NEC Express5800-R120d-2E SR, Express5800-R120d-1E Installation Guide

NEC Express Server Express5800 Series
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E
EXP480A, 481A Installation Guide (Windows)
Model Number: R120d-1E N8100-1954F/1955F/1956F R120d-2E N8100-1950F/1951F/1952F/1953F
Chapter 1 Installing Windows Chapter 2 Installing the Bundled Software
© NEC Corporation 2012

Documents Provided with This Product

Documents Provided with This Product
Documents for this product are provided as accompanying booklets ( ) and as electronic manuals ( within EXPRESSBUILDER DVD (
Precautions for Use
Getting Started
Describes points of caution to ensure the safe use of this server.
Read these cautions before using this server.
Describes how to use this server, from unpacking to operations. Refer to this guide as you begin for an overview of this server.
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: General Description Overviews, names, and functions of the server’s parts
Chapter 2: Preparations Installation of additional options, connection of periphera l devices,
and ideal location for this server
Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Server System BIOS configurations and summary of EXPRESSBUILDER
Chapter 4: Appendix Specifications and other information
) stored
Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1: Installing Windows Installation of Windows and drivers, and important information for
Chapter 2: Installing the Bundled
Maintenance Guide
Chapter 1: Maintenance Server maintenance and troublesho oting
Chapter 2: Convenient Features Useful features and the detail of system BIOS settings, RAID
Other documents
Provides the detail of NEC ESMPRO, Universal RAID Utility, and the other features.
installation Installation of bundled software, such as NEC ESMPRO and
Universal RAID Utility
Configuration Utility, and EXPRESSBUILDER
Chapter 3: Appendix Error messages and Windows Event Logs
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)


Documents Provided with This Product............................................................................................................2
Notations Used in This Document.....................................................................................................................6
Notations used in the text..............................................................................................................................6
Optical disk drives.........................................................................................................................................6
Hard disk drives ............................................................................................................................................6
Removable media.........................................................................................................................................6
Abbreviations of Operating Systems (Windows)...........................................................................................7
Regulatory Notices..............................................................................................................................................9
Warnings and Additions to This Document....................................................................................................10
Latest editions.............................................................................................................................................10
Installing Windows ............................................................................................................................................... 11
1. Before Starting Setup..................................................................................................................................12
1.1 Starting EXPRESSBUILDER...........................................................................................................12
1.2 Supported Windows OS...................................................................................................................13
1.3 Service Pack Support ......................................................................................................................14
1.4 Mass Storage Controllers Supported by EXPRESSBUILDER .........................................................15
1.5 When Using a Mass Storage Controller Not Supported by EXPRESSBUILDER...................................................16
2. Setting Up the Operating System................................................................................................................17
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2..........................................................................................................18
3.1 Before Starting Setup.......................................................................................................................18
3.2 Setting Up of Pre-installed Model ....................................................................................................23
3.2.1 Before Starting Setup (Status at purchase)........................................................................23
3.2.2 Setup Procedure................................................................................................................24
3.3 Setup with EXPRESSBUILDER.......................................................................................................27
3.3.1 Setup flow..........................................................................................................................28
3.3.2 Requirements for Setup.....................................................................................................29
3.3.3 Setup procedure................................................................................................................30
3.4 Setup with OS Standard Installer.....................................................................................................42
3.4.1 Setup flow..........................................................................................................................43
3.4.2 Requirements for Setup.....................................................................................................44
3.4.3 Setup procedure................................................................................................................45
3.5 Installing Starter Pack......................................................................................................................59
3.5.1 When using EXPRESSBUILDER DVD..............................................................................59
3.5.2 When using Internal Flash Memory...................................................................................61
3.6 Setting Up Device Drivers................................................................................................................67
3.6.1 Installing the LAN and BACS (teaming) drivers.................................................................67
3.6.2 Setting up LAN drivers.......................................................................................................68
3.6.3 Setting up team/LiveLink ...................................................................................................70
3.6.4 Graphics accelerator driver................................................................................................80
3.6.5 When using a SAS controller (N8103-104A/142)...............................................................81
3.6.6 When using a RAID Controller (N8103-160)......................................................................81
3.6.7 When using a Fibre Channel controller (N8190-153/154)..................................................81
3.7 Installing the Bundled Software........................................................................................................82
3.8 License Authentication.....................................................................................................................83
3.9 Applying Service Pack.....................................................................................................................85
3.10 Installation When Multiple Logical Drives Exist................................................................................86
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
4. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 ...............................................................................................................88
4.1 Before Starting Setup........................................................................................
4.2 Setup with EXPRESSBUILDER......................................................................................................
Setup flow...........................................................................................
4.2.2 Requirements for Setup......................................................................
Setup procedure.................................................................................
Setup with OS Standard Installer......................................................................
Setup flow...........................................................................................
4.3.2 Requirements for Setup......................................................................
4.3.3 Setup procedure..............................................................................................................
Installing Starter Pack.......................................................................................
4.4.1 When using EXPRESSBUILDER DVD............................................................................126
When using Internal Flash Memory ....................................................
4.5 Setting Up Device Drivers......................................................................................................
4.5.1 Installing the LAN and BACS (teaming) drivers ..................................
4.5.2 Setting up LAN drivers.....................................................................................................
4.5.3 Setting up team/LiveLink ....................................................................
4.5.4 Graphics accelerator driver..............................................................................................149
When using a SAS controller (N8103-104A/142)................................
4.5.6 When using a RAID Controller (N8103-160).......................................
When using a Fibre Channel controller (N8190-153/154)...................
4 .............................151
Specifying PAE Option......................................................................................
4 .............................152
.7 Installing the Bundled Software.........................................................................
4.8 License Authentication.........................................................................................................
Applying Service Pack......................................................................................
4.10 Installation When Multiple Logical Drives Exist.................................................
S .............................159
etting Up Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 Edition........................................................
5. .1
5 B .............................159
efore Starting Setup........................................................................................
5 .............................162
.2 Setup with OS Standard Installer ......................................................................
Setup flow...........................................................................................
5 .............................164
.2.2 Requirements for Setup......................................................................
5 ..
.2.3 Setup procedure...............................................................................
5 .............................175
.3 In
stalling Starter Pack.......................................................................................
5 21411...................176
Procedures for applying Starter Pack and Windows x64 hotfix (KB) 9
5 .............................187
.3.2 Recovery process...............................................................................
5 .............................188
.4 Setting Up Device Drivers.................................................................................
5 .............................188
Installing the LAN and BACS (teaming) drivers..................................
5.4.2 Setting up LAN drivers........................................................................
Setting up team/LiveLink ....................................................................
5.4.3 .4.4
5 .............................202
When using a SAS controller (N8103-104A/142)................................
5 .............................202
When using a RAID Controller (N8103-160).......................................
5 .............................203
.4.6 Graphics accelerator driver.................................................................
5 I .............................204
.5 nstalling the Bundled Software.........................................................................
5 L .............................205
icense Authentication......................................................................................
5 .............................206
Installation When Multiple Logical Drives Exist.................................................
6. Setting Up Windows Server 2003 ................................................................................
Before Starting Setup.....................................................................................................................207
6.2 Setup with EXPRESSBUILDER........................................................................
Setup flow...........................................................................................
6.2.2 Requirements for Setup......................................................................
6. 213
Setup procedure..............................................................................................................
6.3 Setup with OS Standard Installer...................................................................................................225
6.3.1 Setup flow........................................................................................................................226
6.3.2 Requirements for Setup...................................................................................................227
6.3.3 Setup procedure..............................................................................................................228
6.4 Installing Starter Pack....................................................................................................................238
6.4.1 Procedure to apply Windows Server 2003 hotfix: KB921411...........................................239
6.4.2 Recovery process............................................................................................................250
6.5 Setting Up Device Drivers..............................................................................................................251
6.5.1 Installing the LAN and BACS (teaming) drivers...............................................................251
6.5.2 Setting up LAN drivers.....................................................................................................253
6.5.3 Setting up team/LiveLink .................................................................................................254
6.5.4 Graphics accelerator driver..............................................................................................266
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
6 ..
.5.5 When using a SAS controller (N8103-104A/142).............................. .............................266
.5.6 When using a RAID Controller (N8103-160).......................................
6 S .............................267
.6 pecifying PAE Option......................................................................................
6 I .............................268
.7 nstalling the Bundled Software.........................................................................
6 .............................269
.8 License Authentication......................................................................................
6 R .............................270
einstallation When Multiple Logical Drives Exist ............................................
7. S fo .............................272
etup r Solving Problems..........................................................................................
7 S .............................272
pecifying Memory Dump Settings (Debug Information) ..................................
7 .............................272
For Windows Server 2008 R2 .............................................................
7 .............................274
.1.2 For Windows Server 2008 ..................................................................
7 .............................276
.1.3 For Windows Server 2003..................................................................
7 H .............................278
.2 ow to Create a User-mode Process Dump File..............................................
For Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008..................
7.2.2 For Windows Server 2003 (setting up Dr. Watson).............................
7 .............................280
.3 Installing Network Monitor.................................................................................
For Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008..................
7.3.2 For Windows Server 2003 ...............................................................................................281
W .............................282
8. indows OS Parameter File........................................................................................
8 .............................282
.1 reating Winodws OS Parameter File..............................................................
8 .............................283
How to create a parameter file............................................................
li .............................292
Instal ng the Bundled Software............................................................................................
B .............................293
undled Software for the Server ..............................................................................
1 N .............................293
EC ESMPRO Agent (for Windows) ................................................................
1 N .............................294
EC ESMPRO Agent Extension.......................................................................
1 B .............................294
.3 MC Configuration ...........................................................................................
1 N .............................294
.4 EC ExpressUpdate Agent...............................................................................
1 U .............................295
niversal RAID Utility .......................................................................................
Setup of Universal RAID Utility ...........................................................
1.5.2 Management by NEC ESMPRO Manager..........................................
1.6 ....297
NEC Product Info Collection Utility ............................................................................................
1.6.2 Uninstallation......................................................................................
2. B d .............................298
undle Software to be applied to PC for Management .........................................................
2 N .............................298
EC ESMPRO Manager...................................................................................
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)

Notations Used in This Document

Notations Used in This Document
Not oati uns sed in the text
ddition to safety-related symbols urging caution, 3 other types of notations are u
In a sed in this document. These notations have the following meanings.
Important Indicates critical items that must be followed when handling the server or operating software.
If the procedures described are not followed, server failure, data loss
malfunctions could occur. N te Indicates items that must be confirmed when handling the server or opeo rating software. T s Indicates information that is helpful to keep in mind when using this servi erp .
Optical k dis drives

Thi server is equipped with one of the following drives, depending on the order at the tis me of purchase. These drives are referred to as optical disk drives in this document.

DVD-ROM driveDVD Super MULTI drive
, and other serious

Hard disk drives

Unless otherwise stated, hard disk drives (HDD) described in this document refer to the following.
Hard disk drives (HDD)Solid state drive (SSD)

Removable media

Unless otherwise stated, removable media described in this document refer to the following.
USB memoryFlash FDD
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)

Abbreviations of Operating Systems (Windows)

Windows Operating Systems are referred to as follows.
Refer to Chapter 1 (1.2 Supported Windows OS) for detailed information.
Notations in this document Official names of Windows
Wi rvndows Se er 2008 R2
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
Notations Used in This Document
Wi s Server 200
ndow 8 *1
W ndows Server 2003 R2 x64 Edition
Windows Server 2003 R2 *2
indows Server 2003 *2
W ndows 7
Windows Vista
indows XP
Windows PE *3 Windows Preinstallation Environment
*1: es 64-bit and 3 2-bit Editions unless otherwise stated.
Includ The following appears
Windows Server 2008 Standard Windows Server 2008 Enterp Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard x64 Edition Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise x64 Edition Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Windows Server 2003 Standard Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Windows 7 Professional 64-bit(x64) Edition Windows 7 Professional 32-bit(x86) Edition Windows Vista Business 64-bit(x64) Edition Windows Vista Business 32-bit(x86) Edition Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Windows XP Professional
Windows Server 2008 64-bit Edition: W indows Server 2008 x64 Windows Server 2008 32-bit Edition: W indows Server 2008 x86
*2: Unless otherw
Windows Se
*3: Used as an installation platform only.
ise stated, Windows Server 2003 R2 and Windows Server 2003 are collectively referred to as
rver 2003.
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)


EXPRESSSCOPE are registered trademarks of NEC Corporation. Microsoft, Wind rks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countri registered trademarks of Intel Corporation of the United States. AT is a registered of International Business Machines Cor Adaptec, its logo, and SCSI Select are registered aptec, Inc. of the United States. LSI and the LSI logo design are trad demarks of LSI Corporation. Adob Adobe Systems Incorporated. DLT and DL United States. PCI Express is a trademark of Peripheral Compon rconnect Special Interest Group. Linux is a tr Torvalds in Japan and other countries. Red Hat® and Red Hat Enterprise Linux are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the United States
All other product, brand, or trade names trad emarks or registered trademarks of their respective trademark
ows, Windows Server, Windows Vista, and MS-DOS are registered tradema
es. Intel, Pentium, and Xeon are
trademark poration of the United States and other countries.
trademarks or trademarks of Ad
emarks or registered tra e, the Adobe logo, and Acrobat are trademarks of
Ttape are trademarks of Quantum Corporation of the
ent Inte ademark or registered trademark of Linus
and other countries.
used in this publication are the
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)

Regulatory Notices

Regulatory Notices
FCC Stat ement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Industry Canada Class A Emission Compliance S tatement
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Avis de conformité à la réglementation d'Industrie Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
CE / Australia and New Zealand Statement
This is a Class A product. In domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures (EN55022).
BSMI Stat ement
Disposing of your used product
In the European Union
EU-wide legislation as implemented in each Member State requires that used electrical and electronic products carrying the mark (left) must be disposed of separately from normal household waste. This includes Information and Communication Technology (ICT) equipment or electrical accessories, such as cables or DVDs. When disposing of used products, you should comply with applicable legislation or agreements you may have. The mark on the electrical and electronic products only applies to the current European Union Member States.
Outside the European Union
If you wish to dispose of used electrical and electronic products outside the European Union, please contact your local authority and ask for the correct method of disposal.
Turkish RoHS information relevant for Turkish market EEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)

Warnings and Additions to This Document

Warnings and Additions to This Document
1. Unauthorized reproduction of the contents of this document, in part or in its prohibited.
2. The contents of this document may change without prior notice.
3. Do not make copies or alter the document content without permission fro
4. E
very effort has been made to ensure the completeness of this document. However, if you
have any concerns, or discover errors or omissions, please contact your retailer.
5. Regardless of these 4 items, NEC Corporation assumes no responsibility from opera
The sample values used in this document are not the actual values.
Keep this document nearby so that you may refer to it as necessary.

Latest editions

This document was created based on the information messages and procedures may differ from the actu appropriate when content has been modified.
entirety, is
m NEC Corporation.
for effects resulting
available at the time of its creation. The screen images,
al screens, messages and procedures.
Substitute as
The most recent version of User’s Guide, as well as other related docum ents, is also available for download from the following website.
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
NEC Express5800 Series Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E
Installing Windows
This chapter describes how to install Windows. Read through this chapter to set up the system correctly.
1. Before Starting Setup
Describes the Service Packs and mass storage controllers that support EXPRESSBUILDER supplied with this product.
2. Setting Up the Operating System
Describes the flow chart of setting up the operating system.
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2
Describes how to set up Windows Server 2008 R2.
4. Setting Up Windows Server 2008
Describes how to set up Windows Server 2008.
5. Setting Up Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 Edition
Describes how to set up Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 Edition.
6. Setting Up Windows Server 2003
Describes how to set up Windows Server 2003.
7. Setting Up for Solving Problems
Describes the features that must be set up in advance so that the server can recov er from any trouble immediately and precisely.
8. Windows OS Parameter File Describes how to set up the operating system by using the parameter file.
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows

1. Before Starting Setup

Before Starting Setup
This section describes the points of using EXPRESSBUILDER (contained in this product) to set up Windows operating systems.


Use the attached EXPRESSBUILDER to reconfigure the RAID System or re-install the OS.
If you have purchased your server by BTO and orde red to i ns tall Win dows, a COA (Certificate of Authenticity) label that describes your product ke y is stuck on your server.
The product key is required when setting up or re-installing the OS. Do n ot intentionally peel off or damage the label. The product key cannot be reissued in any occasion. It is recommended t o take a note o f product k ey and store it carefully with other accessories.
Start EXPRESSBUILDER by either of the following two ways according to the media in which the EXPRESSBUILDER is stored. Refer to Chapter 2 (5. Details of EXPRESSBUILDER) in the Maintenance Guide for more information.
With the pre-installation model, you do not need to start the EXPRESSBUILDER.
Insert the DVD to the optical disk drive of the server, and then reboot by turning off and on the server or by pressing <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <Delete> keys.
Internal Flash Memory (optional)
Press <F3> key when the following message appears on POST screen. At this time, be sure to re move a bootable disc from the optical disk drive.
Press <F2> Setup, <F3> Internal Flash Memory, <F4> ROM Utility, <F12> Network
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
1. Before Starting Setup

Supported Windows OS

EXPRESSBUILDER supports the following editions of Windows operating systems: See the next section (1.3 Service Pack Support) for Service Pack.
Name of Windows OS Supported
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 Edition
Windows Server 2003 R2
Windows Server 2003
Supported Not Supported
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Windows Server 2008 Standard Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard x64 Edition Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise x64 Edition Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Windows Server 2003 Standard Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
       
 
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
1. Before Starting Setup

Service Pack Support

The following combination of operating system installation media and Service Packs are supported by EXPRESSBUILDER.
Service Pack Windows Server 2008 R2
Service Pack 1 Included NO Service Pack + Service Pack 1 NO Service Pack
Service Pack Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 Included NO Service Pack + Service Pack 2 NO Service Pack
Service Pack Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 Edition
  
  
Service Pack 2 Included NO Service Pack + Service Pack 2 NO Service Pack
Service Pack Windows Server 2003 R2
Service Pack 2 Included NO Service Pack + Service Pack 2 NO Service Pack
Supported Not Supported
 
 
You can install the Service Pack on the server. When the Service Pack is not attached to your system, prepare it by yourself.
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
1. Before Starting Setup

Mass Storage Controllers Supported by EXPRESSBUILDER

The table below lists the controllers for this server, supported by the supplied EXPRESSBUILDER.
If an optional board not mentioned below is connected, set it up while referring to the instructions supplied with the board and Chapter 1 (1.5 When Using a Mass Storage Controller Not Supported by EXPRESSBUILDER).
Windows Server
2008 R2
Windows Server
Windows Server
2003 R2 x64 Edition
Windows Server
RAID Controllers supporting EXPRESSBUILDER OS installation
Onboard RAID Controller
(LSI Embedded MegaRAID)
N8103-149 RAID Controller
(512MB, RAID 0/1)
N8103-150 RAID Controller
(512 MB RAID 0/1/5/6)
N8103-151 RAID Controller
(1GB, RAID 0/1/5/6)
Other options
N8103-104A SAS controller
N8103-142 SAS controller N8103-160 RAID controller
(1GB, RAID 0/1/5/6)
N8190-153 Fibre Channel controller
(1 ch)
N8190-154 Fibre Channel controller
(2 ch)
 
* *
* *
: Supported by EXPRESSBUILDER * : Supported by accessory of optional board
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
1. Before Starting Setup

When Using a Mass Storage Controller Not Supported by EXPRESSBUILDER

To install the Windows when using a mass storage controller not supported by EXPRESSBUILDER (such as the newest RAID controller), follow the steps below.
You do not need to perform the following instructions usually.
1. Have the instructions for the mass storage controller ready.
2. If you use a RAID controller, follow the controller instructions to configure the RAID s ystem.
3. If you want to set up by using EXPRESSBUILDER, go to Step 4.
Refer to (Setup with OS standard installer) section of each OS and click [Skip] in RAID settings.
5. Select Configure EXPRESSBUILDER settings from Top Menu, and then select Load a driver into EXPRESSBUILDER. Next, click [Next]. Insert the media in which the driver for the mass storage controller is copied, select the destination, and then click [Perform].
If the contents of this document differ from that of the mass storage controller, prioritize the contents of the controller ’s document.
6. Setup the server according to "Setup with EXPRESSBUILDER" for each OS.
Click [Skip] in RAID settings.  Confirm that Apply drivers for mass storage co ntroller appears under Selected applications in
Application settings.
By selecting this option, the driver supplied by the CD-ROM or removable media is loaded, and you can proceed with the EXPRESSBUILDER setup.
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows

2. Setting Up the Operating System

Setting Up the Operating System
See the figure below to find a section appropriate to your OS installation.
Is the first setup after purcha se?
Hard disk drive status at purchase
Execute Setup with EXPRESSBUILDER?
Not installed
Setup of Pre-installed Model
Windows Server 2008 R2
Chapter 1 (3.3)
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2003 R2
Setup for solving problems
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 Edition
Windows Server 2003
Chapter 1 (3.3)
Chapter 1 (4.3) Chapter 1 (6.3)
Chapter 1 (7)
Setup with OS standard installer
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 Edition
Windows Server 2003 R2
Chapter 1 (3.4)
Chapter 1 (4.4)
Chapter 1 (5.2)
Chapter 1 (6.4)
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows

3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2

Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2
Set up Windows Server 2008 R2.

Before Starting Setup

Read through the cautions explained here before starting setup.
: Setting up of Pre-installed model
: Confirm during Setup with EXPRESSBUILDER
: Confirm during Setup with OS standard installer
Setup Items to confirm
Windows family
The following editions of the Windows Server 2008 R2 family may be installed.
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
Inquiries about installing other editions may be made at your sales representative. For information about Service Packs, refer to Chapter 1 (1.3 Service Pack Support).
Hardware configuration
The following hardware configurations require special procedures.
Reinstalling to a mirrored volume
Disable the mirroring and reset to the basic disk. After installation, enable the mirroring again.
Use [Computer Management] – [Disk Management] to create, disable, or remove the mirrored volume.
Peripheral devices such as RDX/MO
Remove an MO device before installing an OS. Some peripheral devices nee d to be halted before installation. Refer to the manual provided with the peri pher a l devices for how to set a device appropriate to installation.
DAT, LTO, and similar media
Do not set media that is unnecessary to installation during setup.
Reinstalling to hard disk drives that have been upgraded to dynamic disks
If the hard disk drive has been upgraded to a dynamic disk, the operating system cannot be reinstalled to it with the existing partitions.
Set up the operating system with the OS standard installer.
Connecting to multiple hard disk drives (logical drives)
For details on installing operating systems to a system in which multiple logical drives exist, refer to Chapter 1 (3.9 Applying Service Pack).
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2
Setup when mass memory is installed
If mass memory is installed in your system, the large size of paging file is required at installation. Thus, the partition size for storing debug information (dump file) may not be secured.
If you fail to secure the dump file size, use OS standard installer for setup, and allocate the required file space to multiple disks by performing the following steps.
1. Set the system partition size to a size sufficient to install the OS and paging file.
2. Specify another disk as destination to store the debug information (required dump file size) by referring to Chapter 1 (7. Setup for Solving Problems).
If the hard disk drive does not have enough space to write the debug information, set the partition size to a size sufficient to install the OS and paging file, and then add another hard disk drive for the dump file.
If the partition size for installing Windows is smaller than the recommended size, expand the partition size or add another hard disk drive.
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
Setup Items to confirm
System partition size
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2
The system partition size can be calculated by using the following formula.
Size required to install the OS + paging file size + dump file size + application size
Full installations
Size required to install the OS = 15,600 MB
Windows Server 2008 R2 + Service Pack 1)
= 8,400 MB ( Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1) = 8,000 MB
( Windows Server 2008 R2) Paging file size (recommended) = installed memory size 1.5 Dump file size = installed memory size + 300 MB Application size = as required by the application
Server Core installations
Size required to install the OS = 11,100 MB
Windows Server 2008 R2 + Service Pack 1)
= 3,700 MB
( Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1)
= 3,500 MB
( Windows Server 2008 R2) Paging file size (recommended) = installed memory size 1.5 Dump file size = installed memory size + 300 MB Application size = as required by the application
For example, if the installed memory size is 1 GB (1,024 MB) and Full installation is selected, the partition size is calculated as follows:
8,000 MB + (1,024 MB 1.5) + 1,024 MB + 300 MB + application size = 10,860 MB + application size
The above mentioned partition size is the minimum partition size requir ed for system installation.
Ensure that the partition size is sufficient for system operations. The following partition sizes are recommended.
Full installations : 32,768 MB (32 GB) or more Server Core installations : 10,240MB (10 GB) or more *1 GB = 1,024 MB
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
The above paging file sizes are recommended for collecting debug
information (dump file). The initial size of the Windows partition paging file must be large enough to store dump files. Make sure you set a sufficient paging file size. If the paging file is insufficient, there will be a virtual memory shortage that may result in an inability to collect correct debug information.
Regardless of the sizes of internal memory and write debug information,
the maximum size of the dump file is "size of internal memory + 300 MB".
When installing other applications or other items, add the amount of space
needed by the application to the partition.
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
Setup Items to confirm
System partition size
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2
If the partition size for installing Windows is smaller than the recommended size, expand the partition size or add another hard disk drive.
Using BitLocker
Installing Service Pack
When creating a new partition, Windows OS assigns an initial boot partition of 100 MB. For example, when making a partition of 40,960 MB (40 GB), usable space will be 40,960 MB – 100 MB = 40,860 MB.
Free space
System Partition (40,860 MB)
Boot Partition (100 MB) The boot partition is not recognized from the operating system.
If using BitLocker, note the following.
Be sure to keep the recovery password secure. Do not keep it near a server
running BitLocker.
To reinstall the operating system into a partition that is encrypted with
BitLocker, delete the BitLocker-encrypted partition prior to reinstallation.
Microsoft releases software updates for BitLocker encryption. If using
BitLocker, it is important that you read through the information provided by Microsoft. Also read through the checklist published by Microsoft. For details, visit
If the recovery password is not entered, the OS cannot be started, and the content of the partition encrypted by BitLocker cannot be referenced any more.
The recovery password might be required at startup of the OS after the following:
Replacement of motherboard  Initialization of trusted platform module (TPM)  Change of BIOS setting
If the OS installatio n media contains Service Pack 1, you nee d not apply the
service pack again.
You can install the Service Pack on the server. When the Service Pack is not
attached to your system, prepare it by yourself.
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
Setup Items to confirm
License authentication
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2
License authentication is required depending on the installation of Windows. For details, refer to 3.8 License Authentication.
Activate within 30 days following installation. A virtual product key is used when installing in a virtual
environment. It is not used when directly installing an operating system to a physical server.
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2

Setting Up of Pre-installed Model

If you specify "pre-installation" in BTO (Build to Order), your server will be shipped with partitions created, operating system and all the necessary software installed.
This section describes how to setup your server of pre-installed model when power of the server is turned on for the first time. For re-set up, use EXPRESSBUILDER or OS standard installer.
The Scalable Networking Pack (SNP) feature is set to "Disabled" on pre-installed model. The setting of SNP function may affect the system performance. Contact your sales representative for details.
Before Starting Setup (Status at purchase)
Confirm the following before starting setup.
The hardware configuration of the server (including partition size of hard disk drive) and software installed in hard disk drive depends on your order made before purchase (BTO).
The figure below shows structure of the partition created in hard disk drive.
System Partition (40,860 MB)
Boot Partition (100 MB) The boot partition is not recognized from the operating system.
Free space
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
Setup Procedure
Follow the steps below to setup your server.
1. Power on peripheral devices (such as a display) then the server to run Windows. After a while, Setup Windows screen appears.
(1) When the following window appears, select a language, and then click [Suivant].
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2
(2) When the following window appears, select a language, enter information for the other items,
and then click [Next].
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
(3) On Agree Software License Agreement screen, read the license terms careful ly. If you agre e,
select [I accept the license terms], and then click [Start].
(4) If you prompted to change password upon completion of setup of Windows Server 2008 R2, click
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2
(5) Enter your new password, and click .
Password must satisfy the following conditions:
Password must have at least 6 characters. Password must contain at least three of the following categories : numeric
characters, upper-case alphabetic characters, lower-case alphabetic characters, or symbols.
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
(6) Click [OK] on the screen shown below.
(7) After logon the system, set the user information on Initial Configuration Tasks screen.
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2
2. Specify the details of network driver according to Chapter 1 (3.6 Setting Up Device Drivers).
3. Install optional device drivers as needed according to the Instruction Manu al provided with the optional device.
4. Provide settings for bundled software and verify them. The bundled software listed below have been installed on your server.
NEC ESMPRO Agent Universal RAID Utility Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 S P1 Redistributable Package (x86) *
(Use the x86 package whatever the CPU architecture may be.) Refer to Chapter 2 (Installing Bundled Software). * This component has already been installed when you inst all Universal RAID Utility.
5. Apply Service Pack as needed according to Chapter 1 (3.9 Applying S ervice Pack).
6. Provide setup according to the instructions described in Chapter 1 (7. Setup for Solving Problems).
Setup for pre-installed model is now complete.
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2


This section describes how to install Windows with EXPRESSBUILDER.
This feature automatically recognizes the RAID controller connected to the server and configures the RAID system. Therefore the hardware installation of the server needs to be finished by following " User’s Guide ".
Setup with EXPRESSBUILDE R may delete all data of the hard disk drive
depending on the settings. Pay attenti on to input parameters. You must be especially careful when configuring the following:
RAID settings wizard Partition Settings in the Windows Setup wizard
Backing up user data, as needed, is recommended.
Before starting setup, be sure to disconnect hard disk drives from the
RAID Controller that is not to be setup. Install those hard disk drives after setup has completed. Conducting setup with hard disk drives being connected with RAID Controller may cause existing data to be erased unintentionally. It is recommended to make backup copy of user data before starting setup.
The Scalable Networking Pack (SNP) function is disabled on systems that have
been installed by using EXPRESSBUILDER. The setting of SNP function may affect the system performance. Contact your sales representative for details.
When using an onboard RAID controller (LSI Embedded MegaRAID):
Do not support the creation of RAID10 by using the onboard RAID controller. Refer to Chapter 2 (4. RAID System Configuration) in “Maintenance Guide” when creating RAID10.
Setup with EXPRESSBUILDER allows you to use a pre-specified parameter file
or save the parameters specified in setup as a parameter file on removable media or Internal Flash Memory (if purchased optionally).
For details on creating a parameter file, refer to 8 Windows OS Parameter File.
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
Setup flow
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2
Setup Selection Menu
Remove the CD/DVD-ROM or removable media
Insert the OS installation media
Automatic installation
Agree to the terms of the license Log on
Parameter Setup Menu
Setup Execution Screen
Configure RAID system
Create and format the Windows system partition
Copy Windows drivers Copy the selected application
Process that requires input or selection Process that proceeds automatically
End of installation
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
Requirements for Setup
Prepare the following media and instruction manuals before starting setup.
Either of the following OS installation media
NEC operating system installation media (hereafter referred to as Backup DVD-ROM) Microsoft operating system installation media (hereafter referred to as Windows Server 2008 R2
First Steps Guide Either of the following EXPRESSBUILDER
EXPRESSBUILDER DVD Internal Flash Memory (optional)
Prepare if needed:
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2
Removable media for Windows OS Service Pack
(If the OS installation media contains Service Pack 1, you need not apply the service pack again.)
EXPRESSBUILDER may be distributed in Internal Flash Memory.
EXPRESSBUILDER can be run from Internal Flash Memory if it is installed in the server.
If you are using a server with Internal Flash Memory installed, you can install the
OS without using EXPRESSBUILDER DVD. .
parameter file
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
Chapter 1 Installing Windows
Setup procedure
During Setup with EXPRESSBUILDER, parameters are specified through the wizard. You can also save the parameters as one file (a parameter file) to removable media.
1. Turn peripher al device (such as a display) power on, and then turn the server power on.
2. Start EXPRESSBUILDER according to Chapter 1 (1.1 Starting EXPRESSBUILDER) .
3. When the following message appears, select Os installation *** default ***. You will automatically advance to step 4, with no need for further input.
3. Setting Up Windows Server 2008 R2
Read through the items in Chapter 1 (3.1 Before Starting Se tup) prior to
installing Windows.
If modifying or adding network adapters or other drivers, refer to Chapter 1
(3.6 Setting Up Device Drivers).
4. Select English on the language selection window, and then click [OK].
Express5800/R120d-1E, R120d-2E Installation Guide (Windows)
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