directory:
-- If you install by using downloaded modules: /bmc_config.
-- If you install by using EXPRESSBUILDER: <revision folder>/lnx/pp/bmc_config. As for <revision folder>, confirm the number in the parenthesis of the version displayed on the lower right of Autorun Menu. For example, if the version is "Version 6.10-0 20.05 (024)", then <revision folder> is 024.

3.3.2 Copy and extract BMC Configuration installer

Copy the BMC Configuration installer (all files in /bmc_config) into any directory on the managed server. The following is an example to copy into /usr/local/bin:
(1) Copy the all installer files to /usr/local/bin. It is shown example that files is copied from EXPRESSBUILDER to /use/local/bin directory . (The mount path is dependent on the OS. Specify the right path.)
cp -r /mnt/cdrom/001/lnx/pp/bmc_config /usr/local/bin
(2) Move to the directory containing the installer.
cd /usr/local/bin/bmc_config
(3) Extract the installer.
tar xzvf BMCConfiguration-N.NN-x.tgz
"N.NN" in the example file name means the version.
Please refer to 7.1 BMC Configuration installation when you install it.
BMC Configuration User's Guide

3.3.3 Install BMC Configuration

(1) Move to the directory that the installer was extracted.
cd /usr/local/bin/bmc_config/BMCConfiguration-N.NN-x
"N.NN" in the example directory name means the version.
(2) Execute the shell for the installation.
"N.NN" in the example file name means the version.
(3) A confirmation message of BMC Configuration installation is displayed. Input "yes" and "Enter" key. BMC Configuration is installed under /opt/nec/BMC_Configuration directory. If you input "no", the installation is not executed.
When the installation is completed, the following message is displayed. "The installation of BMC Configuration is now completed." After the installation is completed, BMC Configuration is available.
Don't delete the files that are used to install, because you will use them to uninstall.
BMC Configuration User's Guide

3.4 BMC Configuration Uninstallation for Linux

Explain the uninstallation of BMC Configuration.

3.4.1 Check before installation

Check the following:
-- Login to Linux as root user.

3.4.2 Uninstall BMC Configuration

(1) Move to the directory in which all installation files are copied.
cd /usr/local/bin/bmc_config/BMCConfiguration-N.NN-x
"N.NN" in the example directory name means the version.
(2) Execute the shell for uninstallation.
"N.NN" in the example file name means the version.
(3) A confirmation message of BMC Configuration uninstallation is displayed. Input "delete" and "Enter" key.
When the uninstallation is completed, the following message is displayed. "The uninstallation of BMC Configuration is now completed."
BMC Configuration User's Guide

4. Functions

This chapter describes the functions of BMC Configuration of if you use a standard server. Please refer to chapter 5 when you use ft Server. Please refer to chapter 6 when you use the highly parallel computing server (NEC Express5800/HR120a-1).

4.1 Start procedure

After the installation is completed, do the following operation as Administrator to open the main dialog box of BMC Configuration.
- Click "BMC_Configuration" - "BMC Configuration" from [s tart] on Windows
The following screen shows example.

On Windows

Battery Configuration is displayed when the managed server is equipped with a battery. Battery Configuration is supported the following ve rsion.
- BMC Configuration for Windows Ver.1.30 or later
Refer to the following to see BMC Configuration help information.
Click "BMC_Configuration" - "BMC Configuration Help"
from [start] on Windows.
BMC Configuration User's Guide

4.1.2 On Linux

After the installation is completed, do the following operation as root user to open the setting function of BMC Configuration.
Refer to the following to see BMC Configuration help information.
Open the setting of BMC Configuration and press F12 key on the screen displayed "[F12] help" at the bottom.

4.1.3 On Off-line TOOL

You can start the Off-line TOOL as follows.
(1) The following message is displayed on the bottom of POST screen.
Press<F2> SETUP, <F3> Internal flash memory, <F4> ROM Utility, <F12> Network
(2) Press F4 key on this screen. If F4 key is entered, Keyboard type selection screen is d isplayed after POST screen, and the Off-line TOOL menu is displayed after selecting keyboard type.
(3) Select BMC Configuration.
Off-line TOOL is integrated in the managed server by default. Refer to the following to see help information.
Start the tool and select Help menu, or press Home key or "?" key
on the screen displayed "[ Help:[Home or ?]]" at the bottom.
BMC Configuration User's Guide

4.2 BMC Configuration

This chapter explains all the BMC Configuration information items. Refer to set more detailed settings.
Explain the settings with the screen of BMC Configuration for Windows.

4.2.1 Network

This screen displays and sets the network environment of BMC.
BMC Configuration User's Guide
Item Description Default Value
Management LAN Management LAN setting Management
Connection Type Set and display the connection type of managed server. When
DHCP Determine whether to dynamically obtain an IP address from a
IP Address Set the BMC IP address of the managed server.*4
Set and display LAN port to communicate with BMC. You can modify this setting only on BMC Configuration of Off-line TOOL. *1 *2 Management LAN : LAN port for BMC exclusive use. Shared BMC LAN : LAN port of System (OS) is shared and used.
Management LAN is "Shared BMC LAN", you can modify this setting only on BMC Configuration of Off-line TOOL. *1 Auto Negotiation : Connecting by suitable setting. 100Mbps Full : Connecting by Full Duplex at speed of 100 Mbps. 100Mbps Half : Connecting by Half Duplex at speed of 100 Mbps. 10Mbps Full : Connecting by Full Duplex at speed of 10 Mbps. 10Mbps Half : Connecting by Half Duplex at speed of 10 Mbps. MAC Address is displayed.
DHCP server. If the item is set Enable and applied, BMC set the value obtained from DHCP server on "IP Address", "Subnet Mask" and "Default Gateway".
Management LAN
Auto Negotiation
Blade Server:
Enable Other server: Disable
BMC Configuration User's Guide
Item Description Default Value
Subnet Mask Set the Subnet Mask of the managed server. *3 *4 Default Gateway
Dynamic DNS Determine whether to enable/disable of Dynamic DNS. *5 Disable DNS Server Set the DNS Server. Host Name Set the Host Name. *6 *7 Blank Domain Name Set the Domain Name. *7 Blank Access Limitation Access Limitation setting
Limitation Type
IP Address Set the IP Address to allow or deny to access with BMC. *8 *9 Blank
Set the Default Gateway IP address of the managed server. *4
If you set this item, it is necessary for applying configuration information that the gateway is connected on network.
Select the Access Limitation Type. Allow All : Access to BMC is not limited. Allow Address : Set the IP Address that is allowed to access BMC. Deny Address : Set the IP Address that is limited to access BMC.
Allow All
*1: It is possible to set when the system supports change. *2: If you modify this setting, "Reset BMC" is necessary on some systems. When set to "Shared BMC LAN", the management LAN port is disabled. When set to "Shared BMC LAN", the network performance may be reduced because the data of both LANs must be transmitted or received. *3: When the Subnet Mask is wrong setting, error message, such as "Failed to apply configuration.", is displayed. *4: It is possible to set when DHCP is "Disable". *5: It is possible to set when DHCP is "Enable". *6: The length of Host Name must be less than 64 characters. Host Name will be truncated to 63 characters, if you input over 63 characters. *7: Host Name and Domain Name should be within total of 255 characters. *8: The range of IP address to "Allow" or "Deny" access is delimited by ",(Comma)". With regard to the setting of “Deny” access, "*(Asterisk)" can be described as a wild-card. (ex:
192.168.1.*,, *9: It is possible to set when Access Limitation Type is "Allowed Address" or "Denied Address". The length must be less than 255 characters.
BMC Configuration User's Guide

4.2.2 Service

This screen displays and sets the list of the service of BMC.
Item Description Default Value
Web Server Web Server setting HTTP Select Enable/Disable of HTTP. *1 Enable HTTP Port Set the HTTP Port. *2 *3 80 HTTPS Select Enable/Disable of HTTPS. Enable HTTPS Port Set the HTTPS Port. *2 *3 443 SSH SSH setting SSH Select Enable/Disable of SSH. Enable SSH Port Set the SSH Port. *2 *3 22
*1: If HTTP is set Enable, HTTPS is also set Enable automatically. You can not set HTTP alone to enable. *2: It is possible to set when each port is set to enable. *3: Each port number must not overlap.
BMC Configuration User's Guide

4.2.3 User Account

This screen displays and sets the users who use BMC. It is possible to register up to 12 users or less.
Item Description
User Account Displays a list of registered users. No The number allocated to user is displayed. User Name The user name is displayed. Privilege The privilege of the user is displayed. Edit Add or change user information. Delete Delete user information. *1
*1: It is possible to delete only for the existing user.
In Off-line Tool, you can delete user information at the next user settings screen.
BMC Configuration User's Guide

4.2.4 User

This screen sets the selected user.
Item Description Default Value
User User setting User Select Enable/Disable of User. *1 Enable User Name Set the User Name. *2 Blank Password Set the Password of the User. *3 Blank Confirm Password Set same character string as the Password. *3 Blank Privilege Select the privilege of the User. *4
Administrator Operator User
*1: It is possible to set only for the existing user. *2: It is possible to set less than 15 half-size alphanumeric characters, "-(minus sign)" and "_(underscore)". "-(minus sign)" can not use top character of User Name. "root", "null", "MWA", "AccessByEM-Poem" and already registered name in other number can not use. *3: It is possible to set less than 19 ASCII characters, except for " (space)", " "(quotation marks)", "&" , "?" , "=", "#" and "¥". *4: The privilege is as follows:
Privilege Description
Administrator Users who have an administrative account and are allowed to perform any
Operator Users who can operate the system, except session management, registration
of license, Remote KVM/Media, whole settings and update.
User General users who are only allowed to access the IPMI Information.
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