Front Cover .......................................................................................................................................................1
About This Document ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter1 About Command Line Interface.................................................................................................... 7
1.1 System Requirements........................................................................................................................ 7
1.2 How to Execute Commands.............................................................................................................. 8
1.2.1 Notes on Entering Commands............................................................................................... 8
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Windows Server 2003 stands for Windows Server® 2003, Standard Edition operating system, Windows
Server® 2003, Enterprise Edition operating system, Windows Server® 200 3, Standard x64 Edition operating
system, and Windows Server® 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition operating system.
Windows Server 2003 R2 stands for Windows Server® 2003 R2, Standard Edition operating system,
Windows Server® 2003 R2, Enterprise Edition operating system, Windows Server® 2003 R2, Standard x64
Edition operating system, and Windows Server® 2003 R2, Enterprise x64 Edition operating system.
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NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
About This Document
This document introduces command line interface of the component management utility "NEC ESMPRO
Before attempting to operate the command line interface, read this document so as to gain an adequate
understanding of the contents.
This document is intended for persons who are familiar with the operating system's functions and operations
and the network's functions and setup. For operations and inquiries about the operating system, see its online
help information.
This document covers universal information about generally managed components. The notes and restrictions
on use of each product as a managed component are explained in the user's guide provided with the managed
Names used with screen images in this document are fictitious. They are unrelated to existing product names,
names of organizations, or individual names. The setting values on the screen images are shown as examples,
so setting values such as IP addresses on screen images are not guaranteed for operation.
About Symbols in This Document
The following explains three symbols that are used in this document:
About Font in This Document
The Italic font shows the option of command in this document.
For other information about the NEC ESMPRO Manager
See the documents below.
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Installation Guide
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Setup Guide
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface User’s Guide for NEC ExpressUpdate
Points that are mandatory or require attention when using the software or the
Points that are require confirmation when using the software or the component.
Helpful and convenient piece of information.
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
Chapter1 About Command Line Interface
The NEC ESMPRO Manager command line interface provides a set of commands that can control managed
components through the command line from the management PC.
The set of commands covers a part of functions that can be executed by using the web browser.
The set of commands mainly enables to execute functions by communication with BMC or
NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension on the managed component. It does not support the
functions that require NEC ESMPRO Agent on the managed component.
The following commands are available:
Group management Commands
o operate a group due to operate more than one managed components through a single operation.
Use t
Component Manageme
Use to operate a managed component.
EM Card Management Commands
o operate an EM card.
Use t
Chassis Management Com
Use to operate a chassis.
Communication Management Commands
o change settings for connection to a managed component via modem or directly.
Use t
Environment Setting Commands
o view and change the settings of NEC ESMPRO Manager.
Use t
User Management Commands
o manage users who operate NEC ESMPRO Manager on web browser.
Use t
Other Commands
1.1 System Requirements
The NEC ESMPRO Manager command line interface can be executed only on a PC (called a Manager
server) that is installed the NEC ESMPRO Manager.
The NEC ESMPRO Manager command line interface requires following user level of operating system:
On Windows: Administrator
On Linux: root
In case of Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008, you need to set the
permission to access to the directory including Command Line Interface execution file
(dscli.exe). After setting the permission to access the directory, the standard user can also
use Command Line Interface.
See “NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Installation Guide” about the system requirement of
nt Commands
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
1.2 How to Execute Commands
To execute a command, enter the command following the command prompt as shown below.
dscli CommandName [Option, …]
dscli :
CommandName :
Option :
1.2.1 Notes on Entering Commands
This section explains notes on entering commands
(1) When entering special characters:
If you input null string or special characters as option , enclose the option parameter between double
quotation marks. The following shows examples:
MAC address that can be specified in “Component” of command option is the MAC address of LAN
that BMC uses on the managed component. Input MAC address as hexadecimal number that is
delimited to octets by a colon. The following shows an example:
You can enter the command format that MAC address or GUID is specified as Server
option after the “Check Connection” is performed for the server.
Indicates the NEC ESMPRO Manager command line interface command
Enter the name of the command you want to execute.
Enter the option parameters defined for each command
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
1.3 Execution Results
All the commands return the end status. If an error has occurred, they return an error message.
The end status of all the commands is as follows:
0 Normal end
Non Zero value Error end
If a command error occurs, a non-zero value will be returned as the end status and the erro r message will be
displayed. Some error messages are displayed followed by an error cause message
If a command is executed with a shell script, the end status can be confirmed with
"ERRORLEVEL" for Windows and "$?" for Linux.
1.4 Example
The procedure to manage a component via LAN is as follows:
(1) Creates a new component group using createGroup command.
Register a managed component using createServer command.
Perform a "Check Connection" for the managed component using checkConnection command.
ou can manage the managed component after "Check Connection" is completed.
1.5 Executing Command from Two or More Manager Server
As well as one component can be managed from two or more manager server, you can also execute command
from two or more manager server.
See “NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Installation Guide” about Notes.
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
Chapter2 Command Summary
2.1 Group management Commands
2.1.1 getList
dscli getList GroupName [/g] [/x]
Displays the list of groups and components registered under the specified group.
If no appending option is specified, displays the groups and components just under the specified group.
Specify the name of the group.
If you want to display the groups and components under root, specif y “root”.
Display only groups.
Display the list under the specified group or its sub-groups.
Shows the example that the groups and components have following structure.
group1 <GROUP>
group2 <GROUP>
group3 <GROUP>
group11 <GROUP>
group31 <GROUP>
group32 <GROUP>
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
Displays the list of groups and components. The following shows an example.
Specify the group name to create. You can input up to 63 characters.
Specify the name of the parent group when the group is made under the group.
If you create a group under root, specify “root” or omit this option.
The name of group that is already registered cannot be specified to GroupName
2.1.3 deleteGroup
dscli deleteGroup GroupName
Deletes a specified group. All managed components and sub-groups in the group are also deleted.
Specify the name of the group.
2.1.4 moveGroup
dscli moveGroup GroupName [ParentGroupName]
Move the specified group. All managed components and sub-groups in the group are also moved
Specify the name of group.
Specify the name of the parent group to move to.
If you move the group under root, specify “root” or omit this option.
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
2.1.5 setGroupProperty
dscli setGroupProperty GroupName PropertyName Value
Sets the property of a group.
Specify the name of group.
Specify the name of the group property. The following is group property list:
Specify a new value to be set. See the list below.
PropertyName Contents Value Default
Specify the name of the group. Up to 63
Enter the comments of the group. Up to 255
The name of group that is already registered cannot be specified to GROUP_NAME.
2.1.6 getGroupProperty
dscli getGroupProperty GroupName PropertyName
Displays the property of a group.
Specify the name of group.
Specify the name of group property. For th e list of group properties, see the 2.1.5 setGroupProperty
Display the property of a group.
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
2.1.7 getGroupStatus
dscli getGroupStatus GroupName
Displays the status of a specified component group. Among all component condition under the group,
displays the worst condition as a status of the group.
Confirms the condition of component by component monitoring function.
Specify the name of group.
Displays the status of the specified component group. There are following types of status.
UNKNOWN Unknown or connection error
NO_MONITORING Out of monitoring
Turns on all managed components in a specified group.
The managed components in the sub-group are also controlled.
In case that the managed component does not sup port a force network-boo t function which
boots the component from network regardless of boot order, a force network-boot function
cannot be executed. See “NEC ESMPRO Manager Managed Components Summary”
whether the managed component supports function.
This command is not executed for the PowerBay, the EM card, and the switch blade.
Specify the name of group.
If you want to control all the components under root, specify “root”.
Force boot from network after the power is turned on.
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
See 2.2.9 setServerProperty for server properties.
When you specify “/exs” option and the component name after it, the command is not executed on the
specified component. You can specify plural component names.
When you specify “/exg” option and the group name after it, the command is not executed on the
component under the specified group. You can specify plural group names.
If error has occurred, the name and the error message about each error-occurred managed component is
The following shows an example.
: Connection to the server could not be made. (Timeout)
: Connection to the server could not be made. (Authentication error)
Forcibly turns off all managed components in a specified group.
The managed components in the sub-group are also controlled.
Since remote power control using NEC ESMPRO Manager is provided by hardware
regardless of the condition of operating system on the managed component, the system may
be damaged. Be careful when you perform remote power control. Reconfirm the status of
the managed component before power controls.
This command is not executed for the PowerBay, the EM card, and the switch blade.
Specify the name of group.
If you want to control all the components under root, specify “root”.
When you specify “/exs” option and the component name after it, the command is not executed on the
specified component. You can specify plural component names.
When you specify “/exg” option and the group name after it, the command is not executed on the
component under the specified group. You can specify plural group names.
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
If error has occurred, the name and the error message about each error-occurred managed component is
The following shows an example.
: Connection to the server could not be made. (Timeout)
: Connection to the server could not be made. (Authentication error)
Forcibly resets all managed components in a specified group.
The managed components in the sub-group are also controlled.
Since remote power control using NEC ESMPRO Manager is provided by hardware
regardless of the condition of operating system on the managed component, the system may
be damaged. Be careful when you perform remote power control. Reconfirm the status of
the managed component before power controls.
In case that the managed component does not sup port a force network-boo t function which
boots the component from network regardless of boot order, a force network-boot function
cannot be executed. See “NEC ESMPRO Manager Managed Components Summary”
whether the managed component supports function.
This command is not executed for the PowerBay, the EM card, and the switch blade.
Specify the name of group.
If you want to control all the components under root, specify “root”.
Force boot from network after reset.
See 2.2.9 setServerProperty for server properties.
When you specify “/exs” option and the component name after it, the command is not executed on the
specified component. You can specify plural component names.
When you specify “/exg” option and the group name after it, the command is not executed on the
component under the specified group. You can specify plural group names.
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
If error has occurred, the name and the error message about each error-occurred managed component is
The following shows an example.
: Connection to the server could not be made. (Timeout)
: Connection to the server could not be made. (Authentication error)
Forcibly turns off all managed components in a specified group and then turns them on.
The managed components in the sub-group are also controlled.
Since remote power control using NEC ESMPRO Manager is provided by hardware
regardless of the condition of operating system on the managed component, the system may
be damaged. Be careful when you perform remote power control. Reconfirm the status of
the managed component before power controls.
In case that the managed component does not sup port a force network-boo t function which
boots the component from network regardless of boot order, a force network-boot function
cannot be executed. See “NEC ESMPRO Manager Managed Components Summary”
whether the managed component supports function.
This command is not executed for the PowerBay, the EM card, and the switch blade.
Specify the name of group.
If you want to control all the components under root, specify “root”.
Force boot from network after the power is turned on.
When you specify “/exs” option and the component name after it, the command is not executed on the
specified component. You can specify plural component names.
When you specify “/exg” option and the group name after it, the command is not executed on the
component under the specified group. You can specify plural group names.
See 2.2.9 setServerProperty for server properties.
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
If error has occurred, the name and the error message about each error-occurred managed component is
The following shows an example.
: Connection to the server could not be made. (Timeout)
: Connection to the server could not be made. (Authentication error)
Shut downs operating systems on all managed components in a specified group.
The managed components in the sub-group are also controlled.
This command via LAN instructs the NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension service to shutdown the operating
If you specify “/force” option, this command executes the forced shutdown OS function without
communication to the NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension or the NEC ESMPRO Agent.
You need to specify “/force” option if the connection is via LAN or direct.
This command is not executed for the PowerBay, the EM card, and the switch blade.
Specify the name of group.
If you want to control all the components under root, specify “root”.
If you specify “/force” option, this command executes the forced shutdown OS function. This shutdown
may not work depending on the kind of OS or the OS settings.
When you specify “/exs” option and the component name after it, the command is not executed on the
specified component. You can specify plural component names.
When you specify “/exg” option and the group name after it, the command is not executed on the
component under the specified group. You can specify plural group names.
If error has occurred, the name and the error message about each error-occurred managed component is
The following shows an example.
: Connection to the component could not be made. (Timeout)
: Connection to the component could not be made. (Authentication error)
Changes the power option that specifies working of managed components in a specified group when they are
turned AC ON.
The managed components in the sub-group are also controlled.
The power option includes AC-LINK policy and the time that delays Power ON (DC ON) when the managed
component is set to be turned DC ON in time with AC ON.
In case that the managed component does not support a setting of power restore delay, this
command is invalid. See “NEC ESMPRO Manager Managed Components Summary”
whether the managed component supports the function.
This command is not executed for the PowerBay, the EM card, and the switch blade.
Specify the name of group.
If you want to control all the components under root, specify “root”.
AAA–600 Set the delay time from turning on AC to turning on DC.
* AAA is the minimum value of the delay time of the components.
-1 Set “-1” if you do not change the delay time from turning on AC to turning on DC.
RANDOM Set “RANDOM” if you change the delay time from turning on AC to turning on DC to
random settng.
* If the component supports random setting, the random setting can be specified.
/x Policy
Set AC-Link Policy. There are 3 types of the policy.
STAY_OFF The managed component remains OFF when AC power is restored.
LAST_STATEIf the managed component is OFF when AC power is lost, the managed component
remains OFF when AC power is restored.
If the managed component is ON, when AC power is lost, the managed component
turns ON after the delay time when AC power is restored.
POWER_ONThe managed component turns ON after the delay time when AC power is restored.
When you specify “/exs” option and the component name after it, the command is not executed on the
specified component. You can specify plural component names.
When you specify “/exg” option and the group name after it, the command is not executed on the
component under the specified group. You can specify plural group names.
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
If error has occurred, the name and the error message about each error-occurred managed component is
The following shows an example.
: Connection to the component could not be made. (Timeout)
: Connection to the component could not be made. (Authentication error)
2.1.14 getGroupRemoteKvmLicense
dscli getGroupRemoteKvmLicense GroupName
Displays the state of “Remote KVM and Media License” for each managed components in a specified group.
The managed components in the sub-group are also displayed.
Specify the name of group.
If you want to control all the components under root, specify “root”.
The following are states of “Remote KVM and Media License”.
Installed “Remote KVM and Media License” has been installed.
Not Installed “Remote KVM and Media License” has not been installed.
Unsupported “Remote KVM and Media License” is not supported for the component.
- The state of “Remote KVM and Media License” is unknown.
Displays the name list of all managed components registered on NEC ESMPRO Manager.
If you specify “/d” option, the managed components list will indicate component name, GUID and
MAC address of LAN port that BMC uses of each component. Added information below is also
EXPRESSSCOPE Engine series BMC is EXPRESSSCOPE Engine series.
ARMC : BMC is Advanced Remote Management Card.
SWB : indicates that the managed component is a kind of switch blade.
Displays the name list of all managed components registered on NEC ESMPRO Manager. The following
shows an example.
Displays the name of the managed component. The following shows an example.
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
2.2.4 findNewServer
dscli findNewServer StartIpAddr EndIpAddr
Finds BMC on managed components that are not registered on NEC ESMPRO Manager according to IP
address range specification.
To register the managed component that is found using findNewServer command or
findNewServerNetAddr command, you can use createServer command. See 2.2.6
Specify the start address of IP address range.
Specify the end address of IP address range.
Displays the list of the found managed components. The following shows an example.
1st IP Address :
2nd IP Address :
Current IP Address :
IPMI Version : 1.5
GUID : 84ee20b0:84a1:d511:0080:a0ff94470300
1st IP Address :
2nd IP Address :
Current IP Address :
IPMI Version : 1.5
GUID : 00004c79:45c0:0180:0010:f57f80d8cef8
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
2.2.5 findNewServerNetAddr
dscli findNewServerNetAddr NetAddr NetMask
Finds BMC on managed components that are not registered on NEC ESMPRO Manager according to
Network address specification.
To register the managed component that is found using findNewComponent command or
findNewServerNetAddr command, you can use createServer command. See 2.2.6
Specify network address.
Specify network mask.
Displays the list of the found managed components same as the output by “f indNewServer ” command. See
Newly registers a managed component on the NEC ESMPRO Manager.
Specify the name of the managed component. You can input up to 63 characters.
Specify the name of group that the managed component belongs to.
Specify the authentication key that is configured on BMC. You can input up to 16 characters.
Specify the IP address of the managed component's BMC. This option is omissible if you control the
managed component via modem or with direct connection.
Specify the extra IP address of the managed component's BMC. This option is omissible.
The name of component that is already registered cannot be specified to ComponentName.
The IP address that is already registered cannot be specified to IpAddr1and IpAddr2.
Set other properties using 2.2.9 setServerProperty command.
NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 Command Line Interface
2.2.7 deleteServer
dscli deleteServer Component [/force]
Deletes the specified managed component that is registered on the NEC ESMPRO Manager.
Specify the name, the MAC address of LAN port that BMC uses, or the GUID of the managed
When you delete the managed component that has been set schedule runn ing, the schedule is deleted
from NEC ESMPRO Agent Extension. But if the schedule deletion is failed (such as NEC ESMPRO
Agent Extension is uninstalled), the component cannot be deleted. In this case you can specify “/force ”
option to delete component forcibly.
2.2.8 checkConnection
dscli checkConnection Component [/force]
Confirms connection with BMC on a managed component. This command also collects information for
remote control of the managed component.
Specify the name, the MAC address of LAN port that BMC uses, or the GUID of the managed
Execute the command with "/force" option if the managed component is replaced.
If NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 manage NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.4, and the “/force”
option is specified, NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.5 may connect with different component
in communication with NEC ESMPRO Manager Ver.4 and BMC communication.
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