System Release Notes
Express5800 MH4500 System
Release Notes
PN: 455-01549-000

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Express5800 MH4500 System
Release Notes
The Express5800 MH4500 System Release Notes provide up-to-date information
on your system. These not es also pro v ide additional valuable information abo ut
your system that was not included in the user’s guide.
Please read these notes in thei r enti rety.
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
General Comments........................................................................................................................... 3
Advisories........................................................................................................................................ 4
Windows NT ............................................................................................................................... 4
Novell NetWare........................................................................................................................... 4
SCO OpenServer 5.04 and 5.05....................................................................................................5
UnixWare 7.01 ............................................................................................................................ 7
UnixWare 7.1 .............................................................................................................................. 7
Documentation Errata ...................................................................................................................... 9